The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 02, 1922, Image 3

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    Press Paragraphs
Yes, it is warm enough, thank you.
Grady Herndon of Weston was in
town Wednesday.
Oscar Cutler of Pendleton WU3 in
.Athena, Thursday.
7rank Jackson was in Athena from
I Mr.. Carrie Rogers of Pendleton, j TT?,chet it0 ThV-
w.-:s ill Athena, Thursday
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gilmore were
in from Weston Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Booher are here
from Condon, visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gross and fam-
ly were Pendleton visitors Sunday.
3orn To Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cun
ningham, May 26, 1922. a daughter.
A number of Athena people atten
ded the dance at State-line Saturday
Miss Thelma Keen of Pendleton
was a guest of Miss Charlotte Gross,
V,George Wall came up from Condon
tis week, and is visiting at the home
or his mother.
Mr. and Mrs. George Marquis came
over from Walla Walla Tuesday, for
Decoration Day.
Mr. and Mrs. John Shick, are down
from Prescott, Wash., visiting rela
tives in Athena.
Mrs. C H. Smith and children re
turned Sunday morning from a visit
with her invalid father at Seattle.
Her father was slightly improved in
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cannon spent the
week with friends at Riparia and
Washtucna, Wash.
John Haworth, Allie Bell and B.
D. Tharpe joined the family of Press
readers this week
Prank Williams, Johnny Pinkerton
and Frank Miller went to Pendleton
to see the circus Monday
TNLfiean Dudley, Zeph Lockwood, Mose
eter and Gail Anderson were
Mrs. Ross Payne has returned to
ner nome in josepn alter an extenaeu
visit with relatives in Athena.
Mr. and Mr3. Miller Hall, of Tju
chet. Wash., were Sunday guests at
the Hutt home on High street.
Accompanied by Clark Wood of the
Weston Leader, A. W. Lundell of Pen
dleton, was in Athena Tuesday.
Mrs. Robert Proudfit is enjoying a
visit from her brother, Mr. IngraTi
and family, from Walla Walla.
While driving from Milton Monday,
Mrs. J. W. Pinkerton suffered the loss
of a valuable pair of eye glasses.
Mrs. Henry Dell, Mrs. Edward
Koontz and Miss Lucinda Dell motored
to Pendleton Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. T. P. DeFreece were
guests at the home of their daughter,
Mrs. Sims Dickenson on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lieuallen Jr.
were hosts Sunday to a group of
young people at Bingham Springs.
A number of Athena children were
escorted to Pendleton by. their par
ents to see the Al G. Barnes circus.
The Tau Delt orchestra of Whit
man college will give a dance tomor
row night at Legion Hall in Athena.
Very Low Fares Everywhere
round trip summer travel rates from
Athena to
Yellowstone Park 7 $32.25
Minneapolis-St. Paul 67.00
Chicago . .... 81.00
All-Steel Daily Trains to the East
Write for rates and full information to
Northern Pacific Ry.
A. D. Chrlton, Portland
General Passenger Agent F. B. Wood, Athena
631 Northwestern Bank Agent
Distilled Water in Your Batteries
Prestbye's Service Station
"Where You and Service Meet"
Mrs. Addie Stone and Mrs. Rose
Barton came up from Hood River,
and spent Decoration Day in Athena.
Mrs. Charles Smith and daughter
Savannah spent the week-end in Pen
dleton at the home of Mrs. Marion
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thompsji
visited in Pendleton Monday, and wci'd
accompanied home by Miss Lida Mc
Donald. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gross; Miss
Charlotte Gioss and Claud Dickenson
attended the circus in Walla Walla
Mrs. J. S. McFeron after a two
weeks visit with her son, 0. F. Mc
Feron, returned to her home in Port
land Monday.
Henry Barrett has disposed of one
of his bands of sheep to the Stanfield
company, and purchased a band of
fine wool sheep.
Mr. and Mrs, E. E. Koontz. after
visiting friends in Athena for sev
eral days, returned to their home in
Portland, Wednesday.
Miss Savannah Smith ill leave
Sunday evening for Cheney Washing
ton. She is enrolled for the summer
course at the normal.
