The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, November 10, 1922, Image 3

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    Press Paragraphs
Lester Vaughn spent Saturday in
Mrs. W. H. Payne of Weston, was
in Athena yesterday.
Will Hall, well known Weston far
mer, was in town Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tucker of Wes
ton, were in Athena Wednesday,
Mr. and Mrs. Penn Harris were
in Walla Walla Thursday evening.
r. and Mrs. Joseph N. Scott were
in the city Sunday from Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. fcee'h 'were' in
the city Wednesday, from Freewater.
Mrs. Fred Pinkerton and sons, John
and Dean were in Pendbton Satur
day. ' .4--' '' ,-. "
R. A. Thompson, is on a visit to
his father in . Weiser,. , Idaho, this
week. '-' v S'U '-'tr'i
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Mclntyre and
son and daughter were in Pendletort
Saturday..;..,,.:;; ;; . .J .
Born, November 5, to Mr. and Mrs.
F. E. Russell, a daughter. The little
one has' been' named Mirian Eliza
beth, '. "
A baby girl was born November 7,
to Mr.; and Mrs. Fisk, at their, home
east of Athena. '
. Fog is affording damp weather for
growing crops, but the real moisture
needed is rainfall.
Mrs. Frank Snider and little son,
Dean, were over from Weston Wed
nesday visiting friends.'
-lrMr. and Mrs. Fred Gross are at
Midvale, Idaho, this week, where Mr.
Gross has' land interests.
Charles Gerking and .family, who
have moved to Pendleton for. the win
ter, weise in -the oity Ttfday.
The Legion Post will give a dance
at Legion Hall tomorrow evening!
The general, public is invited.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dudley were
dinnet guests 'of Mr. , and- Mrs. James
E, Akey of Pendleton, Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Barnes 1have
moved into the residence of Mrs. Nel
son, on 3rdaftl 'Jefferson streets. ;
Athena teachers who-attended the
teachers' institute in Pendleton last
week, report very successful sessions.
Dentistry Not to be made r
:; ' . Light of .. : ' :
Your dental work, "either j your; own teeth,", or teeth that have to be
replaced, on account of the loss of your own, -should have the attention
and care of a skilled dentist- , Reliable one who wilj be ready at all
times to rectify any trouble that may occur. - i You xanriot afford to
take chances on dentists not .known and tried. Take your work to one
who is ready,' every day of the week, to attend 'to' any emergency.
I have been in the actual practice of dentistry for a good many
years. 1 need not experiment , I have work enough in one place so
that my patients will always find'me there not "one day here and one iate Grandma Mclntyre.
day there." . And for the benefit of; all those needing work .and not Scott Fisher is conver
living in Athena, please' let me know when you come and a liberal yfnfXHenrv Doll info neat nA r.m
uiabvuuv Tii w Muvncu via wig a i.c CUiailjr viiaigWl
- I do all o my own prosthetic work. Crowns and bridges and arti
ficial teeth of all kinds fitted and made, to suit .the mouth and at about
one-half the price charged by. other dentists who- send the laboratory
work, ' "the most important," ' away to be done at the "factory." Again
I say, do not experiment. Your work here must satisfy OU, or no.
pay. DR. A. C. FR00M, Athena, Oregon
modious garage. Entrance to the gar
age is made from 5th street
hsMr. and Mrs. H. H. Hill are plan
ning to leave next week by motor car
Complete Line of . v
'. . '-. J ' f r. . t " ,
. Watch your step--Bny
a Flashlight
Athena, Oregon -;
"Bill Murray, who formerly worked
on the J. N. Scott ranch, West of
Athena, is here from Twin Falls, Ida
ho. "
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Frazier of
Milton have been - visiting at the
Pinkerton home a portion of - this
Max Dudley is down from La
Crosse, Wash., visiting at the home
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A.
The ladies of the Christian Mission
ary society will hold a copked food
sale on Saturday afternoon, Novem
ber 25th.
