The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, September 29, 1922, Image 4

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Bohemian Cut Glass
Come in and see our line of Genuine Bo
hemian Lead Blown Cut Glass
i m mi lira lira lira mm wm wm km wa iwa mm mm mum mmmwiwn
j "Over The Hill"
Miss Jessie Davis of Walla Walla
was the guest this week of Miss Vida
Greer at the Frank Greer country
Mrs. Charles M. Price has been
quite ill the past week, suffering
from neuritis.
Mr. and Mrs. Harve Driskell of
Dayton, Wash., and Miss Bcrnice
Fetter of Freewater were Sunday
guests at the home of Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Woods of
Lewiston, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. G. W.
Bradley of Adams and Mr. and Mrs.
Ellsworth Woods were dinner guests
Monday at the R. Morrison ranch
Rev. John B. Coan left for Troy,
Idaho, Monday for a brief visit at
the home of Rev. and Mrs. I. N.
Hughes. He will be accompanied on
the return trip by Mrs. Coan and
their two children, who have been
sojourning for the past two weeks
in the Hughes household.
Mr. and Mrs. John Connelly and
family and Mrs. Lucy Demond of
Dayton, Wash., were guests several
days last week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Snider.
Mrs. Lizzie Rowland of Portland
arrived in town Saturday and will
make an extended visit at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Rowland.
Eldon Mclntyre left Saturday for
Portland, where he will visnt friends
before going to Eugene to take up
his school work. ,-
Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Giles and fam
ily of Kcnnewick, Wash., were lust
week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Barney Foster.
The Misses Minnie and Helen
Johnson, daughters of Mr. and Mrs.
Alick Johnson, aro leaving this week
for Eugene to attend the University
of Oregon. ' Mian Minnie onrolls as
a senior, having had two years at
Seattle in the University of Wash
ington and one at Eugene. Miss
Helen, who is a recent graduate of
Weston High, will become an hum
ble freshman in the big Oregon
Paul Bulfinch, former Weston boy
who is postmaster and also state
land appraiser at American FalU,
Idaho, motored over to attend the
Round Up, and has been visiting his
parents and friends at Weston,
Neil Graham of Rcedsport, Oregon,
has been renewing friendships with
boyhood chums at Weston while vis
iting his uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Mrs. S. A. Barnes.
Slight showers fell in I h is neigh
borhood pn Tuesday and Wednesday
nights, but what the farmers are
now wanting is a "soaker." Never
theless, seeding is quite generally
in progress, as farmers have begun
to appreciate the advantage of get
ting the seed into the ground as
early as possible.
The contract for roofing Fratern
ity hall was let by the board of man
agers to C. E. Fuller of Wulla Walln,
who began work this week. What is
known as Durable roofing is used,
and is guaranteed for five years.
The cost of the completed job will
be a little less than $300.
Miss Mildred Fanning, daughter of Pendleton during Round
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Fanning, and
Carl L. Johnson, elder son of Mr.
and Mrs. Alick Johnson, were united
in marriage in Pendleton Friday,
September 24. After a brief hon
eymoon the happy young couple will
make their home on the Alick John
son farm near Weston, which the
bridegroom is operating, together
with other leased holdings, in part
nership with his brother Fred. The
bride is one of Weston's most pop
ular girls and a student of Weston
High. Mr. Johnson is a graduate of
Weston High, and took a commercial
course at a Portland business col
lege. Both have the hearty congrat
ulations and sincere well wishes of a
host of friends in this community.
While E. E. Stanton's Dort car
was being towed into Walla Walla
by Andy Barnett and was in the act
of crossing the street car track be
tween Milton and Freewater, a de
mountable rim tire jumped off the
wheel and rolled away. A strang
er driving a Ford quickly stopped
his car, hopped out and picked up
the tire and drove off before the as
tonished eyes of Stanton and Bar
nett, who didn't even have time to
get their jaws open and yell at him
Mr. and Mrs. George Brutscher are
being "welcomed home" to Weston
after an absence of five years, dur
ing which time they have been res
idents of Ncwberg. George remarks
that Weston looks just as good to
him as an old home town can pos
sibly look to any returning citizen
after so long a stay in other climes.
And he thinks the country here is
more than a little bit better than
any he saw while absent.
