AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. BOYD, Owner and Publisher CLARK WOOD. Associate Editor Subscription Rates. One copy, one year $2.00 One copy, six months $1.00 One copy, three months .73 ATHENA, OREGON. JULY 14 1922 THE DIFFERENCE Augustus Thomas, playwright, was lately mentioned by Mark Sullivan among the noted Americans not ac tively in politics whom Sullivan thinks would make good presidents. Mr. Thomas has just concluded a highly interesting series of articles, "The Print of My Remembrance," in the Saturday Evening Post. Of es pecial value, to the citizen who wants to "keen posted" is a quotation the playwright makes from an old book entitled Toulmin Smith's Local Self Government and Centralization, is sued in London in 1851. Read it: "Local self-government is that sys tem of government under which the greatest number of minds, knowing the most, and having the fullest op portunities of knowing it, about the special matter in hand, and having the greatest interest in its well working, have the management of it, or control over it. "Centralization is that system of government under which the smallest number of minds, and those knowing the least, and having the fewest op portunities of knowing it, about the special mattor in hand, and having the smallest interest in its well working, have the management of it, I or control over it." These definiitions were brought to the attention of William J. Bryan, who described them as the best he had ever heard for the purpose of showing the difference in the two systems of government. In a gen eral way they might also be said to I define the distinction in faith be tween the two great political parties I the republican party being the j party of Hamilton, the great expo nent of centralization, and the demo watlc nartv that of Jefferson, the equally renowned champion of locr.i self-government and of opportunity for the fullest possible development of the individual. In other words, the true gospel of the democratic party is unalterably opposed to so cialism in any form. Mr. Thomas thoughtfully pursues a middle course. He would have the ocal self-government idea carried out to the greatest possible extent in our domestic affairs, and strong centralization in our relations with foreign countries. And this, to our own way of thinking, is the correct attitude. At all events these definitions will bear careful perusal and a measure of study. Just now they arc partic ularly pertinent, in view of the marked trend of our government since the world war toward paternalism. may be expected to keep up the gen eral average through constant exer cise in dodging motor cars. "The prettiest girl in North Amer ica may live in Oregon," remarks The Oregonian, in its quest of a beauty queen for the Atlantic City pageant. But why imply a doubt? Of course she does. She lives right here in this town, if you want to know; but she will be hard to pick from a host of close competitors. Present strikes are estimated to mat the American neonle fifteen mil lion dollars a day, or at the rate of five billion dollars a year. We can think of nothing much to say save that this is a striking fact. More American tourists than ever before are flocking into France. The French have our gracious per mission to hold them up for enough to pay their debt to America. "Every time a correspondent gets lost in China he discovers two or three hitherto unknown wars," de clares Jim Montague. The "rule or ruin" gang in Ireland didn't rule. What they successfully and very gratifyingly accomplished is their own ruin. The German government evidently finds itself taxed beyond its power because the German people aren't taxed enough. We fear the government faces that $425,000,000 deficit with less confidence than the deficit faces the government. Oregon Journal thinks "the Indian that danced all night to appease the spirits must have swallowed them first." That "unsound propaganda" di rected against the nation's fiscal sys tem is mostly sound instead and fury. Despite the recent failure, there are adventurous spirits who will never rest until they conquer Everest. JUST A BEGINNING Worst of it is that Molla comes back not only beaten but Bjurstedt. The Bolsheviks are learning that dishonesty is the worst policy. Looks as though Sun Yat-Sen were indisposed to be deposed. FREE SCHOLARSHIPS Union Pacific Syatem AnnounM Fif teen In 1922 and 1923 24 Years Ago Chehalis, Frank Frasier's great horse, lowered the track record at Overland Park at Denver by four seconds last Friday afternoon, and made the fastest mile paced in Amer ica this year, and the fastest mile paced in harness in the month of June in the world, 2:05 in the first heat of the free for all, William Blakeley, the new sheriff, will appoint C. P. Davis as his chief deputy and Till D. Taylor will have charge of the tax rolls. Will Harden, Ed Saunders and Fred Flint returned Friday from an overland trip through