The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, April 28, 1922, Image 2

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F. B. BOYD, Owner and Publisher
CLARK WOOD. Agsociate Editor
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year $2.00
One copy, six months $1.00
One copy, three months ,75
France having suffered so greatly
from a war that was forced upon
her, it is not surprising that her po
litical judgment is warped by sus
picion and hatred and there is an ele
ment of inconsistency in her posi
tion. There is no quicker way by
which the economic rehabilitation of
Europe can be satisfactorily accom
plished than by an alliance between
Germany and P.ussia, even though we
may smile at the assurance of their
respective governments that it is
based upon a "spirit of pure benevo
lence." Without the chance for com
mercial recovery which such an alli
ance promises, Germany cannot pay
her huge bill of reparations. In
other words, a debtor cannot be kept
from working along the most advan
tageous lines if the creditors expeet
their debts to be liquidated. Under
the conditions that exist today in
Europe, Germany and Russia are
natural economic allies, and the other
powers should encourage their trade
affiliation, while at the same time
watching carefully for any tenden
cies toward militaristic dominance.
Statistics have a habit of disprov
ing the sapient arguments of those
who contend that prohibition is a
failure. For instance, according to
Judge Green of the Commerce Court
of Chicago, prohibition has caused
sixty institutions for the treatment
of inebriates to close their doors
from lack of patronage. There Is far
less drinking now than formerly;
and there will be less yet so soon as
a certain butterfly element reacheE
the inevitable conclusion that drink
ing is Btupid instead of "smart."
John Barleycorn may not be dead,
but he is indubitably dying.
According to the latest dictum of
science the world is between eight
million and seventeen hundred mil
lion years old. At all events, it is
old enough to have acquired more
wisdom than it displays.
One Colorado editor killed another
ior breaking his nose. Colorado ed
itors ought to declare a nasal holi
The Ashland Tidings says that "if
it is true that the children of Rus
sia run out into the street to get
their share of cod liver oil, we will
believe anything else they say of
that country."
Only the young lady who is a bit
mixed in her spelling will assume
that gentlemen running for office
ought to be real sweet toward women
voters because they are candied
The English idea of sport is thus
epitomized by A. Conan Doyle: "We
play far more for the sake of the
game than for the victory." Un
doubtedly this has its merits.
Between lawlessness on the part
of criminal? and lawlessness on the
part of masked nisht riders, we pre
fer the criminal bivind. There is at
least no hypocrisy about it.
Attacks on the direct primary in
dicate a pretty general view that
even the bad boss is wiser than the
good citizen when it comes to pick
ing candidates.
One American dollar is worth
2,750,000 Russian rubles. However,
it doesn't follow that 2,750,000 Rus
sian rubles are worth one American
"As we get it," says the Manila
Bulletin, "the difference between
Wilson's and Harding's remedies for
conditions is about that between cas
tor oil and castoria."
In advocating the single standard
of morals in America, Lady Astor
resolves our doubts by the inference
that we have a moral standard.
Lady Astor believes that "America
can show the way to peace." This
would perhaps be easier than for
Eunpe to follow it.
A man-eating shark was killed off
the California coast, while another
and more predatory kind peddles oil
stock unmolested.
We fear unpleasant consequences
were all of us so effectively primed
with the new truth powder that we
couldn't tell a lie.
"Why Do Geese Honk When They
Fly 7" Oregon Journal headline.
For the same reason that they fly
when they honk.
About the only reason why there
aren't more candidates than voters
in Oregon is that every candidate is
alio a voter.
wives? asks the Oregon Journal.
Superfluous query. They've already
done gone and befuddled it.
While this from The Oregonian is
good advice, we'll bet the writer's
only experience with spades has been
had at the press club poker table:
"This is the season when it isn't so
important to call a spode a spade as
it is to get out and use it. Whether
getting the ground ready for radishes
or uncovering fisbworms, it is a
mighty useful tool."
