Advertising The cAthena Press circulates in the homes of readers who reside in the heart of the Great Umatilla Wheat Belt, and they have money to spend Notice ! If this notice is marked RED, it sig nifies that your Subscription expires with this issue. We will greatly ap preciate your renewal- $2.00 per year Entered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Class Mail Matter VOLUME XLIII. ATHENA. UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY. APRIL 21. 1922. NUMBER 15 ATHENA WRITTEN UP IN UMATILLA GOUNTY BOOKLET NOW READY Noted As Home Town With Good Schools, Paved Streets and Dependable Resources. Aden 1 po-t of BOY THROWN FROM BICYCLE The common practice of the small boy on a bicycle holding to the rear end of a fast-traveling automobile, proved disastrous to hJdwin McKwen The following article on Athena, was written for the Umatilla county booklet recently issued by the fed crated commercial clubs of the county and the county court: Located in the heart of Umatilla county's chief industry wheat rais ingAthena is situated midway be tween Pendleton and Walla Walla on the hard surface state highway. It haa a population of 627 as given by the last census enumeration, strict ly speaking is a "home" town in every sense of the word, being endowed with all essentials for meriting the term. No climate is more healthful than that of the foothills of the Blue mountains, and no water more pure than that which flow3 from their springs. The records of Athena phy sicians disclose the fact that for 30 years past there has not been one rase of typhoid or malaria here but that the patient contracted it in some other locality. Athena'3 municipal water system comes from springs by gravity flow into concrete reservoir and is supplemented by a pumping system, used for emergency purposes only The streets of Athena are broad and clean and there are more paved blocks to be found here than in any other town of like population in the state. For permanent street improve ments, $80,000 has been expended in the, past two years. The residence streets are parked, with the appear ance of a cool, shady grove. Her homes are for the most part mod ern, and well-kept lawns attest to the pride the average resident takes in beautifying his premises. There is more "school spirit" to the square inch in Athena than can be found anywhere, populaton consider ed. One of the best appointed build ings; in the county, a live board of di rectors, an efficient faculty and stu dious pupils blend as a whole in put ting Athena in the front rank of the accredited schools of the state. In cluded in the construction of this splendid high school building is a gymnasium iiDrary and auditorium. U SMASHED THE LAMP POST ILV nam ennuares live aim one- V halt acres of land in the south part the city. It is well shaded and skirted on one side by Wild Horse creek, making it a most inviting place to while away the hours in summer. Free camping grounds are maintained by the citv in a portion of the park. Five religious denominations are re presented in Athena, Methodist, Epis copal, Christian, Baptist and Catholic. Social conditions are all that could be desired. The people are hospita ble and of entertaining inclination. Women's clubs flourish in the com munity and there are local lodges of all the leading secret orders. The American Legion is also represented here. The commercial interests of Athena are headed by the Athena commercial club, which has well furnished and commodious quarters. Surrounded by thousands of acre3 of the most fertile wheat land on the Pacific slope, it naturally follows that the principal industry here would be the manufacture of flour and mill stuffs. A large flour mill operates on a 24-hour-a-day basis 3C5 days a year giving employment to 25 men. This mill has a capacity of 500 bar rels of flour per day, consumes in the process of grinding approximately 600,000 bushels of wheat per year, handles 2,000,000 pounds of barley and distributes 200,000 grain bags to the wheat raisers. Delivered at the Athena warehouses each year are approximately 450,000 bushels' ef grain. The farmers own and operate a modern concrete eleva tor of 101,000 bushels capacity for bulk wheat and in addition a ware house of 60,000 sack capacity for sacked grain. In addition there is a chop mill of 20 tons capacity daily. The financial pulse of a cummunity throbs through the strength of its banking institutions and from them our arteries of trade and commerce are to be gauged. The First National bank of Athena was established m 1891. Its