Press Paragraphs iKqurte A. H. Schwartz of Weston, was in town Tuesday. R. C. Ingram of Pendleton, was in Athena, Tuesday. Tim McBride of Weston, was in town Tuesday. Frank Grier of Weston, was in town Tuesday. E. C. Rogers, was a business visitor in Pendleton, Monday. Mrs. Loren Basler has bee: ill at the Fisher home this wee I here will be a missionary meeting at the Baptist church on March 3rd. F. B. RadtKe and son Freddie were Wnlla Walla visitors Saturday. Charles Kirk and daughter Areta are recovering from a weeks illness. Fred Baddeley is confined in a Wal la Walla hospital with illness. Mrs. C. L. Bevens has returned from a visit to relatives in Idaho. George Woodward was in Athena Wednesday, from Walla Walla. Athena public school observed Washington's birthday anniversary by giving a holiday to the pupils. Barney Foster and James Lunis den, both of Weston, were in Athe na Tuesday. Virgil Willaby has been tussling the past week with the flu, at his farm northwest of town. , Mr. and Mrs. Leon Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Don Wilkes spent Sunday with friends in Weston. Mrs. M. L. Watts will be hostess to the Star club next Tuesday afternoon at her home on 4th street , Mrs. A. W. Logsdon is spending the week end with her parents in Walla Walla. Mrs. C. A. Barrett has been a vict im of the flu the past week, but is re ported slightly improved. Mrs. W. J. Crabills mother, Mrs. Janet Sleeman, is visiting her brother James Kirk in Milton this week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Harder of Mil ton, soent Sundav at the Frank n. Frcece home. Lois Johnson has been ill at her home on Hunt avenue, and out of school this week. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Catonjeft the first of the week for a visit with friends in Portland. Marion Hansell and Omer Stephens shot with the Pendleton gun club, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Ferguson are home from Hot Lake, at which place they spent several days. Mrs. Matilda C. Brassfield, former ly a pioneer resident of Weston, died at her home in Baker, Monday. Snow to the debth of five feet is re ported on the summit ranges of the Blue Mountains, east of town. It is understood that the Walla Walla county streams will be closed to trout fishing this season. Otho Reeder has purchased the block of ground across the street from the old demons chop mill, and will use it for pasture for his cow. Moses Taylor has been granted a divorce from Elizabeth Scully Taylor. The defendant was granted her maid en name of Elizabeth Scully. Wednesday afternoon Miss Belle Mclntyre was hostess to the J. T. Club. The hours were spent in need lework. Mrs. C. H. Fiske and Mrs. Dean Dudley served delicious refresh ments. Mrs. Anna Mclntyre, Mrs. A. f M. Johnson and Miss Gladys McLeod was guests of the Club. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. Alex Mclntyre, and dress form will be made that afternoon. The Christian Missionary society will meet next Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. H. H. Hill, with the 2nd division giving the program. Mrs. Henry Dell, after waiting upon her husband and others, this week succumed to a flu attack and has been bedfast. r. and Mrs. Ralph Cannon have returned from Dayton, were they spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. James Ross. Amos O'Dell is confined to his home with a severe case of ervsiplis. Jes se Myrick is running the barber shop during Mr. O'Dell's absence. R. B. McEwen went down to Port land Monday night, where he will visit his mother and sisters, and attend to business matters. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Betts and son Kohler are the latest victims in the grip of the flu, at their home south of town. Mrs. L, L. Rogers of Pendleton, well known in Athena, this week un derwent a surgical operation at St. Anthony's hospital. Winter again sat on the lap of spring, when two inches of snow fell Tuesday night. Tt is reported that the frost is not yet out of tle' ground. Dr. F.. D. Watts, who took a short course at a Chicago optical college has . returned,, and will soon open an office in Pendleton. v Henry Dell, who was confined to his home for several days on account of an attack- of the flu, is again at his place in the Pure Food Grocery. Wilber Harden, fast center of the Athena High School basketball team, who sprained his ankle while practic ing, recently, is again in form to toss field baskets. United States Game Warden Ton kin, stationed at Baker, announces that all government reports indicate that wild water fowl of all species are increasing in numbers. At the home of Mrs. Jennie Gross, Mrs. Gross, Mrs. Arthur Douglas and two children are confined to