The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 23, 1922, Image 3

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J Press Paragraphs
Joe Scott of Pendleton, was in
Athena, Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Chandler were
in Milton, Sunday.
Miss Charlotte Gross was a Pen
dleton visitor, Sunday.
J. 0. Hales is remodeling his farei
residence, near Adams.
Mrs. B. B. Richards has been ill
during the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Adams of Wes
ton. were in Athena. Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Banister we
Pendleton visitors, Wednesday.
Ed Wood of the Weston Leader
force, was in Athena yesterday.
Frank Jackson of Weston, was in
Athena on business, Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Christian were
in Athena Monday, from Adams.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pinkerton have
returned from a visit to Spokane.
Cliff Culley, Weston farmer, was
an Athena buisness visitor. Monday.
Mrs. T. P. DeFreece hus been ser
iously ill at her home in Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Banks of Mil
ton, visited relatives in Athena. Sun
day. Mrs. Frank Jackson and daughter,
Ruth of Weston, were Athena shop
pers, Monday.
Mrs. M. L. Watts, Mrs. W. P. Lit
tlejohn, Miss Areta Littlejohn and
Miss Vernita Watts, motored to Pen
dleton Sunday afternoon.
oland Andre is home from the
niversity of Oregon for the sum
mer vacation.
Miss Myra Weaver of Lenora, Ida
ho, is here visiting her sister, Mrs.
C. L. Bevens.
Mrs. Bert Ramsey and daughter,
Mrs. Penn Harris, were Pendleton
visitors, Monday.
Vcrn Dudley returned home Tues
day, from U. of 0., to spend his
summer vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Sims Dickenson and
daughter Phyllis, were Walla Walla
visitors, Saturday.
Misses Angie and Belle Pambrun
enrolled in the summer Normal
school course, at Pendleton.
James F. Doyle, of Portland, was
a guest at the J. C. Walter home
west of Athena, this week.
George Brace, a forest ranger, and
well known in Athena, was over
from the Umatilla station, yesterday.
Cliff Banister and family and Geo.
Banister Jr. were in Athena Sunday,
coming from Mr. Banister's ranch
near Holdman.
Miss Lucinda Dell, Miss Verva
Gross, Mr. Bryce Baker and Mr. For
est Gholson motored to Bingham
Springs Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Willaby and
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lilly were Athe
na visitors over the week-end. They
motored up from their home in Con
don. On Saturday, July 1, a cooked food
sale will be held at Watts & Rogers
store. Chicken, pie and cake will be
on sale, the proceeds from the sale
We have taken on the Ford
Agency for Athena
We have received our first shipment of parts and
are now in a position to serve Ford owners. We can
also sell you a Ford Car, Truck or Fordson Tractor
Thompson's Garage
Main Street Athena Phone 471
Oil Grease
For the Tractor and Combine
Puritan, "Velvet B;" Mobiloil, "B;"
Jlonaline, Heavy Tractor; Naco No.
6, Zeroline, No. 7 and No. 9, Valvo
line, extra heavy.
We will furnish any oil you prefer
to use.
Prestbye's Service Station
" Where You and Service Meet"
Gas Accessories
to be used in purchasing equipment
for the Boy Scout Troop. Mrs. W.
0. Read is chairman of the committee
on soliciting donations of chickens,
pies and cakes for the sale.
Miss Adda Mathews, of Genessee.
Idaho, is a guest! of Mrs. Floyd P:nk
erton, accompanying Mr. and Mrs
Pinkerton home from a recent visit
Harold Haynie, Bill Metz, Skinny
'ayne, Raymond Geissel, Mr. Mitch-
etter and Amos O'Dell, enjoyed a
fishing trip near Bingham over the
Wednesday was the 87th birthday
anniversary of Mrs. W. T. Hill. Rel
atives gathered at the home, and with
Grandma Burden as guest, enjoyed a
splendid birthday dinner.
Miss Dorothy Berlin of Portland,
is expected to arrive in Athena to
night. While here she will be the
guest of Miss Charlotte Gross. Miss
Berlin was recently presented in a
piano recital.
