Specials for This Week Borax Soap Chips, per Package 35c Sea Foam Washing Powder, per Package 25c Star Naptha Washing Powder, per Package 25c Borax Powder, 5 pound Package 70c 21 Bars Polar White Laundry Soap, $1.00 14 Bars P. & G. Naptha Laundry Soap, s $1.00 20 Bars Swft's White Laudry Soap, $1.00 20 Bars Clean Easy Laundry Soap, $1.00 6 pound Box Kingsford's Gloss Starch, 65c L "Over The Hill" Palmer Penmanship Buttons were won by the following pupils of Wild Horse district No. 11, south of town: Lloyd Fix, sixth grade; Mildred Street, fifth grade; Eldon Fix, fourth grade; Doris Street, second grade; Nate McBride, first grade. Dr. R. C. Ellsworth and Miss Helen Ford of Pendleton were Sun day guests at the H. A. Street farm south of Weston. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hesser and daughter Betty spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mdn tyre. They were accompanied back to Walla Walla by Erminie and Af ton Mclntyre. Mrs. Minnie Walker submitted to a serious operation Saturday at Walla Walla. She rallied nicely and favorable reports are heard as to her progress. The patient was visited during the week by Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Greer. Little Patricia Blomgren, who has been ill for the past couple of months, is slowly improving. The Athena Bakery WHY PAY MORE? Pound Bread 10c Fresh Cookies, 2 doz 25c Tomatoes, Corn and Peas Two Cans for 35c Pure Lard, per pound 20c Bulk Raisins, per pound 25c POLAR CAKES AND ICE CREAM L. C. Bevens, Proprietor Tomlinson & Cudney Dray and Transfer Will Haul Anything Any where at Any Time. Prices are Right Quick, Reliable Service Phone 22 DRS. A. D. & R. A. FRENCH OPTOMETRISTS French Optical Parlors 15 E. Main St Phone 653 WALLA WALLA, WASH. Mrs. H. L. Robo entertained mem ber, of the Saturday Afternoon Club at her home on north Water street, April 8. Following the business ses sion, two piano solos were given by Mrs. Joseph Wurzer. The remain der of the afternoon was devoted to sewing for the Albertina Kerr baby home. During the tea hour a dainty collation was served by Mesdames Lysle Webb and W. S. Price. Mrs. C. E. Fisk will be hostess to the organization April 22, when the an nual election of officers will be held. Mr. and Mrs. Will F. Gould and daughter, Mary Emma, were down from Weston Mountain Tuesday and enjoyed a family dinner with the W. H. Gould household. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gould mo t n imI to Haldman Saturday for a britf visit with the Ed Tucker fam ily. The new Methodist parsonage is now located on the site adjoining the church property. Rev. John B. Coan and family took possession of the dwelling last Saturday. MiBs Bertha Compton, who has been visiting her siBter, Mrs. George W. Winn the past ten days, (eft Mon day for Walla Walla to resume her studies at Whitman College. Miss Vida Greer returned Friday from a ten days' visit with friends in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Metz arrived in Weston Friday from their winter sojourn in Elgin, Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Metz will be domiciled with the John Bonewitz family until a permanent home is secured. Weston Lodge No. 58, I. O. O. F., has elected the following delegates to the grand lodge, which convenes May 22 at Eugene: S. A. Barnes, J. A. King and Jack Calder. Dele gates from Weston to the grand lodge of Rebekahs, which meets at the same time and place, will be Mrs. J. A. King and Mrs. J. E. Stan field. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Stanfleld left Sunday for Oregon City, where Mrs. Stanfleld submitted to another oper ation for the removal of cancer. While the patient is suffering great pain from the remedy applied by the cantor specialist, Dr. Stewart, her condition is reported to be otherwiso favorable. Miss Florence March, teacher in the Milton schools, visited friends at her former home in Weston, Sunday. James Kirkpatrick, who together with Otis Gould haB been employed in a government survey under J. R. English, writes from Surrey, Calif., as follows: "Once more we are back in civilization, being located forty miles north of Los Angeles in the mountains, only fourteen miles from a town. We met Mrs. J. E. McDan iel in a cafeteria in Los Angeles, where we dined together. We also met Mr. and Mrs. E. O. DeMoss in Burbank, California, where they are engaged in business. Judging from the tone of their conversation, they are doing well." Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Pedersen are now occupying their new home on north Franklin street, where they purchased the W. A. Graham prop erty, which consists of a house and five lots. The new owners plan to emodel the dwelling. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tachella were here Sunday from their home near Pendleton for a visit at the J. A. Lumsden residence. