The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, October 20, 1922, Image 3

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    Press Paragraphs
Vfe wher
Fred Anderson of Weston was in
Athena, "Wednesday. '
Mrs. 0. A. Adams of Weston, was
m Athena, Wednesday.
. B. B. Richards went to Portland
Wednesday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cannon
Pendleton visitors, Wednesday.
Ralph McEwen made a business trip
to Union county the first of the week.
Mrs. R. R. Proebstel of Weston,
was an Athena shopper, Wednesday.
. Mrs. Ernest Zerba and mother, Mrs.
Hargett, are in Pprtland this week.
Mayor H. A. Barrett left Monday
for Idaho to look after his business
interests there.
Mrs. Ralph McEwen and Mrs. Hen
ry Barrett motored . to Pendleton
Monday evening.
Mrs. A. C. Froom and, young son
are expected to arrive from Canada
within the next few .days, to remain
here with Dr. A. C. Froom for the
The high school student body en
joyed a weiner roast at Pine Creek
dam last evening.
' George and John Myers of
Walla, were visitors at the
Gross home this week.
Maurice Hill was down Siftday from
Prescott, Washington, spending the
day with his parents.
iss xuauq bnerman has gone, 10
hilamoth, in the Willamette valley,
where she will teach school.
The ladies of the Methodist church
will hold a pastry sale tomorrow af
ternoon at Watts & Rogers store.
Mrs. Alfred J. Smith of Pendleton
has been a guest at the home of
father, S. S. Pierson in Athem
Miss Lucmda Dell, who V in her
Freshman year at University of Ore
gon has been pledged to the Gamma
Phi Beta society.
' Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pinkerton left
for Portland by automobile Tuesday
morning. They will return the first
of the coming week. '. . ; . . '.':
Charles McFarland and Herman
Hoffman have gone to the Glen Ar
, ' Dentistry Not to be mad$: ' V
' Ligt Of V v .
Your dental work, "either '; your own ,t?eth," or teetti that have' to be
replaced, on account of the loss of 'your Vwn, should have the attention
and care of a skilled dentist: a reliable one who will be; ready at
times to rectify any trouble that m ay ' occur. You cannot afford
take 'chances on dentists not known and tried ;Take. your w'p'
who is ready, every day of the week, to attend to any emergency.
I have been in the actual practice of dentistry, for a good many
years. '.v I need not experiment I liave work enough' in? one place so;
that my patients will always find me there not "one" day' here and one
day there." And for the benefit of all those needing work and not
living in Athena, please let me know when you come and a liberal
discount will be allowed on the price regularly charged.
I do all 'o my own prosthetic work. "Crowns and bridges and arti
ficial teeth of all kinds fitted and made to suit the mouth and at abou
cne-half the price charged by other dentists who send the laborat
14x1 a. S l J. It - A i . ', . . A
wui. me most important, awa y io De aone at tne "lactory. Again
I say, do not experiment.' Your work here must satisfy lOU.Jor no
pay. DR. A. C. FROOM, Athena, Oregon
11 MlQ
rfhe .
ary .
; . . :., V
Month " ; "
No interest-complete Line to choose from
McFadden'S Pharmacy
Athena, Oregon '
fbogast stock 'ranch on the John Day
for a week's deer hunt
r. and Mrs. F. B. Radtke have
moved into their new home on Fourth
street. This modern residence is one
of the finest in the city. ' .
Under the auspices of the W. O.
W. a splendid fight card was held at
Walla , Walla, Monday night. A num
ber of Athena fight fans attended.
Mrs. Ernest Zerba and little daugh
ter Beth, and Mrs. Hargot, her moth
er, left Wednesday in company with
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pinkerton for
Portladn. ' . '-' " . - :
Mr.- and Mrs. ' Arthur Douglas and
the children have moved into their
town residence on Fifth street, re
cently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Hom
er I. Watts. :
A special meeting of K. of P.
Lodge No. 29 will be held October
26 for work and important business.
