The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, September 26, 1919, Image 2

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F. B.Boyd. Publisher
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year $2.00
One copy, six months $1.00
One copy, three months 75
.Camouflaged Philosophy.
The tax on flz water has proved a
Rrnlrapc nh. ...n , i t 1 .. I. 4
Ttl .iftiin ..,.1 n ,,,...1 ......
"u- Perhaps strikes are popular because
they require so little work.
There Is no scarcity of sugar, only
you cannot get any, Is that It?
Ell I
Wouldst -thou fashion for thyself a
aeemly life?
Tlicn do nut fret over what is past and
And spite of all thou mayest have left
Ldve each day as If thy life were Just
Amj"rjenn'ni also menns that a m
will flshi fnirly nnd Hi the opun at
will not stnl In (lie hitHj or use homli
In the licht of the lack of housing
facilities, there Is now a deeper pa
thos In the family refrain, "There's no
nlace like home."
Before launching your balloon It la
well to make sure of the parachute,
The cost of peace has been such that
there Is never likely to be another war.
Some people don't care how much
daylight they save If It's office hours.
That "new evidence" apparently
shows that Nicholas Romanoff Is still
One peculiar thing is that the price
Jgt chewing gum has Dot been . In
creased. ; It ;,
You never hear of a foosqulto or n
nr mnnrns mw
The removal of the blockade has
tumbled prices In Germany. And boost
ed them here. "
Trotsky has not proved any more
lucid as a politician than he was as
a litterateur.
Skirts are to be shorter or tighter,
and since they cannot be'tlgher they
must be shorter.
As yet, man's control of the air Is
not much better developed than man's
control of his wife.
If the truth were known, General
Pershing probably would rather face
bulIetB tban banquets.
An acute shortage of everything the
consumer must have seems to be the
regular order of things.
Hard elder has made every possible
effort to establish Itself on a respec
table footing as a soft drink.
What a beautiful world this would
be If flowers only grew to resemble
their pictures In the seed catalogue.
The British army aviator who Is
"resting" by touring America on a mo
torcycle must love the noise of battle.
Every Investigation Into the h c of 1
brings the ultimate consumer back to
the same point he pays the freight.
Another tradition Is passing. Mont
of the green apples nowadays go Into
Jelly, not Into stomachaches for little
yjrirfils must have funny ideas of a
"cheap restaurant" when it can be op
erated by serving food bought In this
Bolshevlkl are making the discovery
that somebody has to work In order
to provide material to keep the loot
game going. , T
There are some ideas which It Is
hard to get away from, In regard to
meat values. The
tender cuts of meat
do not contain any
more nourishment
than the courser
cuts and these are
richer In flavor, as
they are cut from
active muscles.
Meat that lias been used for soup lias
lost Its flavor but the food value is
there, and by adding various season
ings a most palatable dish may be
A thrifty housewife may have two
good meals from a three-pound louickie
of veal. Cover the meat with cold
water and cook until the meat is ten
der but not tasteless. Remove the
meat nnd add two tahlespoonfuls of
rice that Is well cooked, a grating of
lemon rind or n pinch of inuee, and a
pint of milk, when hot serve at once.
For the second meal, cut the meat
Into bits. Fry a (mall onion In a little
fat, remove the onion and cook the
meat. Cook with stock- or water nnd
cook live minutes, flavor with two tea
spoonfuls of curry powder, thicken the
gravy with (lour and adil a tablespoon
ful of vinegar. Serve with a border ot
rice. ,
Pieces of rare steak or roast beet
make a most delicious dish when com
bined with the following: Put the meat
through the meat grinder. Fry a small
onion in u tablespnonful of fat. Put
a Inyer of parboiled potatoes; cut In
slices, In the bottom of a baking dish,
sprinkle with Hie meat and the fried
onion, add a little gravy if at hand
and pour over a cupful or more of to
matoes. Bake In a moderate oven until
the potatoes are tender. Just before
serving garnish (he top of the dish
with a tubiespoonful of cooked green
One Piece Dloh. Arrange a layer of
sliced potatoes In a baking dish, cover
with a sliced onion, then place pork
chops over all nnd put Into the oven
to bake. Serve from the dish In which
the food was baked. Salt and pepper Is
added when arranging the food In the
dish. Hales until the chops are brown
on top.
Known as Laziest of Birds.
