The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, December 19, 1919, Image 2

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BOYD & WOOD, Publishers
Mubacription Rates.
One copy, one year $2.0fl
One copy, six months $1.00
One copy, three months 75
tATHENA. OREGON. . .DEC' 10, 1919
With the delictum of rane fac
ilities through development of lam
for agricultural pursuits, the Paci
fic Northwest is facin? the problen
of meat nroduction in the same dc
gree that affected the Middle West
fifty years ago. The Mississippi val
lev states made early progress i;
the solution of meat production with
out curtailment of agriculture by th
introduction of scienre in stock breed
ing, Tha big, squarely-built steer
took the place of the small rangi
critter and he erew to profitable ma
turity in the small meadow and the
barn lot. In small numbers he
found on nearly every farm of the
Central states, and in the aggregate
his numbers and weight total mon
in the yards of the Swifts, the Ar
mours, the Cudahys and other pack
ing concerns than do the yearly con
signments of range cattle combined.
The Iowa farmer for instance, finds
it but a small chore to have yearly
surplus of a dozen head of big, fat
three year olds ready for market
And when he sells he generally gets
the top price, for his stock being well
bred, is prime, meaty and saleable
In comparison, the Northwest ant
Oregon in particular, is in its infancj
in the solution of moat production, a?
was demonstrated at the recent stocl
, show in Portland. However, this nev,
enterprise displayed a solid nucleus
what may be evolved later on, re
sulting in recognition of the merits
of thoroughbred stock and careful
breeding, over present slip-shod meth
ods. With its splendid $300,000 plant,
the cost of whioh was borne by pop
ular subscription throughout the state
the yearly event of the live stock
show will bo the leading factor ir
building up the live stock industrj
by virtue of stimulating the organiz
ation of minor shows and stock as
sociations in which pure bred stock
locally owned, may be entered in com
petition. These minor stock shows in time
will not only stimulate interest ir
the annual show at Portland, but will
bo a basic incentivo for bringing buy
er and breeder together, with the re
sult that.evcry hord, large, or small,
will have thoroughbred males at its
head. Then will tho real uplift of the
livestock industry begin.
Worthy of note in this connection
is the fact that at the Portland show
Union county exhibitors took a num
ber of prizes w'.ile Umatilla count
with twice the numbers of live stock
within her borders, took one second
prize. The reason for this lies prin
cipally in different methods pursued
by the stockraisers of the two coun
ties. While the stockmen of Union
county have been strengthening their
herds by importations of ure bred
stock and giving careful attantion to
scientific bfMding, and fostering in
terest byrtmantaining annually a well
patronised stock show those of Uma
tilla county have been content to ritle
in a Round-Up saddle and head their
respective herds with males that will
merely pass muster in 3tate law requirements.
Government Is concerned over the
extravagance of the people, and evi
dence is not wanting that tho people
have a right to be concerned over
tho extravaganco of government.
A budget system and big corpora
tion efficiency are needed at Wash
ington. The fault doesn't lie with
this administration nor with any ad
ministration, but with the antiquated
metkods which Father Time has en
veloped with a mistaken sanctity at
the nation's capital.
A middle west poet implores thus
ly: "Backward, turn backward, O
Time, in your flight! Give us the
prices we once thought were right
Spuds by the bushel and eggs by the
crate; milk, meat and coal at a rea
sonable rate. I am so weary walk
ing the earth, paying for everything
twice what it's worth; going home
broke every night isn't nice cut
down the price, mister, cut down the
Reporter found himself unable to
buy any sort of a suit of clothes in
Chicago for $24.50, tho price fixed as
reasonable by a board of merchants,
but may not have had the $24.50.
However, Portland dealers assert,
that it simply can't be done.' anyhow. '
One of them says he paid $45 per '.
suit wholesale for one lot of two
thousand suits.
1920? Each week when tW ...4ifent
ipens and reads his "letter from
home" he will bless you for having
remembered him in this way.
We are charitably enough disposed
toward the g. o. p. not to wish it
iuch bad luck as to have Miles Poin
lextcr or Hiram Johnson either, for
;hat matter as its candidate for
Norman Stump having married
Martha Post at Green Spring Valley,
"j'olorado, we shouldn't be surprised
if in the course of time there were a
few chips off the old block.
We find ourselves at one with the
esteemed Orcgonian when it recom
mends that the senate cloture rule
be applied to La Follette. We would
add a gag, however.
It is observed that if a debutante
wants a certain man she will entice
tim into the hammock, but if a witl
jw is seeking him she will see that he
lamplcs her cooking.
