Flashlights "Find what you want when you want it" Everyone Needs a Flashlight For EmergencyFor Convenience Refill Batteries for all sizes in stock McFADDEN PHARMACY The Hk&xaCl Store ONK 331 Ji will nav vsm in r Wi n1niirQ Offered His Friend Choice of Nice Jails. Kansas City. A certain sa loonkeeper entered the office of Sam Hargus, assistant United States district attorney, here, and explained that he wanted to know if he could sett some liquor with his 2.75 per cent beer. Oth ers were getting away with It, he declared, and he wanted to know if he could. "How far would I get?" he asked. "Well," replied Mr. Hargus. "seeing that you are an old friend think I can fix you up so you could get your choice of any jail In the Western district of Missouri. We have some pret ty fine ones ; some say they have never seen better." "I'll slick to my near per cent beer," replied the saloonkeeper as he hurriedly left. KNOWS NO NORTH OR SOUTH CAR JUST iJEPT ON MOVING Lucky for Sleeping Occupants That the Road Had Been Cut Up by Heavy Wagon. fekt I recall a funny motoring incident that might have turned out decidedly otherwise If it had not been fora mere chance, writes a correspondent. It occurred in the country during the early spring. j, . A young fellow and his sister were returning in the wee small hours from a dance in a neighboring town. He wa driving a flivver. They were both very tired, and finally they both dropped off to sleep. It so happened that late the day be fore a heavy farm wagon had passed that way, leaving deep ruts In the mud, and during the evening these had froz en solid. The car got Into these ruts and ran along them with no one guid ing it for some time. The tracks turn ed several corners and finully turned into a farmyard and went t Into the barn. The fllv turned the corners and fol lowed the tracks Into the yard. It was going Straight on and would have smashed Into the bam door hud not the girl waked in time to see the build ing looming up just In front of them. Realizing the situation Immediately, she jammed on the brake and stopped the car a few feet from the .closed door. I am assured that thji a perfectly true story. Schools of Dunkerque. One of the things thai deeply Im pressed the company of .JnurnulMs P ouj some twenty different nations" who recently visited Dunkerque In a party was the story of the public schools. ' Dunkerque, although It es caped occupation, was under constant bombardment,' the enemy at one time and another had the city under fire by land, seu and air, but, except for a short time In the beginning when the buildings were used for war purposes, the schools of Dunkerque, like those of Reims, continued In session, and new schoolhouses were built. When ever the city was bombarded, the pu pils, big and little, marched to the cel lar In orderly procession, and some times the entire session was held there. If a schoolhouse was partly shattered, It was repaired at once, and school promptly resumed; nothing, in short, was allowed to" Interfere with the con tinuity of tile schools of Dunkerque. Nine Monthn on Warship. A naval mini, home on leave, was dis cussing Lord Jelllcoe's tribute to nil ranks who fought at Julhmd, and ho revealed what seems to the lower deck the highest form of heroism, tt wus not the fighting, not the nnx lous watching day and nlfiht that Is what a naval r.id 1? there for, he 'bowed. "I've been 19 y.-ar in Jt;B navy, hut it you'd ever told tub before the war that 1 should ever have lived for nlno mouths on board ship wlthotil n break, ( should have dropped down dead," he mid. "But I've Just dime It." he udd jtL Lo;;dnn Chronicle. THE PlTtt OF IT Presiilnr.t Wilton, In tackling the high cost of living, ca'.d: 'Only by Increasing production and by rigid economy and saving by the people can we hope for large decreases In the burdensome coat of living which now weighs us down." Despite the fact that the Department of .lustlie Is scurrying about investi gating high prices and throwing profit eers in jail, the President's cure for high prices Is the only one. He has wilh him In his opinion the best eco nomists In America and Europe. It Is most eleme.-itary economics that as long as tli public persists In Its spend ing "Jsg," huylTig unnecessaries and fastening upon industry a demand for more than Industry can produce, ex orbitant prices will prevail. There is only one way out. That Is the President's way. The people have got to Bave. In order to save they must do without bigh priced luxuries and live simply. They must Invest their savings that the means of more and greater production may be accumu lated. Economists know that the Treasury Department Is doing more than the Department of Justice is to bring down prices. The lowly Thrift Stamp and War Savings Stamp is the weapon Buy them and hold them. Put them first on the family budget. They bring t per cent interest compounded every three months. Get the habit of buying them every pay day. They will solve your high cost of living problem. W. S. 8. The price of a to War Savings Stamp this month is $4.21. Buy one Tery week. Southern Doughboy Who Fought In , ' France If Strong for the