The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, December 08, 1922, Image 2

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y F. B. BOYD, Owner and Publisher
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year.... ........ ....$2.00
One copy, six months f 1.00
One copy, three months .75
Under its handicap of having but
one normal school, Oregon ranks
second only to Iowa among the states
in the lew percentage of illiteracy
among its inhabitants. All of which
speaks very well, indeed, in favor of
the present educational system, which
is by some condemned and by others,
lauded. But if Oregon can rank
second under present methods .of
training . teachers for school room
work, the reasonable assumptien is
that with at least one additional nor
mal school within her borders, the
state would have sufficient armor to
outrank Iowa.
In claiming the football champion
ship, let it be said that LaGrande is
keeping within the bonds of courtesy
when she refers the matter to con
ference officials a common courtesy
not thought of by other claimants we
could name even though she de
cdes the issue herself, without wait
ing for the conference report on the
championship claims, of which there
are many.
Mayor Watts took hold of the reins
of the city government, when the
council met in regular session, Mon
day night. The new Mayor is de
termined to give Athena a business
administration during his tenure of
office, and if we may judge by per
sonal business success, it is only nec
essary to say that he is capable' of
giving the city all that is coming tp
her in that respect.
Mayor Shank of Indianapolis, in
tercepted the engagement of Is
adora Duncan, dancer, with this state
ment to his police squad: "If she
goes to pulling off her clothes, and
throwing them up in the air as she
is reported to have done in Boston,
there's going to be somebody get a
ride in the wagon."
It appears that the naval battle of
Jutland, fought in 1916, having been
duly and carefully considered by the
British admiralty for ilearly five
years, has been definitely designated
as a British victory. It has taken
time and hard work, apparently, 1o
reach this conclusion, but we'll bet,
nobody will ever budge Britain from
The century-old feud between.,.
rr vValla cavalrymen who
land and Ireland has been settled" bTWsraJWen hunting ' in the mountains
Ernest Thompson Seton, who de--clares
clothes are immoral, nys the
anhnals'go without clothes auf"bchave
tolerably well. Yes, remarks Hous
ton Post, but animals are born with
instinct, while, according to our ob
servation most folks are born plain
fools and in many instances never
get over it.-
"This," said Percy Evans wounded
world war veteran, to a gathering of
friends in his Newark, N. J. home,
"is my last fling. I am slowly slip
ping underneath the daisies. Eat all
you want, sing a lot and fight if you
wish but don't wreck the place."
Monday, Evans "went 'west" while
sitting in his wheel chair.
Oregon irrigation projects are not
overlooked in the national budget for
the fiscal year, presented to congress.
Baker projects gets $400,000; Uma
tilla projects increased from $400,000
to $900,000; Klamath project $700,000
Some contribution for artiftcal rain.
the signing of the Free State con
stitution, but the scrap is being car
ried on by Ireland against Ireland.
This may be a promising year, but
it is not going to be a good year for
people who merely promise.
o .
Mellon cutting an easy path for the
rich tax-dodger? Mellon denies the
. o
Only when a man goes aboard
ship, is he really on the water wagon.
It is only when a gang of grouches
meet that a miserable time is en
joyed. . O ;
Even, the Oregonian advises Presi
dent Harding to "unload Daugherty."
j High School Notes
)ev. J. M. Cornelison of Tutuilla
Misson was a high school visitor
Tuesday. He was there in the interest
of the Older Boy's Conference, which
is to be held in LaGrande December
8, 9, and 10.
Mr. Lutrell was detained in Port
land Monday and Tuesday of this
week. Superintendent Hadley and Mrs
Hadley cared for his school work
during his absence.
unanimous vote the high school
tly voted to change its colors to
Orange and Black. The basket ball
suits which the team will wear this
year will conform to these colors.
Mr. Fred Hodgen was a school visit
or Tuesday.
A challenge for a post season foot
ball game, to decide the eastern Ore
gon championship, was received from
LaGrande last Friday. Superintend
ent Hadley in reply suggested that
the game be played in Pendleton on
a neutral field. Principal Towler of
the LaGrande High School said that
he had asked the state board of con
trol whether the proposed game would
settle the championship and would let
us know their decision. As yet we
have not heard from them. We notice
by the "Oregonian" that LaGrande
High School has taken up basket ball
hence we presume that they decided
not to play.
