The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 23, 1922, Image 2

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    lb Mm Wxw
F. B. BOYD, Owner and Publisher
CLARK WOOD. Associate Editor
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year $2.00
One copy, six months $1.00
One copy, three months 75
principal payment of tax is for road
building, and the aveage taxpayer
harbors the belief that county and
state highways are costing too much,
If the election were held tomor
row, Walter Pierce would very
probably be the next governor of
Oregon. He has assurances of
strong republican support from all
sections of the state, and there is
every reason to believe that he
would defeat Olcott in a dual con
test. The forces aligned against
Olcott in the primaries will not be
for him now, when he is the repub
lican nominee. Whatever may be
one's views as to the merits of the
unusual issue which has divided
Oregon into two hostile camps,
there can be no question that it has
developed a feeling stronger than
party loyalty now-a-days weak at
best. Nor has Olcott helped his
cause by his uncompromising atti
tude in such cases as, for instance,
that of Dr. Ellsworth, who has cer
tainly poured some hot Bhot into
the governor's midriff. With the
possible exception of George E.
Chamberlain, Pierce is the best
campaigner in Oregon, and may be
relied upon to tafce full advantage
of Olcott's tactical errors. In a
very close and intimate sense he is
one of the people, having shared and
sympathized with them in their
problems and complaints in the
course of an active life of industry.
Somehow the notion prevails prob
ably without foundation that Ol
cott is a bit "high-brow." At all
events, Pierce is likely to beat him
unless the situation changes between
now and election day. But any
change, such as the entrance of
Hall in the race, is rather more
apt to react in Olcott's favor than
that of Pierce, since the Olcott
forces, while numerically smaller
than his opposition, will stand firm j
and indivisible.
A pet cat made such a stir in
Spokane by going on a 'jag" that
the officers trailed it to its owner's
moonshine still. Must have been
feline pretty good.
Government in the United States
costs seven cents an hour for every
inhabitant. With thoughts of Rus
sia in mind, we'll say that it's
worth it.
Henry would have kept better
step with these tight times if he
had made his new slogan read:
"Buy a Ford and Save the Differ
We've no right to suppose the
Portland Beavers are stronger for
book lore than baseball. It may
not be the best cellar they're head
ing for.
It occurs to us that there are
pleasanter ways of committing
suicide than to serve as a strike
breaker in the Illinois coal fields.
There are occasional hints that the
United States would still be able to
purchase forgiveness from Germany
with a substantial loan.
It still costs 54.9 percent more
to live than before the war. And
it isn't worth that much more, by a
long shot.
Seems to be the U. S. shipping
board's policy to stimulate ocean
travel by stimulating the ocean
Why hold any primaries, any
how? Leave it to Mark Sullivan.
When 128 voters turn out to attend
a school meeting, interest in school
affairs is in a healthy condition, as
compared to meetings held in the
past when a bare number of voters
to nominate and elect director and
clerk were present. That the Athe
na school ranks at the head of the
county's educational institutions is
appreciated by the patrons of the
school is evidenced by the splendid
vote given Charles Kirk, director, and
E. A. Zerba, clerk, for re-election.
Call For Warrants.
Notice is herehv given that City
of Athena warrants numbered 'J98,
1000 and 1002 will be paid upon pns
entation to the City Treasurer. In
terest on the above numbered war
rants ceases from date of this puoll
cation. Dated at Athens), Oregon, thi.: 9th
day of June, 1922.
E. A. Zerba
City Treasurer
This from the Ohio State Journal,
a republican paper, sounds like a
left-handed compliment: "The re
publican party, as we have always
said, is the party of conservation,
and here we find ourselves on the
eve of another campaign with almost
enough unused campaign promises
left over from last time to Bee us
The almost universal distrust of
our highest governing body is prob
ably due to the fact that the people
used to believe what the republicans
said about a democratic congress,
and are now believing what the
democrats say about a republican
Having blamed the civil war
on Abraham Lincoln, the United
Confederate Veterans may just as
well take another foolish step and
join with Ludendorff in blaming
the world war on the United
In all his 88 years Chauncey M.