Idaho. They report a good time. Harry Rosenzweig brought to the Press office a stalk of pieplant, the leaf of which measured 40 inches across. Gerking, of the "Dewey" Meat Market, gets his meats fresh from Pendleton every day. Mrs. Maggie Duncan and son, of Stockton, Cal., are visiting relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. Duncan is a sister of the Walker brothers, and of Mrs. Jamiesoni of Weston, and has numerous other friends in the county. Marshal Carden is making needed improvements on Main street. Rarlev is coiner to make a good crop this year. Several samples have been broueht to the Press office, none are better than a sample from Sam White's nlace on Pine creek. The head in question contained 6 rows and there are 90 grains. Jinks Tavlor brought several head of horses into town Saturday, which he is offering for sale. In ihe matter of the estate of ('I nk Walter, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the Account of John C. Walter as ex ecutor of the estate of Clark W!.lt, deceased, together with his pviitt' i for final distribution of said e-late, has been filed in the County Court of Umatilla county, state of Ougon, and that Saturday, the 29th day of July, A. D. 1922, at tne hour of IW. o'clock in the afternoon, at the rlice of tne County Judge, in pend'i-tnn. Oregon, has been duly appointed by such court as the time and place for tre hearing of objections to such fin al account and petition and the settle ment of said account, at which time any person interested in such ". (ate may appear and file objections there to and contest the same. Dated June 30th, 1922. John C. Walter As executor of the estate of C lark Walter, deceased. Call For Warrants. Notice is herebv given that City of Athena warrants numbered V)S, 1000 and 1002 will be paid upon pns entation to the City Treasurer. In terest on the above numbered war rants ceases from date of this publi cation. Dated at Athene, Oregon, thi : 9th day of June, 1922. E. A. Zerba City Treasuror The Chufches Methodist Services Sunday School, 10 a. m. Preaching, 11 a. m. Union services, 3 p. m. Preaching by Rev. Russell. All ate cordially invited to attend. C. L. Lowther, Pastor. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Executor's notice of hearing Final Account and petition lor uisiriDU-; In the County Court of the of Oregon, in and for Umatilla county. UNIVERSITY The UNIVERSITY gf OREGON contains: The college of Literature, Science nd the Arts with 22 departments. The professional schools of Archi tecture Business Administration -Education-Graduate Study -Law-Medicine Music Physical EducationSociology. The 47th Year Opens October 2, 1922 For acatahtut or any information Writ' Th RtfHtrar, University of Oregon, Eugene, Onion. The Blue Mountain Highway prop osition is especially fortunate and almost unique in the respect that there is no dispute over the route. Everyone is apparently agreed that the road should run from Elgin to Weston, following in n general way the old Toll Gate route. And there is universal and enthusiastic acqui escence in the idea that Weston is the proper connecting point at this end, providing a half-way terminal on the Oregon-Washington highway that is fair alike to all the towns concerned. Such being the case, one would superficially suppose that all is over but the building, since the great need of the road is alike ap parent to the governing bodies of Union and Umatilla counties and to the Forest Service. Not so. There ts a vast amount of work to do, in volving painstaking research, infinite detail and voluminous correspond ence. The association's executive committee, and more especially its secretary, has no enviable job. The officers, who arc volunteering their , services without thought of rccom- j pense, are therefore entitled to the ! hearty co-operation and assistance of ! every loyal friend of this great un tier taking. As to "returning good for evil," the American Relief Administration is now feeding ten million Russians, while if the Bolsheviks had their way America would soon be reduced to a condition wherein it couldn't CVOB feed itself. "President Plead? for Rigid Econ omy." Orogonian headline. After reading which the usual number of people will fill up the usual number of gas tanks for the usual number of needless motor trips. Fear is expressed at an osteopathic convention that with io much motor ing mankind's legs will dwindle from disuse into dangling appendages. However, our bone-juggling friends urget Out U kMlCto jptiestrUn Oorrallls, Ore. A free agricultural J.lmlnrti!n I. Una Inur h.tnn nniiminf.. ' d, will be awarded by the Union Pacific System to the highest ranklDf club hoy In fifteen Oregon Counties during the year 1022 and 1023. The Scholarship will be In the College of Agriculture, or th short winter count of the Oregon Agricultural College, Corvnllls, Oregon, and will be worth fTR.00, plus transportation. The counties In which