All members .are requested to be
present; ' .. , ' '
Tonight, the members of the local
Eastern Star Chapter will be guests
of Loyalty Chapter of Milton. ; The
Weston Chapter will also visit the
Milton lodge. ' , I
Mrs. Dean Dudley's home was the
scene of a jolly meeting of the J.
T. club ..Wednesday with Mrsr'jf. T.
Lieuallen and .Mrs. Ralph Cannon
serving refreshments. r
r. Ernest Koepke, who was here
r several -weeks, returned; to-
home in Seattle yesterday, being
compamea as xar as JEiiensimrg
Wash., by his father, Henry Kdepke,
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Anderson and
Mr. Press ; Andersqn,':brothers of 'Mrs.
M. L. Watts, , who have been guests
at the Watts home during the week J
left yesterday for their ; homes in
Portland. " T ' " : ' ""'
M. Gillis has been in. Athena
is week from his ranch home near
Washtucna, Wash; Mr, Gillis reports
that the crop of wheat in hia section
averaged from 10 to 20 bushels per
acre this year. '
' Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Baker have re
turned from their trip to Stejtoe
and Spokane, ,Wsn.. They will leave
shortly for California accompanied by
Mrs. Jennie- Gross. The trip "will be
made by autom'obile. '
. The Legion dance at Legion Hall
Friday night, did not pay expense by
$20, so it is reported. Sailing's or
chestra furnished excellent music and
the greater portion of attendance was
from out of town, so it is said, v
James Sharp, who will be remem
bered by many Athena people, is ill
at his home in Pendleton, with tuber
culosis. He has been compelled to give
up his practice of dentistry in that
city on account f f failing health,
Clyde Harris, of , the firm of
,ris Bros.; box manufacturers or Mil
ion, was in the city Monday. He pur
chased a band of sheep from H. A.
Barrett, and shipment was made over
the O. W. R. & N. from this point.
Mrs. M. L. Watts and daughter
Vernita left yesterday for Sah Fran
cisco, where next week they will take
a steamer for Honolulu. Returning
about the first of the new year, Miss
Vernita wil resume her studies at
Mills college.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac' Davidson, Mrs.
S. S. Hutt 'and daughter Ruth have
returned from ah automobile trip to
southern Oregon, where relatives
were visited. On the return trip the
party stopped at Salem and visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs k William
Winship. ,' "' ';; ,J ' '; ' '
Heretofore charters "for First Nat
ional Bankj have Been granted for a
period of 20 years. Under a recent
ruling charters are now being granted
for 99 years, and the .First, National
Bank of Athena has complied with
regulations to secure its charter for
the 99 year period. ' v , , ' , .
Mrs. Ralph B. McEwen entertained
Mrs. Therese Castner, of Hood River,
on Wednesday. Mrsi Castner is a for
mer friend of her, family, and was
visiting the Eastern Star as-its head
officer in the state, and was formerly
president of the Oregon State Federa
tion of Wpmeri's clubs. ,
; A cylinder boring machine has been
added to the, equipment of the Zerba
Garage. The machine is a very, fine
piece' of mechanism and is capable of
handling all sizes of piston ... bpres.
Heretofore, it has been necessary to
send, cylinder -. boripg work out of
town, but hereafter Zerba will, do it
for you.- ; -' : t V :
James Potts, whoy has resided in
Portland for the past three years, has
purchased the David Taylor residence
property in the southwest part of
Athena, and with his family will come
here to make his 'home. Mr. Potts
still retains his': farming interests
near Athena. He is greatly improved
In health since leriVing the farm..
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koepke ar
rived last week at their farm homo
near Athena from their European
trip. Mis3 Dorothy stopped at the
home in ' Calif ornia to resume' her
school work, and Henry jr., remained
in Europe. Mr. Koepke reports a very
pleasant trip, with the exception that
Mrs. Koepke was stricken ill on their
return to the states.1
Mackenzie Chapter,' O. E. S., was
visited Wednesday night at the reg
ular meeting by Mrs. Therese Cast
ner, Worthy Grand Matron of the or
der in Oregon. The visit was one of
especial moment to the local Chapter,
the distinguished guest winning many
friends by her gracious presence. Af
ter the session, luncheon was served
Mrs. .0. O. . Stephens, Mrs. J. W.
