EVER SHARP PENCILS A complete stock ranging in price inm $1.00 to 4.00. STATIONERY Most complete . assortment ever wfeJ0WB here. Plt up in hanasomc GREETING CARDS Big variety iim which to select prices 5c to 45c. PERFUMES AND TOILET WATERS fcvery complete line of Imported and domestic perfumes to fancy packages. i KODAKS A complete line of Eastman Ko- THERMOS BOTTLES Ideal gift for cold weather. PYRALIN IVORY The always welcome gift a very complete line. WATCHES AND JEWELRY Very complete line carried in stock. DER KISS AND JONTEEL GIFT PACKAGES Beautiful assortment of fancy gift packages. HOLIDAY Complete line. ACCESSORIES Ptebman's fointan K- 'y I The ideal gift- comDicte stock dak8- miapsnffi :-; - 1 We 4lso carry a large assortment of Box Candies, Pipes Leather Goods, Games 'Books, Manicure Sets, etc. ; ' McFA DDEN PHARMACY jiff The ffexd Store PH&ii: 331 It will pay you to watofcour Windows mrOv ver The Hill" W Weston home-makers who are for tunate enough to possess a Christmas i cactus are eagerly watching the buds Ki uw. if there is a Dromise of bright I blossoms for the holidey season. The j Deer Lodge, Montana, which has been j overseas has been commissioned a second lieutenant in the United States armv. Bayles is a train dis patcher in the railroad engineering j corps. He will sail from San Fran cisco December 10 for service in Si-1 heria. His family will remain at: ties. He is going back to Nobleford after a visit, although he admits that his services there are not indispensa ble. The local lodge of Pythians was not deterred Wednesday evening by the dearth of electrical illuminant. More primititve means were used for. lighting the castle hall, and all three ranks were confered in a session last ing until midnight. Orell McPherrin regularly keeps up Ms auto stage run, despite me heavy snow. He even has another car in readiness to put on should the traffic justify its use. With only one railroad train each day, the auto stage becomes a most positive con venience to those who must travel in this kind of weather. Weston Lodge No. 58, I. 0. 0. F., elected the following officers at a re cent session: W. L. Smock, noble errand; Jack Calder, vice grand; J. E. Stanficld, secretary; S. A. Barnes ; treasurer. Miss Wavel O'Harra and Miss I Mamie Barnes have been enlisted ii i the sales force of the Weston Mercan 1 tile Co. to help take care of the hoi iday trade. Rulon Smith has returned from Pendleton and is assisting in clerical work at The Farmers Bank of Wes ton. Mrs. Stella Hager and Mr. Fred Paulsen were united in marriage Sat urday at Walla Walla. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Sarah Po'-'.s of i this city. Mr. and Mrs. Paulsen will make their home on the Taylor farm near Pendleton. Weston's share is $1048.19 of the county high school fund recently ap portioned. This is a considerable in crease over last year. Miss Eunice Wilsey, a popular bride of last week, was honored at a shower given by the Pythian Sisters at the home of Mrs. Marvin Price, last Fri day evening. A handsome gift of sil ver was presented by the organiza- $100 Reward, $1W Hon to the young lady. A number of J The readers of this paper wll! bo the younger set were present and ten- j Xadedeasf tha'sdence'tas dered the honor guest a miscellaneous been able to cure lii'all its stages and shnwor ' that is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly snuwei. (nflucncea hjt constitutional conditions Clarence Thoeny, who is taking a . requires constitutional treatment. Hall's course m banking at Bennke-WalKer aotl tt)rutho Bloodvpn the Mucous Bur Business college in Portland, vmtfesj faces of the Sf"ylhf the home folks that he is well pleased patient strength bfc building up the con with his school work and is ti'SSi metropolitan life. ' " faith In the curative power, of Hair. Nelson D. Jones is in Portland this Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls m.i. tfllfinrf a rsr rhristmnq look to cure, ttena ror nsi oi lesumumftiB. week taking a prc-Lnristmas iook j AMreBS F j chenet & CO., Toledo, around. I Ohio. Sold bv all rirueglst. 