Appella . Jf tlon "Yank." f The monicker, Yank, Is going to Stick. Just read what this fellow, who wan born south of Mason and Dixon's line, writes: "I come from a line of 'rebela' who boast that they did not surrender. Until Kwas quite, a husky chap I be lieved that 'd - Yankee' was one word and 'Republican' Its synonym, and knew the 'rebel yell' as a. varsity boy knows his college yell. Before the war I wore a slouch hat, rode horseback and shot squirrels. I still say cawn bread, think Dixie should be our national air, that Robert E. Lee was the world's greatest general, and Jefferson Davis, suh, the world's great est statesman. . "But, speaking for myself and a not overly small bunch of fellow 'reb els,' I am exactly satisfied with the honest, hard-fisted, firm-jawed and seemingly inevitable nickname of Yank, and say, with one of the papers back home: "'Let Yank be the official battle neme of our boys, and the "rebel yell" their official battle cry.' " In truth, the South and the North are welded. Stars and Stripe How many successful men do you know who never learntd to save; how many failures who did? Buy War Savings.Stamps. Burglars seem to be the only class of workers 'who are not affected by the strike i" ' Cutting the Nation's Tire Bill. "Forty makes of motor tires were submitted to the bureau of standards by the office of the quartermaster gen eral," writes Thomas H. Uzzell in Ev erybody's. "They were given labora tory 'durability runs,' after which they were nutopsled by the rubber special ists. Their carcasses' were cut up and the pieces boiled, roasted, stretched. Theresults were discouraging. Even the best of them seemed to suffer from Improper 'toughening.' "So Into their little rubber-mill went the experts, with notes furnished them by the tire manufacturers, and pro ceeded to make up some tire rubber which had the proper degree of tough ness. They succeeded. They passed out the word : 'The trouble Is that you makers are not sifting your zinc oxld before mixing It with the rubber com pound.' "The makers began to sift. Better tires resulted. Some $30,000,000 were saved to the government. And today, you are enjoying a cut In your tire bill by getting better tires a result of that experiment with zinc oxld." Successful Woman Trapper. Trapping predatory animals Is scarcely the kind of occupation In which a woman might be expected to distinguish herself, even with the great extension of the range of feminine ac tivities to which we have been accus tomed lately. Mrs, Ada Tlngley of Ida ho, is reported, however, by the North western division of the United States biological survey, to be so successful In this employment that her male ri vals are finding it hard to keep up with her records. Her victims are mainly coyotes, bob-cats, wolves, lynxes and mountain Hons. At fl:80 every morn- CATCHER rs FORTUNE ' The fact that reconstruction will afford great opportunities for legiti mate prosperity has not prevented get-iit'k-quii'k oil promoters from dashing linn low finance. THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON SCHOOLS AND DEPARTMENTS Tha CnlTerritj includes th Collect of literature, Science and the Arts, tod th perlal Schools of Ltw. Medicine, (tt Portlaud), Architecture. JoanuUam. Oom BWtce, Education and Music. For s catalogue, fflnrtrsted booklet or specific! Information, iddrewK THE REGISTRAR, UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, OREGON. SPECIAL FEATURES A beautiful campus, faculties of special ists, modern facilities, low cost, with many opportunities for self-help, "athletics for everybody," really democratic atmosphere and the famous "Oregon Spirit." Ladies' Hats We have just received a large shipment of ladies Hats from one of the largest millinerv shops in New York City. Because our New York office bought such an immense quantity for 197 stores we can sell them at $8.90 and $9.90 These are by far the nicest hats we have ever had and we can save you from $5.00 to $7.50 on your FALL HAT Boys and Girls Christinas Books, 49c. A hundred popular Fiction Story Books for Adults. 69c. Incorporated J lug Mrs. Tlngley mounts aw cuyuse and rides off to her traps, of which she runs six lines, of 50 each. She us es n fish bait prepared by a secret formula. On occusion she can use a .32 caliber rifle with almost perfect accuracy. Fiji Fashions. Mr. It. W. Dalton, in his report of the trade of the FIJI islands, says: "Shirts are gradually gaining In popu larity among the Fijians. AH kinds of soft tennis shirts with collar and pocket or collar nd two pockets sell freely. These shirts are usually worn for dressy occasions, when the na tives are generally clothed In white or cream. There Is an increasing de mand for khaki shorts and trousers. The Shorts are either plain or with buckle knees and are being worn by Fijian men henenth or Instead of a loiu clotli. There Is alsp a large sale for umbrellas. Snake Kills Cow. Wayneshorough, tt. George Wood ring, tenant on the Stone farm south of Vn.vnelorougli, lost a young cow as the result of the creature being bit ten by n large copperhead snuke. Notwithstanding thnt a veterinary surgeon from