Pinkerton andMrs. C. H. Smith act
ing as hostesses The Hallowe'en idea
was, carried out in ices, cakes and
decoration, the tables being centered
with calendula. The hall presented
an appropriate appearance with aut
umn leaves -and . yellow -marigolds
everywhere. . -
.it i. i
IWBy'' Service
I iWMm At This
YMLMmm' store
Eat plenty of , fresh vegetables and you will be healthy and happy.
Vegetables contain just the things you need to keep your system in fine
working order and if you neglect it you may get all run down. Buy from
us. The best vegetables on the market are forwarded to us daily. Give us
your grocery order today. '
Quality Quantity, Service. Phone 171. Athena, Oregon
High SchboLJNptes
".Ul-i . , ...-. ....
The -zate- receints from the. Pen
dleton-Athena game las Saturday to
taled one hundred and two dollars.
Last Friday football fans witnessed
an exciting football game between the
high school. "Scrubs," and the 8th
graders. The "Scrubs" were victorious
with a scroe of 12-0., 5
A football game with Touchet High
school at Touchet has been sche luled
for November 24, and rone with Endi
cott, Washington, at Athena for
Thanksgiving day, . , . ,.
Last week the school hquse was en
tirely empty twenty-eight seconds af
ter the fire gong sounded. t
A volley ball arrived this week for
use in the grades.
A coat of tar has been put on the
school house roof this week. .
School visitors this week were Mr3.
Clremens, Mrs. White, Mrs. MJchener
and Mrs. Burke. ,f V
Six weeks tests are being given Jn
the high school this week. -
Coach Basler and a squad of fifteen
Whitman game at Pendleton as
guests of the two colleges. '
Several car-loads of high school
pupils went to Pendleton to wit
ness the Whitman-Oregon game to
day. ; . . - '..
Thursday evening the high school
students were guests of the Freshman
class at a wiener roast at the Weston
29 Years Ago
October 20 1893
Harye Whiteman has , about 100
acres of grain that has been await
ing the sickle for lo, these many
weeks, and considering the low price
of wheat and damaged condition of
the grain by the rains, he has con
cluded to let his neighbors cut it on
the "halves," for feed.
. J. A. Gross of Helix had his left
leg broken in three places by his
horse falling upon him. .
Clark Wood the East Oregonian
reporter, left Wednesday morning via
the Union Pacific for a month's stay
at Chicago and other Eastern points.
In his absence, Mr. Wood's work will
be done by John E. Lathrop. ,
Mrs. A. M. Gillis has discontinued
her kindergarten school. The number
of pupils was so small that it did not
pay her for the time required to
teach the class. '
The Churches
Christian Science
Weston society. Sunday 11 a. m.
Sunday school, 10 a. m. North "Water
St Weston. Free circulating library.
is here, and with it comes a call for heavy Underwear
We are agents for
For men, women and children in yarious.
styles and ; weights, In r cotton, wool and
silk-wool, is fine in quality, J longwearing,
non-irritating, always perfect fitting in every
way satisfactory. From now on let
" Union-Suit You
AthenaDepa rt me nt St o re
.For: Lower Prices, Phone 152
i mrn'mk- , - - - .r....r -, , : -.- all ' 1
WmmSmmSlelt production s v; r,- MM v I
lllmwm&tMm ir1. ill 1
International News. , Torchy Comedy. Admission, 10c-35c-50c Tax Included
Sunday, October 22
:era GorrJom
; Mother in, ''Humoresque"
in the Beautiful Mother -Influence Picture
: "The Greatest Love1
Palhe Review.
Admission, 10c-25c-35c, Tax Paid