The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, November 03, 1922, Image 6

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On and after November 15th we will sell
groceries for cash only". We have decided
to Imake this change, not only to benefit our
selves but for the benefit of our customers
as well. Watch this space next week for
prices and be convinced.
m 1
Union District
J. E. Cannon and Henry Booher
dug 1045 sacks of potatoes from the
former's mountain ranch during the
F. J. Jackson has returned from
his extensive southern and eastern
trip. He reports the Oregon peoplo
much in advance of any he suw
while gone.
D. B. Hunt, L. M. Keen and Allen
O'Mara report large game scarce in
the Blue Mountains.
Jas. Ross and family have recently
bought an improved farm near Col
lege Place and this week took pos
session. 1
Miss Evadna Chandler, the teacher
in lower Gerking FJat gave a nice
Jittle Hallow'cen party at the school
house Friday evening, Witches and
ghosts were much in evidence.
Mrs. S. S. Parris is visiting her
daughter and family in Idaho.
The school attendance . in Union
District where Lillian Downs-Dobson
is teaching is 100 per cent perfect
during the first two months which
has just closed. ' . .
L. M. Keen and family took Sun
day dinner with the Hunt family on
the Joe Scott ranch.
J. W. Keen and wife visited rela-J
tives in our midst during the week.
" Mrs. John Bell had the misfortuna
to fall during the week causing a
severe rupture. Dr. Sharp is doing
all he can to case the sufferer.
Some wheat, especially in spots is
being reseedcd in Gerking Flat and
rain is much needed.
Murvin Samples and his brother
went to Monument, Oregon Saturday.
Johnnie Walker and family spent
Sunday with Ralph Richmond beyond
Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Burden who were
recently married in Walla Walla are
at the Clay Jackson home in the
Flat. .... -, .
District No. 2.'
Miss Edith Booth started her school
in the new school house District No.
2, north of Athena.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cannon and child
ren attended the potato show at
Weston last Saturday.
Mr. Charley Smith and Roy Nes
sins left Monday for Bend, Oregon.
Mr. Jesse Smith is improving
from a case of la grippe at his home
northwest of Athena,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cannon were
visitors in Walla Walla last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pinkerton left
Tuesday morning for Portland where
Mr. Pinkerton went to take treatment
for stomach trouble. They were ac
companied by his mother, Mrs. Billie
Pinkerton. . . .,
(Candidates W Governor
When a candidate for public office makes a campaign promising what he will do if
elected, it is fitting and proper that the Voter examine the public records to ascertain
whether or not the candidate's record squares with his campaign promises. In the pres
ent campaign Candidate Pierce professes to be the apostle of lower taxes.
Mr. Pierce's Record
.... J .. . Of the $9,376,000 of state taxes for 1923,
Mr. Pierce specifically approved of $8,564,039.
This is 93 per cent of the total. Mr. Pierce had
no opportunity to vote on the other 8 per cent,
as he was not a member of the legislature when
it was up for vote.
9. Ha voted for (7 per cent of all tax appro
priation bills of the 1919 session of the legisla
ture, and for all the appropriation bills of the
special session of 1920.
3. The State Highway Commission now
works without pay. Mr. Pierce introduced a bill
to pay the commissonert $12,000 a year.
4. He voted to submit a bond issue of $400,
000 for a new penitentiary. Governor Olcott
has repaired the old one with convict labor at no
tax expense.
5. Mr. Pierce claims he wishes to relieve
real estate of the tax burden; yet he is the
author of a bill submitted to the legislature
which would exempt from all taxation moneys,
notes, credits and accounts.
6. In the last few years he voted for 18S sal
ary Increases.
7. He voted against the bills to consolidate
the state bureaus and commissions.
S. He Introduced a bill providing for the
most elaborate commission any state ever had.
He specifically provided "to secure every citizen
of Oregon an opportunity at all times to work
for the state," and provided a $5,000 salary for
the head of the commission. This bill was
purely Socialistic.
9. In the 1917, 1919 and 1920 sessions of the
legislature there were appropriation bills intro
duced totaling $10,552,000. Of these Senator
Pierce voted for $10,075,000.
Measured by every standard, Mr. Pierce is
the moat consistent little tax booeter the state
of Oregon ever had.
Mr. Olcott'$ Record
1. He introduced a change in the state sec
retary's report which has saved the state many
thousands of dollars since 1918.