Germany and Russia having de
cided to get together, what they will
get together is the question that agi
tates Europe.
Since America is not represented
at Genoa, she will likely be misrep
resented by her numerous European
The New York couple married in
the clouds by radio are beginning
early with their matrimonial ups and
Church of Christ
Bible School. 10 A. M. Commun
ion, 11 A. M. The subject of the
morning sermon will be "Things
Divine." Evening service at 7:30 r.
M. Subiect. "A Big Fish Story."
You are cordially invited to wor
ship with us.
F. E. Russell, Pastor.
Baptist Church
Sunday School, 10 a. m. Morning
worship, 11 a. m. Sermon Loyalty
to Christ and His Bride. Evening
lecture 7:30 p. m Conon Doyle vs.
Spiritualism; or Can We Communi
cate With the Dopd? Midweek Bi
ble study. Thursday, 7:30 p. m.
There's no sensation for us with
out a plesiosaurus. He fled to parts
unknown but they'll maybe find a
A crustal movement is reported in
California. We always knew, of
course, that California had a crusi.
"Blessed are the meek" for they
have no part in that Episcopal
church row at Portland.
How to pay the bonus without
paying the bonus is one of the prob
lems of congress.
"Is the effort to remedy the tax
situation in Oregon going to be be
fuddled by too many tax doctors,
&X mechanicians and tax mfd-
24 Years Ago
Mr. and Mrs. Ad Pinkerton leave to
night on a pleasure trip to the Wil
limette valley.
The boys say that "Fergie" is go
ing to Cuba to bait fish hooks with
Spaniards. He will fish for alliga
tors, the hides of which will be man
ufactured into razor strops, and shoe
strings. Good boy, "Fergie."
One lot of wheat was sold in Walla
Walla Saturday for 85 cents a bu
shel, and as high as 86 cents has
since been refused.
The DeMoss family came into town
today at noon in a stage coach. They
give a concert tonight at the opera
Born, in Athena, April 27, 1898, to
Mr. and Mrs. Walker Wilson, a girl
Thomlinson & Sharp have received
a large stock of wall paper. Latest
The Commerical Livery Stable
Tuesday received a fine carriage di
rect from a St. Louis factory.
Mr. and Mrs. George Ely Wednes
day took their departure for Seattle,
where they will reside in the future.
The aicn who are putting in the
Walla Walla-Baker City telephone
line were in the city. The line is
completed between here and Walla
Grandma Potts, well known to Athe
na people, died Friday at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Anderson, in
Milton. The funeral will take place
tomorrow in Weston, at 1:30 o'clock.
The boys say "Bill" McBride makes
a first class referee. Doubtless his
services will be much in demand, now
that spring fights have commenced.
Should Dan Stewart hear of him, it
is needless to say Athena will be
compelled to look further for referee
The government has advertised for
packers at Fort Walla Walla. W. D.
Parker is thinking of making applica
tion and entering the service In the
capacity of packer on an expedition
to Cuba.
Dr. Richard Hyatt Lansdale, uncle
of MrB. W. B. Mays, Mrs. Isaac, Mrs.
C. M. McMorris, Mrs. T, S Wood and
Mrs G. A. Hartman, of this county
died Tuesday morning at Olympia
Mr. Schubert, living north of town,
is the most patriotic man we have
yet heard of. He has painted his dog
in red, white and blui; colors. It is
expected that he wiU also decorate
his milch cows and horses and his
barnyard fowls in the same manner.
Three men engaged at Fort Walla
Walla, with whom oki-timers are no
doubt acquainted, paswd through Pen
dleton Monday morning, en route for
St. Louis. They are T)an Hays, chief
packer; Charles Eickler, cargador, and
Mr. Thompson, who goes as a first
class packer.
Walter Stone had an exciting ex
perience in the Umatilla river the
other day. He and Earl Hurd at-
! tempted to ford the river on horse
j back. The wattfr was deep and swift
I and the horses were swept from their
feet, throwing the boys into the riv
er. In its sf.ruggle, Stone's horse
I struck him, and the young man had
u close call from drowning.
