The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, December 01, 1922, Image 4

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    Fresh Roasted Peanuts
2 lbs. 25c
Large Brazil Nuts
3 lbs. 55c
Few Prices for the Week
Comb Honey per square ...... 20c
Strained Honey pint jars 35c
Strained Honey quart jars :. 60c
Strained Honey bulk per pound 12y2e
Fancy Seedless Raisins per pound 20c
Fancy Bleached Raisins per pound 20c
Cleaned Currants per pound ... ..... 25e
Boiled Cider per pint ..... 35c
Monopole Petite Peas per can . 40c
Monopole Extra Sifted Peas per can : 35c
Monopole Dimple Peas per can .. 30c
Happy Home Early June Peas, extra fancy 35c
Happy Home Superfine Peas, ., nothing fancier 40c
Extra Standard Corn, 3 cans :.. 50c
Fancy Stringless Beans, 3 cans 50c
50 lb. Sack Table Salt " """lOO
Phone 561 for Prompt Service
Less than three weeks remain for
disabled war veterans of this district
' to make application for vocational
training at the expense of the gov
ernment, J.C. Jesseph; northwest head
of the United States Veterans' Bureau
has announced. December 15 is the
last day requests for training can be
considered under the present federal
law governing soldier rehabilitation,
he stated. .','':
Dan Smythe, well known Pendlelxn
attorney and prominent sheepman is
critically ill in Chicago, where he and
Mrs. Smythe went several weeks ago.
He has been sick for sometime and
his condition turned for the worse
the fore part of the week. Relatives
have gone to Chicago.
An exceptionally fine super-special
picture will be shown at the
Standard Theatre, next Wednesday
date. This picture is an especially
night, December 6. Remember the
fine production. Tomorrow night
Wallace Reid will be seen in his new
picture, "The World's Champion."
Sunday night petite Gladys Walton
will serve the audience another of her
comedy-dramas, "Second Hand Rose."
Thanksgiving day was observed in
Athena in the Evening with union
Thanksgiving services, held at
the Baptist church. The Standard
Theatre entertained its audience with
the screening of "Jan of the Big
Snows," and the American Legion
Post gave a dance in the Legion Hall.
Prineville had a snow storm pn
November 9th and 10th that left a
trail of damage throughout the city.
The weight of the snow broke electric
and telephone wires and razed trees
and poles all over the town.
For Rent A five room house. Call
23F15. Mrs. Flint Johns.
national cuucairon weeK set,
Washington, D. C President Hard
lng, in a proclamation made public at
the White House, set aside the week
of December 3-9 as American educa
tton week. He recommended to the
appropriate national, state and local
authorities that they give their cordial
support and co-operation and alsc
called upon parents to enlist them
selves In behalf of closer understand
lng between the school and the home
Tippling M'ddies Get Severe Rebuke,
Washington, D. C. Midshipmen
from the naval academy who celebrat
ed over-indulgently - after the annual
army-navy football game Saturday
were held up to public scorn by Sec
retary Denby in one of the most sting
ing rebukes ever administered by a
secretary of the navy.
Orchard Not to Be Pardoned.
Boise, Idaho. The state board of
pardons denied the application of
Harry Orchard, Confessed slayer of
former Governor Frank Steunenberg
for pardon.
Standard Theatre, Wednesday, Dec. 6. The great
est Picture we've ever shown at regular prices
Ik J
Blave you eoer
piay b'
At any rate, you'll
want to see this great
picture taken
novel of glorious
The Prisoner
of Zenda
The picture story of how Rassendyl, a
stranger, came within a week to lose his
heart to a lovely princess and wear a crown.
Made into a photoplay by the director of
"The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse."
m.ii.i. I HCTURB 1
M.or. 1 w - f
Admittedly Hard Lesson to Learn, but
It Means Success to Those
Who Master It
Did you ever realize that It Is not
an easy thing to concentrate? If you
don't believe. this shut your eyes right
now and try to think for five minutes
absolutely on one subject. It may be
that you will choose dollars, or dough
nuts, or ducks. But If at the end of
five minutes you can truthfully say
that never once did your mind wander
from the definite subject which you
chose you're a wonder.