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. King have moved into their handsome new bun galow on north Water street, which is one of Weston's most attractive homes. It contains six rooms, to gether with bath, three closets and hallway, and has a full concrete basement. Well lighted by its nu merous windows and thoroughly modern in its construction and ap pointments, the King home is not only appreciated by the family but is admired by the community as a credit to the town because of its ad vantageous location on the state highway. The bungalow was de signed and built by Contractor J. M. Asl-worth. It has been painted white, witn black window sashes, and has a green-tinted roof. Luther Shellenbergcr left Wednes day for the big wheat ranch of Geo. W. Staggs & Sons near Washtucna, where he will be employed during the summer. Despite the rather cold and wintry spring, with its succession of snow, rain and hail storms now termin ated, it is hoped, by the welcome ad vent, of sunshine grain has been making fairly good growth in the Weston country. J. M. Banister made an examination the other day of his field on the Richmond place near town which had been causing him disquietude. Wheat that had heretofore been looking thin and sickly he found to be taking on a healthier appearance, and he is now feeling much encouraged. The suit brought by O. A. Adams against Geo. B. Carmichael was re cently dismissed, the account of $200 claimed by the plaintiff to be due for garage work having been settled by the defendant. When four shares of stock in the Weston Warehouse Co. wern released, however, they were j again attached, this time on an ac- M NARY IS OPPOSED TO COOPERATIVE LAW PLAN There is little value to the farmers and fruit growers of the country in the bill recently passed and signed by the president, authorizing cooper ative organization of producers of agricultural products. This is the judgment of benator McNary. himself a fruit grower and a member of the agricultural com mittee of the senate, from wnicn tne bill was reported. He aided in its passage, as it was considered import ant bv some of the Western inter ests. His own judgment is that it was unnecessary legislation. The law purports to relieve produc ers from the penalties of the Sherman antitrust law in forming associations for the sale of their products. To avoid the charge that farmer mono polies were being fostered at the ex pense of the consumer, provisions were inserted which authorize the sec retary of agriculture to interfere if he believeB that prices are being "un duly enhanced," and to certify those responsible for such undue prices to the attorney general. "This law will not, in my judgment, he.n to move an Oregon prune," said Senator McNary. "Our growers are already organized and doing the things which this law purports to eivc them the right to do. "They have not been in fear of pro secution under the anti-trust law in cooperating for the marketing of their nroducts. This law does not re lieve from responsibility should their action result in unreasonable prices for products of the orchard and farm. "This law transfers prosecution, where it might be faced in the first instance at the hands of the attorney general, to the prior inquiry of the secretary of agriculture. I do not regard it as having any significance for Oregon producers. It was asked for by certain interests, principally by an organization of wheat growers, who thought that certain plans they wished to put into effect might be interfered with under the anti-trust law." BORDER FIGHT ON DRUG RING IS REAL THRILLER The brains of Texas rangers and an army of customs officers and nar cotic and liquor agents is pitted against the endless ingenuity of a great band of international smugglers is as thrilling a battle for supremacy as the romantic and adventurous days of half a century ago ever knew. Revelations of the past few weeks have brought to light the details of this battle of wits on the Rio Grande that make the plots of red-blooded fictionists seem dull and old fashion ed. Highly organized bands of drug smugglers, with agents in all Euro pean capitals and China, employing beautiful and brainy women, booze smugglers who stop at nothing to evade prohibition laws, are keeping up a 24-hour fight every day to win fortunes. The government is fighting back with all forces, and the frequent brushes makes life on Rio Grande interesting at all times. Liquors of every country find their way into Mexico and then across the border. Rhine wines, Italian wines there is no label that inspectors in this country are not familiar with. Some of the most ingenious meth ods are used to transport smuggled goods by the drug traffickers. It was believed by narcotic inspectors that the height of ingenuity had been reached this week when, after permis sion had been granted friends of a deceased Chinaman, who died in Juar ez, to have the body buried in Texas, it was learned that great quantities of morphine and opium had been placed in his emblamed corpse. BOXING AND WRESTLING Legion Hall Athena, Saturday Night, April 15 MAIN BOXING CONTEST FRANKIE NEAL, Ontario vs. MICKEY MURPHY, Walla Walla PRELIMINARIES HERMAN GEISSEL, Athena, versus (GAIL ANDERSON, Athena, versus ELMER BROOKS, Pendleton MOSE BANISTER, Athena, versus GAIL SIMPSON, Weston SNIP SNIDER. Weston MIKE BROTHERTON, Walla Walla, versus C. LIEUALLEN, Heppner WRESTLING cTMATCH McCorrall. Pendleton vs. Gower, Portland PRICES $1.50, $1.00, $1.25. Tickets on sale at McFadden's Pharmacy. Given under auspices of the Amer ican Legion. tion filed in Justice Richards' court at Athena by J. A. Lumsden for the recovery of an account of $28.30. This action was also settled. The defendant's father claimed owner ship of the stock, which had never been transferred on the books of the company, however, and is said to have adjusted both the attachment proceedings. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Proebstel have moved into a residence owned by Richard Mayberry, on north Water street. Miss Dorothy Byrd sustained an operation at St. Anthony's hospital in Pendleton Saturday, for the ex cision of her tonsils. Miss Olga Simpson, student at St. Joseph's Academy, Pendleton, spent the week end at the home of her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar A. Simp son. 1 J. S. Ross, former Weston citizen and father of A. M. Ross of this city, entered the Walla Walla san itarium at College Place Monday. Mr. Ross will submit to an opera tion tomorrow for the relief of stomach trouble. