1 J Ihe Mtn Mtm AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. BOYD, Owner and Publisher CLARK WOOD. Associate Editor Subscription Rates. One copy, one year $2.00 One copy, six months $100 One copy, three months 75 (ATHBNA. OREGON. MAY 12 1922 SAM A. MILLER IS A LEADING CITIZEN OF THE EAST END Alfred J. Smith Pendletoi., Oregon FOR JOINT REPRESENTATIVE 22nd Dist. Subject to the Decision of Primary Election, May 19th. Paid Advertisement. WHY RE-ELECT FRANK SLOAN? Of all the candidates for the legis lature none are more eminently fitted for the office than Frank Sloan. He was born in Umatilla county and has lived here all his life. And for thir ty years or more he has been an ac tive figure in the development of the county. He is a real, honcst-to-God farmer and stockraiser and knows the burden of excessive an unneces sary taxation. He has been and is yet a school director, and in all his career he has been unalterably in favor of the bet terment of our educational institu tions. As a legislator he has always been on the right side of any pertinent measure. He was specifically instru mental in defeating the direct prop erty tax at the special session, and fought and voted against the gasoline tax. He at all times voted for tax reduction. Experience and capability for leg islative work should be endorsed and rewarded by a return to the assembly. Umatilla county is an empire in itself and should be represented by men who know her needs and who are broadminded and versatile enough to represent all diversified interests in her broad expanse of territory. Such a man is FRANK SLOAN. He knows what the farmer needs; what the livestock man needs; he is familiar with and interested in irri gation; he knows the problems con fronting the banker and merchant, and his vision is not narrowed to see only the needs of one community. He is truly representative of this county by actual, hard experience. His strongest appeal is that he has the intelligence and personality to bring to pass measures of relief and present our needs beforo the Repre sentatives of the State in as effective n way bt any, and far better than an untried novice under obligations to some particular class. HENRY A. BARRETT. Member Republican County Ccn- (Paid adv.) tral Committee. Sam A. Miller, candidate for re nomination to the legislature at the republican primaries May 19, is one of the most substantial and progres sive citizens of this end of the coun ty. Mr. Milier sewed at the regular session two years ago and at the special session following as a repre sentative from the Umatilla county district, and always kept carefully in view the true needs and interests of his constituents, with which he is thoroughly conversant. He has had an active and successful business ca reer as manager of the Milton Nurs ery Co. for the past twenty-seven years. This large enterprise was established by his father in 1878, and the senior Mr. Miller, now in his 93d year, is still enjoying good health and continues to rerve as president SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Umatilla County. The Peoples Warehouse, a Corpora tion, vs. Pacific Northwest Adjustment Com pany, i Corporation, W. W. Harrah and Joseph Leuer. Defendants. To Joseph Leuer, defendant above named : In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby summoned and required to appeur and answer the complaint filed in the above entitled Court and cause against you on or before the expiration of six weeks from the date of first publication hereof, viz; on or before June 23d, 1922, and if you fail so to appear and answer the said complaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled Court for the re lief demanded in its said complaint, viz; for a decree that the plaintiff is the ownr in fee simple of the East Half (EVfc) of the Northeast quar ter (NE'i) of section twenty-eight (28) in Township Two (2), North Range Thirty-fou'- (34), E. W. M., in Umatilla county, Oregon, contain ing eighty (80) acres, and determin ing all adverse and conflicting claims of you and the other defendants in and to the said described real proper ty and forever quieting the said fee simple title of the plaintiff thereto and forever enjoining you and the other defendants, :n the above enti tled suit, from asserting or claiming any right, title, estate or interest in and to the said described real pro perty or any other part thereof and for such other and further relief