I Press Paragraphs J D. A. Pinkerton was in town Tues day from Walla Walla. Mr. and Mrs. James King of Wes ton, were in the city Wednesday. Andrew Douglas of Morrow county was in Athena Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Stewart will re side at 131 Otis street, Walla Walla. Mrs. Jesse Myrick is among this week's victims to the flu. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Strugis visited in Athena this week from Pendleton. E. C. Prestbye left yesterday for Portland on legal business. C. L. Woodward of Pendleton was a business visitor, Thursday. Tim McBride of Weston, was in Athena, Thursday. W. S. Ferguson was a Pendleton visitor, Wednesday. Oscor Cutler, State Highway En gineer, was in Athena, Monday. Joe Key, was an Athena visitor, Tuesday. M. W. Hansell was a Freewater business visitor, Thursday. L. P. Gilliland of Weston, was in Athena, Thursday. George Clogsdon of Weston, was in Athena, Thursday. Mrs. Carrie Rogers of Pendleton, was a business visitor, Thursday. Bert Taylor is assembling plows for Watts & Rogers this week. W. E. Haynie transacted business in Pendleton Wednesday. Glenn Dudley has been in Portland this week. The Standard Theatre has made ar rangements to show three Lloyd com edies in the near future. Jim Dunning, circulation Manager of the East Oregonian, was in Athena yesterday. i Harry McBride was in town from his ranch on Wild Horse creek, yes terday. Mr. and Mrs. David Stone are re ported to be ill with the epidemic at the Woodward home in Pendleton. Mrs. F. S. LeGrow has been con fined to her home this week with in fluenza. Thomas Lieuallen, prominent resi dent of Adams, was in the city Wed nesday. Carl Christian came up from Ad ams Wednesday. He has but recently recovered from the flu. Sim Kilgore, who has been spend ing several weeks in Athena, wi move next week to Touchet, Wash. Mrs. Rpv Homier will he hnstpss toes erown bv outside raisers. to the Star club at her home next Flood water have damaged the road Tuesday afternoon. bad leading to the Preston-Shaffer Miss Blanche Drake and Miss Althi ' mill from third street. With the mel- 10 in CO ur Chandler were in Pendleton shopping, Saturday. Oscar Edwards is up from Heppner and will be in the Thompson garage again. Mr. Purcell, of Oregon City, is at the M. W. Hansell home, visiting his daughters, Mrs. Hansell and Miss Laura Purcell. Mrs. Charles Kirk is reported very ill at her home on 5th street, with influenza. Mr. Kirf and Areta have just recovered from the epidemic. Mrs. F. E. Russell has been ser iously ill the past week at her home in the Christian parsonage, but is recovering. Mt and Mrs. James Phillips came up from Pendleton and spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Phillips in Athena. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Swaggart are in Portland, where they are having a residence erected, and will go soon to reside. Misses Elizabeth and Margaret Anderson of Portland, are guests at the home, of their aunt, Mrs. M. L. Watts in this city. Marion Hansell and M. L. Watts have each purchased high grade shot guns for trapshooting purposes. Mar ion invested in a Winchester and Marvel is shooting an Ithica. Watts, Prestbye and B. B. Richards are entertaining large numbers of visitors at their offices these days, who came for the purpose of making out their income tax returns. The ladies of the Christian church will give a cooked food and dressed chicken sale tomorrow afternoon, at Haynie's store. Everything for your Sunday dinner. , Mrs. Winifred Myres, who has been in Athena since October, attending her sister, the late Mrs. S. C." Stone, departed Tuesday evening for her home in Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Payne have gone to Joseph, Wallowa county, to reside, where Ross in company with his brother, Floyd, will run a barber shop. A number of Athena people ac companied the High School basket ball team to Walla Walla Monday evening to witness the Y. M. C. A. game. Evangelist Three Finger Jack God win will speak in the. Christian church in this city, Monday and Tuesday evenings of next week, March 13th and 14th. The funeral of Mrs. Rosannah Vor heis, who died February 28, at Nez Perce, Idaho, took place in this city Sunday afternoon, at the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. and Mrs. Homer I. Watts and Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Watts, with their guests, Misses Elizabeth and Mar garet Anderson of Portland, were in Walla Walla last night where they enjoyed May Robson, in "It Pays to Smile." The J. T. Club was entertained at the home of Mrs. Alex Mclntyre Wednesday afternoon. Sewing occu pied the members for the afternoon. Mr. B. D. Tharp was a visitor of the club. Miss Belle Mclntyre and Mrs. Archie Mclntyre served refreshments. It will be some time before the po of that city to attend a meeting in the Public Library there. -A lecture on interior decoration was the attraction offered. A trio from the