present capital stock is $50,000 and it carries a surplus of S60.000. with deposits of $824,642. The Athena State bank opened for business in Jan. 1920, with a capital stock of $25,000 and a surplus of $5, 000, and it now resources over the $100,000, mark. The O. W. R. & N. and Northern Pacific railroads serve this commun Glen Dudley Is the President of County Legions Dudley of the Athena-Weston the American Legion, was elected president of the Umatilla county council of the American Le gion, at its organization meeting held in Pendleton.T7 Four of th mgn posts in the county were represented and the oth er3 are expected to have representa tion in the council as soon as possible. Arr old Koepnke, Glen Dudley, Dr. C. H. Smith and C. L. McFadden of the Athena,-Weston post, E. J. Kingsley and C. M. Voyen of the Hermiston po&t, I. M. Peterson and C. S. Mudge of the Echo post, and Joe Harvey, Tom Murphy, Tom Keating, Cyril Proebstel and Dr. Fred A. Lieuallen of the Pendleton post, were the rep resentatives at the first ses3ion, Fred E. Kiddle, district committeeman of the state organization, was present and explained the work of the council. Plans for a joint celebration on Ar mistice day were proposed as was a county convention of all Legion mem bers in the section. Naturalization and Americanization work in this con nection was discussed at length and it was decided that the members of the council report to their posts that investigation of naturalization ap plications be made. The council is formed as an instru ment for better cooperation between posts and will handle such matters as the unemployment question, the exchange of equipment and ideas of posts and united action on legislative matters. Decision of the council was that the congressional delegation of Ore gon be requested to vote in favor of the adjusted compensation bill now before the senate. Regular meetings of the council will be held at Athena, the first meeting being on Friday, April 28. A Dutch lunph will be served at 7:30, to which all members of the local Post are urged to attend. Commencement Exercises r "I mm E HM THE GRADUATING CLASS Upper Lucinda Dell, Superintendent O. C. Hadley, Herman Geissel, lla Schubert, Frank Miller, Dorvrn Phillips. Lower Gwendolyn Mclntyre Kohler Betts, Savannah Smith, Maebelle Duncan. at the Vic Harris place south of the UiK? ,, miuti, Tuesday eveningdwin was Lnruwn hi cue pavement wnen ne lost control of his bicycle after re leasing his hold from the automobile. He was later found unconscious on the roadside by a party passing in a car, and was brought to the St. Nich ols Hotel, 8tHijutfhjJMia-RaJph Mc-Eiiui, nulifkd. The lad was taken to Dr. Smith's office, who found a broken tooth, cuts and bruises. A - .!,.;,..... U.. T It-. 1J , iyi " -nL unveil uy 1 enuii-Lun iau,y, ?' (trashed into the lamp post at the cor- rler of Main and Third, Sunday, and demolished it. The car was damaged also. Evidently the driver was in experienced, and in making the turn at the intersection, she was unable to clear the curb, with the re3ult that the car came headon against the lamp post in front of the Watts & Rogers store FREEWATliB CASHIER SUICIDE BODY FOUND BY SHEEPMAN A Walla Walla dispatch says that Earl S. Rowe, 33 year old cashier of the bank of Freewater, who disappear ed from his home in Freewater dur ing the first of February, was found dead in the hills of the Wallula road Saturday morning by Dave Cochran, a sheepherder. The man was adjudg ed to have been dead for at least six weeks. The body was found seated among the rocks, with the 32 calibre Colt's automatic still clutched in his right hand. Five bullet.- still remained in the gun with the one shot cartridge and another bullet was held in the left hand of the suicide. The shot that ended the life of the young bank cashier had entered the right temple and death had evidently been instan taneous. The body was on the George Lamb din place in the "horse-heaven" coun try, four miles from the road in the Wallula hills. Rowe had evidently walked to the most desolate and iso lated spot he could find, and had there ended his life. The body was brought to Walla Walla and is now at the MacMartin and Chamberlain mortuary. Papers and letters on the body were the first means of identification of the man who disappeared over two months age. At the time of his disappearance Rowe's wife and two children were living at Freewater where he as em ployed. Since that time, however, they have gone to Spokane, and Mrs. Rowe is at present employed in a de partment store. tome