as shall in equity be met and to justice appertain. This summons i3 served upon you by publication thereof in the Athena Press, a weekly newspaper of gen eral circulation, lor six consecutive weeks beginning with the issue of May 12th, 1922, to and including the issue of June 23d, 1922, pursuant to an order directing said publication made by the Hon. Gilbert W. Phelps, Judge of the above entitled Court, and dated and entered therein on May 9th, 1922 Dated this 10th day of May, 1922. Peterson, Bishop & Clark Attorneys for Plaintiff Pendleton, Oregon. !BS9H9Hli!P8BIBI Wkm MILLER of the company. Candidate Miller has served as school clerk of the Milton district for 27 years and as director of the First National Bank of Milton for eight years. He has been a resident for 52 years of Uma tilla county. He says: "I heartily appreciate the expres sion of confidence and good will ac corded me by the voters of Umatilla ounty at the 1920 election. If I am renominated and elected it will be my aim in the future as in the past yj represent the interests of all the people of my district and state in a fair, equitable and business-like man ner. "I will ever keep in mind the in terests of the taxpayers, with the idea of reducing, so far as possible, the constantly increasing taxes. I will use every endeavor to reduce the appropriations to the lowest min imum consistent with reasonable progress and efficient administration of the governmental affairs of the county and state. I will strenuously oppose all needless appropriations and the creation of needless offices. "I promise a faithful, conscientious and business-like performance of duty." (Paid adv.) PUBLISHER'S STATEMENT Statement of ownership, manage- i t ati running Iw the net of Congress of August 24, 1912, of the Athena rrcss, puDiisnen weesiy ai Athena, Oregon, for April 1, 1922; Publisher, editor, managing editor and owner. F. B. Boyd, of Athena, Oregon. Associate editor, UlarK wood, oi Weston, Oregon. Known bondholders or mortgagee, none. F. B. BOYD, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of May, 1922. E. C. Prestbye, Notary Public for Oregon. (My commission expires Oct. 13 1924. For Farm Loans Cox Investment Company Pendleton, Oregon. My residence still for sale or trade Dr. Watts. Bank Statement Charter No. 256. Reserve District No. 12, Report of the Condition of the Athena State Bank, at Athena, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business. May oth, utw. Resources 1. Loans and discounts, including rediscounts shown in items 29 and 30, 'f any $ 49,953.96 4. Other bjiids, warrants and securties, including foreign gov ernment, state, municipal, corporation, etc. including those shown in items 30 and 35. if anv $ 2,839.62 5. StoeiiF. securi its. claims, liens, judgments, etc $ 900.00 6. Banking house, $10,755.72; furniture and fixtures, $10,880.91. .. 21,636.63 8. (a) Lawful reserve with federal rcservo bank 4,000.37. i). (ab) Cash on hand in vault and due from banks, bankers and trust companies designated and ap'vd reserve agt's of bank... 22,345.79. 10. Exchanges for clearing house and items on other banks in the same city or town as reporting bank 415.64. Total cash and due from banks, items 8, 9, 10 and 11, $ 26,761.80 Total $102,092.01. Liabilities. 16. Capital stock paid in $ 25,000.00 18. (a) Undivided profiits $ 2,437.39 (b) Lcfs current expenses, interest and taxes paid $ 1886.54 $ 550.85 S3. Individual deposits subject to check, including deposits due the State of Oregon, county, cities or other public funds 39,829.5 Total of demand deposits, other than bank deposits, subject to reserve, items 23, 24, 25, 26, $ 39,829.85 27. Time certificates of deposit outstanding $ 36,711.31. Total n time and savings deposits payable on demand or subject to notice, items 27 and 28, $ 36,711.31. Total ...