Depew never played golf, never
rode horseback, never went hunt
ing, and never saw a baseball
game. A blameless life if he had
never made an after-dinner speech.
How pleasant it is that the once
irllv Eurouean enemies who
charged eacn otner during uie wm
we now united in the common
cause of charging the American
The taxpayers of this section are
in nu frame of mind to sign a pe
tition for the pardon of K. C. Amtnr),
sentenced for a term of five years for
embezzlement of county funds while
employed in the road construction
department, for the reason that the
In the County court of the state of
Oregon for Umatilla county.
In the matter of the estate of George
Clay, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to whom it
mav concern that Manuel Friedly, ad
ministrator with the will annexed of
the estate of George Clay, deceased,
has filed his final account and report
in the above entitled estate and that
the above entitled court has, by or
der entered in said matter, fixed and
appointed Monday the 29th day of
Mav, 1922 at 10 o'clock A. M. as the
time and the court room of said
court as the place for the hearing of
objections, if any, of the said final
account and for the final settlement
Dated and first published April
28th, 1922.
Manuel Fneuiy,
Administrator with the will annexed
of the estate of George Clay, deceased.
Date of last publication May 26th,
Peterson, Bishop & Clark,
Attorneys for Administrator.
pany, .1 Corporation, W. W. Harrah !
and Joseph Leuer, Defendants.
To Joseph Leuer, defendant above
In the name ol the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby summoned and
required to apper.r and answer the
complaint filed in the above entitled
Court and cause against you on or
before the expiraticn of six weeks
from the date of first publication
hereof, viz; on or before June 23d,
1922, and if you fail so to appear and
answer the said complaint, for want
thereof, the plaintiff will apply to
the above entitled Court for the re
lief demanded in its said complaint,
viz; for a decree that the plaintiff i3
the owner in fee simple of the East
Half (EM:) of the Northeast quar
ter (NE'i) of section twenty-eight
(28) in Township Two (2), North
Range Thirty-fou'- (34), E. W. M.,
in Umatilla county, Oregon, contain
ing eighty (80) acres, and determin
ing all adverse and conflicting claims
of you and the other defendants in
and to the said described real proper
ty and forever quieting the said fee
simple title of the plaintiff thereto'
and forever enjoining you and the
other defendants, :n the above enti
tled suit, from asserting or claiming
any right, title, estate or interest in
and to the said described real pro -!
perty or any othe" part thereof and
IM such other and further relief as
shall in equity be met and to justice
This summons i3 served upon you
by publication thereof in the Athena
Press, a weekly newspaper of gen
eral circulation, ior six consecutive
weeks beginning with the issue of
May 12th, 1922, to and including the
issue of June 23d, 1922, pursuant to
an order directing said publication
I made by the Hon. Gilbert W. Phelps,
j Judge of the above entitled Court,
i and dated and entered therein on May
j 9th, 1922
i Dated this 10th day of May, 1922.
Peterson, Bishop & Clark
Attorneys for Plaintiff
I Pendleton, Oregon.
Daddy Puretest
says to every mother:
Be sure to say the word 'Puretest' when you buy any
or all of these four simple baby medicines:
Puretest Zinc Stearate
the Baby Comfort
Puretest Glycerin Suppositories
Puretest Sugar of Milk
Puretest Castor Oil
These four items should be in the
home ol every baby
McFadden's Pharmacy
In tho Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
Estella B, Holmes, Plaintiff, vs.
George O. Holmes, Defendant.
