The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, August 25, 1922, Image 2

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Be it resolved by the City of Athe
na, Umatilla County, Oregon, that
the following Act to make charter
provision governing finances of the
City of Athena, and to amend the
Act of the Legislature of the State
of Oregon, filed with the Secretarv
of State, January 27th, 1905, being
original House Bill No. 39 and am
endments thereto, by adding to said
City Charter Article XI, be and the
same hereby is proposed for sub
mission to the legal voters of said
City for their adoption or rejection
at a special election to be held on
the 6th day of September, 1922, as
follovrtSL -
Section 1. The City of Athena
shall have power
1. To control the finances and pro
perty of the corporation and to ac-
, quire by purchase or otherwise, lands
and other property for corporate uses
provided by the charter and to dis
pose of any such property as the in
terest of the City may, from time
to time, require.
2. To borrow money for corporate
purposes on the credit of the corpora
tion and to issue negotiable bonds
therefor, unon the conditions and in
the manner hereinafter provided, but
the said City shall not in any manner
or for any purpose, become indebted
to an amount in the aggregate to ex
ceed ten per centum of the value of
the taxable property therein, as as
certained by the last assessment for
citv nurnoscs previous to tne incul
to be of such denomination and to
bear such date and rate of interest
and to run for such length of time
as may be determined by the City
Council. Said bonds, when issued,
both as to principal and interest,
shall be cxempf from all taxation
and shall be a valid, binding and sub
sisting general obligation of the said
City, and neither tee said bonds nor
the indebtedness funded thereby shall
ever be open to contest by the City
or any of its officers, or by any per
son, corporation or association for
or on its or their behalf, for any
reason whatsoever. ,
Section 2. The said bonds to be
issued are for the payment of indebt
edness heretofore incurred as follows :
Upon a judgment in a damage suit
against the City of Athena; for addi
tion to the lighting of the City; ac
crued salary; general expenses; for
municipal water system, and other
incidental expenses of the said City
heretofore incurred, and the said in
debtedness for each of said purposes
for which moneys have been actually
expended is hereby ratified and con
firmed as a legal, binding obligation
of the City of Athena.
Be it further resolved by the City
of Athena, Umatilla County, Oregon,
that the following Act to make char
ter provision governing claims again
st the City of Athena, and to amend
the Act of the Legislature of the
nrcran. filed with the Sec
retary of State, January 27th, 1905,
. . " . . , it ... mil xt on 1
being original House rjiu u. or, "
Amendments thereto, by adding to
.; Charter. Article XIII, bo
and the same hereby is proposed for
'c w aH iidn mtini u nn t.n tho lee-a voters ol said
of indebtedness incurred for munici-lCity for their adoption or rejection
pally owned water works, and local at a special election to be held the
improvement bonds. 6th day of September, 1922, as fol-
3. To issue bonds in place of or to lows:
sunnlv the means to meet maturing! ARTICLE XIII.
bonds or other indebtedness hereto
fore issued or that may hereafter be
incurred, for the purpose of funding
the same.
Section 2. Whenever the City ol
Section 1. All claims or demands
against the City of Athena shall be
presented to and audited by the
Athena, acting by its Council or upon .,ations u they may by ordinance
initiative petition, may deem it nec- cribe and upon thc allowance of
cssary or expedient to incur indebt- h clajms or demands, the Recor
cdness or to borrow money for mun- . ghB draw R w(lrrant upon the
icipal purposes, the said City shall hy I Treasurer for the amount allowed,
ordinance authorize the issuance of hj(,h gai(1 warrant shan be counter
general obligation municipal bonds., . . . thfi M an( shall spec.
Such ordinance shall state the amount , Kft th purposc for which the same
proposed to be raised and the pur- . drawn
pose or purposes for which the money I Section 2. No claim against the
raised is to be expended, and shall cj. haH be , untjI u jg audited
immediately upon its JjMmn. 'M and allowed by the Council and then
ferred to a vote of the legal voters warrant drawn on the Treas-
of the City of Athena, y g, h Recorder, countersigned
provided for special elections m sal(l bv the Mavor
City, provided that if the bonds to. be it FURTHER RESOLVED that
be issued, together with all Wtstand- resolutloni or the proposed char
ing indebtedness of the city exclusive amcndments to be submitted to
of any indebtedness for municipally , , t f th cit ol Athe.
owned water works, and local improve ; " Jf?" .S h 25f3 with the
ment bonds, shall not exceed two per
centum of the assessed value of al!
of thc taxable property in the City
such bonds may be issued and sold
without any election authorizing the
issuance thereof, upon the passage
and approval of an ordinance author
izing the issuance of the same.
