4 Press Paragraphs Mrs. J. V. Bell of Weston was in town Wednesday. Herbert Hopkins came over from Weston Thursday. Vernie Marr of We3ton Was in Athena yesterday. Wheat Hay Bound wheat for sale. Mrs. Jos. Sheard, phone, 28P2, Roy flyatt prominent Weston far mer, was in Athena Wednesday. P. G. Lucas, Weston real estate agent, was in Athena yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Proudfit were visitors in Pendleton Wednesday. xCass Cannon is having his res ilience painted a bungalow brown col Mrs. J. H. Sturgis visited her par ents here Wednesday night from Pen dleton. Mrs. S. F. Sharp and Mrs. W. W. McPherson were visiting in Pendle ton Saturday. Matt Mosgrove, Milton merchant, and sister, Mrs. Elliott, were in Athena, Monday. Mrs. E. A. Dudley and her grand daughter, Jessie Dudley .visited rel atives ;n Pendleton. George Thompson reports the cap ture of nine coyotes from a den on his ranch, last Sunday. Fresh Milk Fresh rich milk from Jersey cow, $3 per quart per month, delivered. P. H. Marklejr. W. W. Boothby, well known Pendle ton carpenter, dropped dead of ap poplexy while at work on a scaffold, Tuesday. Marion Hansell and Homer Watts spent Wednesday on the north fork of the Walla Walla and had fair suc cess trout fishing. Charles Russell is in the city from Condon, visiting at the home of his parents. He is again in good health, after a serious illness. Laurence Tharp of the Auto Top & Awning company of Walla Walla, was in Athena Tuesday and Wednes day putting up awnings at Main street business houses. He took or ders for others, and reports that he is doing a thriving business in his line. Everything is in readiness for the district track meet in Athena tomor row. The schools of Adams, Athena, Heix and Weston will participate. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Adams, Mrs. Ella Brotherton and daughter, Miss Hazel, of Walla Walla, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Minnie DePeatt. Fishermen returning from Bucka roo Creek Sunday, report large num bers of dead horses and cattle in that section, as the result of the severe winter. E. A., Bennett is giving the Prest- bye Service Station a coat of whitei paint. The property is also being parked and sown to grass by Mr. Prestbye. The Watts tractor was used yes terday in scarifying Third street,, from Jefferson street intersection north. The street surface will be graded and rolled. Sydney S. Vincent, former Asso ciated Press manager at Portland, and John E. Gratke, once editor of the Astoria Budget, were callers at the Press office, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Crowley left the firs of the week for Walla Walla, where Mr. Crowley will be employed. They have closed their home here during their stay in the Washington town.. Jim Jones, rural mail carrier, re ports to the Press that he has trans ferred his Missouri possessions to his mountain ranch, and will here after deliver mail in approved style a la Ford. Asa Arbogast was up last week from his Ritter stock ranch, accom panied by a man who contemplates trading for his residence property here. Mr. Arbogast will not return to Athna to reside. The Simpson Auto company of Pendleton, will give a practical dem onstration with the Ford8on Tractor and Oliver plow, on the Kilgore place Werk's Red Oil Soap TRUE ECONOMY in the matter of Soap is not to be determined by the "number of bars" you get for $1.00, but rather by the quantity of ACTUAL SOAP and its LASTING QUALITY. Some soaps, apparently very cheap, waste very rapidly. Such soaps are NOT ECONOMICAL! The Lasting Quality of WERK'S RED OIL SOAP Spells Economy! Breaks hardest water! Will not shrink woolens. Pry one dollar's worth. For sale by The Pure Food Grocery" Model Cleaners and Dyers Pendleton, Oregon We Clean and Dye everything that is Cleanable or Dyeable. Suits made to order. Give your bundle to the Troy Laundry driver. south of city limits, Monday, May 1. The public is invited to witness this demonstration of u complete plowing outfit. Dr. A. C. Froom. accomnanied bv his wife and son will leave in a few days for Canada, where the doctor will look after his land interests, later returning to Athena to resume his dental practice. A. M. Meldrum was in the city from Spokane Saturday, in the inter ests of Spokane Christian University. Me