; Harry Keller's potato harvest is
drawing to a close. But few rows re
main to be dug, and the crop is a
good one.
Mrs. W. R. Taylor spent several
days as the guest of her daughter,
Mrs. Phillip Yenney in Walla Walla,
this week.
E. A.' Leonard of Waitsburg was
in town' yesterday on business con
nected with the Preston-Shaffer Mill
ing company. , ; ': , :
Mrs. Lon Patton of Pendleton, visit -
ed at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. H. M. Wood in Athena, one
day this week. :
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Frazier were
among the many Milton people here
Sunday attending the funeral of Mrs.
Isabelle Mclntyre. .-'
Miss Merle Jack of Pendleton was
guest at the -home of her grand
parents; Mr and Mrs C. T. Smith the
first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Alexander of Pen
dleton, with many others came up
Sunday to pay their respects to the
converting the barn
for a winters sojourn at Long Beach
and other joints in California.
Mr. Peter Mclntyre and Mrs. Flora
Taylor,, who. came from Alberta to
attend their mother, Mrs. Isabella
Mclntyre, returned home yesterday.
"Billy". Anderson, well known pion
eer of the county, was in Athena Sun
day from his home in Milton, attend
ing the funeral of Grandma Mcln
tyre.; - .
The average Athena kid- sees one
big event coming up tomorrow; " the
Athena-Hermiston football game, and
he is making arrangements to be on
hand. -rjMiss
Ethel Geissel has t.Kci an
pprenticeship on the Iineptype ma-
cnine m me rress on ice, ocgmmng
her duties as such Monday morning
of this week. .....
Douglas and Will Piper angled
An the waters of the Meacham creek
Tuesday. They report fishing rather
.poor, but brought home about twen
ty nice trout
Election returns were received at
the Watts & Rogers store on election
night Sandwiches and sweet cider re
galed the crowd waiting around the
bulletin boards.
The J. T. Club met at the home of
Mrs. Bert Logsdon Friday afternoon.
An interesting time was enjoyed and
refreshments were served by Mrs. Le
la Lockwood and Mrs. Alex Mclntyre.
, Mrs. F. S. LeGrow and Mrs. R. B.
McEwen are hostesses today at a one
o'clock luncheon, at which Mrs.' C. H.
Smith is the guest of honor. The
c7Hade in c4thena
American Beauty
per Sack
' Cash
$1.75 per Sack, on Time
Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and you will he . healthy and happy.
vrof flWpa pnntnin iust the things vou need to keep your system in fine
1 working order and if you neglect it you may get all run down. . Buy from
I us. The best vegetables on the market are forwarded to us daily. Give us
a your grocery order today. ;
QjsaUty Quanti Service. ; " Phone 171. - Athena, Oregon
temcon is being passed with bridge
and needlework. ... V
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baker, teachers
in the Reith school, were week-end
guests at the homes of Fred p"i kei
ton and J. B. Anderson. Mrs. Baker
was formerly Miss Alice Hudson, and
taught in the Athena schools.
Mr. and Mrs. George Banister left
yesterday for California, where they
will spend the winter. They1 were
joined at The Dalles by Mrs. Ralph
Haynie; of Bend, who will accom
pany them on their southern trip. ;
The Press was in error last week
in stating that B. B. Richards and
Floyd Pinkerton were in Portland for
operations for relief from ulcers of
the stomach.. The treatment does not
require a surgical operation in. either
case. - ',; .
Word comes that B. B. Richards and
Floyd Pinkerton, who are taking med
ical treatment in Portland are im
proving. Mrs. Floyd Pinkerton and
Mrs. J. W. Pinkerton, who, accom
panied Mr. Pinkerton to Portland, are
expected home within the next few
days.-,' .
Little Jean Lattin enterta'ned a
number of her girl friends at her 7th
birthday, party, her little guests be
ing the girls of the first t.vl second
grades of the Athena public school.