Section 3. Any bonds heretofore
or hereafter issued by the City of
Athena and any warrants so issued
for indebtedness which shall there
tofore have been approved by the
legal voters of the City of Athena,
may be refunded in the discretion of
the City Council, whenever there is
not sufficient money in the Treasury
in thc bond redemption fund or other
wise provided for that purpose, to
pay such bonds, warrants or indebt
edness and legally appucame inereiu.
Section 4. Any bonds authorized by
the City shall be in denomination of
not less than unc nunurai (iuu.uuj
Dollars nor more than One Thous
and ($1000.00) Dollars; shall be num
bered from one up consecutively;
shall bear the date of their issue;
shall be payable not more than twenty-five
years from date, and shall
bear interest at not more than
six per cent, per annum, payable
semi-annually, and thc principal and
interest shall be payable at such place
as may be designated. The bonds
shall be signed by the Mayor and at
tested by the Recorder and the Seal
of the City shall be thereto attach
ed. If coupon bonds, the coupons
shall be signed by thc Mayor and at
tested by the Recorder, either by
manual or fac-simile signature.
Section 5. Any bonds authorized
to be issued by the vote of a majority
of the legal voters of the City of
Athena, or otherwise authorized un
der the provision of this Article, shall
be printed, engraved or lithographed
on good bond paper, and shall be in
such form as may Oe prescribed by
the City Council by resolution or
ordinance, and shall be sold in such
manner as shall be deemed aovisanic
and advantageous by the City Council.
Section 6. No bonds issued under
the provisions of this charter shall be
sold or exchanged at less than their
par value, and all moneys derived
from the sale of such bonds shall be
immediately deported in a special
fund and shall not be expended for
any other purposes than that for
which such bonds were authorized and
Section 7. There shall be levied
each year u tax upon the taxable pro
perty within thc City sufficient to
pay the interest on bonds outstand
ing as the same accrues, and the prin
cipal of said bonds from time to
time, at the maturity thereof, which
taxes shall become due and collect
ible as other taxes,
Be it further resolved by the City
of Athena, Umatilla County, Oregon,
that the folowing Act to make char
ter provision providing for the isau
nncn of bonds and validating out
standing indebtedness, and to amend
tho Act of the Legislature of the
State of Oregon, filed with the Sec
retary of State. January 27th. 1906,
being original House Bill No. 39 and
Amendments thereto, by adding to
Recorder of said City of Athena, for
submission to the legal voters lor
their rejection or approval, to be vo
ted on at a special election to be held
as herein provided.
that the Council of the City of Athe
na deems it advisable and does here
by and herein call and make necess
ary provision for the holding of said
special election, which is hereby called
to be held on the 6th day of Sept
ember, 1922, between the hours of
eight o'clock a. m. and eight o'clock
p. m. of said day, at the City Hall in
said City, and the following named
persons are hereby designated and
appointed as Judges and Clerks of
said election, to-wit:
Judges of Election
Clerks of Election.
that for the hereinbefore charter
amendments the followimr ballot ti
tle be and the same hereby is adopted,
as follows, to-wit: i
Charter Amendments referred to
the people of the City of Athena by
the Common Council:
An Act to make charter nrovisions
governing the finances of the City of
Athena, Bnd to amend an Act oi tne
Legislature of the State of Oregon,
filed with the Secretary of State,
January 27th, 1905, by adding there
to Article XI governing finances and
indebtedness of said City.
To make charter provision for the
issuance of bonds of the City of Athe
na for refunding outstanding indebt
edness and validating outstanding
indebtedness and to amend an act of
the Legislature of the State of Ore-
fon, filed with the Secretary of State,
anuary 27th, 1905, by adding there
to Article XII for the issuance of
bonds and validating indebtedness and
providing for tax levy to pay prin
cipal and interest thereon.
To make charter provision govern
ing claims against the City of Athe
na, and to amend an Act of the Leg
islature of the State of Oregon, filed
with the Secretary of State, January
27th, 1905, by adding thereto Article
that the Recorder be and he hereby
is instructed and required to publish
said UIW natter Atticio All, oe aim : mis Resolution tor a period M two
the same hereby is proposed for sub-1 weeks prior to the (late of said el
mission to the legal voters of said i cction, and shall cause a copy of the
City lor their adoption or rejection measures to be voted upon thereat
to be posted up in three public places
in said City for at least fifteen days
prior to the election.