The laziest of birds Is the ffog
moutb. He sleeps all day, and at
night, Instead of flying about In search
of food, be sits on a ilmb and literally
waits for the insects to come and feed
him. He Is such a Bound sleeper that
you enn push him off Ilia perch with
a stick and not wake bint, lie Inhab
it! Australia nnd the Islands of thjrT1
Indian ocean. In size the frognpmn
resembles the whlppcHinvsJlMra gels
ids name from his wldgWulh. which
serves as his Insect trap. Tno lazy
to fly for his fooiVTIke oilier birds, he
Crawls along Ilie limb of a tree, open
ing his wide month ami snapping it
shut, -catching what flics and gnats
come within bis range. At night he
perches' with ills mate on the roofs Ot
houses, on fences, or slumps. Only
nfter the un goes down docs lie show
urt.v lieUnnMoP t
Strayed. From the Geirge Winn
pasture east of Weston, the following
described horses: One blue mare
brand 1 P on right shoulder: one light
gray mare, 'i year old brand unknown;
one yearling mare, no brand. Wi
give reward Ralph Kir.near, Weston.
Sam Hunter, of the Walla Walla
valley, wrecked his Premier car 01
the highway near Adams, Saturday
while going to the Round-Up. and his
wife was injured, though not serious
ly. Mr. Hunter last year sold to Frank
Berlin the home now occupied by hi
family in the north part of town.
In the Circuit Court of 'the State
Oregon for Umatilla County.
E. C. Rogers and F. D. Watts,
Philip Weigel, the "unknown
heirs of Philip Weigel, de
ceased", Matt Mosgrove, H.
Wade Bailey and Mrs. H.
Wade Bailey, his wife, John
Dressen. ss executor of the
lost Will and Testament of
Wilhelmine Stahl, deceased
(also known as Wilhelmina
Stahl,) and also "all other
persons or parties unknown
claiming any right, titre. es
tate, lien or interest in the
real estate described in the
complaint herein,"
To Philip Weigel, the "unknown heirs
of Philip Weigel, deceased," Matt
Mosgrove, H. Wade Bailey and Mrs.
H. Wade Bailey, his wife, John
Dressen. as executor of the last
Will and Testament of Wilhelmine
Stahl, deceased (also known as Wil
helmina Stahh and also "all other
persons or parties unknown claiming
any right, title, estate lien or in
terest in the resl estate 'described in
the complaint herein." defendants
above named:
OF OREGON: You and each of you
are summoned and required to appear
and answer the complaint in the above
enti'led suit now on fljs in the above
entitled court and cause, on or before
the last day of six weeks from the date
of the first publication of this sum
mons, to-wit, on or before November
7th, 1911); and you and each of .you
are hereby notified that if you fail ao
to appear and answer said complaint
as herein required, for want thereof,
plaintiffs will apply to the above en
titled court for the relief demanded in
plaintiffs' complaint, namely, for a
decree that plaintiffs are the owners
in fee simple of the following de
scribed leal estate, to-wit:
Lot Seven (7) and the East Half of
Lot Eight (8) in Block Five ;5) in the
original town, now city, of Athena,
formerly colled Centerville. in the
County of Umatilla and State of
Oregon; and that all adverse claims of
said defendants and each of them be
dsUrmincd, and the defendants and
each of them be forever barred and en
joined from asserting any claim to
said property adverse to plaintiffs,
and that plaintiffs' said title in fee
simple he forever quieted of said
claims, and for such further and other
relief as shall in equity be meet and
to justice appertain.
This summons is published in the I
Athena Press, a weekly newspaper
published In Athena, Umitilla Countv, !
Orp,,on. O" K-lfor six cocecu- S
'iverund'succossiveweeks, becinnin"
with the issue of September 26th,
11)111, and ending with the issue of
November 7, 1019, pursuant ,td an
order made and entered her- in by (he
Honorable Gilbert W. Phelps, Judge
of the above entitled Court, which
said order was made and 'dated the
25th day of September, A. D. 1919.
Dated this 2Htb day of September,
A. D. 1919. Homer I. Watts,
Peterson, Bishop & Clark,
Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
Postoffice address: Pendleton, Oregon.
of the First National Bank of Athena,
County of Umatilla, State of Oregon,
showing the amount standing to the
credit of every depositot July I, 1919,
who has not made a deposit, or who
has not withdrawn any part of his de
posit (commercial deposits, ) principal
or interest, for a period of more than
seven (7) year immediately prior to
said date, with the name, last known
place of residence or postoffice address
of such depositor, and iki fact of his
death, if known.