76o Carl Brandt is doing some very clever work in sign-writing, which attracts much local attention and fa vorable comment. Miss Anice Barnes, who is teaching at Homestead, Oregon, is expected home the 20th of this month to spend the Yuletide season with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Barnes. Sim J. Culley has recently been fa voring his friends with generous samples of delicious home-made sau sage. Local epicures pronounced it superior to the famous "Little Pig Sausage" exploited by a well-known eastern firm. j W. A. Barnes butchered five fine hogs last week. The prospect for doughnuts and pie-crust is pretty good at his house. Rev. Mark O. Phinney has been Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of the State : of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the Matter of the Estate of Fan- j nie M. McKenzie (sometimes written Frftiices M. McKenzie,) Deceased. Notice is hereby ffiven that Alex-1 ander McKenzie has been appointed j administrator with the will annexed 1 of the estate of Fannie M. McKen-! I zie (sometimes written Frances j ' Maude McKenzie or Frances M. Mc Kenzie,) deceased, by order ol tne j above entitled court in the above j matter. All persons having claims against said estate are required to j present them to the said administra- j ! tor at his home in Adams, Oregon, or j to him at the office of his attorneys, Peterson. BishoD & Clarke, in the ... . ,. i . i : . , Sm th-Crawford building, m Pendle nutte indisposed the past week and r""' " . . , , , x , ,. " . ton. Oregon, within six months of the his people Sunday morning. The con gregation united with that of the Baptist church for the evening ser vice. The season has arrived when one enjoys re-reading accounts of Eng lish holiday customs as related in Irving's Sketch Book. Miss Edna Hollenbeck recommends a careful pe rusal of Dicken's "A Christmas Car ol" to appreciate the true spirit of Yuletide. Mrs. Susan Tucker is visiting in Walla Walla and will spend the holi day season with relatives there. date of the first publication of this notice, which is Friday the 21st day of November, 1919. ALEXANDER McKENZIE Administrator with the Will annexed. Peterson, Bishop & Clark, Attorneys for Administrator. GOOD GROfcEftl JS GOo SERVK GOOD TREATMENT fill Candy and Nut Specials t Holidays New Walnuts Genuine Califor nia soft shell, fine lookers, fine eating, only 45c per lb. Large fancy washed Brazil Nuts, only 45c per lb. New California Almonds, the soft shell kind, per lb. 45c. Large, double-jointed, Humpback Peanuts, per lb. 25c. New California Shelled Walnut Meats. These are fine for cakes, just taken from the shell; large can, 75c. All your favorite Hard Candies at our candy counter. Burnt Peanuts, per lb. 45c. Boston Baked Beans, per lb. 45c. Large Jelly Beans, per lb. 40c. Plain Mixed, per lb. 35c. Jap. Cocoanut Squares, "per lb. 45c. Broken Mixed, pe: lb. 45c. French Cream Mixed, per lb. 50c. Ribbon Mixed, per lb. 45c. jt;'. ; Chocolate Chews, per lb. 50c. Try a pound of our Fancy Choc olate Creams at 60c. A full line of Box Candies at special prices. Phone 561 legend is that a quantity of these ; blossoms foretells a jolly visit from -,;Vj3t. Nicholas. '''vVv " " John Gordon, who lived in the Wes ,tbn country three decades or more Ago, came down from Spokane for a llisit with relatives. and friends. He is the father of Mrs. R. G. Saling of his city and Jess Gordon, the well piown young farmer of Athena. Mr. Cordon has been handling and deal 'tnff in racimr stock for a number of their home for several years Taking a holiday vacation from his duties on the Ellsworth Woods farm, Lawrence Curtis has gone to Port land and Brownsville, and will visit his parents at the latter place. The directors of Weston Memorial Asociation.have received a letter of congratulation and inquiry from War Camp Community Service Headquar ters at New York City in regard to the Memorial Hall recently dedicated Jears, and is regarded as a capable j in this city. The letter states that trainer, Weston is one oi tne leaaers m me Wilism Singer, Jake Narkaus and j United States in this line, and re other cattlemen drove about 160 head ; quests a picture and floor plan of the "Af tnck through town Sunday, en bullo'tng to use in publicity work and route for Gardena alfalfa fields.