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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1922)
I Press Paragraphs Harold Haynie was in Pendleton, Tuesday. Mayor Barrett was a Pendleton visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bannister Jr., were in Athena Monday. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Barnes of Wes ton, were in the city Sunday. Polar Cake Chocolate covered Ice Cream is sold in Athena. The Pure Food Grocery has the agency. Miss Ruth Stubblefield spent the week-end with friends at Pilot Rock. Rock. . Mrs. James Sturgis was up from Pendleton this week visiting in Athena. Mrs. Lilla Kirk, Miss Mildred Christensen and Miss Francis Will iams were in Pendleton, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. h. P. Gilliland of Weston, were in the city Monday trading with Athena merchants. N. J. Olsen of Pendleton, has been a guest at the home of his daughter, mrs. inarmey, returning home Wed nesday morning. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Matt Van derpool, Jafi. 21, 1922, a son. The young man has been christened Vane Irwin Mrs. F. D. Watts was a guest at the J. H. Williams home in Weston Tuesday night, attending the com munity fete in that city. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. King and Mrs. B. H. Becker of Pendleton, were visitors at the W. R. Taylor home Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. 0. 0. Stephens spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Kimball, in Pendleton. Watts & Prestbye attorneys, have received income tax blanks and are now ready to make , out tax returns. Mrs. Burnett, who resides on the Piper place west of town, is recover ing from a severe case of pneumonia. James Foss has returned to his home at Terrebonne, after a visit lth his brother, A. A. Foss. Mr. Dorris of Eugene, was a guest Sunday and Monday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Arnold Koepke. R. B. McEwen is renorted amonfl Mr- and Mrs. Sheldon Taylor and those suffering with the grip thisildren were in the cty Tuesday, week. from their home on Cold Springs. I hey were accompanied by Mrs. T. D. Taylor of Pendleton. Mrs. William Shrimp is still con fined to her home with sickness, af ter having spent a couple of weeks at the College Place sanitorium. She has been ill since early in the winter. Yesterday afternoon, Mrs. Rex Hopper was hostess to the Etude Club, with Mrs. B. B. Richards lead er of the program. Mrs. Richards read a paper on "Stephen Foster," and Mrs. Louis Stewart gave a re view of the work of L. M. Gotts chalk. Special music was: Gotts- chnllt'a. "Tho T.oat M...... M ; K -v b v vm J j : Mrs. Loren Basler: solo, "Message of the Rose," by Mrs. Charles DeHaas, and a quartet, "Southern Melodies," Mrs. C. H. Smith, Mrs. Lloyd Mich ener, Mrs. H. H. Hill and Mrs. W. R. Taylor. Refreshments were served by Mrs. F. D. Watts and Mrs. Arthur Douglas. Mrs. Lilla Kirk had as dinner guests Sunday, Misses Eva Gries, Alta Chandler, Francis Williams, Edna Pinkerton and Mildred Chris tensen. . J. E. Orr, an old time resident of Weston, was in the city this after noon from Caldwell. Idaho. He was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Dickson. To remind him of his birthdav. George Thompson, Monday received a wondertul birthday cake, sent him bv his daughter. Miss Doris, who is attending St. Helens Hall in Portland, and his sister, Mrs. Rockwell Carey. V"Mr. and Mrs. Otis McDowell and Vy, left lor their home in La Grande after a month's visit with Mrs. Joseph Sheard. Mrs. McDow ell's mother, at the farm north of town. Miss Hilda Dickenson, onerator at the local telephone exchange, cut her hand oadly with a razor blade while eneaeed in riDmnGP some ninth It was necessary to close the wound witn stitches. The ladies of the Baptist Church will hold a pastry sale at Stephen's Pure Food Grocery tomorrow (Sat- Coming: Jackie Coogan in "Peck's Bad Boy" m GROCERIES Q ' ' 20 Cents Choice Pack Winesap and White Winters $2.50, $2.75, $3.75 Extra Choice Grape Fruit Give a Valentine Party. It is good for you to enterton your friends once in awhile; keeps you feeling young and cheerful. You won't have to prepare a lot of things in a hot kitchen we have many dainty things all ready-to-serve that will make your party a big success. You save money when you buy our things ready to serve save work too. THE PURE FOOD GROCERY Quality Quantity, Service. Phone 171. Athena, Oregon urday) afternoon. Good things to eat will be sold at very reasonable prices, and public patronage is sol icited. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Smith, former residents of Weston, where Mr. Smith was rural mail carrier for a period of six years, are in the city, from their home at Emmet, Idaho, guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jones. The whole family of J. R. Barnes have been ill this week at their home in north Dart of town. Dr. C. H. Smith diagnosing the case as flu. the children. Jack and Marv Jean. are both recovering, but both Mr. and Mrs. Barnes are still under the grip of the disease.