$ HuBW'.Ol. State of Oregon, County of Umatilla, as. I, John F. Herr, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. JOHN F. HERR. Cashier. COBRECT Attest: O. 11. REEDER, - v A. E. SHICK. FLOYD F. PINKERTON Directors, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of May, 1922. E. C. PRESTBYE, Notary Public My Commission expires October 13, 1924. RE-ELECT RALPH L WILLIAMS REPUPLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEEMAN THE ONLY WESTERNER EVER ELECTED VICE-CHAIRMAN OF THE REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE Keep the West in Power The Republican National Committee consists of one member from each state in the Union and is the political organization of the party. In June, 1921, at the Committee's first meeting after the inauguration of PRESIDENT WARREN G. HARDING, every state cast its vote for RALPH E. WILLIAMS OF OREGON for vice-chairman of the Committee, recognizing by their unanimous vote his fitness and ability as a leader to fill this responsible position. A vote for Ralph E. Williams for Republican National Committeeman will confirm the action of the forty-eight states in electing him vice-chairman of the Republican National Committee, a position never before held by a Western man Ralph E. Williams of Oregon, as vice-chairman of the Republican Nations Committee, is directly in line to become National chairman, the highest position attainable in the Republican organization. A National Committeeman on the National Committee does not make or execute the laws, but carries out the policies and platform of the party adopted by the delegates at each previous National Convention. Mr. Williams is senior member of the National Committee. Seniority in this committee gives one the same power as seniority in the U. S. Senate. Vote to Keep Him There (Paid Adv. by Committee of Republicans, C. L. Starr, Sec'y, 617 Board of Trade Bldg., Portland, Oregon.) Incorporated 312 DEPARTMENT STORES MAY ECONOMIES THAT ARE REAL! Every department in our store is participating at this time in offering econ omies that are real that give the utmost in quality, for the least money! The great purchasing power afforded by our combined 312 stores gives you values that are unmatchable, savings that are a revelation. Comparisons prove it. "HONOR" MUSLIN Our Own Brand The J. C. Penney Co. label is affixed to bleached "Honor" Muslin. After, giving our "Honor" Muslin a satis factory trial we are confident you will agree with us it is the best Mus lin obtainable at the price. Yd., 15c PLAY SUITS Of Drill and Denim Serviceable, good-looking play suits for children, made of blue denim, stifel striped drill and khaki drill; red trimmed; open back, drop seat, long or short sleeves. Splendid values at 89c and 98c THE LARGEST CHAIN DEPARTMENT ; STORE ORGANIZATION IN THE WORLDS NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IALL For Governor A vote for Senator Charles Hall of Marshfield, Coos Bay, Oregon, is a direct vote for Lower Taxes If elected, Charles Hall will put into operation the Illinois System, namely, ten commissions to run the State's government, instead of the seventy commissions now functioning. He stands for a Clean AMERICAN Business Administration Paid Advertisement. In the County court of the state of Oregon for Umatilla county. In the matter of the estate of George Clay, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to whom it may concern that Manuel Friedly, ad ministrator with the will annexed of the estate of George Clay, deceased, has filed his final account and report in the above entitled estate and that the above entitled court has, by or der entered in said matter, fixed and appointed Monday the 29th day of May, 1922 at 10 o'clock A. M. as the time and the court room of said court as the place for the hearing of objections, if any, of the said final account and for the final settlement thereof. Dated and first published April 28th, 1922. Manuel Friedly, Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Ceorge Clay, de ceased. Date of last publication May 26th, 1922. Peterson, Bishop & Clark, Attorneys for Administrator. Model Cleaners and Dyers Pendleton, Oregon We Clean and Dye everything that is Cleanable or Dyeable. Suits made to order. Give your bundle to the Troy Laundry driver. "Script Porm Butter Wrappers The M Are Biting But you need the right kind of tackle the kind that gets the fish. Thompson's Garage Wo are also agents for LINCOLN STORAGE BATTERIES $21.50 up to $35.50. Why Pay More? Main Street Athena Phone 471 Vacation Remember the long 'distance telephone in your vacation plans.; It will add to the pleasure and comfort of your holiday.; It will serve your convenience in securing information and mak ing arrangements. At lake or shore, in the moun tains or by the stream, long dis tance telephone service means that you are always in touch with home and business. tains or by the stream, lone dis- WW1&MM iij tance telephone service means fl) Mlfflh yjj that you are always in touch with j 1 k The Pacific Telephone And Telegraph Company Or