1 "f , t r.,f'Sm0y Mum AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. BOYD, Owner and Publisher Subscription Rate. One copy, one year $2.00 One copy, six months $1.00 One copy, three months ............ .75 (ATHENA, OREGON, DEC. 1 1922 THE TIGER'S PLEA While the French Tiger's tail is being twisted now and then by mem bers of the Senate, Clemenceau lashes back 1 with his accustomed vigor The noted French statesman, ignoring the governing body of the nation and taking the plaint of his country direct to the American people, left the arena arranged for a kilkenny scrap. The scrap is on, with the, tiger of France at his very best, considering that he stands within the shadows of 81 years. Courteously receiving him as a dis tinguished guest, honoring . him as such, and lending respectful hear ing to the message he brings, America nevertheless will be cautious in en tering the old world entanglement on the side of France, or, for that mat ter taking sides with any European power in the Balkan mess. The Bal kan situation is now just what it has been for ages, and for precisely the same reasons. It is based upon the up heavel of racial and religous hatred which no territorial frontier arrange ment served to quell in the least, prior to the World War. The Turk, blood-thirsty instigator of Balkan riot, murder and Christian massacre was treking'out of Europe after the signing of the armistice,' when the Powers beckoned him back through their age-old process of jealous bick ering. He returned, crushing the little Greek army, the dnly obstacle in his path. He was so elated over his success that he rushed pell mell for Constantinople and the whole of his pre-war possessions, for he wa3 neiped on his way by a generous supply of French cannon and Italian war munitions. Evidently fearful that he would swamp the British Isles if allowed to continue on his rampage, the British momentarily checked him just outside Constantinople, but sub sequent parleys have given him the city and what territory he demanded. Thus the Powers have chosen the Turk in preference to the Greek, and Italy being satisfied, is "sitting fine." While the Turk is at Lausanne, Greece broken and bankrupt, is over run with near a million of refugees who fled by thirty days' grace from the knife of the Turk. This is the real situation in the Balkans, the situation on which Clemenceau bases his plea to America to "sit and be one of us at Lauftinne." But until the Powers clean house over there and tack up a clean bill of rights, America will undoubtely "sit" as she is; pre pared to protect her own interests. In the light of recent events if a League of Nations , were ever ' to accomplish results, Attieric a would have to own the league. -o While Umatilla county friends mias the charming presence of Mrs. Lela Saling, the advent of radio efficiency j makes it possible for her to, visit them now and then in voice. Listening recently to her concert numbers sung and broadcasted from Telegraph Hill, San Francisco, one concludes distance is not so far away, after all. "Governor Roy Ritner?" SuVK protem for at least a month. It isn't every state in the Union that can claim three governors at one sitting. Humanity never has made sucn mileage as it is making how, but the trouble is, not enough of it preceded by the gray mule and the plow. ; " o : New York Herald protests against million dollar purses for prize fighters. It seems to take these seriously. After the snow let us have a little more snow. More snow, more mois ture. .. .' Speaking of disarmament, why not commence with the pistol toters? ' o "You know how 'tis." WORTHY OF ITS NICKNAME English Parliament Known to Fame Chiefly for the Thing It Failed to Accomplish. Addle parliament Is a name given to the English parliament which as sembled In London on April 5, 1614 107 years before the union of the par liaments of England and Scotland. The parliament of King James I was dissolved on the 6th of the following June. It was called the addle parlia ment because It remonstrated with the king on his levying "benevolence" or forced contributions from his subjects, which was Illegal, but, It passed no acts. This was due to the circum stances that It was not given time to do so, the king dissolving It and so getting rid of troublesome and possi bly dangerous critics. Addle Is from the Saxon word, "adl," sick, diseased. Addle as an adjective means having lost the power of development by be coming diseased, as eggs. Hence, pro ducing nothing, unfruitful or barren, as addle brains. As a verb It