It is Just the same with our actions,
It Is the unusual person who can
stick to one purpose until It is fully
accomplished. So many other things,
apparently Just as Important, Inter
Those who have learned this hard
lesson are the most successful
Thomas Edison, Mme. Curie, Luther
Burbank, each show of what the hu
man mind is capable when it thinks on
or.o set of facts.
We probably could not equal them
If we did think, for, along with their
power of concentration, are unusual
talents, but the point Is this: We all
have some degree of possibility within.
We all feel an interest in some,speclal
tiling. Why not think seriously upon
itf We're a great deal richer than we
sometimes think we are. It pays to
mind our own possibilities.
"As a man thlnketh so is he," is no
mere figure of speech. It Is a psy
chological truism. A man's thoughts,
his Ideas, are the great determinants
of all his behavior.
That man who fears to use his own
mind Is stumbling over an Imaginary
obstacle on the road to making good,
The man who succeeds Is the man who
rblnks he can. "Success comes In cans,
Jfkilnres in can'ts." Chicago Industrial
Research Laboratories.
Expedted Revival of Industry as a Re
sult of Systematic Exploration
of the Banks.
The coasts of Algiers and Tunis in
Africa , have long been famous for
their production of coral; but some
years ago coral fishing on these coasts
rapidly diminished, until it was aban
doned. Now, however, this Industry
seems to bo reviving In Algiers and it
is expected that It will be resumed In
Tunis. A systematic exploration of
coral banks has been under way and
the best methods of collecting the cor
al have been discussed. The old way,
which was very wasteful, consisted in
the use of various forms of grapples,
combined with strong nets, which were
swept over the banks, tearing delicate
structures apart, and recovering but
a small portion of the broken coral.
The employment of divers is advocated
as more economical, both In the quality
of the harvest and the preservation of
the banks. Divers can descend to a
depth of about 180 feet, and good coral
is seldom found 9t greater depths.
Real Economy.
Transparent animals are remark
able. Yet recent studies of two larval
eels which possess this peculiarity,
and which belong to one of the gov
ernment bureaus at Washington, seem
to show that among the possible ad'
vantages of being transparent Is listed
economy In personal decoration."
In ordinary opaque animals the col
or markings are symmetrical on both
sides of the body, but this is not the
case with the transparent eels. When
looked at from one side these eels ap
pear to have seven large, black spots
arranged at nearly regular intervals
along the length of its body; closer
examination shows that in each case
three spots are on the left side and
four on the right. They are irreg
ularly spaced, but in such a manner
that on looking through the body all
seven appear in a symmetrical row.
Wireless Hour Signals.
When a ship Is approaching shore
great caution la often necessary be
cause of "uncertainty as to the ves
sel's precise position. It was some
years ago that It was first proposed
that wireless telegraphy be utilized to
send hour signals over the sea round
England to a distance of 200 or 800
miles from shore. In order that the
captains of Incoming ships might thus
be enabled to rectify their chronome
ters to Greenwich time. The govern
ment of Canada thereupon established
a system of this kind at Camperdown,
near Halifax. Every morning the
exact hour is sent out over the sea,
so that all vessels furnished with re
ceiving apparatus may pick up the true
time from the air. Washington Star.
Waste and Wet. Lands Have Value.
aste and wet lands have their
uses, and under proper management
can be made to yield a good return.
Drainage, which Is always expensive,
Is often employed to transform land
which would be available as, a sanctu
ary for waterfowl, or for the produc
tion of fish or nut crops, into tillable
land In regions where there is al
ready plenty . of farming soil. The
needs of many communities would be
better served if the wet lands were
developed naturally.
Not Ungrateful.
"Republics are uncrateful.,, re
marked the ready-made philosopher.
Aot ungrateful." reDMed Senator
Sorghum; "though maybe a trifle dis
trustful. A republic, like other forms
- . .... I
or government, is constantly Imagining
it has found an Intellectual treasure
and then discovering It's agold brick."
Chinese Tribe Said to Owe Their Mal
formation to the Impatience of
t , Ancient King.
r- " - ' -
Curiosity, and a man's at that, Is re
sponsible for the "dog faces" xf
large tribe In southeastern China, ac
cording to legend.
Time was when this tribe was as
pleasing In appearance as any other,
the legend runs.' The king in those
far-off days greatly coveted the head
of one of his enemies, as a decoration
for a spear-point in the court. - He
offered his third daughter in marriage
to ' the hero who would slay ; the
enemy. . .