Passed by the Common Council on
this 6th day of August, 1922, by
at a special election to be held the
6th day of September, 1922, as fol
lows :
l'URPOSE OF PROVIDING 'UMHn , tnc following vote-
ivnn wnan iu nrJLr..rJiu inoi Aves 5
DEBTEDNESS OF THE CITY. Submitted to the Mayor this 5th
Section 1. The City Council is , day of August, 1922.
hereby authorized and empowered to j Approved by the Mayor this 5th
issue and negotiate general obliga- duy of August, 1922.
tion couoon bonds of the said City I H. A. BARRETT. Mayor.
in the principal Bum of Twenty Thou- Attest: B. B. RICHARDS,
sand ($20,000.00) Dollars, said bonds
City Recorder.
that on Wednesday the 6th day of
September, 1922, a special election
of the legal electors of the City of
Athena will be held in the Council
Room of said City Council, at which
time there will be submitted to said
electors the following measures:
Section 1. The City of Athena shall
have power
1. To control the finances and
property of the corporation and to
acquire by purchase or otherwise,
lands and other property for corpor
ate, uses provided by the charter and
to dispose of any such property as
the interest of the City may, from
time to time, require.
2. To borrow money for corporate
purposes on the credit of the corpora
tion and to issue negotiable bonds
therefor, upon the conditions and in
the manner hereinafter, provided,
but the said City shall not in any
manner or for any purpose, become
indebted to an amount in the aggre
gate to exceed ten per centum of the
value of the taxable property therein,
as ascertained by the last assessment
for city purposes previous to the in
curring of such indebtedness, exclu
sive of indebtedness incurred for
municipally owned water works, and
local improvement bonds.
3. To issue bonds in place of or
to supply the means to meet matur
ing bonds or other indebtedness here
tofore issued or that may hereafter
be incurred, for the purpose of fund
ing the same.
Section 2. Whenever the City of
Athena, acting by its Council or upon
initiative petition, may deem it nec
essary or expedient to incur indebt
edness or to borrow money for mun
icipal purposes, the said City shall
by ordinance authorzie the issuance
of general obligation municipal bonds.
Such ordinance shall state the amount
proposed to be raised and the pur
pose or purposes for which the money
raised is to be expended, and shall
immediately upon its passage, be re
ferred to a vote of the legal Voters
of the City of Athena, upon notice
provided for special elections in said
City, provided that if the bonds to be
issued, together with all outstand
ing indebtedness of the city, exclu
sive of any indebtedness for munici
pally owned water works, and local
improvement bonds, shall not exceed
two per centum of the assessed value
of all of the taxable property in the
City, such bonds, may be issued and
sold without any election authoriz
ing the issuance thereof, upon thc
passage and approval of an ordinance
authorizing the issuance of the same.
Section 3. Any bonds heretofore or
hereafter issued by the City of Athe
na and any warrants so issued for
indebtedness which shall theretofore
have been approved by the legal vo
ters of the City of Athena, may be
refunded in the discretion of the City
Council, whenever there is not suf
ficient money in the Treasury in the
bond redemption fund or otherwise
provided for that purpose, to pay such
bonds, warrants or indebtedness and
legally applicable thereto.
Section 4. Any bonds authorized
by the City shall be in denomination
of not less than One Hundred ($100.
00) Dollars nor more than One Thou
sand ($1000.00) Dollars; Bhall be
numbered from one up consecutively;
shall bear the date of their issue;
shall be payable not more than twenty-five
years from date, and shall
bear interest at not more than six
per cent, per annum, payable semi
annually, and the principal and inter
est shall be payable at such place as
may be designated. The bonds shall
be signed by the Mayor and attested
by the Recorder and the Seal of the
City shall be thereto attached. If
coupon bonds, the coupon shall be
signed by the Mayor and attested
by the Recorder, either by manual
or fac-simile signature.
Section 5. Any bonds authorized
to be issued by the vote of a majority
of the legal voters of the City of
Athena, or otherwise authorized un
der the provision of this Article, shall
be printed, engraved or lithographed
on good bond paper, and shall be in
such form as may be prescribed by
the City Council by resolution or or
dinance, and shall be sold in such
manner as shall be deemed advisable
and advantageous by the City Coun
cil. Section 6. No bonds issued under
the provisions of this charter shall
be sold or exchanged at less than
their par value, and all moneys de
rived from the sale of such bonds,
shall be immediately deposited in a
special fund and shall not be expen
ded for any other purposes than that
for which such bonds were authorized
and issued.