means to make addle; to make corrupt or morbid, as to addle eggs. The federal edict is for the Wallula cutoff. So the Wallula cutoff it is, no mattre that it is virtually a du plication of permanent hard surfaced highway at duplicate cost to the State, that will for sometime to come put a crimp in road construction in Eastern Oregon which is really needed for development. - o Richard Washburne Child, chief American spokesman in Near East conference at Lausanne, applied the "open door" policy to Turkey and our guess is that said door will here after remain open, regardless of all cut-and-dried pre-conference arrange ments for commerical concessions. Subsequent to the amazement caused the powers seated at Lausanne by Ambassador Child's specific declar ation, why not as well state, figu ratively, that Turkey's door key has been tossed into the BosphorusT o Ekwall, Municipal judge of Port land, is slamming the brakes on the speed maniacs. - Saturday He sen tenced a batch of nineteen convicted automobile speeders to view the bodies of two victims in tho morgue. o From all accounts' given of reck less automobile driving in Portland, would't it ba "good business," for upstaters to take out accident in surance policies before going up against the traffic down there? ' ' o Some inventor announces a lamp that burns 94 per cent air. This sug gests the hope that the politicians fiiay become useful as fuel. WALES ADDING MACHINES for early class of business. Priced from $150.00 up. Wales Adding Ma chine Company Wilkes-Barre, Pa. The Athena Bakery We now carry Government Inspect ed fresh and cured meats, and offer, for cash only; Beef Roast .... 15c lb. In the Justice Court for Athena dis trict, Umatilla county, Oregon. 0. O. Stephens, Plaintiff, vs Clyde Sands and Maggie Sands, husband and wife, defendants. To Clyde Sands and Maggie Sands, defendants. In the name of the state of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed again st you in the above-entitled action within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit: on or before Friday, the first day of December, 1922; and you, and each of you, will please take notice that if you fail to appear and answer the said complaint or other wise plead thereto within said time, the plaintiff, for want thereof, will take judgment against you, and each of you, for the sum of $113.94, with interest thereon from February, 1922 at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, until paid, and for the plaintiff s costs and disbursements in the act ion herein and for an order of sale of the following described property be longing to you which was attached on or about the 10th day of Oct ober,. 1922 in the said action in the above entitled court and is now held under the said writ of attachment in the manner provided by law. Said pro perty is described as fpllows: One Singer electric sewing machine; one Victor phonograph, and one Ford au tomobile. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof in the Athena Press, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, for six consecutive weeks, beginning with the issue of October 20th, 1922, to and including the is sue of December 1st, 1922, pursuant to an order for said publication made and entered herein by the Hon. B. B. Richards, Judge of the above entitled court, dated and entered herein on the 17th day of October, 1822. Dated this 17th day of October, 1922. Homer 1. Watts & E. C. Frestbye, attorneys for Plaintiff. CALL FOR WARRANTS Notice is hereby given that City of Athena Warrants Nos. 408, 410, 538, 929, will be paid upon presentation at the office of the City Treasurer in Athena, Umatilla County, Oregon. That interest on said warrants ceases from date of this publication. Dated Dec. 1, 1922. Ernest A, Zerba Treasurer City of Athena, Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the county court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla county. In the matter of the estate of Win, Schrimpf , . deceased, v Notice is hereby given that tho undersigned has been appointed ex ecutor of the estate of Wm. Schrimpf, deceased, by an order of the above entitled court. , ' All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present -them to me at Athena, Oregon or to my attorneys, Homer I. Watts and E C. Prestbye, at their office in Athena, Oregon within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice All claims must be verified as by law required. Dated at Athena, Oregon this 17th day of November, ; 1922. , ' Eugene C. Schrimpf N17-D15 Executor NOTICE TO CREDITORS . In the County Court of . the State of Oregon for Umatilla county In the Matter of the Estate of Ed ward Lafave, deceased. .. