The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, December 05, 1919, Image 4

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Two Gold Fish, 1-2 gallon Globe, Peb
bles, Plants, etc., free with each box of
Candy purchased.
We have the most complete iine of Box
Candy in town, including Kraus, Lawney
Society, McDonalds, Liggets and Russel
Gilbert. Make your own selection.
The &&xa& Store
PHONE 3$1 It will pay you to watch our Windows
were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rohde, pa- from
''Over The Hill"
v J.
Mill Iva McKinney, who iB attend
ing high school in Heix, spent the
Thanksgiving holidays at her home
in this citjl,.
S. A. Barney L. I. O'Harra and H.
Goodwin have bw appointed ap
praisers of the estate of the late J.
J. Beeler. 'VTMtajfc
Miss Gertrude Van Winkle, accom
panied by Miss Ruby Brodisn, a
Whithian College classmate, spent
the Thanksgiving holidays at the L
R. Van Winkle home in this city.
Rev. A. J. Starmer will occupy the
pulpit of the M. K. Church, South,
at Milton next Sunday. Rev. Cass
will conduct BerviceB on that date in
the local Methodist church.
Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Smith enter
tained at a charming dinner at their
home in Athena Wednesday evening
in honor of their wedding annivers
ary and the birthday of the genial
host as well. A wonderful pyramid
wedding caka glowing with lighted
wax tapers was a prominent feature
of the feast, which was unique in
the annals of gastronomic events.
The guests present were: Mr. and
Mrs, E. M. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. C.
If, McFadden, Miss Gladys Smith and
onard Blomgren.
Friday evening at a meeting of the
Pendleton Current Literature club,
Mts. "Lilian Fredericks of this city
gave a most instructive address on
the life of the Chinese. Many inter
esting curios were exhibited, includ
iBg small shoes of the Chinese wo
men, ivory articles and jade orna
ments. Mrs. Fredericks' talk was
based upon personal experiences had
during seven years of educational
work in China.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Harl Williams ex
tended most delightful hospitality
Thanksgiving day when Mrs. Mary C.
McNee and Mr. and Mrs. H. Goodwin
were their guests at an elaborate tur
key dinner.. At the desert course
Maynard Jones and Gail Williams fur
nished an exhibition of rapid patter
which was clever and diverting.
Mrs. F. D. WattB has been appoint
ed chairman of the local Red Cross
Seal campaign. Her associates are:
Mesdames DeMoss, Leon Lundell,
Alice Price, Porter, Payne, Fitzpat
rick and Pinkerton. The proceeds
from the sale of theBe Christmas seals
wil be devoted to fighting the white
plague through educational and pre
ventive work in Oregon.
Dr. F. D. Watts and family were
inner guests at the E. C. Rogers
home in Athena Thanksgiving day.
Realizing that "Music hath
charms," W. P. Cable has become the
proud possessor of a handsome Clax-
onola phonograph. Henceforth, the
season of closed casements will have
added delight for this family.
Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Pedersen enter
tained at a family dinner party on
Thanksgiving day. Those present
rents of Mrs. Pedersen; Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Numbers and family, Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Chaney of Helix. Miss
Josephine Rohde and Miss Adna
Numbers spent the week end at the
Pedersen home.
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Van Winkle
were hosts at a merry dinner party
on the national Feast Day. Guests
were: Mrs. Martha Van Winkle, Mrs.
Kittle Ray, MissjRuby Brodison of
Walla Walla, Mist Irene Banister,
Miss Lola Key, $Iiss Gertrude Van
Winkle, Lewis and William Van Win
kle. The union Thanksgiving service at
the M. E. Church, South, last Thurs
day evening was well attended. El
der John Bonewitz gave the address
and special music was furnished by
the choir. An offering of $11 was
received and added to the local relief
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Porter and fam
ily were guests of Freewater friends
for Thanksgiving day. "' '
R. W. Brown and wife came over
from Walla Walla Friday to attend
the Eastern Star banquet 'that even
ing and spend a few days renewing
acquaintance with old friends. Mr.
Brown came up from his Morrow
county ranch last week to join his
family in Walla Walla. Both he and
his "close tillicum," Andy Douglas,
report crop conditions to be very en
couraging in Morrow at this time.
Andrew Douglas and wife were vis
itors fron lone last week. They at
tended tue Eastern Star banquet here
and were cordially welcomed by old
friends and neighbors.
The Dramatic Order of the Knights
of Khorassan will hold one of their
impressive and terrifying ceremon
ials soon at Milton, Athena or Wes
ton the place depending upon the
amount of tyro meat available for
the tiger. The event will be staged
by the Walla Walla temple of the Do
kies, and members will assemble
faWKnd neat.
At the meeting
Wednesday evening of Stevens lodge,
Knigiits of Pythias, at which work
was done in all three ranks, the Do
kies and tyros present were refreshed
with an advance supply of camel's
Miss Esther Williams, Weston stu
dent at Mills college, California, ex
perienced her first earthquake shock
a few nights ago. Her bed shook
violently and doors and windows made
hideous rattling noises. Miss Esther
visioned herself suddenly plunged
into the bowels of the earth, groping
about for an exit, with no rescue
party at hand.