time ago the de3erted car of Rowe was located on the Wallula road, and at that time it was feared thai, some accident had befallen Mm itv and compete for freight and pas- At that time, however, the suicide f A: ..a i: 11 ft .Umm hBA nnft At,4 itu wav in iho seneer tratric, anoraing exceueni shipping and transportation facilities. The entire main street of Athena is paved, with no poles or wires over head. Athena has large lumber yard, five garages, a department litore, a dry goods store, two grocer theory had not found its way in the matter arid the finding of the car was held as one of the deep mysteries of his disappearance. GWINN RECEIVES SUPPORT While in Union and Baker counties ics, two restaurants, a meat market, ; this week, J. H. Gwinn republican can two banks, a harness shoo, a hard- i didate for congress from this district, ware and implement store, one thea- against N. J. Sinnott, present incum klv nowannner two black- bent, encountered enthusiastic sup- smiths, a paint store", a furniture and port. Gwinn finds that protection of undertaking parlor, one hotel, a laun- j the free public schools is a subject dry a drug store, a jewelry store, a that is causing people to sit up and branch library and two barber shops. 1 take notice in tnis campaign. BACCALAUREATE SERVICES SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 7 AT THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH The baccalaureate service for the graduating class of the high school will be held in the Christian church Sunday morning May 7, at 11 o'clock. All the churches of the town will join in this service. Reverend Howard Stover, pastor of the community church at 'Freewater, has been sec ured to deliver the sermon on this oc asion. The program as arranged is as fol lows : Invocation Rev. E. B. Johnson Response Choir Hymn . Congregation Announcements Solo Mrs. David Stone Baccalaureate Sermon Rev. Howard Stover Hymn Choir Benediction Rev. F. E. Russell. Commencement Exercises The annual hign school commence- mei t exercises will take place in the high school auditorium at 8 P. M. May 12. Rev. M. E. Bollen of Walla Walla has been secured to give the com mencement address The class oration is "American Ideals. Maebelle Dun can, Lucinda Dell, and Kohler Betts. collaborating, will write the oration. Ihe program which has been ar ranged is as follows: Invocation Rev. F. E. Russell Selection Etude Club Class Oration, American Ideals savannah bmith Solo L. H. Basler Presentation of Class Gift Kohler Betts Instrumental Solo Lucinda Dell Commencement Address Rev. M. E. Bollen Presentation of Diplomas B. B. Richards Presentation of Awards O. C. Hadley Benediction Rev. C. L. Lowther Five girls and four bovs comnrise the graduating clsss this year. They are Lucindu Dell, Lela Schubert. Gendowlyn Mclntyre, Savannah Smith, Maebelle Duncan, Herman Geissel, Frank Miller, Dorvan Phil lips and Kohler Betts. MISS CASSIL'S RECITAL ON TOMORROW EVENING The public is urged to attend the recital which will be given in the High School Auditorium Saturday evening at 8 o'clock by nine of Miss Lois Cassils young pupils. Each one of them has conscientiously tried to do his or her part toward making the program interesting to all. Mis3 Cassil's pupils participating in the recital arc: Kathleen Radtke, Genevieve Rogers, Lucinda Dell, Sa vannah Smith; Dale Stephens, Ellen Henry, Fred Radtke, Edna DeFVeece, Lois Johnson, and Miss Cassil gives Scherzo by Brahms. Miss Cassil wishes to take this op portunity of announcing that her en tire class will appear in a recital during the last week in May. THE BASKETBALL TEAM Left to Right Johnny Pinkerton, Lorain Shick Wilbur Harden, Brooks Anderson, Leon Kretzer, Dorvan Phillips', Beryl Hodgcn, Professor Basler Coach, Herman Geissel. DISTRICT TRACK MEET IS AT ATHENA NEXT SATURDAY The track meet for the Athena sec tion will be held in the city park at Athena, commencing at 1:30 P. M. Saturday April 29. Contestants are expected from He lix, Adams. Weston, Athena and the country districts. The contestants in the grand meet will be divided into groups according to weight as fol lows : Division A 70 pounds and under. Division B 100 pounds and under. Division C 115 pounds and under. Division D Unlimited. The schedule events will be as fol lows : Boys, division A 25-yard baseball throw for distance. Boys, division B 60-yard running high jump; running jump. Boys, division C 60-yard running broad jump, running jump. Girls, division A 25-yard baseball throw for distance. Girls, division B 60-yard baseball throw