Wayneshorough was summoned, he could not remove the effects of the poison. Copperheads nnd rattlesnakes lire very plentiful. $100 Reward, $100 The reader, ot this paper will b pleased to learn that thr Is at least one dreaded disease that science baa been able to cur In all Its staff r.nd that Is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly influenced by conatltutlonal conditions renulres constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medlclno la taken Inturnally'anrl acts thru th Blood on the Mucous Sur faces of the System thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, giving 'he patient strength by building up the con. stltutlon and assisting nature in doiftir Its work. The proprietors have so "much faith In the curative power of Hall's Catarrh Mediclh that they Qfrr On Hundred Dollars for any ase th. til faita to cure. Send for list of tsstliSsVials. Address K J. CHENEY ACQ,. To.edD, Obla. Sold By ail DruffUrt, Ws, Peter Noonan, former star catcher for the Philadelphia Athletics and for the last year or more a Knights of Columbus secretary, has Inherited a fortune estimated at $1,000,000. AUSTRIA FORCED WAR Minutes of Mutiny of Privy Coun cil Reveal Secret Count Von Berchtold Solely Respon sible for Outbreak of Hostilities. Vienna. There were made public from the archives of the former Ans-tro-Hnngarlan government minutes of the meeting of the privy council on July 7, 1914, at which it was virtually decided to begin war on Serbia. According to this publication the ministry of Austria-Hungary, especial ly Count Leopold von Berchtold, foreign minister, was solely responsi ble for the outbreak of hostilities. The minutes show the meeting to have been opened by Count von Berch told, who pleaded for an Immediate resort to arms against Serbia, stating that Italy and Roumanla "could be compensated afterward for not hay ing been consulted beforehand." Count Stephen Tisza, then Hungar ian premier, opposed the war, demand ing that diplomatic action be taken first and then that an ultimatum of an acceptable nature be sent. Only in case both failed would he have resort ed to arms. . t dSrS , Count von Berchtold thereupon said : "Now, Is the right moment because Germany Is ready to assist" Count Tisza again warned against the danger of a general European war as a result of steps which were con templated, whereupon Count von Berchtold sold : "The opportunity is so favorable that Immediate action Is necessary." Finally a resolution was' adopted that such fnr-reaching demands be made of Serbia that she could not ful fill them and thus a way would be opened to a resort to arms. Maybe the Next Batch of Pets Will Be Skunks Portchester, N. T. It will not be possible to keep goats In ten ement houses hereafter If the board of health has Its way. After Tiles wpro hnrrori frnm dwellings during the influenza T epiaemic last rail, families adopted goats as nets. Accord ing to Sanitary Inspector Bitz, tho animate - - muu ycii ((Minn Hours, ne y suggests that they be licensed, 1 tne same as dogs. HUNT SHIP, OBEYING SPIRIT Message From Other World Says Span ish Steamer Valbanera Did Not Sink. . Havana. Chartered by members of the Dr. Antonio Valetti society, an or ganization of spiritualists, a tugboat Is expected to leave this port shortly in search of the long overdue Spanish steamship Valbanera, which official re ports declare sank recently near Key West, with the probable loss of all on board. The spiritualists claim to have re ceived a communication at a recent se ance from the spirt f ioctor -Valetti that the Valbanera still afloat near Cape Sal. They detjjnre il elr belief that the steamship still helplessly drifting at sea and that, nile many of those on board have perished, 30 survivors have been picked np by a small schooner which 4s proceeding to some distant port. - . Sunday Funeral Barred. Mobile, Ala. Burial of the dead here on Sunday Is punishable bym fine "of 100 under a city ordinance Just adopted. Passage of the ordinance was the result of a petition to the city commission by ministers, undertak er and grave diggr. MWr . 7ri -J , yMllllllltllllllllltllllK.. J Quality Always ' Sertffik Proper Food and Prices . Good Food need not cost too much. Good food from a conscientious grocer will not cost too much. OUi stock, bought with the end iu view that we are to re-sell it as wholesome goods for fair prices. Our stock is always complete with canned goods, fruits and vegetables; del icacies, meeting the needs of the modern table. Let us supply your meals with the verv best and you will be satisfied. ' , Phone 561 and your Orders will be filled. Quality Always Service First lIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIMimiMtHIIHIIMIIMMHIHII The Rain! Real Wet Rain ( We have the Kentucky. Van Brant and Superior Drills-they sow and cover the grain at the same time Get Yours While Getting is Good This last axiom is equal ly true of ducks. Just ask Jinks Dudley and about a dozen others around these parts, Watts & Rogers Hardware and Implements The first National Bailk ef Athena Capital and Surplus, '$100,000 III 4 CTJ) " v-. - afety Deposit Boxes For Rent