The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, September 15, 1922, Image 3

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    Press Paragraphs
Dean Dudley was in Holdman this
Bert White was in Pendleton Wed
nesday. Mrs. Fred Gross was in Milton,
Seth Hyatt of Gibbon, was in Athe
na, Tuesday.
Mr. Bill Murray left yesterday for
La Grande, Oregon.
Albert Gould, Weston farmer, was
in Athena, Thursday.
Mrs. Alfred Pambrun visited friends
in Pendleton, Tuesday.
Otho Reeder was a business visitor
in Pendleton, Tuesday.
W. S. Ferguson transacted business
tot Pendleton, Tuesday.
"Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Flint Johns,
i eptember 10, 1922, a son.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Keller have re
turned from Wallowa Lake.
E. C. Prestbye was in Pendleton
Wednesday on legal business..
Mrs. Hazel Raymon and baby are
visiting friends in Walla Walla.
Mrs. G. W. Gross and Miss Verva
Gross were in Pendleton, Thursday.
Ralph Haynie and Mose Banister
were Pendleton visitors, Wednesday.
Vernie Marr, Will Hall of Weston
mountain, were in Athena, Tuesday.
Mrs. Henry Dell and daughter Lu
cinda were in Walla Walla Tuesday.
Tom Gilkey has joined the party of
Athena hunters on the Grande Ronde
Elmer Booher is up from Condon.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Haynie an
Mrs. L. H. Kretzer motored to Mil
ton, Sunday.
Mrs. Marion Jack of Pendleton was
a guest of her mother, Mrs. C. T.
Smith, Monday night.
Dean Willaby is spending a few
days in Athena.coming from Condon
the fore part of last week.
S. C. Stone, who is one of railway
guards at Umatilla, was up from the
htailroad town over the week-end.
yMiss Savannah Smith is returning
to oneney Washington Sunday to at
tend the winter course at the Normal?
Miss Hilda Dickensen spent the
week-end with her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. lom Deireece at Walla.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gagnon
spent the week-end at Bingham
Miss Areta Littlejohn visited re
latives in Pendleton the fore part of
the week.
The Walla Walla fair is drawing
many visitors from Umatilla county
this week.
Scoutmaster Stephens and his troop
returned Saturday morning from
Bingham Springs where the lads en
joyed a fine outing. The trip was
made in automobiles.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Logsdon, who
spent last week at Wallowa Lake,
drove to Vale, Malheur county, to
visit Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Clore.
Rev. and Mrs. Lowther have de
parted for Bridgeport, Wash., where
Mr. Lowther will be the pastor of the
Methodist church during the coming
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Myrick, Mr.
and Mrs. Arnold Woods and Miss
Beulah Banister returned home from
a fishing trip at Wallowa Lake, on
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Payne and small
(aughter Annabel are visiting rela
ives in Athena. They are returning
to their home in Joseph the last part
Walla. lof the week.
Mrs. F. B. Boyd and brother, JohnJL. Mrs. M. M. Johns has purchased
Ridenour returned Tuesday from a the residence on Adams street, be-
visit with relatives in Portland and
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Keen, Mr.
and Mrs. Marvin Keen, and Miss
Thelma Keen were Athena visitors
4Jrs. Catherine McCool, wife of the
tween Third and Fourth, of Mrs. Jer
ry Stone, and will make her home per
manently in Athena.
Two daughters of Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Johnson will attend college this
year. Miss Minnie will enter Univer
sity of Oregon and Miss Helen will
ditor of the Portland News, is a I attend Whitman college.
guest oi ner sisier-m-iaw, rars. ij. it. xtniss tatnnne rroome and M:ss
McEwen. Hazel Sanders will leave for Port-
Worth Watts is driving a new Ford
sedan. He will drive it to Corvallia
where he enters his second year at
0. A. C.
Amos O'Dell will run the village
barber shop in Happy Canyon, Pen
leton's big night show, during the
Mr. and Mrs. Sims Dickenson and
daughter Gladys were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Tom DeFreece at Walla Wal-
Lla. RunHav.