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed ex ecutrix of the estate of Edward La fave. deceased, by the above-entitled Court. v All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present them to me at Athena, Ore gon, or to my attorneys, Homer I. Watts and E. C. Prestbye, at their office in Athena, Oregon within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. All claims must be verified as by Law required. Dated at Athena, Oregon this 27th day of October, 1922. Carrie Lafave-Bergevin, Executrix. First Pub. October 27, 1922. Last Pub. November 24th, ; 1922. ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County. Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In. the Matter of the Estate of Deli lah Hill, Deceased; , Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the above entitled court execut rix of the last will and testment of Delilah Hill, Deceased,, and that she has qualified as the law directs. All persons having claims . against ..the estate are hereby notified to present the same to me at my home in Athena, Umatilla County, Oregon, within six months from the - date hereof with proper vouchers. Dated this 20th day of November, 1922. Mary I. Hill, Executrix. WORLD'S LARGEST CHAIN DEPARTMENT STORE:. ORGANIZATION A NATION-WIDE r- 13 II I 16 11 1 I r i II II II Main Street, Athena, Oregon BUYING FOR OUR 371 STORES. ASSURES- LOWEST PRICES We are prepared to help you make5 your Christmas shopping": more! satisfac-- tory to you than ever before!, ,In pur various departments there are numer.-? ous suggestions of gifts that will give the greatest amount ',' ol satisfaction' ; oyer the longest time. Thereis a big gvist of unusual gift-values to select from "Something for father, mother, the children and your friends." A visit to our ; store at this time is particularly enjoyable and as you will find, it wilLbe part -? icularly profitable as well. ' : ' , : ' ! ' " ' PRIM JULIETS Are Nice to Wear ; wehave them in leather sole,plush: and clock trimmed comfortable Juliets in sizes 2y2 to 8. Attractively priced 'at:' 1 .;.::'.,;- .::v'.-' IVORY MANICURE SETS In conve nient Roll Cases, ever welcome and use-; ful gifts. Sets range in sizes from 5 to 12 implements. Handsome leather cases with satin or brocade linen borders; other cases of cloth and leatherette" : : .- vv 69c to $9.90 EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEF White or Colored Borders, dainty,, and useful Christmas gifts; of good quality linen; white or delicately tinted ; borders and corner designs. Set of 3 in fancy box. - . ' ':?. 79c ? it-- DR. A, C. FROOM DENTIST - ; Expert Crown and Bridgework. See me for free examination and es timation of price, before having your dental work done. Office ' next door to Hills Jewelry store, Athena. '"' Oil Grease Why take chances on freezing your ra diator When you can get it filled with Anti Freeze compound at ; . " - ' ; Prestbye's Service Station Gas 'Jlfhere You and Service Meet Accessories TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. LUMBER AND FUEL A. M. Johnson, M'r.3rni h)- J; L:f. Pork Roast Steaks Pork Chops Minced Haf Smoked Ham Weenies 5 lb. Pail of Lard And all groceries at reduced prices. , 25c lb. , .20c lb. . 30c lb. 30c lb. . 40c lb. 25c lb. ....... 90c L C. Bevens, Proprietor ? . fOf - J . 'briwHon Butter Wrappers it- m : : "XTHERE the sun shines most of "the time. Out-of-door life all the time. Thousands of miles of paved high ways through picturesque semi tropic Settings make motoring won derfully ejchilarating. ; - - Most attractive ocean beaches on the Pacific Coast ' , Most complete system of hotels, apartment houses, cottages, bunga- wws anu smau suites ior lounsts 01 any country in the world, and all costs reasonable. . Room for everybody. : v Representatives of tha UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM ill gladly fumi&lntructivetnd beautifully illustrated booklets Kivir; complete information about the glorious playground ol the. West, Let them tell all about hotel rates, railroad fares, through car errlc the famous Circle Tour through San Fran- - psco and Salt Uke City, or a part of the way by ocean trip. No Journey of equal ipterest in America. .. Wm. McMurray, Gea Pass, Agent C M. Eager, Agent We carry the best . That Money Buys Lard, Kraut, Kippered Salmon, Salt and Fresh Fish, Oysters, Clams and Crab, in Season. A.W.LOGSDON Main Streetr Athena, Oregon J