Burns, Harney county, is bragging
about its delightful winter weather;
which reminds us that it is the good
ild summer time which Burns Har
ney county.
Colonel Hofer defends tobacco in
The Oregonian and he is not the
inly Oregon editor who will expecto
rate as its champion.
December 17 has come and gone,
leaving another prophet without
honor and other profit for the profiteers.
Mo3t country editors are able to
congratulate themselves that one of
qfte things it is a bit cheaper not to
Twn now-a-days is an automobile.
Gerard has nominated himself for
the high office of president, but may
perforce be compelled to qualify lat
8T as a hopeless minority.
Another secretary has resigned
with more or less resignation, but
the administration continues to administrate.
As to the national labor party, it
is perfectly obvious that what is
needed is more labor and less party.
A wise young woman will not quar
rel with her beau just aa Christmas
is approaching.
We haven't heard from North Da
kotasuffice to say Athena plumb
ers are busy.
Trying to make other people think
they are rich keeps a great many
people poor.
Puts us in mind of old I-way with
out the bli-z-z-ard tacked on.
Would anyone be happier if he
could solve all mysteries?
If you want to make money fast,
nail it down. "
The nonprodiieor enn always lie de
pended on for nil pfTnrt to innlic up
In conversation for what lie lucks In
Terhnps the rensnn wo have not
heard any goose-hone went her predic
tions la bocnusc nobody can Afford t0
cook goose.
. When men are nlile to live without
work, then Ihey court mental and
physical degeneration, which Is na
ture's penally for Idleness.
Foreign agitators who emu here to
stir up a revolution reckoned without
their long suffering hut now thorough
ly aroused and determined host.
"Murder will out," and the "Inside
history" of the world war that Is now
being Written shows how trnglcnllv
misleading outside appearances often
Greater production Is advocated as
one main cure for the present slum
tlon. Hut with everybody striking
everywhere, how Is the remedy to be
Vesuvius Is showing slcns of un
rest. The old mountain decided not
to be overlooked In a general sialt
of affairs that may he described li
Foreigners are accused of making
most of the trouble In the steel mills.
The fact that many of them are re
turning to their first homes may help
to ease matters along.
An airplane bos been equipped with
Pullman accommodations. Nervous
passengers will require some other
word than "tip" to describe the cus
tomary attention to the porter.
If only some profiteer would run foi
We are again approaching the joy
ful Yuletide season and are ponder
ing over suitable and pleasing gifts
-sensible and not too expensive. Why
lot select some relative or old-time
Kwhomyou know would enjoy
kly visit from this paper, and
oj'jr it sent to that one for the year
Another thing that hits the family
purse is the custom of the high school
girl of dressing as If she were going
to nn exclusive social function Instead
of to a place of work anil study.
nnrgllng Is one American Industry
that needs no protection.
Idleness and extravagance nre often
the gateways to crookedness.
"Fair price of butter and eegs high;
er." But can a fair price M any higher?
Some landlords must ihlnk an in
crease In the rent tin aided nlirlic
A new premier In .Tiipo-Slavln Is
considerable of a wear and tear on the
tonsils. i
Wise men cleave to their Liberty
bonds as they cleave to their bettei
It's only the old-timers that re
member when things were In apple
pie order.
Will not Hie cost of living commis
sion Investigate how many sections
has a pie?
A minimum wage agreement never
suffices to do away with maximum as
pl rations.
A ehtirn goes up and down like
that. The price of the butter goes
principally up.
German gold Is arriving In this coun
try, and It Is not going to the propa
gandists, either.
Pork at wholesale Is cheap and
plentiful, but the retail profiteers con
tinue to take large profits.
Another of life's minor tragedies Is
the shnrfnge of butter just at the
opening of the flapjack season.
In the cltler market It Is Just the
opposite. When the demand for
sweet cider Is weak. It finishes strong.
resent them to the said administra-
r at his heme ia Adams, Oregon, or
to lm at the office of his attorneys,
Petesson, Uiakop Si CLAkc, in the
Smitn-Crawford building, in Pendle
ton, Oregon, within six months of the
date oit, the first publication of this
notice, which is Friday the 21st day
of November, 1919.
Administrator with the Will annexed.
Peterson, Brsjiop & Clark,
Attorneys foF Administrator.
In the County Court for Umatilla
County, State of Oregon.
In the matter of the estate of Jennie
G. Wa'tts, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has filed his final account
and report in the above entitled mat
ter and that the above entitled
Court has fixed Saturday. January 17,
1920, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.
of said day as the time and the county
court room in the county court house
at Pendleton, Oregon, as the place for
hearing said account and report. Ob
jections to said final account and re
port should be filed on or before said
Dated at Athena, Oregon, this 19th
day of December, 1919.