The 0. D. D. Club met at the home
of Mrs. Roy Cannon last week and
the members enjoyed the afternoon
at needlework. Refreshments were
served by the hostess, assisted by
Mrs. Lee Johnson.
A number of Athena fans attended
the Walla Walla-Pendleton ball game
Sunday. Walla Walla defeated Pen
dleton 4 to 3. It took 15 innings for
Dayton to trim Milton-Freewater, 6
to 5. Walla Walla leads the league
by a one game margin.
A meeting of the local Red Cross
is called for next Monday afternoon
at 3 o'clock, in the Civic club room,
when matters of importance will be
brought up. All members are re
quested to be present. By order of
Mrs. C. H. Smith, chairman.
Mrs. A. H. Mclntyre and son, Nor
man, and Mrs. Fred Pinkerton and
son Dean, returned Monday from a
visit at the home of their brother,
Mr. Bud Davidson at Lind, Wash.
They made the trip by auto, and re
port the roads to be in fine condition.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Mclntyre and
daughter Lois, Mrs. Anna Mclntyre
and Miss Lois Johnson, left Thursday
morning, by auto for Pauline, Idaho,
where they will visit at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Saulsberry.
Mrs. Saulsberry was formerly Miss
Lizzie Mclntyre of this city.
The meetings of the McKenzie
Chapter 0. E. S., will be discontinued
during July and August, the last
meeting of the summer being held
Wednesday night. Initiation cere
monies were held, and a delicious
two-course lunch was served by Mrs.
Samuel Pambrun and daughters.
Rhodes was in the city for
time Tuesday, from his home
and was a guest over
he A. R. Coppock farm
home. Mr. Rhodes was enroute by
car, to Alberta, to visit the family of
his father-in-law, J. W. Jenkins, and
was taking his children, Ethelwa and
Miss Martha Hutt is home
Willamette University, where she Has
been a student for two years.
Kenneth Emmel spent the first of
the week with the McEwen twins at
the ranch north west of town, where
the very happiest time was spent
the oY swimmin' hole, constructed by
the youngsters.
Mrs. M. M. Johns spent the week
as a guest of Mrs. Lillian Freder
icks, in Weston.
Ill Wl , m . j.-. --. j.-. j.-. ... mu, mmi . mmt p i jimi , .imi HMf ami ilKI
At This
Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and you will be healthy and happy.
Vegetables contain just the things you need to keep your system in fine
working order and if you neglect it you may get all run down. Buy from
us. The best vegetables on the market are forwarded to us daily. Give us
your grocery order today
Quality Quantity, Service. Phone 171. Atnena, Oregon
Mrs. D. Scott Fisher suffered
severe burn on the arm Wednesday,
from an electric iron, which she was
Mrs. Delbert Clore and children
left Tuesday for their home hear
Vale, Malheur county, after a visit
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W
R. Taylor, and her sister, Mrs. Phil
ip Yenney of Walla Walla.
Mr-, and Mrs. Bert Logsdon were
visiting in Walla Walla, Sunday.
Mrs. Elizabeth Marshall, who is
employed in the Athena Department
store, visited her parents in Walla
Walla, Sunday.
Miss Belle Mclntyre, accompanied
by Mrs. Curran L. McFadden and
little son Billy, drove last Friday to
Portland, where she is attending the
Rose festival. Mrs. McFadden. soon
after their arrival there, was notified
of the critical illness 'of her mother,
at Weston, and returned Saturday
night, accompanied by her aunt, Mrs.
W. S. Perry. Miss Mclntyre will
have as companion on her return trip
Miss Pauline Myrick, from Cottage
Honoring Mrs. Bowles and Miss
Bowles of Seattle, who are guests at
the LeGrow home, a group of Walla
Walla ladies. Miss Malen Burnett,
Mrs. Frank W. Rees and Miss Julia
Ayers, entertained at a tea Tuesday
afternoon, at which two hundred
guests were bidden, Mrs. LeGrow be
ing among the guests.
Mrs. Lillian Dobson and her sis
ter-in-law, Mrs. Amy Upton, of Es
tecada, are registered at the summer
normal school in Pendleton. 1
Herbert Hales is expecting a visit
from his father and sister, Mrs. J. J.
Gross, from Brownsville. Mrs. Gross'
three sens will arrive this week.
