I " LLUi... ' LL'-Jf-i tULAAAA. AAAAAAAAAiA ss Paraiaphs VM wwwvww. Sanders had the misfor and fracture her "wrist 'eek. tv! 1 and Mrs. Goedeck "re guests this week ens home. uck hunting ured j a.id Omar Stephens .esday and they bag-adards. Rev. Maloney has taken the pas torate of the Catholic church in the place of ReV.'O'Hagen, whe has been transfered to Ontario. Mrs. J. C. Burke will leave next week for Oaksdale, Wash., to visit it the home of her son Victor Burke, until after the holidays. Mrs. Elizabeth Clark is here from Los Angelts, visiting at the homes of her daughters, Mrs. John Walter a.id Mrs. Rudolph Liesinger. t. god Don't throw your Machinery away, for Hall can make it work like new. All he wants is a chance at it. Your Job is not too big nor small. He can handle them all. E. R. HALL Blacksmith WESTON, OREGON A i'-jflghtfiJi afternoon was passed TuesWJ the. home of Mrs. H. A. Barrett.vhen she was hostess to the Eastern Star club. Other than club members, Mrs. Robert Proudfit and Mrs. M. M. Johns were guests. Mrs. Barrett was assisted in serving by Mrs. R. B. McEwen and wee Miss Lucile Barrett. The next meeting of the club will be' at the home of Miss Hazel Burton, on Adams street. Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Tharp return ed home after an extended stay in Southern Oregon, where they went to look after the orphaned children of Mr. Tharp's brother, the late Jeff Tharp, whose widow died at Marsh field. They visited at Bandon, and on the return at Salem and Portland. They bring one young nephew, aged eleven years, to make his home with them for the present. Owing to the closing down of the power plants, the Press is necessar ily abbreviated on local news reports this week. The power plants' on the Walla Walla river and at Yakima are out of commission and only a small auxiliary steam plant at Walla Walla with a limited supply of fuel is' now available. Limited power furnished to motors up to 3 p. m. daily. , Unable to secure transportation to Honolulu at this time, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Watts,Mr. H. I. Watts, and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Shafter of Waitsburg will forego their projected trip to the Islands and will after the holidays go to Pasadena and other points in I California, instead. Marshal Stone was out with horse j and snow plow early Wednesday j morning, clearing snow from the sidewalks. During the winter of the Dig snow, Mr. stone and his snow plow were in evidence, much to the satisfaction asld convenience of the public. Mrs. E. Eager of Dayton is visit ing at the home of her son, C. M. Ea Mrs. Ramsey was a Pendleton vis itor Thursday. Chris Thoeny of Weston was in the city Saturday. John Stanton made a trip Friday to the county seat. Let Dick show you some real nifty flashlights for X-mas. Adv. Belle Pambrun was here from Ml i v J T . I 9 Cars FOR I IMMEDIATE DELIVERY or you can order now and get your Car in the spring Liberty Auto Co. O. O. ADAMS, Proprietor, Weston. Phone 241 or Simpson Auto Co. Pendleton la Wajla for a week end visit. Patricia Eagleton of Weston vis ited in Athena Friday evening. Mrs. Eager has been ill at her home on Jefferson street, with tonsilitis. Miss Barbara Lewis of Walla Walla was a guest of Myrtle Kopriva Sun day. Mrs. Osie Barton and children vis ited over the week end with friends at Echo. See Dick for all kinds of auto ac cessories, gasoline lamps and fix tures. Adv. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Smith were guests Sunday at the Charles Wilks home in Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Chance Rogers were dinner guests Sunday at the Dean Dudley home west of town. For Sale One Oregon Special combined harvester, 20-foot cut, in good condition. E. L. Woods, Wes ton, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McFadden were hosts at a dinner Sunday at which Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Smith and children were the honorees. Grandma Hill, 84 years of age, fell and fractured two of her ribs one day this week. She is getting along as well as can be expected. See Dick for those Hotshot's dry cells and flashlight batteries. You know they are good, for we test every one before it goes out. Adv. Apples for sale extra good culls, good keepers, any amount; 4-mile east of Cobb station on the Interur ban. B. P Haley, Freewater, Or. Mr. and Mrs. Flint Johns left on Wednesday for Vancouver, after sev eral weeks visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melville Johns, near town. Lost A pin with black and gold center and pearl border; a chain with guard set with pearls. The name "Zola" engraved on back of pin. Re ward at this office. Adv. Mrs. Ferris, wife of the superin tendent of construction for the War ren Construction Co., has been very ill the past week at the D. Scott Fish er home on Adams street. Next Friday, the third of the month, will be thr regular meettmf" of the rarent-ieacners circle, and an in terestmg program is in course of preparation by the committee. Mr. and Mrs. Moon, who have been residing in the Bush cottage on Adams street, have gone to Portland for thewinter. Mr. Moon had sever al trucks in operation