The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, September 29, 1922, Image 3

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    Press Paragraphs
Otha Reeder is in Portland this
Wm Singer of Weston was in Athe
Walla Walla.
o. names 01 weston, was lruttio the oast week
iiiy yesieraay,
Sim Culley of Weston was in Athe
na Wednesday.
Charles DuPuis of Adams was in
Athena Thursday.
Joe Scott of Pendleton, was in
Athena Wednesday.
George Winship was a Walla Wal
la visitor Wednesday.
Mrs. Hazel Raymond is a Walla
Walla visitor this week.
F. S. LeGrow and M. L. Watts were
business visitors in Pendleton.
J. H. Sturgis of Pendleton, was in
the city on business, Wednesday.
Get your seats for the Legion
smoker at McFadden's Pharmacy.
Mr. and Mrs. Kretzer have moved
into the Arbogast residence on 3rd
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dudley are
spending the week with friends in
See Wally Reid cross the contin
ent in a Ford tomorrow night at the
3erald Kilgore has finished put
ting un nis cron ot aita tn hnv wnst
of Athena.
Mrs. Sabina Morton came over
from her home in Seattle and last
week attended the Round-Up, besides
attending to her business interests
Sam Thompson well known far
mer, of Pendleton, was in the city
Mr. and Mrs. T. P. DeFreece were
guests of Mrs. Sims Dickenson, Sat
urday night.
mias uiarjone mil 01 INortn row- V Another shnwr Thnrsdav irht
der is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. El-LrVd to add moisture to the soil
mor Mernt.t. M i ....
DcProoo t t Ji. . uener conations lor seeamg.
uelreece was in town from L"T)r hnntm r rin tn,m l . y, . , , . ,
B Jur5i Ut acic isner naa as ner
S mountain trips, since the rains of eT,fist, insf TWsH.,r m a w ml.
ler and Mrs. H. E. McQuarry of Mil
ton. Guy Cronk and Ernest Chandler
were in Athena Monday, coming from
Holdman where they are hauling
hr-H, A. Barrett is at Palmer Junc-
William McCorkell was down from
his mountain ranch Wednesday, tran
sacting business.
The Press commercial printi -f de
partment is printing a year book for
the Etude Club,
enjoying a week's camping trip at
Bingham Springs.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer I. Watts are
expected home this week from their
British Columbia trip.
"Under Cover" a splendid Univcr
sal picture will be exhibited at the
Standard Sunday night.
William Schrimpf, who has been
confined to his home with illness, is
reported to be improving.
John Ridenour and John Stanton
left for the mountains on a deer
hunt, Wednesday morning.
Amiel Schubert is having improve
ments made to his dwelling house.
Scott Fisher is doing the work.
Grant Prestbye, service station
man, has been indisposed this week,
as the result of a severe cold.
The J. T. Club will meet Friday,
October 6th, at the home of Mrs.
J. T. Lieuallen, Jr., at Adams.
Quill Gerking came down from his
farm near Republic, Wash., for the
Round-Up, and visited at the home
of Mrs. Ann Taylor while here.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mclntyre and
daughter Katherine and son Neil, will
leave soon for Wasco to reside.
Miss Lois Cassil has been ill this
week and postponed her music class
from Wednesday until Saturday.
Fred Gross and John Morgan are (ion this week, where he is dispos-
That is have good health. You cannot have good health if you have poor
teeth. Your system absorb a great amount of poison from bad teeth.
Do not allow them to go on decaying. This is all aside from looks and
comfort. Take a mirror, look at your teeth, then come in and I'll look.
Together we'll arrange to put your mouth in a healthy condition, before
you have to call on a doctor. I do not allow any dentist to excel my
work, and very few can, or do try to compete with me in prices. Good
materials and "last but not least," best looking work.