the scholar ships will he given are: Bnker, Crook, Des Chutes, Gilliam, Harney, Hood niver, Jefferson, Morrow, Malheur, Multnomah, Sherman, Union, Uma tilla, Wallowa and Wasco. For the 1028 requirements it Is pro posed that ten acres of wheat, llva acres of corn, one acre of potatoes, or any of the live stock projects now be ing conducted under the Boys' and Girls' Club Work, shall be grown or completed by each person entering the above competition. The require ments for 1022 are similar to those of 1023, except that the competition shall ke upon projects uow In effect, such as calf clubs, pig dubs, potato and corn clubs, etc., and prizes are offered only in such counties as can be ar ranged before the close of the present season. The winner In each county will be chosen from among th ten boys rank ing highest In the county club pro jects, on the following basis: 75 per rent on rank In club work; 25 per cent on activities of the boy In com munity affairs. The rank of these boys In communi ty affairs, and the county winner, will b determined by a committee of three, consisting of the County Super intendent, one person appointed by the Director of Extension In the Ore gon Agricultural College, and a third person to be chosen by these two members. The scholarship must be used with In a year of the date of award, or- j cept where th hoy Is a regular at-1 tondant at school. In this case, It j may he used tb year following, or at th next session following th time th boy finishes school. The action of th Union Pacific Sys I tem is tlu to th fact that its presi dent, Mr. C. It Glay, formerly a mem-j ber of the governing board of th Maryland Agricultural College, was at- j traded by the work of boys' and girls' cluba as n factor In Interesting th coming generation In farming ; and h believes that th System he heads; ahould further this work by ottering scholarships, thereby helping worthy boys to obtain, training Id seionUflcj aVgrfcuUw. Special Chantilla Talc 25c Value for 15c We carry a full line of Kodaks Let us do your Kodak finishing McFadden'S Pharmacy sf HUM (Incorporated 312 DEPARTMENT STORES Women's Silk Hose cill popular summer shades. White, Nickel, Nude, Champagne, Black, Cordo van and Grey. Wonderful quality. Doubly desirable at our low price of $1.49 oaas and suit leases Truly Remarkable Values M Trayelltog B E nation laawei eOT ag (A), as Illustrated: ; extra large raemi cor- hnaissci i,uU (nrl ,lfe around bag. ..... 18 In. a.98 Travelling Bag (B), as Illustrated; genuine split cowhide leather, walrus (rain, covered frame and corners sewed on, yield') look and plok catcbes, leather lined with pocsei "liislde, 8ia.,.. 18 In. 80 in. Price... $4.98 $7.80 Small Soft Case (C). as Illustrated ; matting, metaj corners, paper lined, met- ai nan cue i mam in., aeptn in. SIm... 14 m, lfl Price.. M 69c 0 Ml Cut (D), as Illustrated; brown mum nor, wooc rramo, extra wine bras corner, two straps all arouwi TU Inch 4cp. 84 In. 20 ts 83.69 I. mm SB.: D THE LARGEST CHAIN DEPARTMENT ; STORE ORGANIZATION IN THE WORLD. (low 1$ Your Auto Top Does it look Spic and Span, or wil it needRepairing or perhaps anew one. We wil garlly give you prices. Tops Finished in one days time. Model Cleaners and Dyers Pendleton, Oregon We Clean and JDye everything that is Cleanable or Dyeable. Suits made to order. Give your bundle to the Troy Laundry driver. AUTO TOP & AWNING COMPANY Charles Schaal and Lawrence Thorpe 110 Alder Street Walla Walla, Washington -'Script Porm Butter Wrappers ssHiSaisSaQieKSSEHH j 1 i DRS. A. D. & R. A. FRENCH OPTOMETRISTS French Optical Parlors 15 E. Main St Phone B53 WALLA WALLA, WASH. Oil Grease For the Tractor and Combine Puritan, "Velvet B;" Mobiloil, "B;" Monaline, Heavy Tractor; Naco No. 6, Zeroline, No. 7 and No. 9, Valvo line, entra heavy. We will furnish any oil you prefer to use. Prestbye's Service Station, " Where You and Service Meet" Gas Accessories Only $32.25 Round trip from Athena to Yellowstone Park Sec F. B. Wood Agent TUM A-LUM LUMBER CO. LUMBER AND FUEL cTWain Street A. M. Johnson, Mg'r. Athena The Athena Bakery 1 1-2 lb loaf bread, now two for 25c; 3 lbs Olympic rolled oats 35c; Carnation or Borden Milk 2 for 25c. Polar Cakes and Ice Cream. L C. Bevens, Proprietor for comfort and cleanliness Darn PEARL OK Instead of "feeding" a range in a not, stuffy kitchen this summer, you can save yourself a lot of trouble and work by cooking with a good oil cookstove. No coal or wood to lug, no ashes to shovel out. A cool, clean kitchen with a steady, controlled heat concentrated directly on the utensil. . For best results be sure to use Pearl Oil the clean, economical kerosene that is refined and re-refined by a special process. For sale by dealers everywhere. Ask for it by name Pearl Oil. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) a PEARL WATTS & PRESTBYE Attorneys-At-Law Main Street, Athena, Oregon i wriOIL 1KEROSENE) iQHH ' heat mt sr0 AND LIGHT HRF1 i