Section 7. There shall be levied
each year a tax upon the taxable
property within the City sufficient
to pay the interest on bonds out
standing, as the sume accrues, and
tho principal of said bonds from time
to time, at the maturity thereof,
which taxes shall become due and col
lectible as other taxes.
Section 1. The Citv Council Is
hereby authorized and empowered to
issue and negotiate general obligation
coupon bonds of the said citv in the
principal sum of Twenty Thousand
($20,000.00) Dollars, said bonds to be
of such denomination and to bear
such date and rate of interest and to
run for such length of time as may
be determined by the City Council.
aid bonds, when issued, both as to
principal and interest, shall be exempt
irom an taxation and shall be a
valid, binding and subsisting general
obligation of thc said City, and nei
ther the said bonds nor the indebt
edness funded thereby shall ever be
open to contest by the City or any of
its officers, or by any person, cor
poration or association for or on its
or their behalf, for any reason what
soever. Section 2. The said bonds to be
issued are for the payment of in
debtedness heretofore incurred as
follows: Upon a judgment in a dam
age suit against the City of AUienn;
for addition to the lighting of the
City; accrued salary: general expen
ses; for municipal water system; andj
other incidental expenses of tho said
City heretofore incurred, and the
said indebtedness for each of said ;
purposes for which moneys; have been ,
actually expended is hereby ratified
and confirmed as a legal, binding ob
ligation of the City of Athena.
Section 1. All claims or demands
against the City of Athena shall be
presented to and auaited by the Coun
cil in accordance with such regula
tions as they may by ordinance pre
scribed, and upon the allowance of
such claims or demands, the Recorder
shall draw a warrant upon the Treas
urer for the amount allowed, which
said warrant shall be countersigned
by the Mayor and shall specify the
purpose for which the same is
Section 2. No claim against the
City shall be paid until it .8 audited
and allowed by the Council and then
only by warrant drawn on the Treas
urer by the Recorder, countersigned
by the Mayor.
Witness the hand of the Recorder
and Mayor of the City of Athena, to
gether with the Seal of said City
this 5th day of August, 1922.
B. B. RICHARDS, Recorder.
(Seal) H. A. BARRETT, Mayor.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Uma
tilla. John Vert and Jessie S. Vert
Christian H. Carlson, sometimes
known as Chris H. Carlson, Defen
dant. To Christian H. Carlson, sometimes
known as Chris H. Carlson, the above
named defendant:
You are hereby notified that John
Vert and Jessie S. Vert the holders
of Certificate of Delinquency num
bered 1576 issued on the 6th day of
May, 1919, by the Tax Collector of
thc County of Umatilla, State of
Oregon, for the amount of Two and
80-100 Dollars, the same being the
amount then due and delinquent for
taxes for the year 1917, together
with penalty, interest and costs there
on upon the real property assessed
to you, of which you are the owner
as appears of record, situated in said
County and State, and particularly
bounded and described as follows, to
wit: The North Half of Northeast Quar
ter of Section Twenty-six, Town
ship One South, Range Thirty-five
E. W. M.
You are further notified that said
John Vert and Jessie S. Vert, have
paid taxes on said premises for prior
or subsequent years with the rate of
interest on said amounts as follows:
Year's Tax, 1918; Date Paid, May
3, 1919; Tax Receipt Number, 5819;
amount, $2.70; rate of interest, 12
per cent.
Year's tax, 1919; date paid, April 5,
1920; tax receipt number, 5762;
amount, $4.20; rate of interest, 12
per cent.
Year's tax, 1920; date paid, March
19, 1921; tax receipt number, 1769;
amount, $5.18; rate of interest, 12
per cent.
Said defendant, as the owner of the
legal title of the above described
property as the same appears of rec
ord, and each of the other persons
above named are hereby further not
ified that John Vert and Jessie S.
Vert, plaintiffs herein, will apply to
the Circuit Court of the County and
State aforesaid for a decree foreclos
ing the lien against the property a
bove described and mentioned in said
certificate. And you are hereby sum
moned to annear within sixty days
after the first publication of the sum
mons exclusive of the day of said first
publication, and defend this action or
pay the amount due as above shown
together with costs and accrued in
terest and in case of your failure to
do so, a decree will be rendered fore
closing the lien of said taxes and exists
against the land and premises above
This summons is published by or
der of the Honorable Gilbert II.