2. His renovation of the penitentiary saved
the state nearly half a million dollars.
3. He secured funds for a training school
building for the Boys' Institute without a single
dollar or additional taxes.
4. He is the originator of the Oregon Blue
Sky Law, which saves the Oregon people mil
lions of dollars annually.
6. He was responsible for the stopping of
junketing trips by state officials at state expense.
6. He secured the passage of a budget law
effecting large economies in the state govern
ment, which could not otherwise be accom
plished. 7. The change in the State Sessions Law,
recommended by him, saves the state $10,000 a
8. He has been universally commended for
the excellence of his official appointments.
9. He is responsible for changes in the ad
minstration of the state farms, which this yeer
brought returns of $491,000 into the state.
10. He has shown himself, by his acts, a
friend of the ex-service men, has warmly sup- ,
ported the bonus measure, and has administered
the law in the interest of the ex-service men
with honesty and efficiency.
11. He has taken the first real constructive
step In the equalisation of the state tax situation
by the appointment of a committee of experts
to investigate and report to the legislature the
. entire scope of the tax problem in this state,
thus assuring that any changes to be made will
be made along sane, conservative and construc
tive lines, which give far more promise of secur
ing results than demagogic bewailing and idle
campaign promises such as are being made by
the non-partisan candidate of the Democratic
party, especially in the light of his record as
the champion tax producer of the state of Ore
gon. '
WALTER L. TOOZE, Chairman. C E. INQALLS, Secretary.
Mr. Harve Booher returned Mon
day from Condon where he visited
his brother Elmer and wife, also ms
uncle, Sam , Booher who is soon to
return to his family here.
This week our hearts are filled with
grief over the death of our much
loved little comrade, friend and for
mer pupil, Geraldine Swaggart..
We mourn her loss, our Geraldine,
We miss her smiling face,
God lent her to us for a time
To . brighten this old place.
And now He calls her back to Him,
Because He needs her there
To spread her sunshine roundabout
And make the Heaven more fair.
Spring Hollow
Mr. and Mm. Henry Koepke visit
ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Betts Tuesday.
The Pambrun duck pond was visit
ed this week by seven swans.
Miss Ellen Pambrun substituted as
teacher in school district No. 113 for
Belle Pambrun who was ill.
Athena teachers are attending the
county institute at Pendleton, and
the pupils are enjoying a twj-day
holiday period as a result. Three hun
dred teachers are in attendance, and
the institute is being instructed and
lectured by the leading educators of
the state. ' ;
Card of Thanks
To , those who kindly assisted us
in the illness and death of our be
loved husband and father,' we will
ever feel gratefsl, especially to the
Legion Post.
Mrs. Win., Schrimpf and family.
Card of Thanks
We feel thankful for the sympathy
and assistance extended during the
death of our little daughter, Geraldine.-
.- :"
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Swaggart.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Swaggart.
Purchasing my stock from the lo
c& producer in this farming com
munity, I feel that I should be given
the preference when you purchase
meat and meat products. I conduct
a clean,, sanitary market,', insuring
prime meats $6 you at- all times.
UntiWurther notice I will sell at the
following prices for cash only:
Brisket Boil, per lb...- 5c
Rib Boil, per lb ,. 10c
Rib Roast ............17c lb.
Pot Roast, per lb -'.-.12 c
Shoulder Roast, per lb... ........15c
Steak, per lb.. i.23c
5 lb. pail lard ft..... -8J
10 lb. pail lard ....f..-.......:.....1.7Q
. A. W. Logsdon. .
Wanted To buy or rent small
coal heater stove. Call phone 72.
For Sale Household furniture in
cluding heating, oil stove, buffet, lib
rary table, three rocking chairs, sing
le beds, and other articles.
C. II. Smith
For Sale Milk, delivered night or
morning, at $3 per quart per month.
Ike Phillips.
For Sale The W. R. Taylor resi
dence on Third street, Athena, and
40 acres of bottom land, adjacent to
the Athena city limits.
Pasture Good pasture for horses
at $2.50 per head per month; mare
and colt $3.00 per month. Key to
pasture at Tum-a-lum Lumber yard,
Athena. See A. M. Johnson. Sterl
ng Parris.
.';' SUMMONS v;,;, -y:
Inf the Justice Court or Athena dis
trict, Umatilla county, Oregon.