To the defendant, George O. Holmes,
in the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint of the plaintiff
filed against you in the above entitled
suit within six weeks of the first day
of Dublicatir.n of this summons, to-wit.
on or before Friday, the 30th day of
June, 1922, and you will take notice
that if you fail to appear and answer
the said complaint or otherwise plead
guilty thereto within the said time,
the plaintiff for want of answer there
of will apply to the court for the re
lief prayed for and demanded in
plaintiff s complaint on file herein,
namely, for a decree of the court for
ever dissolving the bonds of matri
mony now and heretofore existing be
tween plaintiff and defendant; and
for the care and custody of Gertrude
Holmes, Adelle Holmes, Eunice
Holmes, Thomas Holmes; and for
such further reief as to the court
may seem proper.
This summons is served upon you
by the Order of the Honorable Gilbert
W. Phelps, Judge of tho above enti
tled court, which order is dated the
12th day of May, 1922. The date of
the first publication is the 19th day
of May, 1922, and the last date of
publication is the 30th day of June,
Dated nt Pendleton, Oregon this
the 12th day of May, 1922.
Poterson, Bishop and Clark
Attorneys for Plaintiff
Post Office address:
Frecwater, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of i
Oregon, for Umatilla County.
The Peoples Warehouse, a Corpora-,
Pacific Northwest Adjustment Com-1
T F YOU are in the market for a
kind, you can not make money
easier than by buying from us.
We are putting a price on all
Implements to move them irre
spective of their cost.
Tfc is TOUR Optmity
Come and get our Prices. Take
home the Implement you want
at a Big Saving.
Weston, Or.
Genuine McCormick and John Deere Binder Repairs
Ladies' Neck Wear
A new line just received from New York; elaborate Lace fronts with collars, at,
79c, 98c, $1.49, $1.98
v;aih Hats
Variety of Clever Styles
TV ,1 OTHERS know that the
VI lrlonl linf tvn;itl,r.T. lint
the little fellows is the cool,
comfortable Wash Hat that can
be so easily kept clean and neat.
Tho styles we arc showing for
the Summer season are a revela
tion the price remarkably low.
A variety of shapes . to chooss
from. Materials aro One Dcvoi
shlre, Peggy Cloth, Linens and
Poplins. Every brim Is finely lo.-Ji
stitched. Exceptionally attractive
MtUe Hats,
"Honor" Muslin
Our Own Brand
The J. C. Penney Co.
label is affixed to
bleached "Honor" Mus
lin. After giving our
"Honor" Muslin a sat
isfactory trial we are
confident you will agree
with us it is the best
Muslin obtainable at
the price. Yd.,
Knormous quantities sold
in our 312 stores means
low cost to us. We are
thus enabled to furnish
you with "Honor" Muslin
at our every-day low price.
flow 1$ Your
Does it look Spic and Span, or wil it
needRepairing or perhaps anew one.
We wil gadly give you prices. Tops
Finished in one days time.
Model Cleaners
and Dyers
Pendleton, Oregon
We Clean and Dye everything that is Cleanable or
Dyeable. Suits made to order. Give your bundle
to the Troy Laundry driver.
Charles Schaal and Lawrence Thorpe
110 Alder Street
Walla Walla, Washington
French Optical Parlors
15 E. Main St Phone 653
tYScript Form
Butter Wrappers
Only 32.25
Round trip from
F. B. Wood
cTWain Street A. M. Johnson, Mg'r. Athena
! The
Athena Bakery
1 1-2 lb loaf bread, now two
for 25c; 3 lbs Olympic rolled
oats 35c; Carnation or Borden
Milk 2 for 25c. Polar Cakes
and Ice Cream.
L C. Bevens, Proprietor
. -I- 1 ......T I 1 lillHI I Ml II i BHU
vra cool dean kitchen
Pearl Oil, burned in a good oil cook
stove, is an economical as well as a
clean and convenient fuel.
You are rid of the drudgery of feeding
and cleaning out a range and your
kitchen is cool and comfortable. You
work with a clean, intense cooking
heat concentrated directly under the
burner where it is needed.
To be sure of best results in your stove,
use Pearl Oil. It burns cleanly-no
smoke or odor
Dealers everywhere. Buy it by name
Pearl Oil.
Main Street, Athena, Oregon