Games were played and refreshments
consisting of ice cream, cake and can
dy were served. The little tots thor
oughly enjoyed the occasion. J -
The Etude club was enteitained
yesterday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Robert' Proudfit. m JeffersoVi
street Thie iif was. scheduled " ai
"History . Day" it the' year's program
and was given , over , to $hat .purpose,
no musical numbers being given ex
cept the regular practice. An attract
ive luncheon waa served by Mrs. Ar
thur Douglas and Mrs-Rex Hopper.
Dr. and Mrs. C. H;"Smith were
honorees last night w$en Mr. and
Mrs. C. L. McFadden--entertained in
their home on High street Five hun
dred was played, five tables being
occupied by the guests., Mr. and. Mrs.
Arthur Douglas received Vthe two
highest scores, and E. Prestliye
was awarded the "booby." At twelve
o'clock a refreshing collation wa3
served by the hostess. V ,--
Don Moore formerly'ar resident of
Athena, when he was. a State High
way surveyor, and who' is now one
of the civil engineers employed with
the Public Service Commission, was
in town Saturday in company with
one of the commissioners, T. M. Ker
igan. Mr. and Mrs. Moore" expect to
visit friends in Athena in. the near
future. Mr,' Goodwin and Mr. Cald
well of Walla Wallah Were in the
city Saturday. ,' y ; 1
Mrs. W. K. Wall was hbsfew if the
Cchristian Missionary 'society Wed
nesday afternoon. , The program on
"Applied Christianity", with Afriia
as the subject was presented 'by Di
vision No. 2, and refreshments served
by the hostess, assisted by Mrs.
Molly. Danner. Guests of the after
noon were Mrs J. F, Herr president
of the Methodist Missionary, society
and Mrs S. F. Sharp. The next meet
ing will be held at the home f Mrs
F. B. Boyd on December' s. :
Patronize Home Industry
And Buy
American Beauty Flour
per Sack
tore I
Athena Department
For Lower Prices. Phone 162
High School Notes
' SChi
The straw vote taken in the high
ool Tuesday resulted in Pierce be
ing elected governor by an overwhel
ming majority and the high school
choice for city officials were as fol
lows: M. L. Watts, mayor;. E,i A. Zer
ba, treasurer; B. B. Richards, recor
der; Councilman, Bert Logsdon, 0, 0.
Stephens and Wm McLeod. -'.- .
Mr. Basler has just purchased a
Dodge roadster." : '-"" :" iS'-'U
Evelyn White of the Sophomore
class has gone to Bend,-Oregon to
make her home.
Wednesday evening the high school
was the scene of much merriment
when about sixty masked figures as
sembled. After the grand march, ev
eryone unmasked and the evening
was spent in playing games after
which refreshments were served. ,
No tardy marks were recorded in
the grades for the montht of October.
Ray and Wesley Johnston have en
tered district No. 2 where a new
school building has recently been
Good English week is being obser
ved in the schools this week and the
use of tags is arousing much interest
among the students. 1
While at Teachers' Institute Mr.
Basler scheduled basket ball games
with Umatilla county teams. Principal
Landreth of Pendleton refused to
schedule games with county teams.
Athena high school plays football
with Hermiston at Athena Saturday
at 2:30 p. m.
The Churches
Christian Science
Weston society. Sunday 11 a. m.
Sunday school, 10 a. m. North Water
St Weston. Free circulating library.
' Methodist Church
Rev. W. S. Payne of Weston, will
preach at 11 o'clock, a. m.
Saturday, November 11
MMeIfofqi . . ft
'?' ' .'
Super Picture
Great Story .
the Seas
International News. 2-Reel Comedy Admission, 10c-25c35c Tax Included
Sunday, November
Priscilla Dean
Pathe Review.
Admission, 10c-25c-35c, Tax Paid
Wednesday November 15
Mae Murray
Peacock alley-
Admission 10c-25c-35c