- Mrs. Wall, president of the ladies Aid of the Christian Church, annou nces that regular work will begin in the Church basement on next FriHav afternoon, when meetings will be held each Friday. A pastry sale will be held m the near future. Mrs. Sims Dickenson will entertain a party of friends this evening at her home in the north part of town. Rook will be the entertaining feature of the evening. The home will be decorated in red hearts, red carna tions and green foliage. In serving of refreshments, sandwiches, cakes, etc., will be heart-shaped, carrying out the St. Valentine motif. Athena High School basket ball team is scheduled to play Stanfield to night on the home floor. The Stan- field team and visitors accompanying tnem, will be entertained by the Athe na student body after the irame. Stanfield was especially generous in the entertainment of Athena when the teams played in that town, several weeks ago, and an enjoyable time is anticipated for this evening, in a so cial way. The Jolly Twenty club met at th home of Mrs. J. T. Lieuallen in Adams last Friday evenine. and a pleasant time was spent at cards and games. Mrs. Penn Harris rendered vocal solos, accompanied at the niano by Lois Johnson. The regular meetincr of the JnHv Twenty club was held at the home nf Mrs. C. L. McFadden Wednesday af ternoon. Kelreshments were served by Mrs. Floyd Pinkerton and Mrs. runt Jonns. Guests of the clnh were Mrs. John Banister Sr. and Mrs. John Banister Jr., of Weston; Mrs. E. C. Prestbye, Mrs. Everett Zerba and Mrs. C. H. Smith, of Athena. Mackenzie Chapter, 0. E. S., mem bers will meet at 7:30 sharp next Wednesday evening on account of the Lyceum number. BBDVQBj S High School Notes Mr. and Mrs. Loren Basler spent the week end in Milton with friends, and then motored over to Walla Wal la, where they took in the Willamette and Whitman basket ball s The Sophomore Class acted out a Trial scene of the "Merchant of Ven ice, 'before the high school assembly this morning. The scene was very well acted, Lee Bannister playing the part of Shylock, Broods Anderson, Antonio, Blanche Wilson, Portia and AHon Hodgen, the Duke. The seniors and facultv of the Athena High School were the guests of Mrs. James Duncan and Mrs. Charles Betts, Thursday evening, where they partook of a sumptuous dinner. The evening was spent in singing and playing games. Those who visited the school durimr this week were: Mrs. Burke. Mrs. Basler, Mrs.. Smith, Hazel Messen ger, Mrs. B. B. Richards and Mrs. Woods who recently came from Cal ifornia. The Stanfield boys basket ball team and the home team will be entertain ed by the student body, tonight fol lowing the game. Light refresh ments consisting of cream puffs and cocoa will be served. New curtains for the auditorium, pictures of President Harding for the grade rooms and also pictures of j Stratford-On-Avon and U. S. capitol for the high school, have been or dered by the Board. The Churches Methodist Services. Sunday school 10 a. m., preaching 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. m. All are cordially invited to attend these services. C. L. Lowther, Pastor. Church Of Christ Bible school at 10 a. m. Commun- ion at 11 a. m.; sermon: The Third 1 Beatitude, "Blessed Are the Meek." Evening worship at 7:30. Publicity pays; our Bible school is growing in numbers. Punctuality pay.3; our Bible school is growing in interest. We call people indifferent many times when they are only discour-, aged instead. Discouragement, how ever, answers Satan's purpose just as ! well. Look up, not down; look out and i not in, and press on with the assur-: ranee that God and the right must j conquer. F. E. Russell, pastor. A Big Special on Enamelware Consisting of the following Pieces: sj Four quart Preserve Kettle, five quart Preserve Kettle, No. 30 Wash Basin, No. 32 Wash Basin, two one-half Lipped Sauce Pan, three quart Lipped Sauce Pan, four quart Lipped Sauce pan, four quart deep pudding pan, six quart deep pudding pan, eight quart handled rinsing pan, No. 24 mixing bowls, ten quart roll edge dish pans. Each 25c See Our Window p .. Athena Department Store For Lower Prices, Phone 152 5 per cent Discount for Cash. - ml M. M A 7 JL A V a Bilill A A JL Ji . A A m. Jl JLJI A Saturday, February 11 Elsie Ferguson In FOOTLIGHTS- 'It's a Paramount Picture" Buster Keaton In Elsie Fergusoiund Marc Mac Dermott in a scene fiom che Paja.ruounl Picture ' Footlights ' International News. "Scarecrow" 10c-25c-35c tax included $Mi Hampton Bob . of Placer Featuring lames Kirkwood and Wesley Barry Another great Picture by Marshall Neilan with vivid scenes of Frontier Life and climaxing in Custer's last stand Sunday, Feb'y 12th : Fathe Review. Admission, 10c-25c-35c, Tax Paid Rollin Comedy