reports that Mrs. Meldrum, who is on the faculty of the collee-a. is confined to her home with rheuma tism. Wm. Russell has returned homo from his second confinement in the hospital at Walla Walla, where he was recently operated on for the removal of gallstones. Mr. Russell is now on the road to permanent re covery. Editor Mainwaiinir of the Hermia- ton Herald, visited the Press office Wednesday. Mr. Mainwaring recent ly returned from San Francisco where he mastered the mechanism of the linotype at the Megenthaler school, which it is published. liver Dickenson this week shiDDed his' household goods and farm ap purtenances by the 0. W. to his North Powder ranch, and with his family left to reoide there perman ently Their friends wish them pros- perty intheir new home. Mrs. M. L. Watts entertained thp Baptist Missionary society last Fri day afternoon at her home on 4th street. A large number were pres ent, including invited guests. A splen did program was enjoyed, and re freshments closed tbe afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bell. fne T. ota Wagner) have moved from Pen dleton to the Bell home farm smith of town where they wll reside with Mr. and Mrs. John Bell. Mrs. Bell was formerly a teacher in the Athe na schools. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Knowlton left Saturday for their home in Spokane after a short visit here. Thev msnt the winter at Long Beach, California, and are seeing their friends en route home. At Prescott, Waitsburg and other points, in Washington they ex pected to visit relatives. Next Wednesday, May 3rd, the Christian Missionary society will hold their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Floyd Pinkerton west of town. Division No. 2 will furnish the program for the day, and divis ion No. 1 will serve tea. All ladies interested are invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koepke and Ldajighter, Miss Dorothy, will leave f their home in Glendale, California, during the coming month, for a visit to their former home in Germany. Henry Junior will return to Athena after the close of school where he will spend his vacation on the farm. The ladies of the Civic Club are making elaborate preparations for their annual silver tea, which will be held on next Tuesday afternoon in the K. of P.- Odd Fellows Hall. Ef ficient committees on decoration, en tertainment and refreshments have the function in charge, insuring a pleasurable event. The clubs and lad ies of other towns have been spec ially invited, and the ladies of Athena and especially the members of the Civic club are urgently requested to assist in the success of the occasion by their presence. Mrs. Anderson of i wiimMMM I 1 x 'SJEAS if L SERVE OUR and COFFEES THEY ARE DELICIOUS AND FRAGRANT. ,TfcV THEM TODAY At This Store We know how to get the best Blends, how to keep them so they will hold their strength and fragrance. When you drink our teas and coffees you will find them delicious. All teas and coffees are not of the same quality, but all ours are and that quality is No. 1. THK PURE FOOD GROCERY Quality Quantity, Service. Phone 171. Athena, Oregon 3 i Walla Walla will be a guest of the Civic club, and wi'I give a review of her popular book, "An Oft Islander." Mrs. Samuel Haworth returned last week from a visit with her sis ter, Mrs. Wm. Winship, and the D. B. Jarmans, at Salem. She reports all well and prosperous at the Cap itol city. Miss Mildred Winship will arrive in Athena soon for a visit with Mrs. Haworth and other friends. The annual issue of The Lyre, Athena high school paper, will be is sued today. The publication of this issue covers senior class activities, May Day exercises, commencement and graduation ir detail, and is splendidly illustrated with halftones of the graduating class and the bas ketball team. Owing to inclement weather April 14th and 15th, the clean-up days in Athena, a considerable amount of the work was necessarily undone, and it has been decided to set aside Wed nesday of next week. May 3rd, as a clean-up day on which the work of removing rubbish and cleaning up the alleys and vacant lots will be completed. The four-reel motion picture, "Safe guarding the Nation," will be shown at the Christian church tomorrow evening, by arrangement with the ministers of the city. It is stated