on the state highway. Mrs. George Gerking went to Lew iston, Idaho, Sunday morning" to visit her daughter, Mrs. Chester Da vis, who is ill at her home there. Mr. and Mrs. Davis are living on a fruit farm near Lewiston. A. M. Meldrum came down from Spokane Sunday in the interests of the Spokane Christian College, of which he is president. Mr. Meldrum preached at the Christian church, where he was formerly pastor. o clock in the afternoon, the, wedding of BHss Carolyn E. Defreece of this city and Lowell W. Harder of Milton was solemnized in the Christian Church at $iilla Walla, Rev. A. R. Liverett performing the ceremony. The coupleVW&te attended by Miss li Ada DeFreeee'Of Athena and Mr. J. R. Cockburn of Milton. The bride, who is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeFreece, leaves her high school course, where she has been popular with the young people and held the position of president of the Senior class. The groom is the son of William Harder, a prosperous farmer of the Milton neighborhood, and the young people will make their home on the Harder farm. . n Tuesday, December This is the Store for TOYS The biggest and finest asortment of Toys and Holiday Novelties ever exhibited in cAthena. Make your selec tion out of the stock that is drawing trade to town. TOYS That is our long suii. We have lots of them, and our prices are the best. We bought them early, so that enables lis to gie you the best possible prices on afl toys. Dolls at all prices, dishes, wagons and and all kinds of mechanical lVs, the Quality Quant? ltFr. kind that make the boys very happy. Have you seen our carpenter sets? We have only a few left. Machine gun just like the large ones, and it is one of the most instructive toys on the market today. If you haven't paid our toy town a vis it now is the time to do it, for all are going fast. Don't be the one that is going to be too late to get a choice of this, complete line of toys and-gifts. Mrs. William Kilgore died at St. Anthony's hospital, Pendleton, Wed nesday morning, after a few weeks' illness a victim of the rare disease, sleeping sickness. She was taken to the hospital a couple of weeks ago from her home near Athena. Mrs. Kilgore was aged 60 years. She leaves her husband and two sons to mourn her loss. A son, Edward Kil gore, died of pneumonia week before last. Funeral services were held at the Baptist church this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mayor Barrett, who recently lost 25 head of sheep when a dog entered the corral at night, is interested in the licensing of all canines by city and state. Athena has a dog license ordinance, and all dogs in the state of Oregon over eight months of age will have to pay state licenses after Jan uary 1, 1920, according to a law pass ed by the 1919 legislature. The coun ty clerk issues the licenses for all dogs in his county. Shelley Jones died at his home in Pendleton last Saturday evening and was buried Tuesday. He lived in Athena in his early boyhood with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Jones. He was nearly 45 years old and is survived by his wife; his mother, now Mrs. W. P. Caviness of Eugene; a brother, Abe Jones, and two sisters, Mrs. Nettie Saling ml Mrs. Florence Boynton of Pendleton. ' J The Athena Gun Club is looking forward with pleasant anticipation to its great turkey snoot, which will be held on its groiuVds here all day December 21. It is. expected that 135 turtceyswjltt furnish the targets for keen sportsmen who will assemble in Athena, from Pendleton, Walla Walla and intermediate points. The birds weijK, obtained, chiefly from Echo. Last evening at the Davenport in Spokane, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wood ward were host and hostess to a par ty of eight friends, when yellow chrysanthemums formed the table decorations. Mr. and Mrs. Woodward and Mrs. Elliott have been obliged to forego their trip to the South for the present, on account of transportation conditions. Pendleton will be one of eight ci ties in Eastern Oregon where compet itive examinations will be held De cember 15 for Annapolis and- West Point. Congressman Sinnott will have an' opportunity to designate from this examination a larger num ber of appointments than ever before to both the military and naval acad emies. unaries M. tsrotnerton, tor many years a resident of this community but of late years residing at Dayton, died at his home in that city Tuesday, after a long illness. Interment was made in the family lot at Athena cem etery yesterday afternoon. The de ceased is survived by his wife, three sons and one daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilks of Pen dleton have returned from a visit with The High school very much rejrets that the president of the Senior class will not be in school for the remain der of the term, having become Mrs. L. W. Harder, last Tuesday. -SHP Afiigh school honor grades: Areta littlejohn, Robert Kopriva, Thelma Ktetzer, Velma Schubert, Lucinda Dell, John Pinkerton, Dudley Rogers. Enid Cartano, Mabelle Duncan, Kohler Betts. These pupils won the highest grades, in their respective subjects for gie last school month. At a moping of the Senior class Wednesday afternoon,. Miss Velma Shubertwas elected president of the clsjEs to succeed Carrie Defreece, whp was ihluMgd on Tuesday. Miss Bariara Lewis of Walla Walla visited school lasTridayr " V Mr. L. Hodgen and daughter, Miss Ethel, visited the giris' gymnasium class Monday evening. Miss Hodgen is a graduate of the Umapine high school. Miss Pearl Ramsey was out of the school last week because of illness. The High school- girls with the as sistance of Miss Grant have made a number of splendid pennants this week which will be on display for the first time at the basket ball game to night. The pupils in the eighth grade mak ing highest averages in last month's test are: Leonard Snider. 