Mr. and. Mrs. W. L. Brock and fam
ily of Pendleton, were dinner guests
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Arnold Koepke near town.
J. D. Matheson of Portland, visited
at the home of Mrs. Jane Nelson this
week. Mrs. Nelson was also the guest
of friends in Walia Walla.
Mike Ryan, up from this ranch in
the "basin" says that unless a good
rain comes soon, the grain crop in
that section will be a failure.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dudley, ac
companied by Mrs. Wall and Mrs.
Theo Danner visited last week at the
Jcdin Muir place on Birch creek.
Theldon Taylor is having the house
Ja the Taylor homestead, west of
Athena, rebuilt. Read Hill is doing
'the concrete and carpenter work.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cockburn (nee
Adah DeFreece) and Mr. and Mrs.
Mac Cockburn of Milton are enjoying
a fishing trip in southern Oregon.
Dudley Rogers assigned to himself
a cleanup day, and forthwith the
premises in the rear of the Watts &
Rogers store buildings wai cleaned of
all rubbish.
Ira Kemp, well known in Athena had
a cancer removed from his lip recent
ly, and at last reports was recovering
from the operation, which took place
at Lcwiston, Idaho.
Miss Alice Clark of Helix spent
the week-end in Athena with rela
tives. Miss Clark was en-route from
Eugene where she attended the Re
bekah Grand Lodge.
Mr. and Mrs. John Stockley and
small son, Burnett arrived Sunday
morning from their home in Marsh-
field. They are planning to spend
the summer in Athena.
Mrs. H. M. Wood was in Pendle
ton Saturday where she visited her
great grand daughter, wee Miss Bur
den, daughter of Mrs. Clarence Bur
den of North Powder.
A party consisting of Rev. John
son, W. E. Haynie, Isaac Davidson,
Sherman Adkins and father and Joe
demons, will leave Tuesday by auto
mobile for Prince George. B. C.
Xathleen Radtke led in the 6th
grade physiology examinations, scor
ing 100 In the test. Other high grades
were made by Grandville Cannon,
of Waterman. 98, and Lola Stockstill
of LaMar, 97. Little Miss Stockstill
traveled four miles daily to her school.
Ul Ml Ml HI mnl ami mmi HI HI II Ml HI HI Ml Pffll MU BMI HI HI HI Ul MI MI Ml Hi Ml Ml Ml HUflU Mil V 7 U rll VI Jl IV l rim tim M
I fit MG.Jmlm
At This
Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and you will be healthy and happy.
Vegetables contain just the things you need to keep your system in fine
working order and if you neglect it you may get all run down. Buy from
us. The best vegetables on the market are forwarded to us daily. Give us
your grocery order today.
Quality Quantity, Service. Phone 171. Athena,' Oregon
The cinder surface on the school
grounds has been leveled and rolled
by the steam rollerjfl'he cinders were
purchased through'aid of the Parent
Teachers Association and the Civic
A party eujoyr 2' an outing on the
Umatilla river Sunday were: Mr. ai
Mrs. S. S. Hutt tnd daughte-:, Mr
and Mrs. Harry Herr and son and Mr.
and Mrs. Isaac Ouvjdson and littlr
son. Mr. and Mrs. John Walker, and
daughters, Misses Maggie and Jen
nie, Mrs. Ralph Richmond and son,
Cliff Walker, left this morning by
auto for Portland and other coast
Word nas been received in A'hena
of the death Thursday, of Roy Bart
lett Baker, son of Rev. D. E. Baker,
former pastor of the Baptist church
n this city, at his home in Steptoe
A. L. Swaggart and family left
yesterday for Portland, where they
will remain until after the rose show.
They will then return here and after
harvest will move to their home near
Portland, to reside.
N E. C. Rogers and son Dudley re
turned Tuesday from a trip to the
Rogers ranch near Odessa, Wash.
Mr. Rogers says crops which are more
backward there than in this section
are in need of rain.
VMr. and Mrs. Emery Walker of
Minnesota, were in Athena this week,
visiting at the home of Mrs. C. A.
Barrett. Mr and Mr. Walker were
enroute to Tacoma, to visit Marion
Walker, who is in ill health.
Mrs. Clark Bassctt and two child
ren of Lewiston, Idaho, visited last
week at the home of her aunt, Mrs.