Athena club. composed of Mrs. D. Scott Fisher, Mrs. Loren Basler and Mrs. R. B, McEwen, sang "By the Waters of Minnetonka," Mrs. 0..0. Stephens be ing accompanist. At the regular meeting of the Civic club Tuesday afternoon, a most inter esting program was carried out with Mrs. W. P. Littlejohn as leader of the literary program. Mrs. Littlejohn gave a paper on Oregon history. Mrs. W. 0. Read read a review of the book "The Bridge of the Gods," and Mrs. C. H. Smith, a paper on "Legends of old Oregon." Roll call was answered with names of noted Oregonians, a bout twenty ladies being present. Hostesses for the afternoon were, Mrs. E. C. Rogers and Mrs. B. B. Richards. At the business hour, the club consented to respond to the ca from the Pacific Refuge home Portland, for garments for unfortu nate girls. ting of the snow on the high ground north of town, high water from that direction is over for the present sea A treat in store for the entertain ment of Athena people, is the comic operetta, "Yokohama Maid," which is to be presented by the Etude club in the near future. Rehearsals are now in progress under the efficient direction of Mr. and Mrs. Loren Bas ler. The play consists of fifteen mu sical numbers comprising solos, duets, etc., with a full chorus. The club will be assisted by five male voices. An nouncement of cast and date will be given soon. A number of Athena ladies, mem bers of the Civic club, were in Pendle ton yesterday afternoon in response to an invitation from the Civic clubj High School Notes For the past week, the girls' basket ball team here, have been trying han to get a game with the Helix girl team. But after several consultation' with the Helix girls and professor, we came to the decision that they weren't very desirous to play us. Be cause of this being the last week in which they have a chance to play us, the game is considered forfeited. The first of the three picture shows given by the Seniors last Wednesday, was a success. A very large crowd was present to hear the following program. Solo, Jennamae Read. Instrumental Duet, Savannah Smith and Lucinda Dell. Solo, Pearl R. Harris. Song, Freshman girls. Mercy Speech, Blanche Wilson. The next show will be "The Last Days of Pompeii," to be given next Wednesday. The picture will cost twice as much as the first one so a large crowd would be appreciated very much by the Seniors. The show is a six reeler, and a program will be giv- ato raisers on the mountain ranches e! als0" will be able to put their spring hold-Sf About forty teachers are expected ings on the market. In the mean-t attend the Grade Teacher's Insti- time local dealers are handling potal tute which will be held at the school- house Saturday. All of the teachers from Helix, Athena, Adams, Weston and their surrounding districts will be included in this section. The following program will be given that day.: Instrumental Duet, Betty Eager, Marjorie Douglas and Primary room. Recitation, Jean Lattin. Song, "Grandfathers Clock," Second Grade. Number Methods in Primary Work, Miss Gries and Pupils. The Physical Culture Law, Supt. Yeager Adams. Address, County Supt. W. W. Green, Noon Intermission Cafeteria lunch served in the build ing by high school Juniors. Dramatization of Hiawatha, Third & Fourth Grade Room. Recitation, Emery Rogers. Address, M. L. Watts. Current Events in the grades, Supt. a C. Hadley. Address, Supt. Elmer F. Goodwin, Milton. Address, "How t) make a Reading Lesson Interesting to the Average Boy," Mrs. Anderson, Helix. The high school team motored to Walla Walla Monday evening and played the Walla Walla Y. M. C. A. The locas were beaten by a score of 48-29. Athena played well the first half holding the crack Y" team to a 16-16 tie, but in the last half Walla Walla put in some more "ringers" which were too much for the locals. The Junior Class will serve a lunch Saturday noon at the school house. On this day the grade teacher's Insti tute meets at the school house, and as the Juniors wish to get some mon ey, there will be a slight charge made on the food, they hope to be able to feed and entertain all of the teachers. Coffee, cake, salad and sandwiches lelwiU be served. lliVt a student body assembly on Wed- in nisday, Lucinda Dell was unanimous ly elected May Queen for this year. Preparations are under way fcr danc es and entertainment for the May fete which will probably be held April 28th the exact date being however uncer- t; he Athena basket-ball team has n going to Pendleton the last week practice on the Pendleton gym mm. lhe second team has also en going along to practice with the first team. We hope this acquaint ance with Pendleton gym, will help us in the coming tournament. luiiiiuirauiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii It's Hard "Which IS The Best to Te 11 I JBPERVE OUR I ) ffEASAND coffees Store j j I VP THEY ARE mmmmmmmmm I Mggr deijcious ( ff FRAGRANT. (B WASTRY THEM TODAY We know how to get the best Blends, how to keep them so