Leonard Bulfinch and Nard Jones
left Wednesday for Walla Walla to
matriculate at Whitman. Tlie for
mer will major in economics and the
latter in English.
Lee M. Lampson, prominent busi
ness man of Kennewick who came
here for the "spud meeting," was i
guest Monday night of Mr. and
Mrs. E. M. Smith.
Gilbert S. Coffin, a former Wes
ton boy who mnde such advancement
in the profession of banking that he
was appointed as federal bank ex
aminer, was united in marriage Sep
tember 8 nt San Francisco to Miss
Naomi Mears. The ceremony was
solemnized in Grace cathedral, and
Lola G. Saling sang for the wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. Coffin will reside in
Spokane, where the bridegroom will
be stationed hereafter. He is a son
of Mrs. F. H. Coffin and was born
in Weston.
germination than the usual methods.
Sim J. Culley of Weston is among
the many Umatilla county farmers
who are experimenting . this fall
with dry seed treatment. A wheat
dusting machine, one of two shown
at Pendleton, was tried out this
week by Mr. Culley.
The concert to be given at Walla
Walla by Miss Zilla Simpson, the
gifted young singer whose girlhood
years were spent at Weston, has
been postponed until next Tuesday,
October 3d. It will be held in Walla
Walla H. S. auditorium.
The Johnson Construction Co. is
making good progress with the new
Pine creek road, acording to members
of the county court who have just
visited the scene of activity. They
were much impressed with the spec
tacular and effective manner in
which the huge road-grading ma
chine brought Portland, scoops
up the rock and dirt. The contract
ors say that the job will be completed
before snow fliqs.
29 Years Ago
September 29, 1893.
The fine condition of the roads
offer an inducement for lovers of a
buggy-ride to hitch , up and take a
Nelson Swaggart, a former resi
dent of this vicinity, but now of the
Willamette valley was in the city
A reception was tendered to the
teachers of the Normal school at
Weston, Friday evening. Music and
speeches were the features.
Tot, N. A. Miller's little child met
with a painful accident last week.
While riding his tricycle it ran off
the side-walk, throwing him to the
ground. One of tliq wheels struck
him in his crippled leg,, which swelled
up and caused him. much "pain. The
little sufferer is getting along very
well at present.
Stahl, the Walla Walla brewery
man, was in the city Monday.
George Hansell and -family left for
Yoncolla, Douglas county, on a visit
to relatives, Monday night.
John, son, of Clark Walter, living
west of the city is lying dangerously
ill with typhoid fever, so Dr. Moffit
informs us.
Jake Bloch and James Stamper
went over to the Umatilla Sunday
in quest of the finny tribe. Jake
got hold of one that smashed his
fishing tackle all to splinters.
We learn there arc a number of
cases of typhoid fever in the Cold
Spring country. Nine men belong
ing to W. A. Sample's harvest crew
are reported to be down with that
Mrs. Jarvis Hurd and two chillren,
returned home on Saturday ev?iing''s
train from an extended visit in the
east. Her brother, Mr. Taylor and
a friend whose name is Page, accom
panied her home.
Mrs. Willis Bush is lying very ill
at home in the north part of tin city
with spina! mengitis. She was taken
sick quite suddenly, and grew grad
ually worse until she became uncon
scious, in which state she his since
remained. Her many friends hope
for her immediate recovery.
Snow fell every day last week, in
conducted at j the John Dav countrv hut melted a
Up week fast as it fell.
under the supervision of Fred Ben- j Hon. J. P. Wager, formerly state
nion, county agent, was the dry seed senator from Umatilla county, and
treatment demonstration. Copper! an able writer, has been r.-kwuid
carbonate is used, and this form of j from the Multnomah countv iail
treatment is said to require less where he had been imprisoned for ob
soed and result in 25 percent greater I tainln money under false jrrtenses. i
Lowell, the 17-year-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Richmond, died
Tuesday at 10:30 a. m. at the fam
ily home in Walla Walla, from ab
scess of the liver. The funeral was
held Thursday afternoon from the
Richmond residence. Deceased was
a student of Walla Walla High, and
a young man of much promise
whose untimely death is deeply de
plored. E. R. Jackman of 0. A. C. and
Fred Bennion, county agent, were
engaged this week in completing the
second field inspection of seed po
tatoes in the Weston mountain dis
tricts. It is expected that approx
imately three hundred acres, or
three times the acreage of last
year, will pass this inspection, and
that Umatilla county will have more
certified seed potatoes to market
than all the rest of Oregon combined.