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Benn of Se attle were in Weston Thursday. They came to Milton with the remains of Mr. Benn's father, which were laid to rest in the cemetery there. Mrs. M. Godfrey was able to be out Wednesday, for the first time since a serious illness beginning February 22. H. W. Mattson, royal vizier of Al Kindi Temple, D. O. K. K., who runs a motor car business as a sort of side line, was over Wednesday. He an nounces to Weston Dokies that the imperial prince, Gus Meese of Spok ane, will be in Walla Walla April 28, at which time there will be doings extraordinary. At a meeting Wednesday evening the stockholders of the Weston Mer cr.ntilc Co confirmed the sale made by R. L. Sibin to Matt Mosgrove, of the company's stock and fixtures. It is announced by Manager Har bour that the Weston brickyard will start operations for the present sea son about the first of May. ""ol. F. G. Lucas returned yester day from a trip to Salt Lake City, where his mission had to do with a big deal involving large Yakima sheep and range interests. Reports from Walla Walla say that Sin: J. Culley continues to improve, although the length of his hospital sojourn is as yet indefinite. A practice game between Weston and Athena high schools was played Tuesday at Weston and went six in nings. Athena won, but the locals felt gratified at being able to hold the visitors to a 10 to 5 score. J. M. Ashworth has secured the contract for a fix-room bungalow which Austin Foss will build in Ath ena. Construction will begin about the first of May. Uncle John Hemdon, pioneer resi dent of the Reed and Hawley moun tain neighborhood, is seriously ill in Athena at the home of his sister, Mrs, J. C. Burke. His son, Grady, HE CAUGHT STEELHBADS John Ross was over from his fruit ranch on the Walla Walla river, Tues day and set the local anglers "Spiffy" over his reports of catching steel head salmon in a pool back of his barn. True to form, John observed the closed season on other trout by throwing back fine specimens 18 in. in length. And Marion Hansell be lieves that Johnny did just that same. RETURNED FROM INSTITUTE O. C. Hadley, superintendent of Athena schools, returned the forepart of the week from Spokane, where he attended the Inland Empire Teacher's Institute. In the convention body, teachers from over the Northwest re presented their respective localities, and the intitute was one of the most succssful ever held in Spokane. CAUGHT 23 COYOTES Baxter Hutchinson, a young man employed on the Cunningham sheep ranch on Birch Creek, collected $69 in bounty from the county as the res ult of one day's sport in catching 23 coyotes. He collected the coyotes from three dens, one containing three, another nine and the third eleven. WINTRY BLASTS Winter temperature, with alterna ting rain storms, has been dished up by the weather man this week, much to the handicap of farmers who are desirous of progressing with plowing. There is some reseeding yet to be done, also. went to Athena Wednesday to help cart for him. Mrs. G. DeGraw went to Walla Wi.lla yesterday, accompanying Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Emmel and Mrs. Phil lips of Athena, to attend a Christian Science lecture. Dr. and Mrs. F. D. Watts of Ath ena were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Hemdon and son Gail were visitors last week at the J. V. Bell home. CLASSIFIED If you have town or country prop erty for sale or exchange see Cox Investment Company, Pendleton, Oregon LAST REMINDER Have your teeth looked over, be fore May 1st. Dr. A. C. Froom, at Hotel in Athena. Pishing Time Is Almost Here To all ardent disciples of old Ike Walton the open ing day for trout is a long looked for event. "Dyed in the Wool" fishermen have long since repaired their rods and reels, cleaned out their fly books and determined their wants for the opening day. One glance at our stock of fishing tackle will con vince the most particular fisherman that in our shelves only fisherman's "necessities" of proven superiority will be found. Rods, reels, baskets, lines, flies, hooks, leaders, spinners, licenses, etc. we have them all. Watts & Rogers "It's our little hook that takes the trout from the brook." The Athena Home Laundry G. W. FINCH, Proprietor Having purchased the Athena Home Laundry, I will conduct it in connection with my' Clothes Cleaning and Pressing business hereafter. The new location will be on Main street, in the building east of the Standard Theatre. THE oATHENA HOME LAUNDRY, PHONE 51 "Script Porm Butter Wrappers THE ATHENA BARBER SHOP AMOS O'DELL, PROPRIETOR We are now making a specialty of Shampooing and Massaging for Ladies, during the evening hours For Farm Loans Cox Investment Company, Pendleton, Oregon. For Life, Fire, Accident or Health Insurance see Cox Investment Company, Pendleton, Oregon. WATTS & PRESTBYE Attcrac;.'S-At-Law Main Street, Athena, Oregon DR. S. F. SHARP PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special Attention given to all calls, both day and night Calls promptly answered. Office on Third Street, Athena, Oregon. HIIIIIIIIIIIH ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. American Beauty Flour It made in Athena, by- Athena labor, in one ol the verv best equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. Patroniie home industry. Your grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers Athena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Wash C, H. SMITH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Athena, Oregon. Office next to Telephone Excange Phones, Office 333; Residence 412 The First National Bank if Athena Established 1891 Capital and Surplus $110,000.00