O. O. Stephens, Plaintiff, vs Clyde
Sands and Maggie Sands, husband
and wife, defendants. ;
To Clyde Sands and Maggie Sands,
- defendants. f
In the name of the state of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed again
st you in the above-entitled action
within six weeks from the date of
the first nublication of this summons,
to-wit: on or before Friday, the
first day of -December, 1922; and
von. and each of you. will please take
notice that if you fail to appear and
answer the said complaint or other
wise Dlead thereto within said time
the plaintiff, for want thereof, will
take judgment against you, and each
of you, for the sum of $113.94, with
interest thereon from February, 1922
at the rate of 6 tier cent per annum
until paid, and for the plaintiff s
costs and disbursements in the act
ion herein and for an order of sale of
the following described Dronerty be
longing to you which was attached
on or about the 10th day of Oct
ober, 1922 in the said action in the
above entitled court and is now held
under the said writ of attachment in
the manner provided by law. Said pro
nerty is described as follows:. One
Singer electric sewing machine; one
Victor phonograph, and one Ford automobile.
This summons is served upon you
by publication thereof in the Athena
Press, a weekly newspaper or. general
circulation, for six consecutive weeks,
beginning with the issue of October
20th, 1922, to and including the is
sue of December 1st, 1922, pursuant
to an order for said publication made
and entered herein by the Hon. B. B.
Richards, Judge of the above entitled
court, dated and entered herein on
the 17th day of October, 1822. Dated
this 17th day of October, 1922. Homer
I. Watts & E. C. Prestbye, attorneys
for Plaintiff..' ;
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon for Umatilla county
In the Matter of the Estate of Ed
ward Lafave, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been appointed ex-
ofintviv rf flm aetata nf TMwnrl T.ft-
f ave, deceased, by the- above-entitled
Uourt. , :
All persqns having claims against
the said estate are hereby notified to
present them to me at Athena, Ore
gon, or to my attorneys, Homer I.
Watts and E. C. Prestbye, at their
nfhta 1t( AtViona firearm within six
months from the date of the first
publication of this notice. AH claims
vi,ia ha vari-fiarl oa v T.fiW ramlirP.H.
Dated at Athena. Oregon this 27th
day of uctoner, xwiz.
Carrie Lafave-Bergevin, Executrix
First Pub. October 27, 1922.
Last Pub. November 24th, 1922. -
For Sale A good kitchen range.
Mrs. W. J. Crabill, Athena.
Special Attention given to all
calls, both day and night. .
Calls promptly answered. Office on
Third Street, Athena, Oregon.
. Athena, Oregon.
Offic next to Telephone Excango
Phones, Office' 333; Residence 412
Athena Bakery
We now carry Government Inspect
ed fresh and cured meats, and offer.
for cash only; Beef Roast .... 15c lb.
Pork Roast 25c lb,
Steaks. 20c lb,
Pork Chops ............:..... 30c lb.
Minced Haf 30c lb,
Smoked Ham .........:...... 40c lb.
Weenies 25c lb.
5 lb. Pail of Lard 90c
And all groceries at reduced prices.
L C. Bevens, Proprietor
The Taxpayers' League of Portland are ad
vising the voters here to vote against the Fair
measure for the reason that taxes should not be
used for purposes of this nature.
We advise the taxpayers of your community
to do the same, you cannot escape your propor
tion of this tax no matter what the proponents
of the Fair may say to the contrary. Therefore,
vote 305 NO, so as not to increase your now over
. burdensome tax.
L. J. Goldsmith Sec 306 Piatt Bldg. Portland, Ore.
(Paid Advertisement)
The dreary winter months can be brightened
by painting and varnishing now. .
Outside surfaces should be protected from the
weather with paint and varnish. The inside
will be more cheerful and inviting during the
winter if re-finished. ... ',
Use ACME QUALITY Paints and Varnishes
to protect and beautify all home surfaces.
Watts & Rogers
Athena, Oregon
' Attention School Boys
We have just received a large
. shipment of new
O. D. Breeches, O. D. Shirts
and Leather, Puttees
We also have a large assortment of O. D.
Blankets at reasonable prices
Across Street From Alta Theatre, Pendleton
Al vays at ycur Service. First-class
Work guaranteed.' We are
agents for Domestic Laundry
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Is aade in Athena, by" Athena labor, in one ol the very beet
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem
wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your
grocer Bells the famous. American Beauty Flour
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Athena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Wash
, . . , . . . . . .
The First National Bank
. Capital and Surplus $110,000.00 '