A noteworthy feature of the ex
cellent exhibits of the Northwest
Hay and Grain show
S High School Notes
A new set of health records has
been received for the school Victrola.
These records are to be used for folk
dancing and physical training.
Several kindergarden chairs have
been purchased for the primary room
this making the primary equipment
quite complete.
The teachers of the Athena public
school were guests of Supterintend
ent and Mrs. Hadley at dinner served
in the Christian church Thursday eve
ning of this week. Eleven plates
were laid.
A new American flag has been
purchased for Athena school. The
school has been badly in need of one
and as soon as it clears up, we hope
to have the new flag flying over
head. The high school coach of Athena,
Mr. Basler, has scheduled two foot
ball games for the high school team.
14, and an exciting game is expected.
Hermiston has challeneed the bovs
for Armistice day November 11. We
expert'the ioys to go "over the ton.'
and make all the touch downs.
Lost Gray suit coat, please re
turn to this office.
For sale Household furniture. Call
Mrs. Jerry Stone, phone 24F3.
The Churches
Baptist Church
Sunday school, 10 a. m. All high
school students, we invite to the
study of "The Book of Gensis." The
first 'jook of the Bible deals with the
Creation of the Cosmas of Plant, An
imals and last and geratest of all.
Man.' These subjects will be stud
ied in the light of Heathen Myths,
History, Science and RevalStion.
Morning worship, 11 a. m. Subject,
The Fellowship of His Suffering.
Evening address, 7:30 p. m. Subject,
"Panaramic View of the Nations."
For the next seven Sunday even
ings, the Book of Daniel will be stud
ied from the stand point of history
revalation and recent discoveries in
Ancient cities.
E. B. Johnson, Pastor.
For Sale Chiffonier, library table,
sanitary cot. Mrs. W. J. Crabill.
Strayed One red two-year-old
Jersey heifer; no brand or marks
tin blab in nose when last seen. Re
ward. A. C. Geiss, Weston, Oreg.
House for rent, on 3rd and Adams
street. Furnished or unfurnished.
Refer to Mrs. Jane Nelson.
Wanted The person I loaned a
farmer's telephone set, to return it.
H. A. Barrett.
For Sale A number of uncalled
for suits at The Athena Home Laundry.
For Sale Second hand Ford road
ster in good condition. Better hur
ry. Also good second hand two wheel
trailer cheap. Thompson Garage.
For Sale My Oakland touring car,
like new, for $850, (1365 last Nov
ember.. Dr. F. D. Watte.
Lost Scotch Collie, brown and
white color, tip of tail white, . answ
ers to the name if "Sig." Strayed
from William Pipers place near He
lix on September 12. Reward for
his recovery. Loren Basler, Athena,
Main Street, Athena, Oregon
Special Attention given to all
calls, both day and nieht.
Calls promptly answered. Office on
Third Street, Athena, Oregon.
Athena, Oregon.
Office next to Telephone Excanga
Phones, Office 333; Residence 412
i am nm hi mi in mmi mm mat am nr hi mm now mm man hi hi nmi wmi m i hi hi via
Shotguns and Rifles for less
Model 1912 Winchester TTnmmprlpsR Rhnto-nns reculnr ftftfi ffrdrle
fl nn snlo at tif,
Double barrel, hammerless shotguns regular $36 grade for $28.
Double barrel, hammer shot guns, regular $30 grade for $23.
Single barrel shot guns regular $16.00 grade for $12.
Remmington Automatic Rifles regular $70.00 grade for $57.00
Winchester Rifles Mod. 189022 Cal.-reOMilnr S31 ornrle for 24.
The above ; quoted prices will place the gun you have been wanting m
at a figure you cannot afford to pass up. Hunting season is not
far off and from reports, we are in for a good season. Lets go.