for distance. Girls, division C 60-yard baseball throw for distance. Girls, division D 75-yard Dasketbali foul throw. The events in the Jiigh school divi sion will be as follows providing con testants are entered: 50 yard dash, 100 yard dash, 220 yard dash, 440 yard run, half mile run, mile run, high jump, running broad jump, pole vault. The winners in this meet will rep resent this section in the county meet which is t be held in Pendleton May 0. A smaU charge of twenty-five cents for adults will be made to de fray the expenses of the meet. dash; dash; broad dash; high da3h ; dash; dash; dash; UMAP1NE DEFEATED Athena high school defeated Uma pine on the Umapine grounds, last Friday by the score of 10 to 2. t i . i i e a.i I ii . CH A ITER ENTERTAINS McKcnzie Chapter, O. E. S., was hostess Wednesday evening to Loyal ty Chapter of Milton and Crescent Chapter of Weston, the former ex emplifying the work of the order. A large number of guests were present, and a splendid spirit of fraternity was manifest. Refreshments were served to Ihe entire company, the committee inning, two in the second, four in the fifth and one in the eighth. Uma pine's scores were made in the third and fifth innings. The Athena 8th graders, with Vernon Miller pitching, defeated the Umapine grade nine by the shut-out route, winning 3 to 0. FREE FROM TUBERCULOSIS Dairymen of Pendleton and vicinity are working to free their herds from tuberculor infection. Dr. J. P. Mad den of the bureau of animal industry is now there assisting the dairymen in the work. Dairymen of other towns in the county, it is understood will take action to have their cows in spected, so it is understood. reporting eighty-five plates served. tend a like fraternal reunion next Tucssday night by Bushee Chapter of Pendleton. PIILOT ROCK INCENDIARY BLAZE PLACED AT $25,000 Damage estimated at $25,000 was done early Saturday morning at Pi lot Rock in a fire of incendiary ori gin, which caused a loss of $10,000 in wheat and the warehouse building, owned by H. W. Collins of Pendle ton, and a loss of $15,000 in wheat, hay and warehouse facilities of the Pacific Coast Elevator company. This was the third large fire to occur within the past three months in Pilot Rock. Shortly after 2 A. M. the 'ire was discovered by a woman and seemed to come from the center of the Pa cific Coast Elevator company's ware house. Citizens were called but the fire equipment did not permit hose to be used and a bucket brigade was all that saved the Farmer's Mutual warehouse. The Pendleton fire department rushed 600 feet of hose to the town, but all efforts to save the two build ings were unavailing. The losses were fully covered by insurance and both companies announce that they will rebuild in the same locations. A peculiai coincidence in the three fires is that all started at the same hour in the morning. A fire fiend is thought responsible by the people of Pilot Rock. One hundred and fifty tons of coal, belonging to the Pilot Rock Lumber company was burned, $2500 worth of wool owned by the Cunningham Sheep company and six boxcars of the O. W. R. & N. com-Dany. DOG SAVES THE SHEEP Last fall O. L. Bernice drove a large flock of sheep from the graz ing lands on the slopes of Mount to winter quarters near White Salmon. En route forty sheep and a dog became detached in a fog. Last week the dog turned up with 39 of the sheep. The faithfui animal had herded the sheep throughout the long winter months, protected them from predatory animals and only lost one of his charges. The case is said to be without precedent. BEARS TAKE GAME The Walla Walla bears won the initial Blue Mountain league game from Milton-Freewater, Sunday, by the score of 8 to 4. Pendleton-Day-of the Oregon trail will not be until at the May meeting of th commission. SALMON ARE RUNNING Chinook salmon are reported to be dition running in numbers in the Walla Wal la river and tributaries. Improve ment of a fish ladder in the lower river, is raid to be responsible for the saimon run. LATE IN BLOOMING Apricots were in bloom at Walla Walla on April 12. This is the lat est date on record for apricot blos soms, the earliest being March 16. ROADS ARE PASSABLE The country roads are ranidlv drv ing up and are now in passable con A considerable amount of road work has been done bv the county this spring, including the re pairing or several bridges. FIRE LOSS $20,000 The loss caused by the fire at Pilot Rock, which caused the destruction of the Pacific Coast Elevator warehouse and warehouses owned by Henry Col lins of Pendleton, has