The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, December 08, 1922, Image 3

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Press Paragraphs
At Athena Tuesday December 12
The Ethel Tucker Stock Co
Presents the Sunshine Play in 4 Acts .
Faith and Mary Ann
Children, 25c; Adults, 50c plus Tax.
Nine People in the Cast' Now Playing
at Keylor Grand Theater, Walla Walla
What Is It?
:-. ': " -i- 'M:: .ci And --K v ''C'v- - V?'
An instructive Lecture by Rev, L.'E. Burger that
every American should hear. Admission free. Bring
the Ladies. Lecture at 8 o'clock p. m.
Friday, December 15th at Christian
Church, Athena
Make your selection while stock
is complete
Prices y
5o to 50c
McFadden'S Pharmacy
Athena, Oregon
The Woman
At the Standard
Theatre, tomorrow night.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Booher spent
the day yesterday in Athena. .
Mrs. Harold Haynie visited in
Walla Walla, Wednesday.
Carl Brandt of Weston, transacted
business here Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gross were in
Hermiston, Monday.
Wallace White of Weston, was in
Athena, Saturday.
Charles Williams was a Pendleton
visitor Tuesday. ' . '
Wade Goodman of Walla Walla,
was in Athena on business, yesterday
John Hyatt of Weston, was in Athe
na on business, Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Smith of Weston,
were in Athena, Saturday.
sacted business in Athena Wednesday.
HlVClark Wood of the Weston Leader,
was in town yesieraay.
Herman O'Harra of Weston, was in
Athena yesterday.
Claud Dickenson was in Walla Wal
la, Tuesday. .
Miss Francis Williams, Miss Mil
dred Christensen and Miss Morgan
spent Saturday in Walla Walla.
Miss Pauline Myrick came over
from Walla Walla and spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Myrick.
Miss Hilda Dickenson spent the
week-end at the home of Mr and Mrs.
Jack Cockburn, near Milton.
".W. R. Taylor has sold the building
where The Haynie grocery store is
located to Mrs. M. L. Leeper.
Jack White who has been employed
at McFadden's Pharmacy has left for
Bend, where his parents reside.
, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cockburn were
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sims
Dickenson, Sunday.
Frank Bolin, who recently moved
to Walla Walla, has his blacksmith
shop in operation there.
The Rebekahs will hold their cook
ed food sale at Watts & Rogers' store
tomorrow afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. James Sturgis were up
from Pendleton, Sunday and spent the
day with relatives here.
A foot of snow, farmers are having
a hog-killing time, and spare-ribs and
sausage are ripe.
Miss Grace Zerba, teacher in the
Echo schools, visited relatives here
over the week end.
Mrs. Mollie Danner visited in
Milton this week, and attended to
business matters. ;
The Helix Lodge of Knights of
Pythias will give a series of dances
during the winter.
Greasewood has been the destination
of several duck hunters, since the
snow storm.
Charles Wilson has taken the place
,t McFadden's Pharmacy, vacated by
Jack White.
Chance Rogers returned Monday
from a week's business trip to Port
land. Dean Willaby is visiting at the
home of his mother, Mrs. Minnie
Mrs. George McDonald and Mrs. F.
M. McDonald of Pendleton, were
guests last week at ' the Richard
Thompson home.
oMade in o4thena
per Sack
$1.75 per Sack, on Time
Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and you will be healthy and happy.
Vegetables contain just the things you need to keep your system in fine
working order and if you neglect it you may get all run down. Buy from
us. The best vegetables on the market are forwarded to us daily. Give us
your grocery order today.
Quality Quantity, Service. Phone 171. Athena, Oregon
L. C. Bevens of the Athena Bakery
has been on the sick list for a few
Mahlon Haworth became tangled up
in a woodsaw run by Ford power
last week, and came out with a badly
bruised leg. He felt himself lucky to
escape with a few sprained tendons.
Mrs. C. A. Barrett and her daughter,
Miss Areta Barrett will spend the
winter in Portland, where they will
go in the near future.
W. E. Haynie, proprietor of Hay
nie's Grocery store has been confined
to his home with illness for the past
few days.
At the regular monthly meeting of
the local library board Monday, Mrs
H. I. Watts was elected a member of
the board of six, replacing Mrs. Rex
Hopper, who has moved from the city.
Those ladies that have' finished
aprons for the Civic Club sale, are re
quested to leave them at the home of
Mrs. A. C. Froom, in the rear of Dr.
Froom's office on Main Street.
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hill, who left
Athena several days ago for Cali
fornia, by automobile, have safely
arrived at their destination, and re
port a very pleasant trip.
Don't forget the chicken dinner at
the Christian church next' Friday
evening, at 50 cents the plate, begin
ning at 6 o'clock. Bazar during the
afternoon and evening.