He raised a good crop of wheat this dMiss Juanita Woodruff has returned
Itinn'i Kha in pfairinf urtth liar
aunt, Mrs. Arthur Coppock for the
school term.
George Winship returned Wednes
day from a visit at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Win
ship, in Salem.
Miss Walthia Haynie has returned
from a couple of weeks visit with
friends in Spokane, and entered Athe
na high school.
Athena admirers of the Pendleton
Round-Up are in attendance every
afternoon now while the tryouts of
bucking horses are being made.
The Real Neatsfoot Harness Oil
Prestbye's Service Station
" Where You and Service Meet"
Model Cleaners
and Dyers
Pendleton, Oregon
We Clean and Dye everything that is Cleanable or
Dyeable. Suits made to order. Give your bundle
to the Troy Laundry driver.
land next week, where they will visit
.friends a few days before going to
Corvallis to enter 0. A. C.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Prestbye will
reside in the Stone cottage on North
Fifth street. S. C. Stone was up
from Umatilla last week and leased
the residence to Mr. Prestbye.
Boy Scout meeting at Legion Hall
Monday night. All scouts requested
to be present. This meeting will be
the first since the summer vacation
M. L. Watts who is a director rep
resenting Umatilla county in the
State Highway Scenic Preservation
Association, expects to meet with the
association at Portland, tomorrow.
Miss Lois Cassil was in Athena on
Wednesday to arrange her schedule
for music classes for the coming
year. Miss Cassil represents the
Malen Burnett School of Music of
Walla Walla.
Mrs. S. S. Piersol has '.eft on a visit
to her son, Russell, at Wasco,
Oregon. From there she will proceed
to Roseburg, where she will spjnd
several weeks with her daughter, Mrs.
Elmer Johnson.
LMrs. Sam Booher and daughter
Marjorie returned home from St.
Anthony's hospital, Pendleton, where
Marjorie had her tonsils and adnoids
removed Monday. MiBs Marjorie is
convalescing nicely.
XMiss Lela Schubert is taking a
oommerical course, including steno
graphy, at Walla Walla business col
lege. Miss Schubert was a member
of last year's graduating class at
Athena high school.
Lois Wilson, Milton Sills, Theodore
Roberts and Helen Ferguson are the
Paramount stars who appear in "Miss
Lulu licit," an especially beautiful
picture of a splendid story at the
myinwrtw nichf Tlnn't mien
rthis one.
' "Viliss Areta Littlejohn will soon re
I turn to University of Oregon to re-
will attend the University this yeor
as a freshman. She will be accom
panied next week as far as Portland
by her parents.
Thj new pipe line laid xmdtr the
Mam street pavement has sprung a
At This
Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and you will be healthy and happy.
Vegetables contain just the things you need , to keep your system in fine
working order and if you neglect it you may get all run down. Buy from
us. The best vegetables on the market are forwarded to us daily. Give us
your grocery order today.
Quality Quantity, Service. Phone 171. Athena, Oregon
leak, and water is flowing into the
basement of Standard Theatre base
ment. One hole has already been cut
into the pavement and a leak .toppil,
however, other leakaare in evidence.
Fred Fished of Merced, California,
and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Armstrong
of Seattle, were guats at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Harden, Tuesday.
Mr. Armstrong is assistant manager
of the Seattle Times, and Mr. Fisher
was formerly engaged in the harness
business in Athena.
Miss Lillian Gerking, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. George Gerking, has
been a patient at College Place San
itarium part of the past week, where
Dr. Watts removed her tonsils. She
has returned home and with her sis
ter, will soon leave for Spokane to
attend college the coming year.
ju. m. watrus, ior many years a
resident of this county, living on a
ranch near Adams,, died Monday at
Eugene. Mr. Watrus was about 80
years of age. He is survivied by
his widow, four sont and two daugh
ters. Funeral services were held at
Adams yesterday, interment taking
place in Athena cemetary.
Miss Edna Pinkerton attended the
wedding of her cousin, Miss Rena
Hales, and Mr. Clifford Holdman, in
Pendleton, Tuesday afternoon. The
marriage ceremony was performed by
Rev. George L. Clark, at the home of
the bride. After a short wedding
trip, the bride and groom will return
to the Holdman ranch, where they
will reside.