Under arrangements being mad-?,
the Willamette Glee Club will appear
in Athena early in February. Mr.
Blinkensop, whom many people of
Athena will remember for his wonder
ful bass voice will be with the club.
SThe high school honor students
Twit.h their averages, ffcr th oast six
weeks are as follows: Dudley Rogers
96, Ellen Henry 9519, Blanche Wil
son 95 2-5.
Coach Basler issued the first call
for basket ball Tuesday evening.
Fifteen men turried out for places on
the team. Four of last years team
are in school this year so it is ex
pected that we will have a good team.
The first scheduled game is at Helix
Friday of next week. Both the girls
and boy's teams will play at this
The Burkhart Company of enter
tainers will appear in the school aud
itorium next Menday evening at 8 p.
m. They will come under the auspices
af the high school.
Wendell Mclntyre is staying at
Will McLearns for the winter months.
Hilda Audette has registered in the
fourth grade.
near Bingham Spring, passed through
town Monday, on their way to the
fort They were sucessful in slaying
three deer, and report small game to
be plentiful.
Marshal Gillis succeeded in repair
ing the bursted pipe at the water
tower, this week. The cold snap
caused the water tank to freeze
several inches thick, and when the big
pump was set in motion the pressure
was so great that a defective section
of pipe up in the tower sprang a
severe leak. Large iron clamps were
used in connection with a cup shaped
piece of steel, i .
The charity ball, to be given in
Athena on the evening of Dec. 18, un
der the auspices of our business men,
promises to be largely attended. Ex
tensive preparations are being made,
and a good time is promised to all
who attend. Come out and spend a
pleasant evening and aid a worthy
cause. The proceeds devoted from the
ball will be devoted exclusively to
purchasing provisions and fuel for
the needy who reside in Athena.
The regular meeting of the stock
holders of The First National Bank,
of Athena, Oregon, for the election
of Directors for the ensuing year and
for the transaction of such other
business as may lawfully come before
it, will be held in its office in Athena,
Oregon on Tuesday, January 9th, 1923
at the hour of two o.clock p. m.
Dated December 8th, 1922.
F. S. LeGrow, Cashier.
he refuses to take the same and to be
returned to the bidder if he be un
successful. " :....:'
Said bonds are issued under the
terms of Ordinance No. 79 of the City
of Athena. , ,
Dated December 4th, 1922.
City Recorder.
In the county court of the State' of
Oregon for Umatiila county.
In the matter of the estate of Wm.
Schrimpf, deceased.-
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been appointed ex
ecutor of the estate of Wm. Schrimpf,
deceased, by an order of the above
entitled court.
All persons having claims against
the said estate are hereby notified
to present them to me at Athena,
Oregon or to my attorneys, Homer
I. Watts and E. C. Prestbye, at their
office in Athena, Oregon within fix
months from the date of the first
publication of this notice All claims
must be verified as by law required.
Dated at Athena, Oregon this 17th
day of November, 1922.
Eugene C. Schrimpf
N17-D15 Executor
Notice is hereby given that the
City ef Athena will sell Improvement
Bonds to the amount ' of $3653.58,
issued in denominations of $500.00
each, dated January 1, 1923, payable
ten (10) years after date, and bear
ing interest at (6) per cent, per an
num, payable semi-annually, on July
1st, and January 1st, intereest evi
denced by coupons attached. Sealed
proposals for all or any portion of
said issue should be filed with the
City Recorder of the City of Athena,
on or before 7:30 p.m. on the 26 day
of December, 1922, at which time bids
will be opened ; each bidder will be re
quired to accompany his bid with a
certified check to the order of the
Mayor of the City of Athena in ten
(10) per cent, of the amount of the
bid, to be forfeited in the event such
bonds are awarded to the bidder and
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Deli
lah Hill, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been duly appointed
by the above entitled court execut
rix of the last will and testment of
Delilah Hill, Deceased, and that she
has qualified as the law directs. All
persons having claims against the
estate are hereby notified to present
the same to me at my home in
Athena, Umatilla County, Oregon,
within six months from . the date
hereof with proper vouchers.
Dated this 20th day of November,
Mary I. Hill, Executrix.