Name of de- Res. or P. 0.
positor. address Am't
J. F Bentley Adams, Oreg. .a9
Elmer Ferguson, Westop, Oreg. .if
0. E Goff, Athena, Oreg. .81
Harris Bios. Athena. Oreg. (I 2!)
Leonard Lavadour Adams, Oreg. .09
McDonald Bros. Pilot Rock, Or. 10.H1
D. B. Parteh Weston,preg. .09
1. L. Van Winkle, Atfena, Ore. .01
Standard Theatre
Saturday, September 27
Ernest F. Wells, Seattle, Wash.
Thomas Winn, Adams, Oreg.
.20 i
Total $18.47
State of Oregon
County of Umatilla, ss
I F. S. LeGrow being first duly
sworn derose and say upon oath that
I am the Cashier of tbe First National
Bank of Athena. County of Umatilla.
State of Oregon; that the foregoing
statement is a full, true, correct and
complete statement, showing the name,
last known residence or postoffice ad-
die s, fact of death if known and the
amount to the credit of each depositor
as required by the provisions of Chap
ter 148 ,of the General Laws of Ore
gon, 1907, and Chapter 214, of the
General Laws Of Oregon, 1917.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 1 1th day of July, A. D., 1919.
B. B. Richards,
Notary Public for Oregon.
My commission expires March 5, 1921.
l J. W VJHtHH iWEBk . J.
D.V. GRIFFITH'S xThe Great Love'
A big 7-Reel Spec
ial Picture at reg
ular Prices.
Charles Rar in "SON OF HIS FATHER"
"3 GREEN EYES"-CHAPLIN in "Police!"
Wednesday, October i
WITH BLANCH SWEET-The Big October Feature-Prices, 25c and 50c
Good Oil Is
Cheaper Than Parts
Freedom from unnecessary
repairs and longer life for
your car results from correct
lubrication with Zerolene.
Scientifically refined from se
lected California crude oil.
Gives maximum lubrication with least
carbon deposit. Get a .Correct Lubri
cation Chart for your car.
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Our Market is
Clean and Cool
Injuring Wholesome Meats.
Main Street, Athena, Oregon
Pendleton Marble & Granite Works
; - iniiiiiiii
T. A. WYLIE;, Proprietor
D C 0 O I
Special gent. Standard Oil Co.. Athci
I '3
y'Script Form
However, the feat of tlio aviator
who crossed the Mediterranean's 4B0
miles will be pooh-poohed, probably, as
a week-end trip.
Gevniifh -nobility are to be allowed
kufcp their titles, but not their prlv-
They would probably prefer It
Other way about.
There may be some good natural
disputes over the question, Who won
the war? but there are not two opin
ion as to who lost It.
Canada reports that It has 75.000
golf playera and probably nbout the
aaino proportion as we have of those
who think they can play.
War gardening continues. Tbe coun
try la at peace, but the gardener Is at
war with the potato wart, tbe cabbage
worm, the but space forbids.
The public Is rapidly losing Interest
In scientific Investigations of the high
coat of living, and only asks that some
means be found for culling It down.
And when army worms, dry weath
er, cinch bugs, tnke-all nnd other
things do not Injure the crops, a ball
atorm always can be counted upon.
When aircraft become as plentiful
as automobiles nnd fly about drlpiilng
ell and spare parts, the eltlea to be
aafe will need to erect gigantic steel
Paderewskl think Kolchak wants
to restore the Romanoffs, Many oth
ers think the same thing without the
planist-premter's advantage of next
door knowledge.
It coats o man considerably more to
cover bla feet than to corer his head,
but unless he uses his beail for think
ing pmKso some men do his feet
arc '.he most valuable and far lesa
likely to get hi in into trouble.
Blanch Swcm
Unpardonable Sin"
ill r.BTllTT -.vvvi
Hi ' ' - j
14 '
A . J. Parker, Proprietor
Shaving Haircutting, Massaging, Shampoping.
Bath Rooms In Connection,
St. Nichols Hotel Block . . . Ihena. Oreg.
At the Standard, Wednesday, October 1-Prices 25c.50c
rrt&toii-: haffcr Milling Co.
American Beauty
Is a.ade in Athena, by- Athena labor, in one ot the very- best
equipped miUs in the Northwest, of the best selected Blue
wnemi grown anywnere. Patroniie home industry,
grocer sella the famous American Beauty Flour
iiierciiain millers & Urain ttlysrs
Vthena, Oregon. - - . WaitsWiraT Wash.