! Hong Kong, April 288:30 a. m.
Admiral Dew ey of American squad
ron left hen with the avowed pur
pose of capbjring the entire Spanish
fleet in Philippines, and expects to
dolteoy.,3 l
The Churches
Metholist Services
Sunday School 10 A. M. Preach
ing 11 A. M. Preaching 7;30 P. M.
Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7: do
P. M. All are cordially invited to
attend these services.
C. L. Lowther, Pastor.
day of May, 1922 at ten o'clock A.
M. as the time and the Court room
of the said Court as the place for
the hearing of objections, if any, to
the said final account and for the fin
al settlement thereof. ,
Dated and first published March
28th, 1922.
Leo Sampson
Administrator with the will an
nexed of the Estate of Koplotsieplip,
Peterson, Bishop & Clark, Attor
neys for Administrator. Pendleton,
In the County Court of the State of
n -for llmnHUa CountV.
In the Matter of the Estate of E. W.
Achilles, Deceased.
i . , homhv (riven that the un
dersigned has been appointed Admin
istrator of the Estate of E. W. Ach
illes deceased, by the above enuueu
All persons having claims against
the said Estate are hereby notified to
present them to me at Athena, Ore
gon, wihin six months from the dote
of the first publication of this notice.
All claims must, oe vermeu us mm
rrpH at Athena. Oregon, this 31st
day of March, 1922.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for umatma uoumy.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Koplotsieplip, Deceased.
,,t ,, ,, io tinrphv iriVPTl t.O whom it
may concern that Leo Sampson, as
- JJ-1-1 , n-tL II,,, .,,111 Dnnav
WmilllBtl OtUi Willi vn Hiiiiv.."
of the above entitled estate in the
,.l,,.,,.. ,,.,t;tl,.,l Hnuft haa filorl rlia fiti-
al account as such administrator and
that the above entitled uourt Dy or
der entered March 25th, 1922, fixed
ana appointed Monday the first
In the County court of the state of
Oregon for Umatilla county.
In the matter of the estate of George
Clay, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to whom it
may concern that Manuel Friedly, ad
ministrator with , the will annexed of
the estate of George Clay, deceased,
has filed his final account and report
in the above entitled estate and that
the above entitled court has, by or
der entered in said matter, fixed and
appointed Monday the 29th day of
May, 1922 at 10 o'clock A. M. a.i the
time and the court room of paid
court as the place for the hearing of
objections, if any, of the said final
account and for the final settlement
Dated and first published April
28th, 1922.
Manuel Friedly,
Administrator with the will annexed
of the estate of George Clay, de
ceased Date of last publication May 26th,
Peterson, Bishop & Clark,
Attorneys for Administrator.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Claude
A. Reeder, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has filed his final account
and report in the above-entitled mat
ter and that the above-entitled Court
has fixed Saturday the 6th day of
May, 1922, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock
A. M. of said day as the time, and the
County Court room in the County
Court House at Pendleton, Umatilla
County, Oregon as the place for hear
ing said account and report.
Objections to said final account and
report should be filed on or before
said date.
Dated at Athena, Oregon this 7th
day of April, 1922.
O. H. Reeder,
First Publication: April 7th, 1922.
Last Publication: May 5th. 1922.
Brunswick Records
11101(1 J
I .