Watts & Rogers
Athena, Oregon
October Record
Notable New Recordings by
Marlon Harris
Leopold Godowsky Al Bernard
Ernest Hare
Walter B. Rogers
and His Band
Latest Dance
Sensations by
Thco Karle
Marie Tiffany
Dorothy Jardon
Brox Sisters
Harry Reser
Introducing that famous Prima Donna ot Vaudeville, the erer-nopular
Marlon Harris, for flu. first time, aa an exclusive Brunswick Artist,
hinting- with Isnam Jones' Orchestra.
Isham Jones'
Carl Fenton't
Bennie Kruegcr's
Gene Rodemlch's
and Oriole Terrace
Hear the difference
Of lirunswick Records
&!!! Popular Dance Hits Selection
'sham Jones' f 5iobod. Lied Fox Trot )
r srsst u,v'a' Arm
Isluun Janes' f Away Down South Fox Trot "1
Orchestra Black Mammy Fox y
f,.'-.-" I Trot J
SatST" J "WB 'Trot8'. . .
rehM, 1 Who'll Take M, Place -Fox
oU52S!" I Mr Cradle Vleioi7llrox Trot I
I Loulslan' Fox Trot . ' 1
(Nobody Lores Me Now Fox
Trot (Piano Trio, Kodemlch-Mlverman-Wylle)
henever You're Lonesome
Fox Trot (Piano Trio, Rode-mlch-b'Uverman-Wylle)
! Songs-Concert and Ballad
No. Sire Price
2301 10 f .75
2-100 10 .15
MM 10 .75
MOS 10 .75
3.104 10 .75
tIM 10 M
Theo Karle (Tenor) . . .
Marie Tiffany (Soprano)
and Male Trio
Bonnie Wee Thins (Burns
Lehman) Good NlKht, Little Girl. Good
Nllhi (Hays-Mocy )....?!;
OP Car'Una (Cooke)
Darling Nelly Gray (Hanby) .
Leopold Godowsky
(Pianist). ...77...
( Polonaise Mint,
I (Op. to, No,
I Walts In K M,
Brunswick Concert
Walter B, Raters and
Ills Band
Harry Reser
(Banjo Solos)...
Marion Harris (Come
uiennei and iHham
aones orchestra
Mllltalre (A Major)
, ii tunoptn). . .
rat (Chopin)...
Blue Danube Walts (Strauss)
-,.,.,7,1 uiLntwira
WhtHtrrinir Flowers (von
Blon) Concert Orchestra. . .
Jolly Coppersmith (Peters)
Concert Band..
Hint Cotton March (Sousa)
Concert Band
Oraxy Jo' (Reser)
Pickln's (Reser)
13052 10 1.85
18011 10
90015 It t 00
20004 IS 1M
2307 10 .75
ISO! 10
Popular Songs
Brox Sisters (Vncsl
Trio) and Bcnnle
Krueter'e Orchestra
Dorothy Jardon
Sweet Indiana Ilome"-
IMIlt ,
Al Bernard and
Krnest Hare
( Tenor and Baritone )
My Cradle Melody
I'm Jnst Wild About Harry I
(From "Shuffle Alone".. . I
Away Down Soau )
Klcky-Koo ....... (
'Neath the Sooth Nm u. '
(From Zlesfeld Follies of
My Rambler Rase (From
Zlesfeld Follies of IsSS)...
Hurry Alans 'Lisa With Me.
Picnic Time
Mixed Choir of
The Orisinal Sacred
Harp Slivers
Sacred Songs
New Britain, c XI
Canaan's Lend. e. M
Soft Muste
Pleyei's Hymn, CtL.. '. '.
Penirk. CM.
The Christian Warfare .
Faster Anthem
Antloch, L. M.
D, , , ,
2310 10 .71
2309 10 .71
2S03 10 .75
13 10 1.00
MM 10 .75
5150 It 1.M
1151 It 1.00
Ut It 1.M
MM II 1.00
McFadden's Pharmacy
When You Are in
Don't Fail to Visit the
You can Save 20 to 25c on
the Dollar
Across Street From Alta Theatre
Al vays at your Service. First-class
Work guaranteed. We are
here to please you
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
It rcade in Athena, by Athena labor, in one oi the very- best
equipped nulla in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem
wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry-. Your
grocer tells the famous American Beauty Flour
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Vchena, Oregon. - WaitsburR, Wash
I The First National Bank E
gf Athena
Capital and Surplus $110,000.00