The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, March 17, 1922, Image 4

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    High Quality Confection
Another Large Shipment of Fancy Chocolate .
Candy Received
45c lb
i "Over The Hill"
Ernest and Ruth Smith of Athena
were last week-end guests of Ada and
Margaret Calder, and rioted gleefully
in the Calder yard.
S. A. Barnes went to Portland Sun
day with David and Robert Eagleton,
younger sons of the late M. C. Eagle
ton, who were placed in the Odd Fel
lows' home. He left the boys happily
situated, and entering with zest in
the playground games of other I. 0.
0. F. orphans. They started to school
Edward Tucker and family were in
Weston Saturday from their wheat
ranch in the Holdman neighborho-d,
and Ed reports that crop prospect:;
are good in the light land districts.
Grain is growing nicely and has a
thrifty look. He has six hundred
acres in wheat.
Mrs. Mamie Mitchell, formerly Mrs.
J. W. Sullivan of Pendleton, died re
cently at her homo in Long Beach,
California. Mrs. Mitchell was a
daughter of the late Captain S. T.
Isaac and spent her girlho.od in Wes
ton, where the family is well remem
bered by the early residents. She was
a niece of Mrs. Frances C. Wood.
Mrs. Mitchell is survived by a daugh
ter, two brothers and three sistere.
Ivan Maynard, the eight-year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Maynard,
submitted to an operation at Pendle
ton Monday for the removal of a tu
mor from his side. While the opera
tion was more serious and required
a longer time than had been antici
pated by the surgeons, the young pa
tient was making good progress at
last accounts. Other children in the
Maynard family have recovered from
recent illnesses.
Charley Hall has gone to the Harry
McBride farm on the Wild Horse,
where he will be employed for a few
weeks in trimming trees and other
work requiring more judgment than
The committee on dramatic enter
tainment to be presented for the ben
efit of Memorial Hall, has decided to
present "The Old New Hampshire
Homestead." This is a strong rural
satisfied with the rsult of their local
effort they may do a bit of "barn
storming," as there is known to be a
friendly interest in Memorial Hall on
the part of neighboring towns. Ac
tive rehearsals will begin so soon as
the books ordered have arrived.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lawson of Free
water and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lawson
recent arrivals from California
were visiting Tuesday in Weston,
where Joe Lawson has property in
terests. Leon Lundell has received his com-D-nfid
hv the oresident and
postmaster general, as postmaster of
Weston. He will continue as assist
ant nostmaster until the end of the
quarter, March 31, when the turnover
will be made by Mr. van Winnie.
Mr. Lundell has already begun the
work he has planned in the direction
of making the postofflce interior more
The citv council met in special ses
jinn Tuesday afternoon to discuss I
proposition made by Rev. John B.
Coan and others that a special officer
having both county and city authority
drama demanding a correspondingly be employed at weston lor a re
strong cast, which is now being care- montns. it was pointed out uiai such
fully selected. If the performers are
I an officer is needed to ran down vio-
An American Legion
Legion Hall, Athena, Friday Evening, March 24, with
Salinas Fine Orchestra
lators of the prohibition law and to
maintain order at night, as tne cniei
of police, Mr. Avery, is unable to be
on duty both night and day. The
council took no definite action, as the
expense ot sucn an omciai was re
garded as ratner Burdensome, ine
question of providing a more habita
ble jail was discussed and may lead to
action in the near future, as tne
town s present booby hatch is re
garded as wholly unfit for housing
prisoners. The request lor a special
officer followed a jamboree indulged
in one night last week by a number
of local youths who obtained posses
sion of some liquid contraband and
created a disturbance on Water
street. They scattered so quickly
when Chief Avery hove in sight that
only one could be taken in tow. This
chap had to answer vicariously for
the sins of the others by being fined
n small amount.
Farmers who have examined their
grain in the Weston vicinity report
finding only a few plants that have
been winter killed. With a few days
of the present very welcome bright
weather, it is expected that the hue
of the fields will change from brown
to green and the grain will grow right
thriftfully. Not near so much dam
age was sustained from soil washing
as was the case last year. Insofar as
the farmers are at present able to
judge, no reseeding will be necessary.
Mrs. Mabel Wagner of Belmont,
Washington arrived Sunday for a
visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. P. Lieuallen. Mr. and Mrs. Wag
ner are moving back to Umatilla
county, Mr. Wagner having arranged
to farm his mother's holdings. in the
vicinitv of Waterman station.