their beds with flu. Mrs. John Stanton is nursing the patients. Judge Jacob Kanzler, of the court of Domestic Relations for Multno mah county, was in the city recently, a guest at the home of Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Smith. Mrs. S. A. Stone, who has been ill for many months, is reported in a very critical condition at her home on ur. n. hmith has received news teams are Pendleton. Athena W of the critical illness of his mother, ner and probably Condon. At first who resides in Illinois. Pendleton was desirous of having Grandma Mays has been very ill tweve teams contesting but Athena the past week at the home of her has already eliminated the other daughter, Mrs. C. A. Barrett, who is teams, therefore the twelve team idea also very ill with influenza. Mrs. was thrown out by Mr. Hadley and Mays was threatened with pneumonia, Mr. James, Supt. of Heppner. but is reported better at presentiS The honor students for the past six The entire famiv of Dick-S5b weks were Ellen Henry with an av- son, of both parents and sixychild- eraKe of 93 per cent; BJanche Wil ren have been afflicted the past week with the flu. No case has been crit ical, though a relapse in the case of Bill, the oldest son for a time looked serious. Weston has placed a ban on flu ex posure by shutting up the billiard hall and prohibiting public gather ings. The Weston school has been closed this week. It is reported that sixty cases of flu exist in the town, the epidemic being in light form. Mrs. F. D. Watts went to Pendle ton Tuesday evening where she met Dr. Watts who has returned from Chicago, where he took a post grad uate course in the treatment of eye, ear and throat diseases. They spent the night in Pendleton, where they plan to locate for the practice of the doctor's profession. Local members of the Christian church are grieved to hear of the qeatn 01 u. v. Kellems, an eminent evangelist of the church who passed away while holding a meeting in Guthrie Center, Iowa, during Janru ary. Mr. Kellems has held meetings in .various towns in this county and was popular with his congregations. The meeting of the Etude Club yesterday afternoon at. the home of Mrs. M.-L. Watts was one of espec ial interest, Mrs. 0. Q. Stephens was leader, jvith two -popular composers, Sousa and Mrs. H. H. A. Beach, as her subject. Mrs. Louis Stewart read a paper on the former, and Mrs. C. H. Smith on the latter composer. A piano solo, "Washington Post" by Mrs. Rex Hopper, a trio, "Keeping Step with the Union," Mrs. F. D. Watts, Mrs. F. E. Russell and Mrs. R .B. McEwen, and a duet, "Colum bia's Pride," by Miss Eva Gries and Mrs. DeHaas, were Sousa's contribu tions to the program, and Mrs. Beach's "Minuet" was given by Miss Belle Mclntyre. Refreshments were served by Mrs. D. T. Stone and Mrs. F. E. Johns. ' son 92 per cent; Reeve Betts 91 per cent; and Dudley Rogers 91 per cent. Francis Rainville is leaving school this morning and will go to her home in Colfax. She is called home on ac count of her. mother's illness. For a special number in assembly this morning, Mrs. Penn Harris sang "When Honey Sings an Old Time Song. " Mrs. Arthur Douglas visited in the grade room, the first of the week. Miss Cassil's music class met Thurs day instead of Wednesday, Wednes day being a holiday. - mm " 9mm I Dainty Cups and Saucers Jiese Two Patterns to choose from, Plain White and Gold Band. While they last ... High School Notes north 5th street. She is in the conJAbout twenty-five Der cent of the stant attendance of her husbancJJiKi high school students have been absent sister, Mrs. Myres of Seattle' f this week on account of the flu. The Henry Keen residence n 4th and Washington streets, is assuming a modern and artistic appearance un der the workmanship of D. Scott Fish er. New windows, doors and interior decorations will make a model resi dence, when completed. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Reeder, who visited their son here for several weeks, upon returning to their home in Tacoma, found their grandson, the eldest child of Mrs. Myra Reeder, in a very serious condition, so it is report ed. Charles DeHaas, who has spent the past three months in Athena, since his marriage in November to one of Athena's school teachers, left Wed nesday to attend to his farm in Un ion county. There have been six to eight pupils out of every grade room. Despite the fact that there have been so many absent, the schools will not be closed 1 inS a 160 acre field unless the epidemic spreads more. Both teams of the Athena high school are trying to schedule games for this Friday night. The boys are trying to schedule a game with Col umbia College while Miss Drake's girls are trying to get a game with the Helix girls. If