Olocondft Clolo o mar Heaven and Ocean) Aet IT (Fonchlelll)
Tenor, In Italian Tlno Pattlera
Trovatorv Dl quella plra (Tremble, Ye Tyrants) Act III,
Hcene 2 (Verdi) Tenor, In Italian Tlno Pattlera
Chanson Indone (Song of India) From "Sndko" (Rlmsky-
Kotsakow) Soprano, In English Florence Boston
Song of tlio Shepherd I.ehl From "Saegourotchka" (Rlmsky-
Korsakow) Soprano. In lilnglish Florence Easton
Nocturne In F Sharp Major (Op. 16, No. 2) (Chopin) Piano
forte Solo Elly Ney
Hungarian Ilanre No. 2 (Brahms) Pianoforte Solo. ..Elly Ney
Kiinde des l.utlns (Dance of the Oobllns) (Bazslnl) Violin Solo
Bronlaluw Huberman
Hitngarlun Dance. No. 1 (Brahms-Joachim) Violin Solo
Bronislaw Huberman
Rio Nights ( Vincent-Thompson) Hawaiian Players
Frank Ferora and Anthony Franchlnl
My Hawaiian Kalnbow (Oravelle-Uarlng) Hawaiian Players
Frank Ferora and Anthony Frnnchjnl
evening Bells (Ellenberg) Vlolln-Fluto-Harp. . .Gondolier Trio
Sweet Longings (Menzel) Vlolin-Flute-Harp Gondolier Trio
La rartidn (Tho Departure) (Blasco-Alvarei) Baritone, In
Spanish ...Giuseppe Danlsa
Tarantella (ltosslnl) Baritone. In Italian Giuseppe Danlse
Mother, My Hear (Nolon-Treharne) Tenor Theo. Karle
111 the Moonlight (Buek-Halle) Tenor Theo. Karle
High Brown Blues (Vellon-Ager) Comedienne with Orchestra
Margaret Young
Mavho Yon Think You're Fooling Baby (Clarke-Vlollnsky)
Comedienne with Orchestra Margaret Young
' California (Friend-Conrad) Tenor William neeae
Aluhamy Mntnmy (Fleeson-Von Tllter) Tenor and Barltono
Billy Jones and Ernest Hare
Tell Her at Twilight (Grossman-Donaldson) Baritone
Elliott Shaw
Time After Time (Brennan-Ball) Tenor . ,
Charles Hart and Male Trio
After the Rain Fo Trot (Kahn-Slsemore-Shrlgley)
Ishum Jones' Orchestra
Those Longing For You Dlues Fox Trot (Robinson-Westphal)
Ishaui Jones' Orchestra
Medley of Old Faabioned Waltses, No. 1 ( "After the Ball "
"The Bowory" "Sweet Husle O'Grady" "The Sidewalks of
Now York'" "Annie Hooney" "in the Good Old Summer
Time") Carl Fenton's Orchestra
Medley of Old Southern Melodies. No. 1 Walts ("My Old
Kentucky Home" "Old Folks at Home" "Old Blaok Joe"
"Maesa's In de Cold Ground ""Carry Me Back to Old
Vlrglnny") Carl Fenton's Orchestra
Loncsume Houra Fox Trot (Hose-Friend) Orchestral Ar
rangement by Walter Haenschen
Rudy Wledoefte Callfornlana
Old Fashioned Girl Fox Trot (Al Jolson) Orchestral Arrange-
i,, i ii ,.,,,, I,.,, i:.K vvi.,,i.,. fi'4 Piilirnrnlnns
f Cutle--Fox Trot Introducing "I've Found a Bud Among tho
Roses' rroiu '"The Blue Kitten' (liaroiu-n-rTimii
Bennle Krueger's Orchestra
Jimmy. I Love But You Fox Trot (Smlth-Wheelcr-Trebla-
Caple) Bennle Krueger's Orchestra
Lola Lo Fox Trot (Smith-Wheoler-Klaphols-Lango)
Selvln's Orchestra
Angel Child Fox Trot (Prlce-Sllver-Davls). Selvln's Orchestra
la Bluebird Land Fox Trot ( Williams-Short)
lsham Jones' Orchestra
By the Silvery Nile Fox Trot (Yellen-Johason)
lsham Jones' Orchestra
Thrills Fox Trot (West) Cosllewood Marimba Baad
My Carolina Rose Fox Trot (Hall) Cast lewood Marimba Band
Poor Llttlo Me Fox Trot (Benny Davis) .