been placed at $20,000. May Day Fete Will Be Held Friday April 28 The May Day Fete will be held Friday April 28, in the school gym nasium which will lie transformed in to a fairy-like woods. Fifty fir trees, loads of boughs and apple blossoms and colored lights will tend to trans foim the entire gymnasium into a bower of loveliness. The color scheme this year will be pink, green and white. The Maypole dancers dressed in dainty ruffly costumes of pink, green and white will head the procession, singing "All Hail." Next will come the two little flower girls. Jean I .at t in and Mildred Hansell strewing rose petals in the way of the Queen. Queen Lucinda I will be preceded by little Leo Sanchez who will carry the crown on a satin cushion. George Miller and Howard Reeder, dressed in white suits will act as train bear ers. Next in line will follow the mem bers of the various dances, who will t a3 court attendents to the Queen. At 10:30 Sunt. W. W. Green will crown Lucinda Queen of the May, af ter which the dances will be given. Much hard work has been snent on the various steps and perfection is fast being reached. ihe morning program is as fol lows: At noon everybody is invited and expected to come with well filled bas kets. The Parent-Teachers have the cafeteria dinner in charge and re quest that the baskets contain salads, sandwiches, pickles and cakes. Cof fee and cocoa will be made at the school house. This lunch is free and a large crowd is expected. Last year over four hundred partook of the din ner and it is hoped as many will come this year. In the afternoon at 2:30 a base ball game will be played with Milton. Considering that last year Athena won a 14 inning game from them while they won a 10 inning game from us. tne contest will be very hard fought. In the evening to defray the ex penses of the day, a program will be given consisting of four one-act plays. A general admission of 25 cents will be charged, which if the house in packed, will just meet the expenses oi tne uay. The.evening program is as follows: 10:30 Entrance of the procession singing "All Hail" Crowning Lucinda 1 by W. W. Green May Pole Dance .... High School Girls Elf Dance Primary Tarantella (Italian) Eight Girls Sunshine Fairies Dance Marjory Douglas and Betty Eager r lower nance High School Girls wooa mympns Six Girls (Jalesthentic Drill Students of Dist. No. 30 Clown Dance Eighth Grade Girls iz:uu Dinner served by I'arent- i enchers 2:00 p. m. Ball game Athena high vs. Mil ton 8:00 p. m. Plays. High Auditorium. Admission 25 cents. INITIAL BOXING CARD AT LEGION SMOKER A VERY GOOD DRAWER A Big, Good Natured Crowd Sees Clean Contests and Clamors For Another Go Soon. ANNUAL SILVER TEA GIVEN BY LADIES OF CIVIC CLUB The Civic Club met Tuesday in reg ular session, with Mrs. H. I. Watts, president, presiding. Mrs. Charles Betts had charge of the program, her subject being "Landscape Gardening." Mr.;. Betts gave an iastructive talk on the subject, and was followed by Mrs. Michener with a paper on city home grounds, and Mrs. Clarence Tubbs on the improvement in coun try home surroundings, each of which was received wit'i highest praise. Discussion followed, and roll call was answered with suggestions relative to the planting season. The president appointed a commit tee from the Civic club to confer with the city park commiitee of the town council, relative to conserving and plaiting trees in the park. This com mittee consists of Mrs. F. B. Boyd, Mrs. H. H. Hill and Mrs Charles Betts, Mrs. Le Grow, Mrs. Dell. The annual silver tea will be held next regular meeting day, May 2nd, and committees will insure a success of Ihe occasion. Clubs from other towns as well as all the women of Athena and vicinity are invited to at tend. Mrs. Anderson of Walla Walla, wil! be invited to come and give a re view of her book, "The Off Islander." Mrs. Anderson's former visit was un avoidably prevented last winter. The heads of the various commit tees having the silver tea in charge are: Mrs. E. C. Prestbyc, Mrs. D. S. Fisher, Mrs. M. L. Watts and Mrs. J. L. Michener. The committee having clean-up day in charge reported that owing to the inclement weather, not so much has been accomplished as planned, but in cooperation with the city, the work will be pushed to completion, Mrs. O. O. Stephens will entertain the Star club next Tuesday after- ROAD WORK CHEAPER Bids were opened by the highway commission this week, and it was found that they were much lower than has been paid for some time. At the low price of $1.85 per cubic yard, thlU-WANT ANOTHER