Phelns. Judge of the Circuit Court
of the State of Oregon, for the Coun
ty of Umatilla, and said order was
made and dated this 2nd day of Au
gust, 1922, and the date of the first
publication of this summons is the
11th day of August, 1922.
All process and papers in this pro
ceeding may be served upon the un
dersigned residing within the State
of Oregon, at the address hereafter
Ralev, Raley & Steiwer, Attorney s
for the Plaintiff.
Address, Pendleton, Oregon.
OF71 rTi A orrmi?vrnn aTATOTTQ
ft; oil VEjr nnxaiEm oiuimu
.Fall Millinery
Smart Shapes and Colors
IW ate sKowing some beautiful styles in Fall millinery,
and in your early inspections we invite your consideration
gffisr iplsndicl yaluei i
$1.98 to $3.98
You Know the
Substantial Savinrra
enjoyed from purchases'
made at tills store. H'9
are pleased Ip mss like.
Ravings on to more I hull
a million thrifty fialnms
every business day of the
year lu our 371 lOoonouiy
You realize a saving
here on even the lowest
priced articles. Largec
savings are evidenced
the more merchandise uu
For more than twenty
years we have been help
lug our friends to save
money on their purchases.
That's one of the big rea
sous for our ever-Increasing
number of satisfied
Are you acquainted with
these Wonderful savings?
A visit to our store will
Jpc profitable to you.
For Out Tornvs folks !
A dollar saved is a dollar earned! That's thrift in its most
dated stages. It's buying. what you and your family need, but insist mg
Upon a big hundred cens' worth for ov;ry dalhr expended. Our thrift
Bur.'es are well known. Our new stocks afford savings that kfi Important
to the family budget.
French Optical Parlors
15 E. Main St Phone 653
Athena Bakery
Two cans Milk, 25c
Two cans Beans, 25c
Two pkg's Corn Flakes, 25c
Spices and Extracts
We are carrying a fine line
School Supplies,
L. C. Bevens, Proprietor
Penland Bros.
Pendleton, Oregon
cTWain Street A. M. Johnson, Mg'r. Athena
Before you buy your Tires look at my
Prestbye's Service Station
" Where Ion and Service Meet"
Gas Accessories
For information leading to arrest
following described party, or recov
ery of stolen horse; young mar.
weight 160 lbs., height, 5ft.-8in., dark
curly hair, blue eyes; name Pat Mc
Doucral: mav be under other name.
Ttni-oo" wKito earllla atnllinn turn vnnr !
old, blue color about ears, blue specks
on breast, warts on nose; branded on
stiffle with Bar J. Wire information,
J. A. Fitzpatrick, Loatine. Oregon.
The the ladies of Athena and vi
cinity: Mrs. D. H. Mansfield has
moved her Hemstitching shop to 109
west Main St., Walla Walla, Wash.,
in the Electric Way store and will do
Hemstitching, Buttons, Button holes,
Pleating, Dyeing, Dry cleaning, and
Notice is hereby given that I have
taken up one red milk cow, with
stirrup brand on right side.
One red and white bull calf about
three months old.
Unless the above described animals
are claimed by owner, I will sell
same at public auction at my place,
two miles west of Athena, at 2 o'clock
P. M. on Monday, August 15, 1922.
Dated at Athena, Oregon, July 28,
Sterling Parris
For Sale Kindling wood, dry box
cuttings delivered at your home in
Athena, Oregon. $7.00 per truck
load, three and one-half cubic yards,
C. O. D. Phone orders to our expanse.
Milton Box Co., Milton, Oregon, ,
phone 983.
Men Wanted
The Northern Pacific Railway Company will employ men at rates pre
scribed by the United States Railroad Labor Board as follows:
Machinists 70c per hour
Blacksmiths 70c per hour
Sheet Metal Workers , 70c per hour
Electricians 70c per hour
Stationary Engineers Various Rates
Stationary Firemen Various rates
Boilermakers 70c and 70 '2c per hour
Passenger Car Men 70c per hour
Freight Car Men 63c per hour
Helpers, all classes 47c per hour
Mechanics and Helpers are allowed time and one-half for time worked
in excess of eight hours per day.
Young men who desire to learn these trades will be employed and given
an opportunity to do so. A strike now exists on the Northern Pacific Rail
way. Apply to any Round House or shop, or to Superintendent
Northern Pacific Railway
at Pasco Washington