A number of local members ot tne
Dramatic Order of Knights of Kho-
rassan are promising tnemseives a
trin next Saturday to Yakima, when
a new temple will be instituted by Al
Kindi Temple No. litt of tne waiia
Walla district. A special train, will
be run Saturday from walla waua
leaving at 8 a. m.
After escaping its earlier visita
tion, a number of prominent matrons
of Weston and vicinity fell victim
this week to the "flu." Among those
reported to be under Dr. McKinney's
care are Mrs. II. Goodwin, Mrs. New
ton O'Harra, Mrs. Claud Price, Mrs.
J. F. Snider and Mrs. J. A. Lumsden
The condition of Mrs Lumsden was
quite serious for a time, complica
tions being threatened. Her mother,
Mrs. W. H. McBride of Portland, and
Miss Thorne, a trained nurse from
Pendleton, have been in attendance.
John Davis left this week to rejoin
the farm force on the Staggs ranch
near Washtucna, where fall plowing
has begun. The wheat is reported
to he lookiner eood there, it hav
ing sustained no perceptible damage
from the long winter. Staggs & Sons
will have 1500 acres to harvest, and
are plowing 1800 acres for next year.
Jack Calder was called to Athena
Wednesday to do some expert pump
renairing for Virgil Willaby.
Mrs. Christina Beeler is reported to
be seriously ill with pneumonia at the
home of her son and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. E. W. Fehr, in Pendleton.
Hank Fanning, well known pioneer,
is on the streets again, after being
confined to the house three weeks
with a serious sickness. Hank is au
thority for the statement that he
didn't die, anyhow. He says that's
the last thing he's going to do.
Glenn Brutscher, who came down
Wednesday from Reed and Hawley
mountain, reports that the snow up
there, aside from deep and numer
ous drifts, is four feet deep on the
Calude Warren, in company with
the Misses Faye Warren, Ada Wing
and Margaret Chambers, teachers in
the Pasco schools, motored down from
Pasco and very pleasantly spent the
week end with Mr. and Mrs H. N.
Warren at their home south of Ath-
Johannesburg. The mine war that
has blazed up over the Transvaal
rands In the vicinity of Johannesburg
threatened to develop into insurrec
tion against the government.
Heavy casualties were reported on
both sides as fierce fighting in the
Fordsburg and Joppe districts con
tinued. The Union of South Africa
government takes a most serious view
ot the situation. General Smuts has
characterized it as "one of the gravest
crises that ever has arisen in South
Africa." ;
The government fears the mine war,
which is the climax of a three months'
strike at the gold mines, may grow
into rebellion. Worse than this, it
was said here it would be a race war
between whites and blacks.
The fact that Boers have sided with
the strikers and taken part in the
fighting, including the capture of
towns, lends weight to suggestions
that the trouble may be more serious
than a battle between strikers and
U. S. Grade Crossing Signals Favored
Olympia, Wash. Adoption of the
federal standard signals tor grade
crossings, In force in 33 states, and
campaign of education to prevent
grade crossing accidents were mess
ures favored by officials and execu
tives addressing the safety conference
on grade crossings held here. Oregon,
California, Idaho and Washington of
ficials and railroad men . Dwticinated.
Oklahoma Swept By Tornado.
McaleBter, Okla Nine persons were
killed and a number seriously injured
by a tornado that levelled a patl
through Oowen, a mining village fif
teen miles east of here.
Brighten Up
Springtime is :
Painting time 7- '$k
If it's a surface to be painted, enameled, stained,
varnished or finished in any way, there's an
ACME QUALITY KIND to fit the purpose.
For the best results from painting and finishing
materials, insist that the ACME QUALITY
trade mark be on the label.
Watts & Rogers
Athena, Oregon .
IPO """ HOOP PH1 c Kll
a B D IJ U IJI-J I.J IJ I J I J 1-1 13131.
Listing &nd
A&x nines
Will Handle
Your Business
problems in 1-6 of the time it
takes to do them the old fash
ioned way, and will also add
subtract, multiply, divide, and
''you're sure it's sure." Close to
6000 banks, the hardest users
of adding machines, depend
on the Wales for accurate re
sults. Let us show you on your work. Costs nothing
Croxdale Office Furniture & Supply Co.