- The assist in advising other communities KB 51, -. ... , ., . iji- .m f- i: eattlc nave Deen rangingr on rock eteek in the Blues, andjrrwners were which are rapidly falling in line to j follow the lead of such progressive; places as our town. Ford roadster for sale. Liberty Auto Co. C. L. Pinkerton, assistant cashier of the local bifih, his been kept at 1 I IJn ' delayed in getting the out. Miss Hortense Baker has returned from a visit with her sister, Mrs. Clarence Wptfnt, at Claresholm, Al berta, lltff father is beaming with 'i. ,i tmi. !. 1 : 1 i U.m. ,t ... wifV, a e pleasure Since IKS tuun imr ninvcu iiuiiik iui n invis ...w. mm timfnr the season -of sausage and rious illness, gparerlbs. . Roy Read is here from the big Cam- Q. Bayles Baker, son of Merritt A. eron ranch' "at Nobleford, Alberta, Baker, a Weston veteran of the civil which for several months has been War another of whose sons served the scene of his agricultural activi- " Where Gem and Gold are Fairly Sold" ' y y Watch for Christmas Notice to Creditors I Notice is hereby given that the un- i dersigned has ben appointed admin- istratrix oi the estate of Fank A. Berlin, Deceased, in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla ! County. All persons hav'ng claims j against said estate are. hereby re qBired to present the same, duly ver ified, and with proper vouchers at tached, to the undersigned at the of- j fice of Raley, Raley & Steiwer in Pen-! dleton, Oregon, within six months from date of this notice, the same be ing dated and published the first time this 7th day of November, 1919. THERESE H. BERLIN As Administratrix of the Estate of Frank A. Berlin, Deceased. Raley, Raley & Steiwer, H. J. Warner, Attorneys for Administratrix. IIIIMIUMIMIIIiniMMIIIMMMt In the line of Gifts, no one article so closely, so thoroughly entwines itself into our daily lives and nothing so greatly creates thoughts of the giver, nor is any gift more appreciated. We sell only the Reliable kind Elgin, Waltham, Hamilton, Howard and the best Swiss Wrist Watches for Men and Women. No one undersells us. Credit without extra Charge. H. H. HIU JI5WELER ATIIKNA In Pound. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing described animals running at large within the corporate lmits of ! the City of Athena, were by me tak en up and impounded m the city pound on Saturday, November 15, at' which place they will be sold at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash on Tuesday, November 25, 1919, j at 2 o'clock p. m., unless by the own er redeemed prior to the hour and date of sale. One black gelding about 15 years bid, weight about 1100 pounds, no J marks, brands or scars visible. One i black mare about 12 years old, ! weight about 1000 pounds, no marks ' ibrands or scars visible. CLEVE STANTON City Marshal. 10 Days More Christmas is coming fast now. Better hurry up and buy that gift before the snow gets ten feet deep and the coal is all gone, and the trains stop, and- and- BOYS AND GIRLS Games, Guns, Dolls, Handker chiefs, Blocks, SlipperH, Wagons, Banks, Whistles, Horns, Balls, Pianos, Swings, Stoves, Candy, Sweaters, Gloves, Ties, Etc. LADIES' GIFTS Furs, Slippers, Stationery, kerchiefs, Linens, Jewelry, Ivory Toilet Trays, Purses, Hose. Sets, Nut Hand Caps, Bowls, GIFTS FOR MEN Slippers, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Shirts, Brushes, Ing Sets, Suspender Sets, Ing Sets, Mufflers, Purses, Links and Smiles. Ties, Notice of Final Account In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the Matter of the Estate of John S. Harris, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed his final account Notice of Final Settlement. In the County Court of the ." 