A charivari party surprised Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Stockstill and Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Arbogast by calling on
them unannounced, Monday night. Mr.
and Mrs. Stockstill are newlyweds.
Mr. and Mrs. Arbogast, former high
school students here have been mar
ried several months, and reside at
Ritter, Grant county. They are here
on a visit to relatives.
29 Years Ago
September 15, 1893.
L. A. Githens, book-keeper in Ber
gevin Bros, store is suffering from a
severe cold.
The Butter creek farmers in Mor
row county report an adundant crop
of hay in their locality, which can
be bought at the present time for $4
per ton.
Long Creek Eagle: Ben Carter and
Norve Hamilton returned from Uma
tilla county last week where they
have been laboring during harvest.
"There is plenty of work in that
country," they said, "if a man will
agree to wait for his money."
Robert McBroom, while engaged in
unloading grain Tuesday on the farm
of Mr. DeGraw, about three miles
south of Weston, was suddenly over
come by the heat and fell to the
ground in an unconscious condition.
Jack Caviness and Willie Turner of
Pendleton, while out on a fishing ex
cursion at Desolation Lake, were visi
ted one night by a huge mountain
lion. Although the brute avoided the
boys it devoured a venison that the
boys had killed the day previous.
John Foss will open school Monday
next at the Union school house on
Gerking Flat.
Mrs. Fred Rosenzweig and children
returned from the mountains this
week, with a bountiful supply of
A populist paper, the Living Issue,
published at John Day City, Grant
county, has suspended. Thus one by
one do "the daisies" die.
The Inland Republican family are
on the sick list this week and Irving
McQuary came to the rescue and got
out the sheet. The Press hopes that
Mr. and Mrs. Hendricks will speedily
Yesterday noon the Chinamen at
Charley Sing's wash house became in-
volvel in a free fight, and the way
"pig tails" and jargon flew in the
air was a caution. They scratched,
screamed, pulled hair and fought like
demons. 1
The Churches
Baptist Services
Sunday service, 10 a. m. Special
service, Rally day. Morning worship,
11 a. ri. Subject, "The Ward and
Spirit." Evening service, 7:30 p. m.
Subject, "The Justice of God."
Thursday, midweek service, 7:30 p.
E. B. Johnson, Pastor.
Church of Christ
Bible school, 10 a. m. Communion,
11 a. m. The subject of the morning
sermon will be "The Urge of Our
Convictions." The evening service
will begin at 7:30 p. m. The subject
of sermon, "Holding In Remembr
ance." All are cordially invited to
worship with us.
F. E. Russell, Pastor.
Methodist Services
Rev. W. S. Payne of Weston, will
conduct services at the Methodist
, Episcopal church in Athena, Sunday
j morning at 11 o'clock, a. m. All are
I cordially invited to attend the services.
Liquid Sunshine
ij We are introducing the new, modern, up-to-date j
j i way of cleaning your silver. j i
i J I
ij Simply- dip all flat silver in container, stir thor- ij
1 1 oughly and wipe while damp with clean, dry" l
Works like magic, without labor. Attacks foreign !j
substance only, leaving metal safe and with hieh !)
$ polish. i
S Sav: your Silver, save time, save yourself. Use Liq- jjj
gj uid Sunshine, 40c and 65c per can. S
J 1
! Athena Department Store ;j
m J n -r mmL' . .1
For Lower Prices, Phone 152
Saturday, September 16
mm tin, MBKr fEKd
v-v r iiiiuiii vtvi mil. a mi lanmi
(paramount L
i Qlcture r
I 1 '
as Lulu Getl,
the drudging
spinster mu
for love
as the runaway.
Jlirt who flung a
bomb ct Lulu's
International News
Two Reel Western
10c-25-35c tax included
Sunday, September 17
Bright, Clean Comedy
A New Star
at the Standard, supported by a big company
Pathe Review. Admission, 10c-25c-35c, Tax Paid