10 c? a ct 11 nBD atdrrt WAI I A WAIIA . WASH. PHONE 279
HOI ID LAOI ftiri,r kj aaw m - tmmm M .nr' V . WHM
Ex-Potentate Garretson Dies Suddenly
Tacoma Ellis Lewis Garretson, im
perial potentate of the Shrlners a
North America In 1920 and 1921, die
at his home at Stellacoom Lake lud
denly of heart failure.
The Word
in Insurance Means
The Athena. Home Laundry
Christensen & Post, Proprietors
Friends and Neighbors: We understand the Pendleton Laundry are
doing all they can to put us out of business, even to cutting some
prices; but one thing is sure what you spend with us we keep at
home; (but what they get, where do they put it?) Do they leave
any of it in Athena?
"Script Form
Butter Wrappers
Members of the Reed and Hawley
Community club were entertained at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Ad
kins last Friday evening, with Mrs.
G. W. Herndon, Mrs. W. H. Comp
ton and Mrs. Adkins as hostesses.
Cards and old-fashioned games were
played and refreshments were served
at midnigbj;. Those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Smock, Mr. and
Mrs. Bruno Weber, Mr and Mrs. John
Wroc, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Herndon, ;
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Compton, Mr.
an,l Mrs. Adkins; Misses Thelma and
Otha McCorkell, Effle Basford, Rae
Lynch, Bernice Wroe, Norma Hern
don and Merna Adkins; Messrs. Lau
rence Henderson, Seth Beard, Harold
Lynch, Morris Adkins, Gail Herndon
and Billie Van Winkle.
Mayor Jo.ies left for Portland yes
terday in response to a message an
nouncing the illness of his mother,
Mrs. R. V. Tones.
Hamp B'ioher motored to Pendle
ton Saturday to visit his brother, Wil
liam, at the home of the latter's son,
Jacob Booher. William Booher has
been seriously ill for the- past five
weeks from sciatic?, following an in
jury. He is improving, however, and
will be brought to his home at Athena
soon by his brother.
At a baseball meeting held yester
day afternoon Weston baseball fans
started the ball roling for the 1922
season. Weston will have a team in
the field, either to retain its member
ship in the Wheat Belt league, if the
league is reorganised, or to play in
dependent ball. R. L. Raynaud was
unanimously re-elected as business
manager and league delegate, and
Wilbur Fusm was chosen by ballot
as team manager and field captain.
I-cster O' Harra, Walter Webb and
Clark Woed were appointed as a
committee to raise funds by public
subscription with which to start the
season. Last year the team borrowed
$230, which amount was repaid in
full, but this year a modest donation
will be asked. Manager Fuson re
quests that all local baseball talent
report for practice on the diamond
n?xt Sunday afternoon.
Having recovered from her illness,
Miss Mamie Barnes returned to Pen
dleton Sunday to legume her work in
the j C. Penney store. She was in
good time for the fire which visited
the Kenmore apartments Tuesday
morning. Her escape by the stair cut
oft by the flames, Miss Barnes was
rescued through a window.
Miss Effie Basford, teacher at the
Fairview school, attended the insti
tute in Athena last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex McCorkell spent
a few days in Weston this week at
the Frank Taylor 'acme,
The following classes of insurance
are transacted:
Cox Investment Go.
Pendleton, Oregon.
Eggs for Setting-Eggs from pure
bred Black Manorcas for sale,
Mrs. A. W. Logsdon, Athena.
I am wide open for bids for my res-idence-also
for exchange for Pendle
ton residence. Dr. Watts.
Hatching eeirs at McFadyen's.
Hollvwood 200-eee strain. Price 75c
per setting of 15.
Car Washing-Have
washed at Davidson i
Don't forget I am still in the haul
ing game. Light or heavy hauling
at reasonable prices.
Guy Crouk
We are now making a specialty of Shampooing
and Massaging for Ladies, during
the evening hours
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
American Beauty
Is made in Athena, by Athena labor, in one ot the very" beat
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluest em
wheat grown anywhere. Patronize borne industry". Your
grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Athena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Wash
Main Street, Athena, Oregon
Special Attcnti:n given to U
calls, both day and night.
Calls promptly answered. Office
Third Street, Athena, Oregon.
Athena, Oregon.
Office next to Telephone Excange
Phones, Office 333; Residence 412
Office in St. Nichols Hotel, Athena,
Oregon. Best Service. Reasonable
Prices. Examinations and Estimates
at any time, tree of charge.
The First National Bank
tf Athena
Capital and Surplus $110,000.00