Just looking out of the window at
the mantle of white stretching up
Jefferson street, the reporter wonders
how Bill Winships strawberry crop
is getting along. .
Mr. and Mrs. Basler, returned
Sunday evening from Salem, where
they spent Thanksgiving with rel
atives. They made the trip by auto
mobile. ?
"The Prisoner of Zenda," scheduled
for Wednesday night at the Standard
Theatre, has been chanjged to Wed
nesday, January 17, when it will be
given as a benefit for the Athena
High School Annual fund.
The local American Legion Post
will give a dance on Saturday
evening, December 23rd. The Post
members are also considering giving
a home talent show soon after the
first of the year.
Mrs. Fred Gross has returned from
Hermiston, where she was called by
the serious illness of her cousin, Mrs.
Rose Stites, with pneumonia. Mrs.
Stites is improving, and Mrs. Gross
was accompained home by her little
Word from Mr. Robert Coppock
and daughter, Miss Mattie Coppock,
who are at Hot Lake, where they are
receiving medical treatment is to
effect that both are improving in
health. Mrs W; O. Read, -who accom
panied her father and sister to Hot
Lake, expects to return home in a
couple of weeks.
George Banister writes that he and
Mrs. Banister are demociled with Mr.
and Mrs. H. McArthur at 111 Anita
Apartments, Burbank, California, all
are well and are enjoying the sun
shine very much. Mr. and Mrs. Ban
ister motored to California and stop
ped at Mr. Banister's old home in
Humboldt county.
Ths annual sale and chicken dinner
to be given by the women of the
Christian church will be on next Fri
day, December 15th, instead of the
16th as announced last week. The
sale will be held all during the after
noon, and dinner will be served at
6 o'clock, in the church dining room.
The patronage of the public will be
The Etude Club was entertained
yesterday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. J.' L. Michener, on Jefferson
street. A most interesting program
composed of instrumental music was
given by the following trio: Mrs. C.
M. Eager, Miss. Eva Gries, and Mrs.
Robert Proudfit; solo, Mrs. 0. 0.
Stephens; duet, Mrs. D. T. Stone and
Mrs. R. B. McEwen. A paper on
"Marches" was given by Mrs. Mich
ener, and refreshments served by Mrs.
Proudfit and Mrs. L. II. Basler.
Election of officers was held
Wednesday evening for Mackenzie
Chapter, 0. E. S. with the following
elected to fill the chairs for the
succeeding year: Worthy 4 Matron,
Mrs M. L. Watts; Worthy Patron,
A. R. Coppock, re-elected; Associate
secretary, Mrs. R. B, McEwen;
Matron, Mrs. Robert Proudfit; and
treasurer, Mrs. J. W. Pinkerton, re
elected; Conductress, Mrs. W. S,
Ferguson; associate conductress, Mrs.
Homer Watts. The appointive
officers will be announced later.
The regular December meeting of
the Civic club was held Tuesday after
noon at the home of Mrs. H. I. Watts.
Election of officers was held, with the
following result: President, Mrs.
Homer I. Watts, re-elected; vice-president,
Mrs. Ralph McEwen, re-elected;
secretary, Mrs. D. Scott Fisher;
treasurer, Mrs. F. S. LeGrow, re
elected. After the business session,
the club spent the remainder of the
time in making aprons for the com
ing sale, which is to take place next
Wednesday afternoon December 13.
Watts and Rogers have generously
given space in their store for the sale
and waffle supper, which will begin at
3 o'clock, waffles and coffee being
served throughout the afternoon until
7 oclock. ..
Prepare Yourself
for Stormy Weather
Mens All Leather Vests.... :................ ....... ......$12.50
Mens Moleskin Vests, sheepskin lined, leather sleeves .........9.50
Mens Moleskin Vests, sheepskin lined, sleevless,:............... .4.50
Mens Heavy Sheepskin lined Overcoats, 12.50 and 20.00
Chase Robesjust the thing for winter,:...................7.50 to 24.50
Pendleton Robes, the finest ever,......9.00, 10.50, 13.50, 18.00, 20.00
Mens Heavy wool socks, per pair........ 50c and 75c
Mens Engineer and Fireman Sox, per pair ...19c
Mens Cashmere Hose, 3 pair for.... ..................... ......1.00
Mens Heavy wool and 10.50
Mens Heavy Duck Coats, blanket lined, ....4.95
Hens Gold Seal Rubbers, with 16 inch leather top....... ....4.95
b.Iiig the Children to see our large assortment of Toys and Dolls
5 per cent Discount for Cash
At h e n a Be pa rt m e n t St o re
For Lower Prices. Phone 152
Saturday, December 9
V "
14 V
' i'J V
Cwmopolifan production
International News. 2-Reel Comedy Admission, 10c-25c-35c Tax Included
Sunday, December 10
It's a Knockout, featuring
Pathe Review.
Admission, 10c-25c-35c, Tax Paid