Located in Athena, Oregon. DR. A. C. FROOM
The Real Neatsfoot Harness Oil
Prestbye's Service Station
" Where You and, Service Meet"
Gas Accessories
Model Cleaners
and Dyers
Pendleton, Oregon
We Clean and Dye everything that is Cleanable or
Dyeable. Suits made to order. Give your bundle
to the Troy Laundry driver.
ing of his crop of lambs to Eastern
Mrs. John Walker and daughter
Margaret were at Walla Walla this
week during the death and burial of
Lowell Richmond.
E. A. Mann, of Portland, formerly
a practicing dentist at Pendleton,
was in Athena yesterday, renewing
acquaintances here.
Miss Mattie Coppock returned
Monday from College Place sanitar
ium, where she was operated on for
removal of tonsils.
A number of severe colds, in some
instances resembling the grippe, has
been prevalent in Athena families
during the past week,
Mr. and' Mrs. Delbert Clore and
children have returned to their heme
near Vale, after visiting relatives
here and in Pendleton.
Neil Graham, of Reedsport, Ore
gon, yas a guest during the week
at the Boyd home, having come up
to attend the Round-Up.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Johnson, havin
leased the home place to their son;
Carl and Fred, contemplate spending
the winter in California.
Scott Fisher has returned from a
trip to Umatilla and is engaged on
carpenter work on the Schubert
home, which he is remodeling.
The different woman's clubs of
Athena are preparing for activities,
after the suspension of club endeav
or during the summer months.
Miss Pauline Myrick spent tho
week end at the home of her brother,
Jess Myrick. Miss Myrick is employed
by the Standard Oil Co. at Walla
Mrs. Minnie DePeaft has returned
home after spending last week at
Milton. She was accompanied home
Saturday by her daughter, Mrs. 0.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Willaby will
soon move from the W. P. Willaby
farm northeast of town to the home
place just west of town, where they
will reside.
and Mrs. James Ross and
ghters of Dayjjon and Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Raymond and son War
ren, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Cass Cannon.
Miss "Gwendolyn Mclntyre of Ad
ams, a graduate of the Athena high
school, class '22, was recently mar
ried in Pendleton to Mr. Wyble Pat
ton of that city.
Mrs. E. C. Prestbye, who is visiting
tives at Aberdeen, Wash., enroute
home from her summer vacation at
Glacier National Park, is expected
to arrive shortly.
The condition of Mrs. Georgs Clore
of Pendleton is reported very ser
ious. She is attended by h'r sis
ters, Mrs. Effie Smith and Mrs. W.
R. Taylor, and her mother.
Mrs. Alf Johnson of Walla Walla,
was operated on at a hospital in that
city Wednesday of this week. Her
sister, Mrs. John Stanton, went
to Walla Walla, Wednesday m tiling.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Frazier of
Milton, were guests over the week
end at the J. W. Pinkerton home,
and in company with Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Pinkerton, attended the Round-Up.
At the meeting of Mignonette Re
bekah lodge held Tuesday night-
Miss Francis Williams, Noble Grand;
Miss Edna Pinkerton, Vice Grand
were installed in their respective of
The young folks of the Baptist
church and their friends enjoyed an
evening at games and sociability at
the church Wednesday evening. A
generous lunch was a feature of the
Dr. and Mrs. F. D. Watts have
moved their household goods to Pen
dleton, wnere they have leased a
residence on Water street. Their
Athena residence Will be occupied by
Mr. and Mrs. H. L: Watts.
October 5th is ;the last (IK on
which the second payment of county
and state taxes may be paid before
becoming delinquent. So remember
to make your second and last pay
ment on or before that date.
A. L. Swaggart is up from his
Portland home, to see that seeding
operations are carried on properly at
his ranch north of Athena. On his
return to Portland, he will be accom
panied by his daughter, Blanche.
Samuel Pambrun is again putting
miniature lake in condition to
hold water at his home place, south
of Athena. Substantial concrete work
is being done, and the little lake will
again be stocked with brook trout.