The king of the dogs made up his
mind to win a human bride. In due
time he laid the coveted head at the
feet of the human king.
The princess, of course, was dis
mayed at the Idea of marrying a dog,
and her father was sympathetic. A
sage came to the rescue, saying that
if the dog were put In a box, and the
box were hung over the wall of the
city for 40 days, the dog would change
into a man.
His directions were followed. , But
before the.40 days had elapsed, the all'
too-human king opened the box to see
how the transformation was progress
ing. . Out stepped something that was
a man except for the head, which was
still that of a dog.
The princess was obliged to marry
the dog king, anyway, and the race
gradually came to bear the doglike
facial and cranial features observable
today. The name of the tribe, Hak
kas, signifies "dog-headed.''
The Morris-Dancers.
In England, In medieval times, the
Christian feast of Penticost absorbed
one of the summer festivals of the
pagan inhabitants cf western Europe.
It was commonly celebrated In all
parts of the country by What , was
termed the Whltsun-ale, and It was a
great time for the Morris-dancers,
Antiquaries seem agreed that the old
English Morris-dance, so great a favor
ite in the Sixteenth century, and still
used, was derived through Spain from
the Moors, and that its name In Span
'ah. "Morisco," a Moor, was taken from
this circumstance. ,
For Sale A good kitchen range,
Mrs. W. J. Crabill, Athena.
Special 'Attention given to all
calls, both day and night -
Calls promptly answered. Office on
Third Street, Athens, Oregon.
Main Street, Athena, Oregon
Purchasing my stock from the lo.
cal producer in this farming com
munity, I feel that I should be given
the preference when "you ' purchase
meat and meat products. I conduct
a clean, sanitary market, insuring
prime meats to you at all times
Until further notice I will sell at the
following prices for cash only:
Brisket Boil, per lb 5c
Rib Boil, per lb ; ......10c
Rib Roast ...17c lb
Pot Roast, per lb........... ........12 c
Shoulder Roast, per lb.'...'. 15c
Steak, per lb 23c
lb. pail lard ...85
10 lb. pail lard A...1.70
. A. W. Logsdon.
-The dreary winter months can be brightened
, by painting and varnishing now.
Outside surfaces should be protected from the
weather with paint and varnish. . The inside .
will, be; more cheerful and inviting during the
winter if re-finished.
Use ACME QUALITY. Paints and Varnishes
; to protect arid beautify . all home surfaces. -
Watts & Rogers
Athena, Oregon
Be Comfortable and Wear, an
We have all kinds of. Army shoes,
both for dress and working purposes.
Also a large assortment of :
1 - Army
Army and Hairy Store
110 E. Alta St, opposite Alta Theatre
Wanted To buy or rent small
coal heater stove. Call phone 72.
For Sale Young Buff Orplungton
Cockrels. Call on Mrs. Andy Rothrock,
Athena, Oregon.
For Sale A ' splendid variety of
popcorn. J. f roome.
For Rent The Duncan Mclntyre
residence in Athena. Call W. E. Potts,
phone 25F13, Athena.
For Sale A 1920 factory self
starter touring Ford with demount
able rims, new top and new paint for
$250.00 or the Chandler for $585.00,
Dr. Watts.
Order your chickens for Sunday
inner from Reeve Betts. ,
Phone 30F13. .
For Rent Furnished house. Mrs.
DePeatt, Athena.
For Sale Milk-fed chickens
turkeys. Phone 32F12, Athena.
Wanted Bronze turkey hens. Will
pay $1.00 each above market price
for hens weighing 11 p-unds or more.
G. G. Schneller Walla Walla, Wash.
Phone 392.
Pigs for Sale Reeve Betts has
some young pigs for sale.
ta most htH?i3 salve In tha wart
Al:vays at your Service. First-class
Work guaranteed. We are
-- agents for Domestic Laundry..
Preston-Shaflfer Milling Co.
Is made in Athena, by Athena labor, in one ol the very best
equipped mills In the Northwest of the best selected Blueatem
wheat grown anywhere. Patronise home industry. Your
grocer sells the famous' American Beauty Flour
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Athena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Wash
French Optical Parlors
13 E. Main St Phone 53
The First National Bank
Aihena : ;
Establish0891 : V
Capital and Surplus $110,000.00. .