H. H. Hill in this city. Mrs. Bassett
had been visiting relatives at Jack
son, Wyoming, and was enroute home.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace McFeron and
son and Mr. and Mrs. Walter McFer
on and son drove up from Portland
Sunday in about 12 hours. They vis
ited their brother, O. F. McFeron
over Monday and returned Tuesday
Mrs. M. W. Hansell will be host
ess to the Star Club next Wednes
day afternoon, June 7, at her home
near town. Members having children
are invited to bring them, as enter
tainment will be provided for the
little ones.
M. L. Watts and H. I. Watts and
Ray Logan have caught the nicest
strings of trout so far taken this sea
son. Ranging in length from eight
to 14 inches the catch was a fine one.
One fine specimen of Brook trout was
in the lot.
Two big fish are reported caught
this week, one byLucein Gagnon in
the Umatilla, length 28 1-2 inches;
tne other by Newt O'Harra in the
Walla Walla, length 25 3-8 inches.
Water is still too high for real sport
in angling.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Coppock en
tertained at dinner Saturday evening
in honor of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rus
sell of Wasco. Those present beside
the Coppock family were Mr. and Mrs.
Russell and son, Elmo, and Mr. and
Mrs. Charles McFerland.
Miss Laura Purcdll's school at La
Mar closed last Friday with a picnic
on Pine creek. A program was given
by the entire school with unique
features giving entertainment. to the
parents. A splendid picnic dinner
was the climax of the day.
Mrs. Theo Danner has come to
Athena from Portland, and will make
her home with her sister, Mrs. Charles
Dudley. Mrs. Dudley will assist in
thj sales department of the J. C. Pen
ney store, of which her husband suc
ceeds Mr. Emmel ns manager.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Emmel and son
Xenneth will leave in a few days for
Newton. Iowa, where Mr. Emmel will
take management of a 3. C. Penney
store. Mrs. Rablj will accompany
Mr. and Mrs. Emmel cast, and will
have a position in Mr. Emmel's store.
Waitsburg is entertaining a large
number of visitors today and tomor
row at her annual racing events For
evening entertainment, a boxing card
is on the program. Tonight Pete
Mitchie boxes in the principal event.
A number of Athena fans will witness
the contest.
Mrs. C. M. Eager is in Tillamook,
Oregon, this week, where she is at
tending the state convention of Fed
erated Women's clubs, as a delegate
I from the Athena Civic club. She is
accompanied by her mother, Mrs. E.
J. Burchill, who represents the Wo
man's club of Pendleton.
The 0. D. 0. Club met at the home
jf Mrs. Joe Cannon, Thursday of last
week, and spent the afternoon in need
lework. Refreshments were served by
the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Jesse
Smith. The next meeting of the club
will be held at the home of Mrs.
Ocorge A. Johnston, Thursday, June i
Mr. and Mrs. Homer I. Watts drove
to Waitsburg Monday and visited
friends. They report the critical ill
MM of Mrs. R. E. Butler, wife of
Dr. Butler, a former physician of thu j
city and Weston. Mrs. Butler, who
is a relative of the Gcrking family j
here, was not expected to survive but j
a day or two Dr. Butler, who is pa , 1 1
middle age, has retired from aetiv
practice of his profession. He has th
sincere sympathy of many old time ;
friends in this county.
Silverware f jj
I i
Anniversary celebrations or gift
occasions of any kind call for silver
ware. It can be given year after year,
each gift-piece increasing the value of
that given on previous anniversaries.
vi S I LV.E R P L A T E'
Athena Department Store
131313131 JlJKIKlUOrai
Saturday, June 3
Fred Stone
A Fine, Cleanly-cut Western Picture, giving theater
patrons a "run" for their money
'The Pickaninny
International News
10c-25-35c tax included
Sunday June 4
An c411-Star Cast of Characters
Pathe Review. Admission, 10c-25c-35c, Tax Paid Rollin Comedy
Wednesday lune 7
' The Mistress of the World-'
A Paramount Picture
Chapter Three
'Lost City of Ophir'
The Mystic Skein Begins to Unravel and Science
Pierces Occult Superstition