that the picture portrays a message that is timely and importune. "Safe guarding the Nation" is given under the auspices of the Anti-Saloon Lea gue of Oregon. P. H. Markley, miller for the Pres ton-Shaffer Milling company, is in a serious condition at his home in this city, from the result of running a rusty nail into his hand. He is attended by Dr. Sharp. Mr. Mark ley was working in the basement of the mill, when he placed his hand on a board, containing the nail, which penetrated the palm to the bone. The recital given by Miss Cassil's class at high school auditorium, Sat urday evening, was enjoyed by all who were in attendance. The differ ent numbers were well received, and marked improvement was noticed in the proficiency of 'each pupil. Miss Cassil announces a recital in May at which time a larger number of her pupils will participate in the pro gram. M. L. Watts returned last evening from Morrow courty where as Grand Marshal of the Grand Lodge, I. 0. 0. F. of Oregon, he paid official visits to local lodges. He relates a narrow es cape that he experienced in an auto mobile accident. Mr. .Shaffer and Mr. Leonard of Waitsburg were riding with Mr. Watts, wlien a truck crowd ed their car off the road, and the ma chine hung by one wheel over the em bankment. A party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Homer I. Watts, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Hansell, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Le Grow and Mrs. F. B. Boyd motored to the north fork of the Walla Walla river Saturday morning, where the men of the party investigated the fishing possibilities. Too much wa ter prevented any satisfactory re sults in that line, but a picnic break fast and lunch was keenly apprecia ted none the less. J. E. Jones, Prof. Loren Basler, Elbert Stiff, Herman Hoffman and Isaac Davidson spent Sunday in the Blue Mountains, bear hunting. No trace of bruin was found, but the party enjoyed the outing neverthe less. Mr. Jones had the satisfact ion of nulling one of the cars trans porting the party out of the water on the Umatilla, with his invincible Ford. Mr. Jones describes the im promptu bath the boys were forced to take, in his own peculiar way. Mrs. 0. 0. Stephens entertained the Star club Tuesday afternoon at her home on 4th street, with twenty five ladies present. Out of town guests were: Mrs. A. A. Kimball and Mrs. Ralph Hassell of Pendleton. Athena guests were Mrs. J. F. Herr and Mrs. W. W. McPherson. Mrs. Stephens was assisted in serv ing a refreshing lunch, by Mrs. C. H. Smith. The next meeting of the club will be held at the home of Mrs. M. W. Hansell, north of town on Tues day afternoon, May 9th. MoKenzie Chapter, Order of the Easter Star, with the Crescent Chapter of Weston and Loyalty Chap ter of Milton, were guests Tuesday, evening of Bushee Chapter, of Pen dleton. Owing to the fact that the Benedict Club was entertaining on the same evening, Athena's re presentation was cut down consider ably, but the fifteen members attend ing were highly pleased with their reception and entertainment. A splendid banquet was served by the hostess chapter after the close of the session. The last of the dancing parties given by the Benedict club, composed of thirty-two young marriel couples of Athena, was given Tuesday night :n the Legion hall. About 150 peo ple danced until midnight to the in spiring strains of McElroys orchestra after which a sumptuous lunch was served by the members of the club to their guests. The season's parties have been voted a pronounced suc cess, and it is hoped that the club will reorganize next fall, to give a aeries of like character. i Svnin Special Tea Garden 1-2 Gallon Tea Garden one Gallon Liberty Bell 1-2 Gallon Liberty Bell one Gallon ! 75c jj $1.45 I J 75c ij $1.45 I Athena Dep; j For Lower I It" K nav anf 11 artment Store g .Prices, Pnone 152 5 per cent Discount for Cash. rkRicicicicicicicuicururrcirL THE STANDARD THEATRE Saturday, April Elsie Ferguson In International News "Sacred and Profane Love' A Paramount Picture Two-Reel Western 10c-25c-35c tax included Sunday April 30 Wallace Reid Coming in The Lo Ye Special Pathe Review. Admission, 10c-25c-35c, Tax Paid Rollin Comedy Watch for The Mistress of the World-' A Fine Picture and Will be Exhibited at Regular Admission Prices Mjmmm