6 ; w io
fll fl..lVB.9l5 . Ise
Main Street, Athena, Oregon
The hearlding of the coming of Christmas and the glad holidaytime never ; :
fails to repeat the thought, "What will I give ?" It is always a momentous
question. Our attractive displays of gift goods is the best answer we know
of. Give something both practical and useful. -
The Overcoat You Should Have
Stylish and Servicable! v . '
Workmanship in these Coats is the kind that assures both style and service;
the fact that our 371 stores required thousands of them and thus secured the
rock-bottom price, assures you an important saving at only
$14.75, $19.75, $24.75
The Overcoat for warmth and satisfying wear! In several styles some
have belted back; others belted around Stylish colors and patterns in good,
all-wool fabrics. See Our Displays Before Your Buy.
MEN'S SLIPPERS....Tailor-Made Everett Leather sole and heel. Well made
Dark Oxford, at $1.69
FANCY JULIETS For Women Have leather sole and heel,
bow trimmed. Exceeding comfort in them. $1.69 and 1.98.
Ribbon and
Expert Crown and Bridgework. See me for free examination and es
timation of price, before having your dental work done. Office next
door to Hills Jewelry store, Athena.
Why take chances on freezing your ra
diator when you can get it filled with
Anti Freeze compound at
I Jfrest bye7s service station
i "Where. 7 an and Service Meet"
Gas . Accessories
The New York World says every
body ought to buy a new suft of
clothes. We like the idea, says Hous
ton Pwt Some of the men are so
shiny-seated that we can't understand
how they manage to keep in their
chairs without using sandpaper cushions.
The satisfaction of giving, lies not
so much in its value, as in the
appropriateness of the gift. This
year Athena merchants open the holi
day with varied stocks suitable for
Christmas trade. Shop early, buy at
home and you will be happy.
With the soil in condition to receive
moisture, no one cares how often or
how much it snows. Let'er come, the
owners of the growing wheat crop
are "sitting on fine."
With plenty of snow and the ground
not frozen, Athena may come to the
front from now on with a plentiful
supply of good spring water dis
tributed through the gravity system.
Representative Longworth was hit
on the head by a golf ball, so the dis
patches state. Physicians in pro
nouncing injury was not serious
never mentioned ivory.
One thing soviet Russia has proved
under communism the only way to
get tome people to work is to con
(dit ttrcm at the KJCBtt a point,
26 Years Ago
T.J. Kirk was in Pendleton Tuesday.
W. L. Zeiger was in town from
Helix, Saturday.
Rev.W. T. Kopntz is in Walla Wall
this week.
L. M. Watrus was in town from
Adams, Monday.
for early class of
business. Priced
from $150.00 up.
Wales Adding Ma
chine Company
Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
f I
V" i jf
Athena Bakery
We now carry Government Inspect
ed fresh and cured meats, and offer,
for cash only; Beef Roast .... 15c lb.
Pork Roast 25c lb.
Steaks 20c lb.
Pork Chops 30c lb.
Minced Haf .. 30c lb.
Smoked Ham 40c lb.
Weenies 25c lb.
5 lb. Pail of Lard 90c
And all groceries at reduced prices.
L C Bevens, Proprietor
Jill MSPife
si i . ji.y f ft . mt " w -m:
W Kvf If less Mon an
A. M. Johnson, Mg'r.
r'Scrip t Form
jB utter Wra ppers i
Hill MM.4!
X7HERE the sun shines most of
' the time. Out-of-door life all
the time.
Thousands of miles of paved high
ways through , picturesque semi
tropic settings make motoring won
derfully exhilarating.
Most attractive ocean beaches on
the Pacific Coast" .
Most complete system of hotels,
apartment houses, cottages, bunga
lows and small suites for tourists of
- any country in the world, and all
costs reasonable. Room for everybody.
Representatives erf the " i ...
wilt gladly furnish instructive and beautifully illustrated booklets
(living complete information about the glorious playground of
the West. Let them tell all about hotel rates, railroad fares,
through car service, the famous Circle Tour through San Fran
cisco and Salt Lake City, or a part of the way by ocean trip. No
Journey of equal interest in America.
Wm. McMurray, Gea Pass. Agent
C M. Eager, Agent
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Lard, Kraut, Kippered Salmon,
Salt and Fresh Fish, Oysters,
Gams and Crab, in Season.
Main Street, Athena, Oregon