SMOKER u d:i : V on... e i : m contract for the Pilot Rock-Vinson section of the Oregon-Washington highway was let. The contract for the completion of the Kamcla section of the Oregon trail will not be at the May meeting of the commission. It was so good that everybody wants to see another. That would express the general sentiment pertaining to the first box ing card presented by Athena-Wes-ton American Legion Post, which was given before a packed house at Leg ion Hall in this citv. Saturday nicht. The good-natured crowd was a re presentative one from the towns of Umatilla county and a large delega tion from Walla Walla. A rmmher of ladies were in the audience to wit ness the contests. The preliminaries ooened with a 20-minute wrestling bout between Ray McCarroll of Pendleton. And Man Clever of Portland, in which McCar roll was given the decision over his lighter opponent by aggressiveness, the clever agility of Mr. Clever pre venting the Pendleton man from win ning a fall. Of the main boxing contest, and thn preliminaries, Clark Wood, who cov ered the smoker for the Press and the weston Leader, says: uniy tne main bout was a disan- pointment and this by no means be cause it lacked merit, but because it went only one round and the spec tators wanted more. The men met at catchweights and milled it merrily. rankie Neal of Pendleton was fast ter than his heavier rival, Earl White of Los Angeles, and put him asprawl and somnolent into his corner as the first round was nearing its closet While it lasted, though, it was a good battle. Snip Snider of Weston and young Watts of Walla Walla put up a fast and lively bout, Snip gaining the de cision. He plainly outclassed his man and also had an advantage in pound age. Watts was game to the core, however, and took his punishment smiling. Mose Banister of Athena had too much weight and strength for Gale Simpson of Weston, who was groggy and bleeding at the end of the second round. Referee Buddy Stevens ended the bout by raising Banister's arm. Herman Geissel of Athena and Elmer Brooks of Pendleton fought a Pfetty and exciting battle to a draw. The heavyweight class was repre sented by Bauman and C. Lieuallen of Heppner the latter being well known as state traffic officer. These men are said to be pals, but they mixed it in the ring as though the wing of friendship had moulted all its feathers. For heavies they were fast on their feet and sneedv in .ti.,,. Bauman seemed to have a shade by reason of better condition and more aggressiveness, and Buddy gave him the decision. Bauman and Lieuallen will be a drawing card at any time they care to go on together again. A pleasing feature nf the ,,t;,-,. cartl was the manifest willingness of t c mi y8 10 Ilgn na and to fight fair. Throughout the entire event; Athena's most ambitious and success ful emprise in fistiana there was no symptom of stalling and no attempt at a foul. In only one bout was Bud dy Stevens' judgment questioned, some of the spectators thinking that Geissel had a shade or two the best of Brooks. - COYOTES PAY DIVIDENDS Six baby coyotes, which had not yet opened their eyes upon a cruel world, were dug out of a, den, on Pine creek near the Watts place Saturday by J. E. Jones, Ray Jones and Vernie O'Harra. The fuzzy lit tle youngsters looked far more at tractive than the adult specimens, and attracted much attention when shown about in a box on the streets of Athena and Weston. Subse quently their pelts were cashed in at the rate of three dollars each at the county clerk's officefor eventually baby coyotes become big ones. The find was made in a snot which has been a veritable coyote mine for Vernie O'Harra for the past five years. THE STANDARD PROGRAM Tomorrow night Fred Stone comes to the Standard in a superb R. C. Western picture, "The Duke of Chim ney Butte" and Harold Lloyd will help out the program in one of .the be?t comedies he ever made, "Num ber Please," Sunday night, Bebe Daniels, always a favorite here, will be seen in "One Wild Week." Inter national News. Pathe Review, and other reels of interest will make the two night's program of unusual interest. FISHING REPORTED GOOD Reports from different streams in, the county, would indicate that the opening day of the trout-fishing sea son was satisfactory. Pendleton pa pers report that a number of fisher men of that town caught the limit. The fans are clamoring for another boxing card and Legion smoker under auspices of the local post. It is pro bable that a second boxing card will be put on here by the Legion in the near future. . . , .,.rl. ,