Scott Fisher .is anticipating a visit
from his mother, who will arrive
this week from her home at Forest
Mrs. Chester Davis of Milton has
been a guest the past week at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Gerking.
Miss Zola Keen is home from
Whitman College and will take a
course at the summer normal school
at Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Willaby and
children motored up from Condon,
the first of the week for a visit with
relatives here.
Mrs. M. L. Watts and Mrs. F. B.
Boyd were guests Wednesday after
noon at an afternoon tea, given by
Mrs. Lillian Fredericks at her home
in Weston.
Miss Blanche Drake, teacher in
Athena school for two years past,
will teach in Deer Lodge, Mont.,
next year.
Mr. and Mrs. Hayfield, of LaCross,
were in the city Wednesday, on their
way home from a visit at the Luvois
McEwen home northwest of town.
Mrs. William Shrimpf is home from
Pendleton where she has been under
a physicians care, and is reported to
be very much improved.
Mr. and Mm. h , Leoi.nrd if
Waitsburg, were in Athena, Tuesday.
One of the finest photo-plays ever
presented at the Standard Theatre,
will be screened Sunday night, when
"Tol'ble David," with Richard Barth
lemess in the principle role, will be
screened. Admission prices for this
great picture are regular.
The Ladies Missionary Society of
the Methodist Episcopal church, will
meet at the home of Mrs. Louis Stew
art, Wednesday, June 28.
The Misses Esther and Annie Mes
senger are visiting relatives near
Goldendale, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Mclntyre and
children and Mrs. Fred Pinkerton and
son Dean were week-end guests at
the farm home of Bud Davidson, ac
Lind, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Eager and
Mrs. Leigh Ora Peterson, parents aiicl
sister of C. M. Eager, with Mr. La
cey Leonard, all of Dayton, were
Sunday guests at the Eager home.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Eager and Mi.
and Mrs. J. L. Michener have planned
to meet the party at Walla Walla
Sunday when a picnic dinner will be
enjoyed in the park.
Mr. ar.d Mrs. Neil I.ieuallci!, re
cently married at Tltfl Dalles, nro the
guests of relaiivi i here.
Miss Areta Littlejohn arrived Sat
urday from Eugene, having completed
her second year at U. of 0.
Mrs. Dick English and Mrs. John
English of Weston were shopping in
the city, Wednesday.
The conditon of Mrs. John Banister
of Weston, who has been critically ill
for several days, is slightly improved.
The Churches
Methodist Services
Sunday school, 10 a. m. Preaching
11 a. m. No evening service.
C. L. Lowther, Pastor
Church of Christ
Bible school, 10 a. m. Commun
ion, 11 a. m. The subject of the
! sermon for the morning service will
; be "The Nature of Our Calling." Mr.
Lowther, paster of the Methodist
Church, will preach at night at the
Christian Church. Services to be
i gin at 8 p. m. You are cordially in
j vited to worship with us.
I F. E. Russell, Pastor.
a c i I I
a special ddie
un rure Aluminum ware
6 Quart Tea Kettle , ...$1.10 No. 11 Roasters 1,10
No. 64 Sink Strainers 1.10 No. 205 Preserving Kettle 1.10
No. 180 Lipped Fry Pan 1.10 No. 208 Preserving Kettle 1.10
No. 196 Toledo Kettle 1.10 No. 102 Lipped Sauce Pan 1.10
No. 103 Lipped Sauce Pan 1.10 No. 114 Libertv Sauce Pan 1.10
No. 152 Double Boiler 1.10 No. 331 Dish Pan 1.10
No. 171 6 Cup Percolator 1.10 Three U. S. N. Plates 1.10
Two Cups and Saucers 1.10
Sale Starts Saturday Morning
June 24th
Athena Department Store ;j
For Lower Prices, Phone 152 j
Saturday, June 24
Catherine Calvert
In the
"Heart of Maryland1'
International News Two-Reels of Comedy 10c-25-35c tax included
Sunday June 25
Barthelmess in
Here's another super Picture at regular prices
Pathe Review. Admission, 10c-25c-35c, Tax Paid Franey Comedy
Coming Soon:
MThe Heart of a Eool"