Homer I. Watts, Administrator.
ttandarf i Thi
Saturday, f;ecerojer
re J
Jesse L. La sky
There Is no American scenery to sur
pass the sight of the Star Spangled
Banner over our own merchant marine.
A good many men who served In the
army will wonder where the govern
ment kept thnt array bacon during the
Kitchen holsbevlsts are not finding
the cordial support In Amerlfft that
the parlor bolshevlsts led thorn' '-to' export.
Notice to Creditors.
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon, for Umatilla County.
In the matter of the estate of And
rew J. Parker, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed admin
istratrix of the estate of Andrew J.
Parker, deceased, by the above enti
tled court. All persons having claims
against the above entitled e3tate are
notified to present them to me at Ath
ena, Oregon, or to my attorney, Ho
mer I. Watts, at his office in Athena,
Oregon, within six months from the
first publication of this notice; said
claims to be verified as the law re
quires. Dated at Athena, Oregon, this fifth
day of December, 1919.
Notice to Creditors.
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon for Umatilla County.
In' the Matter of the Estate of Fan
nie M. McKenzie (sometimes written
Frances M. McKenzie,) Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that Alex
ander McKenzie has been appointed
administrator with the will annexed
of the estate of Fannie M. McKen
zie (sometimes written Frances
Maude McKenzie or Frances M. Mc
Kenzie,) deceased, by order of the
above entitled court in the above
matter. All persons having claims
against said estate are required to
Notice of Final Account
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of John
S. Harris, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has filed his final account
and. report as executor of the estate
of John S. Harris, deceased, in the
above entitled matter and the above
entitled court has fixed Saturday,
January 3, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m.
of said day as the time, and the
county court room in tie court house
at Pendleton, Oregon, as the place
for hearing said account and report.
Objections to said account and re
port should be filed on or before said
Dated at Athena, Oregon, December
5, 1919.
Fred tone
Rthj3 Hi By John Emerson and Anita Loos
Bs I Scenario by Gardner Hunting
;'A Slashing Gobd
' ' 5 Reels
Fatty Arbuckle in
Oh. Doctor!"
p i i
Sunday Dec. 21
Pathe Nc
Regular prices. Only One Show each night, starting at 8 o'cloc!
conform with fuel and light restrictions. Regular programs on Satui
The grocers' statement ilint pork ;
prices are still high because the cup.
Kilmers demand choice cuts Indicates I
that wealth Is more Kenernlly ilistrlb-l
Died thuu it Is usually thought to be.
fires of Faith"
Standard Theatre, Christmas Night
BSD "THE 1 pa51
TV .
With Catherine Calvert, Eugene O'Brien, Ruby" de
Remer, Theodore Roberts and other stars in the Cast.
Admission Prices 25c and 50c; tax included.
BARE FISTS on January 1st
Dr. N.P. Bennet
Weston. :-: Phone,
Watts C& Rogers will receive
orders for Plants and Flowers
grown by
Rose Garden
of Freewater
Plants and cut flowers now on sale.
Dairy 1
Pure, Fresh Milk and Cream
delivered twice daily
Prices, Pint 10c, Quart 15c.
We carry the best .
That Money Buys
Our Market is
Clean and Cool
Insuring Wholesome Meats.
Main Street, Athena, Oregon
Pendleton Marble & Granite Works
T. A. WYLIE, Proprietor
f "Scrip t Form '"""
Butter WrappQrs
' Special attention given to hauling of
;Fuel, Household Hoods and Freight.
I Will make out of town trips at reas
! onablo rates. PHONE 212 ATHENA
H. O. Parker, Proprietor
Shaving Haircutting, Massaging, Shampooing.
Bath Rooms In Connection, ..
ichols Hotel Block Athena, Oreg.
Get our prices be
fore placing your
Berry Monument 'vorks
F. M. Barry, Prop.
12th and Main Street mO. W. R.
I N. Passenger Depot W-Walls Wash.
N. A. MILLER Local lesent.tive.
1 TT
PHYSICI!pattf'8 '.JRGEON '
Of -tt'Tk , jm Exchange
P&jww, C jn MUCSa-iesidenoe, 42
laPi th tl
ater. onarp
i Specia1 aU.-tios) given to ail
calis both njaht and day.
' ijsJls promptly answre'l. Offle on Thlril
-:.-!, Attwua Onaor
Zerolene gives bet
ter comoressUHi,.
therefore, inor'
power to your car
It burns clean ar
goes out with '
haust. Depof
least carbon,
a Correct Lr
tion Chart '
GUY CRONK, Special Agent, Standard I