94 Dercent: Vera Gross, 92 percent; Beula Ban ister, 91 percent. Ruth Hutt of the seventh grade has finished the first "13" in the Cour tis test. Stanley Bush has entered the sixth grade from the country northwest of town. Chester Eaton has returned to school after several days of absence on account of sickness. All the grades are busy in prepara tion for the Christmas program which will be given before Jie holiday va cation begins. relatives in the east, and were recently Janitor Pinkerton has been having guests at tne nome of Mr. and Mrs. difficulties of his own this week with Only 10 More Days of Christmas Shopping Many attractive and useful articles on display at this store that will make gift buying a pleasure. What would be more appreciated than one of those all-wool Chase auto robes?. We have them from $8.75 to $18.50. ..JM Universal Percolators packed in Holi day boxes make an ideal gift for moth er or wife. Also we are showing a large assortment of Pyrex Casseroles; Nine different patterns to select from priced from $4.00 to $6.50. THE LATEST FAD OUT p Kiddie Dolls in two sizes, 75c to $1.00. TOYS GALORE One big long table loaded with all kinds of Toys and Dolls. . IVj. TOl l .: . ; NORTH SIDE MAIN ST if f j,:'-', m t-i-l. tun .ii ii .j iw w iW i . n i i rt i jiiiivniiiiiiiMiinnnituiiii milium Ath ena uara ZERBA BROS. Props. We are particular in every detail in c4utomoblile repairing at our Garage. Expert attention always. We are equipped for Oxy-AceMene Welding i iifti IE PURE FOOD GROCERY Service. Phone 171. Do your Shoot earlv Phone i; 'w&m George Payne, when a splendid Thanksgiving dinner was enjoyed by 28 relatives of the family. Floyd Putman made a recent visit to his sister, Mrs. D. Scott Fisher, stopping overnight on his way from Baker, where he has been employed, to join his wife at Brownsville, where they will niake their home. Bed Cross seals are to be sold at I the First National Bank, the Library, Hayme's grocery, Kadtke's store and the Pure Food grocery. Buy your Christmas Red Cross seals at these places of business. Mrs. John Pierce mounted a bear skin into a rug for Mrs. Miller recent ly, and the work is of high standard. Mrs. Pierce"- makes a specialty of re lining furs. f -v I leakage of the roof over the auditor ium and gym. Men have been shovel ing the heavy snow from the roof. How about an auto robe for a X mas present. Dick has some nice ones at the old price while they last. See Dick Adv. Tlie iden semis !o be that when em ployer mill employee! gel Into difficul ties the public Should suffer. Wood will tell, especially your own blood relation VPhm they linve some thing mean to tell about you. Higher priced for furs are predicted, but why should women worry ut pres ent about next summer's wear? Christian Church. Both church and Sunday school were well attended last Sunday. In I view of the coal shortage the church es have decided to have no night ' meetings next Sunday and have au-1 thorized me to so announce. Morn ing services and Sunday schools at the usual time. Everybody fall in line" for great meetings and make this closing month the very bBt of the year. Be in place next Sunday morning t church and Sunday school. B. B. BURTON . ' Paator. What tlie world wants is Immediate peace and stnblllnsd industry. It will attend to the perfecting processes Itself. Davidson & Co. Garage PHONE 81 r - Agents for .... Jm J. I. Case Tractors, Plows and Threshers Genuine Ford parts are used at all times. Our Shop is equipped with the most modern FORD repair machinery and we can guarantee prompt and satisfac tory service at a minimum cost. Several of the best makes of Cord Tires and Fabric Tires as well as tubes and accessories, are to be had at all times. The mercury Is beginning to drop, but prlees So nut show klisws of pur mittlnK the thermometer w set Jt pace. For another thing, the ett of liv ing tends to discourage 'early rising. Breakfast nowaday! doesn't amount to much. 44 'HIMIMMMMMIIIMM ESTABLISHED 1865 : Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. Maybe the sugar shortage will take away permanently some of the odium that lias uttaehed to currying package home. American Beauty Flour Is made in Athen, by- Athena latfe, in one ol th. j very- beat equipped mill! In the Northwest, ol the best letecte A Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronise home indm try. Your gfocer ellt;themout American Bcayty Flour ' . "'-' : 1 1 Ii J i H Merchant Miilers.& Gra in Buyers : A"ena. Oregon, r - .burife Wash,