these games are secured they will be played in a dou ble header game on the home floor. On March the 10th and 11th the basket-ball tournament will be held at Pendleton to decide the district championship. There will be three teams, and possibly a fourth to con test for the championship. The rival i -1 WEAS w m ha SERVE OUR and COFFEES THEY ARE DELICIOUS AND FRAG RAM T. TY THEM TODAY Service At This Store We know how to get the best Blends, how to keep them so they will hold their strength and fragrance. When you drink our teas and coffees you will find them delicious. All teas and coffees are not of the same quality, but all ours are and that quality is No. 1. THE PURE FOOD GROCERY Quality Quantity, Service. Phone 171. Athena, Oregon 24 Years Ago Mrs. Ida Gillis Tias been confined to her home this week with tonsilitis. It is reported that the proposition to build a mill at Weston has been declared off. Mr. A. C. Russell this' week pur chased the 5 acre tract of land owned by Victor Harris, lying north of the 0. R. & N. railway tracks. Mr. Rus sell will erect a handsome cottage on his recently acquired, real estate and come to town to reside: k Mrs. J. M. Hays, of this city organ ized a Lady Maccabee- Hree at Helix, the 16th inst. The new Hive has a members of 14 members.; and pros pects are favorable for an immediate increase in the membership. Squirrels are raising Ned in the farming section north of 'Pendleton. Legions of the little1 hairy devils scam per over the hillsides, and the farmers have been giving them battle for a month. n C. C. Sharp was up from Pendleton luesaay. wnne nere papers were made out which transferred his res idence property here to Harvey Cay ton. 1 T. J. Kirk's teams have plowed something like 200 acres. Some seed ing has also been done. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Victor Shick, February 17, 1898, a son. Married, in this city, Sunday, Feb ruary 20,1898, James --McBride, of Adahis and Miss Addie Stamper, of Athena, Rev. G. W. Rigby, officiating. This is the youngest eouple ever uni ted in marriage by Mr; R&ehy, the bride being 15 and the gi)oora 19 years of age. 1 Geo. Gross this week finished plow- He will begin seeding next week, should the weath er continue favorable. Athena's hitching racks are in a di lapidated condition and should be re paired at once. Charles Stansell, who went to Alas ka on January 15 last, has returned to Pendleton. The young man found nothing in Alaska to induce him to stay. He did not care to go into the Klondike, and coast towns are over done. He says that Skagway and Dyea are no places to work for wages. The Female Minstrels, under the auspices of Mignonette Rebekah lodge appeared at the opera house, last Fri da evening, and gave a creditable ex hibition of minstrelsy. Every num ber was rendered with snap and vim which is necessary for the success of productions of this character. The Churches Methodist Services Sunday School 10 A M. Preaching, 11 A. M. Dr. Hickmon. president of the Williamette School of Theolo gy, will preach in the evening. 7:30. All arc cordially invited to attend these services. C. L. Lowther, Pastor. Church of Christ Bible School, 10:00 A. M. Com munion, 11:00 A. M. Sermon: The Fifth Beatitude. "Blessed are the merciful." Evening Worship 7:30 P. M. Last Sunday we talked about pat i riotism : in other words, love for, and loyalty to our country. The test of i loyalty is service. We need to apply the same princi ples to our Bible School work. Love and loyalty, plus prayer and co-operation will remove the mountains of indefference and discouragement from ' our pathway. Missionary meeting Wednesday ; March 1st. 2:30 P. M. at the home of Mrs. H. H. Hill. Every lady in the i church is invited. F. E. Russell, Pastor. Baptist Church Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning sermon at 11. Subject, "Awakening of the Conscience." Evening address, subject: "The Destruction of the Scarlet Woman," Rev. 17:15-16, or "Paving the Way for the Grim Successor of the Pope," Dan. 11:36-37. Midweek tervice Wednesday even ing at 7:30. per Set Athena Department Store For Lower Prices, Phone 152 5 per cent Discount for Cash. THE STANDARD THEATRE Saturday, February 25 White and Unmarried Featuring honus Meitfhm ttJhite Unnamed! cA Paximouat Picture. Thomas Meighan "It's a Paramount Picture" And Buster Keaton In 'NEIGHBORS' International News. 10c-25c-35c tax included Sunday February 26 "The Truth About Husbands Based on Pinero's Famous Story, "The Profligate Enacted By MAY McAVOY Supported by a Brilliant Cast of Players Pathe Review. Admission, 10c-25c-35c, Tax Paid Rolin Comedy HOOT GIBSON Coming Soon in "Red Courage'' and "Sure Fire" Splendid Five Reel Western Plays