Bennle Krueger's Orchestra
Don't Leave Me, Mammy Fox Trot (Santly-Conrad)
Bennle Krueger's Orchestra
Virginia Blues Fox Trot (Erdman-Melnken)
lsham Jonas' Orchestra
Yea-re Only a Baby Fog Trot (Lyons-Keyes-Msglnl)
lsham Jones' Orchestra
McFadden's Pharmacy
m awmuiwH --
Style plus quality plus saving
equals pocketbook satisfaction and
the fact that you're buying right!
It is not necessarily alone the price you pay that means pocketbook satisfac
tion. It's what you receive for the price that in the end proves the genuine
ness and extent of the satisfaction you experience.
It's the style, the quality and the workmanship in your purchase at a price,
that determine the lowness of that price!
A quality-providing ability of this kind is the result of a store's buying
pewer whether the buying in the market was made for one store or hun
dreds of stores; whether the buying was done with a thorough under
standing of the needs of the store's patrons or bought wildly and haphaz
ardly to eventually-be sold at so-called "sales."
The buying for our 312 department stores obtains lowest possible prices
and the pick of style and quality. This results because of the vast quanti
ties of goods our combined stores require.
By buying here you know you are buying right.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids and proposals will be received by
the Common Council of the city of
Athena on and until 7:30 P. M. on the
1st day of May 1922, for the improv
ment of Hunt Avenue in the city of
Athena from the North line of Main
street to the North line of the city
limits of the City of Athena, by grad
ing, ditching and covering the road
way with crushed rock or gravel in
acccrdance with the plans and spec
ifications for such improvement now
on file in the office of the City Rec
order of the City of Athena. Each
bid must be accompanied by a cert
ified check for the sum of $500.00
payable to the order of the Mayor of
the City of Athena, to be returned if
the bidder is unsuccessful, and to -be
forfeited upon failure to enter into a
contract in accordance with the bid if
accepted. Each bid must specify the
price for such improvement as fol
lows: Grading, per cubic yard $
Crushed rock or crushed
gravel per cubic yard
Laying drains, per lineal ft. $
Bids must be filed with the City
Recorder on or before the time above
mentioned. The Common Council re
serves the right to reject any and all
bids, and bids will be opened by the
Common Council at the regular meet
ing thereof at the time above spec-ified-
Dated April, 21st, 1922.
B. B. Richards
City Recorder
A21 Ml
In the county court of the State of
Oregon, for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Clare
G. Stone, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
der signed has been appointed execu
tor of the estate of Clare G. Stone,
deceased, by the above-entitled.
All persons having claims against
the said estate are hereby notified to
present them to me at Athena. Ore.
or to my attorneys, Homer I. Watts !
and E. C. Prestbye, at their office in
Athena, Ore. within six months from
the date of the first publication of this
notice. All claims must be verified
as by Law required.
Dated at Athena, Oregon this 24th
day of March, 1922.
M24-A21. Executor.
Give your car a
Real Oiling
Prestbye's Service Station
" Where Ton and Service Meet"
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Lard, Kraut, Kippered Salmon,
Salt and Fresh Fish, Oysters,
Clams and Crab, in Season.
Main Street, Athena, Oregon
Pioneer Employment Co
MR. FARMER : Phone us at our erpense when
you want help on your farm. We furnish your
help and it does not cost you one cent.
Farms, Camps, Hotels, Garages, Etc.
14 North Second Street 115 East Webb Street, Phone 676
Only employment office in Eastern Oregon with Portland connections
31 5-
WALES Listing and
Vr ! 1 Bookkeepind
lSlDle Machines
Pip3hHsBw9 I
Will Handle
Your Business
problems in 1-6 of the time it
takes to do them the old fash
ioned way, and will also add
subtract, multiply, divide, and
"you're sure it's sure." Close to
6000 banks, the hardest users
of adding machines, depend
on the Wales for accurate re
sults. Let us show you on your work. Costs nothing
Croxdale Office Furniture & Supply Co.