Ld3en Gerking is teaching his fifth
wfek of school
oni ...
fill re
v Mr.
At This
Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and you will be healthy and happy.
Vegetables contain ;just the things you need to keep your system in fine
working order and if you neglect it you may get all run down. Buy from
us. The best vegetables on the market are forwarded to us daily. Give us
your grocery order today.
Quality Quantity, Service. Phone 171. ' Athena, Oregon
in the Rawhide dis
trict, where he has twelve pupils.
The school board has caused to be
erected a neat teacherage for the
convenience of Mr. Gerking and wife.
Meetings of Neighbor of Wood
craft will be held hereafter on the
first and third Tuesday nights of
each month at 7:30, in K. of P.
& 0. 0. F. Hall, instead of Tuesday
afternoons. By order of the Guardia'i
Guests at the Bert Logsdon horm
during Round-Up week were Mrs
Will Warnock, Mrs. Margaret Heac1
and sons Otho and Jack of Joseph
Mrs. D. H. Mansfield, Miss Velva
Mansfield and Miss Mildred Dicken
son of Walla Walla.
Mrs. M. M. Johns has moved her
household effects into the residence
on Adams street recently purchased
from Mrs. Jerry Stone, and will oc
cupy the house soon after October
1st. Some modern improvements
will be made to the interior.
Miss Charlotte Fisher was honored
with a genuine surprise part Mon
day evening, when twenty of her lit
tle friends assembled at her home
to celebrate her tenth birthday. The
evening was brim full of fun and
games, and a birthday cake regaled
the youngsters.
Athena high school football team
is practicing daily for the scrimm
ages they are scheduled to engage
in soon. The first game on the
home grounds will be on October 14
when Pendleton high school comes
for its annual gridrion battle with
the local players.
or expect to ever own one, Jo not
If you own a Ford, ever did " vn
fail to see Wallace Reid in "Across
the Continent" at the Standard 1 hea
tre tomorrow, Saturday night. Reid
will demonstrate to the satisfaction
of all that he can do more with e
Ford than Henry can.
fCharles Dudley, manager of the
J. C. Penney store is in Portland.
attending the convention of the Pen
ney store heads, and to purchases
goods for the fall and wipter season,
During Mr. Dudley's absence, Miss
Mamie Barnes of the Pendleton store
Is assisting the sales force.
frWill Pinkert'on has fresh straw-
1 .i '. . .
uctiiea iui nit: i i u m any time nc
cares to go into the garden and pick
them. His Everbearing vines are now
loaded with blossoms, green and
ripe berries. "Billy" finds his straw
berry patch to be the most profita
ble, in point of production, of any
department of his garden.
Members of Mackenzie Chapter 0.
E. S. are reminded that next Wed
nesday evening, October 4th, is tho
regular meeting night of the chapter,
and are requested to be present for
rehearsal, in preparation for the vis
it of the Worthy Grand Matron,
which occurs on the following meet
ing. By order of the Worthy Matron.
Carl Jthnson, son of Alex Johnson,
well known farmer, and Miss Mil
dred Fanning of Weston, were united
in marriage at Pendleton, "Friday.
The bride and groom after a short
wedding trip will reside on the Jo'in
son farm, northeast of Athena. Ci
Johnson and his brother Fr-d will
farm the Johnson ranch in 'o i cction
with other land they havfl under
I lease.
11 Quality Aluminum
Kitchen Set
Consisting of
One Large Basting Spoon
One I,ong Handled Skimmer
One Pancake Turner
One Egg Beater
One Large Mixing Spoon
All hung on a neat rack, just the thing for
your Kitchen, per set, $1.25.
Athena Department Store
For Lower Prices, Phone 152
Saturday, September 30
International News. Two Reel Western. 10c-25c-35c, Tax Included
Sunday, September 1
The Ian Under Cover
An exceptionally good Universal Picture
Pathe Review. . Admission, 10c-25c-35c, Tax Paid
Coming October 7