The farm house of Eph. Tucker is
being remodeled into the bungalow
type, and when completed will be
among the most attractive homes on
the mountain.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Schneider are
back from Washtucna, preparing to
turn over their mountain farm to the
new owner, Charles L. May.
S. A. Barnes, E. M. Smith and C.
W. Avery, the appraisers, have set
the value of the estate of the late
Ellis Pinkerton at $3337.50.
A large force of men under the di
rection oi roreman jn. h. Nelson is
laying steel for the 0-W. between
Adams and Pendleton.
Albert Wragar, the old hunter and
former frontiersman, wa3 in town
Sunday from the mountain.
A. W. Sauer is back on the jop in
the local market, after quite a siege
of illness.
Dr. and Mrs. N. P. Bennet returned
Monday from their visit at Hermis-
Mrs. Artie Beathe has been under
the doctor's care with a serious at
tack of asthma.
Rudolf Proebstel was in town this
week from Adams, where he has been
engaged in warehouse work.
Emerel Duncan has been seriously
ill with hemorrhage from the kidneys
at the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Clem Duncan. ? , .
i . ' 1 ' ' - ' .A '. A k
'"iTrti 1 1 ill 1 1 m m 1 1 tlrL i tiTt
ill gT w
11 '
I ::
m iii
. $100 Reward, $100
Tht readers of this paper wlP. be
pleased to learn tliat there is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in all Its stages and
that is catarrh. Catarrh being: greatly
Influenced by constitutional conditions
requires constituonal 1 anient. Rail's
Catarrh Medlcinis tak' , internally and
acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Sur
faces of the System thereby destroying
the foundation of the disease, giving the
patient strength by building up the con
stitution and assisting nature In dotng its
work. The proprietors have so much
faith in the curative powers of Hall's
Catarrh Medicine that they ofTer One
Hundred Dollars for any case that It fails
to cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo,
Ohio. Sold by all Drucfflst. 75c
Notice to Creditors.
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Fan
nie M. McKenzie (sometimes written
Frances M. McKenzie,) Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that Alex
ander McKenzie has been appointed
administrator with the will annexed
of the estate of Fannie M. McKen
zie (sometimes written Frances
Maude McKenzie or Frances M. Mc
Kenzie,) deceased, by order of the
above entitled court in the above
matter. All persons having claims
against said estate are required to
present them to the said administra-
tor at his home in Adams, Oregon, or
to him at the office of his attorneys,
Peterson, Bishop & Clarke, in the
Smith-Crawford building, in Pendle
ton, Oregon, within six months of the
date of the first publication of this
notice, which is Friday the 21st day
of November, 1919.
Administrator with the Will annexed.
Peterson, Bishop & Clark,
Attorneys for Administrator.
'' Where Gem and Gold
are Fairly Sold"
A ;
i -v- fit' s ;
for :
In the line of Gifts, no one article so closely,
so thoroughly entwines itself into our daily
liveand nothing so greatly creates thoughts
of the giver, nor is any gift more appreciated.
We sell only" the Reliable kind
Elgin, Waltham, Hamilton, Howard and the
best Swiss Wrist Watches for Men and Women.
No one undersells us. Credit without extra Charge.
Notice to Creditors
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has ben appointed admin
istratrix oi the estate of Fi'ank A.
Berlin, Deceased, in the County Court
of the State of Oregon for Umatilla
County. All persons having claims
against said estate are hereby re
quired to present the sarne, duly ver
ified, and with proper vouchers at
tached, to the undersigned at the of
fice of Raley, Raley & Steiwer in Pen
dleton, Oregon, within six months
from date of this notice, the same be
ing dated and published the first time
this 7th day of November, 1919.
As Administratrix of the Estate of
Frank ' A. Berlin, Deceased.
Raley, Raley & Steiwer,
H. J. Warner,
Attorneys for Administratrix.
In Pound.
Notice is hereby given that the fol
lowing described animals running at
large within the corporate lmits of
the City of Athena, were by me tak
en up and impounded in the city
pound on Saturday, November 15, at
which place they will be sold at pub
lic auction to the highest bidder for
cash on Tuesday, November 25, 1919,
at 2 o'clock p. m., unless by the own
er redeemed prior to the hour and
date of skle.
One black gelding about 15 years
old, weigSt about 1100 pounds, no
marks, brnnds or scars visible. One
black mai e about 12 years old,
weight about 1000 pounds, no marks
brands or .scars visible.
City Marshal. 1
Sixteen Days
Only sixteen more shopping days before Christmas, so
shop early and you will get the best selection for your
gifts. A glad heart and a giving hand makes Christ
mas spirit. Our store is filled with suitable gifts.
Men's Silk Ties, 25c to $1.98.