they will hold their strength and fragrance. When you drink our teas and coffees you will find them delicious. All teas and coffees are not of the same quality, but all ours are and that qurffty is No. 1. thf lT IRK FOOD GROCERY Quality Quantity. Service. Phone 171. Athena, Oregon 24 Years Ago Bock Beer on tap at Wells' "Ex change" saloon. Plain white plates 40 and 50 cents per set at the New York store. The enterprising firm, Rigby & Hales, are fitting up a tidy office in their brick grocery store. Mrs. R. J. Boddy arrived in the city from LaGrande Monday, on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Ida Gillis. Rumor hath it that our friend, Jackson, of Gerking Flat, will on or about the 22nd, join the ranks of the Benedicts. Lee Hiteman, who is attending the Mommouth Normal School, has been ill the past three weeks with fever. He is better. Miss Minnie Leeper, daughter of Mrs. M. L. Leeper, of this city, was recently married at Farmington, 111., to a gentleman named Clore. Nate Pinkerton returned last night from the Grande Ronde valley. Nate purchased three fine driving horses for the Commercial livery stable while at Union. Mr. Link, of Camas Prairie, was in the city Tuesday. He came for the purpose of getting Dr. Luna, who re cently arrived from Arkansas, to lo cate in Camas Prairie. It is said to be a splendid location for a physician. Recently a man who was injured had to send 45 miles for a doctor. If you have to sell your wheat on the 30 cent basis you can make up for some of the loss by getting your dry goods and family supplies at Hollis'. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Tharp, of this city. Saturday evening, March 5, 1898. Mrs. Rigby and daughter are hav ing their store room prepared to re ceive their large stock of millinery. Parker and Ferguson now have hot and cold water baths for their pat rons. Needed improvements have been made in the bath room. Frank McConkey, a resident of the Pacific Coast, since the "days of '49 left Monday night for his old home in the east. He goes, so it is reported to receive a share of a large estate A force of men are engaged in put ting in Athena's local telephone ex change. Extra heavy poles and stringers are being used in order to accommodate the large number of wires that are to be used. The very latest phones with all up-to-date im provements were put in by the Inland Telephone company, and Athena now has a splendid telephone system. At the school meeting, Monday of this week, it was the unanimous de sire of the voters present, that Mr. T. J. Kirk, whoBe term as director, expired be again elected to the office. On motion the rules were suspended and the clerk cast the unanimous vote for Mr. Kirk. The clerk, Mr. J. W. Maloney, was elected to suc ceed himself unanimously. By letter it is learned that Mrs. Wm. Wagner died at her home in Seattle, February 11. The remains were taken east to Pennyslvania, by the husband for interment. The People's Party primaries will be held next Tuesday, March 15, for the purpose of electing delegates to attend the county convention to be held in Pendleton, March 18th. YOU can seldom determine the real value of a shoe by its appearance. Merchants, themselves, cure often deceived and cannot be certain as to what the) shoe is actually worth unless it is cut up to see how it ia made. Nothing equals LEATHER for making good shoes.' Many substitutes for leather are often used where they cannot be seen because they are cheaper than leather.! But you may be assured of honest leather-built shoes, correct styles, and all-around satisfaction by purchasing The Friedman-Shelby All-Leather Shoe In the "All-Leather" line you will find shoes at every price; of every style, for any purpose the various brands included ara 'Atlantic" shoes for men; 'Pacihc" shoes for women; "Red Goose' shoes for children; and ''Honesty" heavy work shoes, ALL LEATHER - ALL THE TIME, ' See us for these goods. 1 I 1 1 -M lnMANtSHsni Athena Department Store Card of Thanks Mrs. Louis- Hodgen and family, and Mr. Fred Hodgen and family de sire to express through this medium their sincere gratitude for the help and sympathy shown them in their recent bereavement. Especially to the Knights of Pythiaa, for their brother ly kindness, are they grateful; and for the tributes of flowers and ex i preision of friendship on every hand. THE STANDARD THEATRE Saturday, March 11 "Passing Thru Douglas McLean Supported By Tin i -D-.il i -n: fi,,.. rouglas Muleanind. Madge Bellany IVldUgC -DCUcUiy ctllU Vsciai n a. scene ftom the Paramount Picture - 'Passinrnni'-AThomasHiiKePioduaiDii "It's a Paramount Picture" International News " Jimmy Aubrey Comedy 10c-25c-35c tax included Sunday March 12 Equity Distributing Corporation Presents David Butler with a Spendid Supporting Cast FICKLE WOMEN" Pathe Review. Admission, 10c-25c-35c, Tax Paid Rollin Comedy Coming-Wednesday March 15 Coming The Last Days of Pompeii ( Auspices of High School. Admission, 10c-25c-35c