'ate of Oregon f. v Oatilla Cor. icy. In the Matter of tho. Estate of John iW. Myrick. dr teasel. Notice is hereby itivon that Olive Lee, as administrate oC the above 1 entitled estate, has liled in the Coun ty Court for Umatilia County, State :of Oregon, her final account and re Iport as such administratrix and that the said Court has fixed and ap- and report as executor of the estate j fte 15th dgy o of John S Hams deceased m the & m &g above entitled matter and the above! ' . ., r,.r I entitled court has fixed Saturday,! i,.,.: f KW- turns, if any, to the Suid linnl account. Santa Claus has left a lot of toys for girls and boys at the J. C. Penney Co. Store. Just received a big as sertment of Christmas Box Stationery 10c to $1.98. 7 7 S7 Jt? & J Incorporated January 3, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m. m . t i i a! 1 4.U- oi saia any as tne ume, ami .and of the finftl suttl;!ment tbereof an-1 county court room In the court house pubhcM,o:i oi of PuniUdfnn Oracnn as the mace i . . . ,. . . , , - , tmg notice ls nla.je Novumbur 11, lor neanng sam account aim 1919 Objections to said account and re- ' OL1VK LEE port should be filed on or before said j Administratrix rt estate of John ' , . . n v. W. Myrick, Deceased. Dated at Athena, Oregon, December, Bishop B 1919- Attnrnnvs for Administratrix "I Didn't think she'd do it" But she did . The New Peninsular Pipeless Fur nace just installed in our store is the Real Thing. Seeing and Feeling is Believing. Take a walk to any corner of our store and notice how even is the distribution of heat. The greatest, simplest discovery and solution of heating problem ever known. Its simplicity, cost, service and economy all recommend it. No walls to tear up ; just a hole under your house big enough and ONE RADIA TOR in your floor right over the fur nace. That is all. 'WLW Give us your order. Our choicewill be your choice. ' . Watts & Rogers Hardware and Implements HENRY A. BARRETT Executor. Notice of Final Settlement .1 Notice to Creditors. In the County Co lit of the State of Oregon for Um.i'il!.! County. In the Matter of the Estata of Fan- In the County Court of the State nie O. Myrick, Deceased. of Oregon, for Umatilla County. Notice is hereby given that Olive tn the matter of the estate of And- Lee, as administratrix of the above rew J. Parker, deceased. entitled estate, has filed in the Ooun- Notice is hereby given that the un- ;ty Court for Umatilla County, State dersigned has been appointed admin- of Oregon, her final account and re istratrix of the estate of Andrew J. port as such administv.itrix and that Parker, deceased, by the above enti- the said Court has fixed and appoint tled court. All persons having claims ed the 15th day of Dccemher, 1919, against the above entitled estate are at ten o'clock a. m. as thd time, and notified to present them to me at Ath- the court room of said Court as the en, Oregon, or to my attorney, Ho- place for the hearing of objo-tions, if mer I. Watts, at his office in Athena, ' any, to the said-final account and of Oregon, within six months from the the finaj.setlement thereof and of this first publication of this notice'; saidViVate Tte first publication o this claims to be verified as the law re- notice is made November 14. 1919. quires. . OLIVE LEE, : Dated at Athena, Oregon, this fifth i Administratrix of the estate of Fan. day of December, 1919. nie O. Myrjek.deceased. MARY O. PARKER1 I Petersen, WSliop A C!rk, Administratrix. ; AJtowyj for Admmislratrix, The First National Bank of Athena Capital and Surplus, $100,000 Safety beposit Boxes For Rent