Silk Mufflers, stripees, $1.69.
Silk Shirts for Christinas, $5.90.
Dress Shirts for gifts, 98c to $1.98.
Kid Gloves, silk lined, $2.98.
Men's Purses, 25c, 49c, 69c.
Christinas Suspenders, 39c to 98c.
Initial Handkerchiefs, 19c each.
Silk Handkerchiefs, white and colors,
25c to 98c.
Men's Silk Socks, 69c to $1.49.
Paris Garters, single and double,
25c, 39c.
Christmas Boxes of Candy, 19c, 39c
Ladies' Felt Slippers, $1.69 to $2.25.
Christmas Jewelry
just arrived this week, including Ladies' Pins, Broches, Necklaces, etc.
Collar Pins, Tie Pins, Golc Knives, etc for the Men
Cuff Links.
fj mcorporarea J
Notice of Final Account
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County
Notice of Final Settlement.
In the County Court of the .Sralc of
Oregon fvi (.'iiatilla Coincy.
In the M!atter of the Estate of John
W. Myriclri deceased.
Notice isi hereby ;iven that Olive
Lee, as administrate o? the' above
In the Matter of the Estate of John 1 ent,t!cd Mtr Us ?M in the Coun
S. Harris, Deceased. jty Court. o Umtilia Colmt.v- Stnte
Notice is hereby given that the un-!of 0reen- T final acconut aml re"
dersigned has filed his final account if1 as such Vministrntrix and that
and reoort as executor of the 'lne Balu ourr nas nxM a" aP"
of John S. Harris, deceased, in the
above entitled matter and the 'above
entitled court has fixed Saturday,
January 3, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m.
i of said day as the time, and the
' county court room in the court house
j at Pendleton, Oregon, as the place
for hearing said account and report.
Objections to said account and re
port should be filed on or before said
j date.
; Dated at Athena, Oregon, December
5, 1919.
pointed the 15(th day of December,
1919, at ten o'clock a. m. as th'; time,
and the court i.'oom of said Court as
the place for hearing of objec
tions, if any, to the s.iid tinnl account;
and of the final settlement thereof and
of this estate. Tha !i;st pufcUcftfcica of i
:this notice is iftads November il,
1919. .
Admiriistratrixof the estate of John
W. Myrick, Deceased.
Peterson, Bishop & Clark,
Attorneys flj: Administratrix
Notice to Creditors.
Notice of Finfi I Settlement.
In the County Co tVt of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla! County.
In the Matter of thA Estate of Fan-
In the County Court of the State nie O. Myrick, Decease!.
I of Oregon, for Umatilla County. Notice is hereby guvm that Olive
In the matter of the estate of And- Lee, as administratrix t the above
rew J. Parker, deceased. entitled estate, has filed Jin tho Coun-iJ
j Notice is hereby given that the un- ty Court for Umatilla Cinty, State
. dersigned has been appointed admin- of Oregon, her final uccoiwkt and re
; istratrix of the estate of Andrew J. port as such administratrix i id that
Parker, deceased, by the above enti- the said Court has fixed an I appoint
jtled court. All persons having claims led the 15th day of DecemberJL 1919,
against the above entitled estate are at ten o'clock a. m. as the timotend
notified to present them to me at Ath- the court room of said Court as Xv
ena, uregon, or to my attorney. Ho- place for the hearing of objections, if 1
mer I. Watts, at his office in Athena, any, to the said final account and of
: Oregon, within six months from the the final setlement thereof and of this
first, publication of this notice; said estate. The first publication oj ihis
i claims to be verified as the law re-' .otice is made November 14, f&jjjj
! quires. J OLIVE LEE,
Dated at Athena, Oregon, this fifth j Administratrix of the estate of Fan.
iday of December, 1919. rlijie-O. Mysick, deceased.
MARY O. PARKER j Peterson, Bishop & C!;-!,-,
'V''V::-':. Administrate.4 r Attnrnpva 1tr kAmh1iimimt
Our Specialties
Gold Shield Spices and Extracts.
Emo, Golden. West and Carnation Cof-
ft i
fee. "Monopole" and "Happy Home"
Canned Goods.
: Y
II :'1
I p
Perfection Creamery
Rich as Butter Sweet as a Nut
Phone 561
"I Didn't think
she'd do it"
But she did
. The New Peninsular Pipeless Fur
nace just installed in our store is the
Real Thing. Seeing and Feeling is
Believing. Take a walk to any corner
of our store and notice how even
is the distribution of heat.
The greatest, simplest discovery and
solution of heating problem ever
known. Its simplicity, cost, service
and economy all recommend it. No
walls to tear up; just a hole under your
house big enough and ONE RADIA
TOR in your floor right over the fur
nace. That is all.
Give us your order,
be your choice.
Our choice will
Watts & Rogers
Hardware and Implements
Jhe First National Bank
of Athena
Capital and Surplus, $100,000
,;. GO y, '
Safety Deposit Boxes
For Rent
If. .1