School Supplies The Only Complete Line in Town McFADDEN PHARMACY r The m&xaM Store PHONE 331 It will pay you to watch our Windows EXIST WARMS Chinese Race Compared to the Sea, Inexhaustible. face ot China asa flea might live upon the hide of a rhinoceros. The Chinese remain, breed, multiply. PLOT WORLD REVOLT Documents Found in Germany Reveal Complete Plans. Secret Spartacan Circular Urges Agi tation Among the Noske Home Guards. Berlin. A complete and carefully drawn plan to overthrow the present government and further world revolu tion la contained in a secret Spartacan circular to its agents and district chiefs. The document, which was secured by the "general bureau for the study of bolshevlsm," begins by regretting that the government signed the peace treaty, thereby delaying tho inevitable crisis. The document speculates on various possible developments and then sets forth a concrete plan, the first step of which would be to hasten nn Internal German crisis by tampering with the home guards of Oustav Noske, mlpls ter of defense, which are declared to be less reliable than formerly. The circular urges Spartacan organ izations to agitate among the soldiers by leaflets and verbally. The railroad men, the document says, can be counted as won for revolution. xne postal worners are aepresseu, according to the circular, which goes on to say that the program with re gard to the peasants Is complete. The winning over of. the peasants !r de clared to be important, for without their sympathy or with their enmity revolution would be difficult, if not Im possible. Delay in provoking the revolution Is rather welcomed, "as It will enable further education of the proletariat; but every moment and every situation must be utilized toward the final goal." Development of Army Searchlight. A review of the work of the army engineer corps In the war, first Is sued by the war department, says that the corps produced a new form of searchlight more powerful Hum any 4hat had preceded It In any army, with which the Second field army hud been partially equipped. "It weighed," the report says, "one-eighth as much as lamps of Connor design, cost only one third as much, was about one-fourth as large In bulk, and threw a light 10 per cent stronger than any other port able projector In existence." Still fur ther to perfect the searchlight, our en gineers were at work on n reunite con trol when hostilities cousijj. Scientific American. Honey 92. 1 P er Cent of Normal, The honey crop of the United Steles was nil per cent of normal on July 1, according to the estimates of the United Slates department of agricul ture. Reports to the bureau of crop estimates warrant the estimate that tho yield of surplus honey per colony was 25.8 pounds and that about me half of the annual product per colony was realized by .Inly 1. The high con dition of t)'M per' of normal on, July 1 Ibis year compares Wild 88.7 In 1918 and 80.1! In 11)17. Impulse That Rules Yellow People Keeps Nation From Extinction- White Men Cut Little Figure In Vast Land. The procreatlve Impulse rules China as the Manchus never ruled it. Three out of four babies die, but the fourth Is more than enough. Kill 100,000,000 Chinese and In two generations there are more graves cluttering the earth, but as many living as ever. The principal product of China is cheap, rice-fed men, who work and starve, or perhaps freeze to death In the cold January nights, or die by the hundreds of thousands in periodical famines, or obstinately survive and raise more cheap, rice-fed men. There are hundreds of millions of them with vision bounded by a bowl of rice and the desire of male offspring. The race Is like the sea, Inexhaustible, imperish able. It does not wither away at the breath of western civilization. It does not disappear. It does not go under. It persists. It Is, moreover, an Impermeable race ; to attempt to Interpenetrate It la as hopeless as to pour water Into a Jar filled with mercury. I thought of Macao, Walter B. Weyl writes In Harper's Magazine. The Portuguese hnve been there more than three cen turies and have contrived to make of It a beautiful city, living on opium, gambling and other devices, like a pretty prostitute In pink ribbons. The picturesque streets have Portuguese names, but the city Is Irredeemably, unalterably Chinese. Look down from the greeh-clad hills upon the flat roofs, blue and green and red, of the clus tered, wind-swept city, and you see the homes not of Portuguese, but of Orientals. Of a population of 75,000, only a scant 2,000 claim a dubious Portuguese origin. The same Is true of Hongkong, with Its British bund and Its foreign banks, and Its few thousand white-faced men surrounded by swarming Chinese. In the Hongkong city of Victoria, which is a narrow strip between the granite hills and the bay, the wealthy white Inhabitants are forced upward onto the terraced hillsides, where their charming semi-tropical gardens look out upon the blue water, while below on the narrow plain, inundation after inundation of Chinese fills the city to the saturation point. There are dis tricts in the city Chinese districts, of course where the population averages more than 640,000 to the square mile (1,000 to the acre), and the crowding tends to become worse. It Is a Chi nese city. So, too, Tientsin, Shanghai, Hankow, though they have their foreign conces sions, small European islands in an Asiatic ocean, are in population un mistakably Chinese. The white man comoH nnd pops: he lives on the SUT- "Perfect Dream" of a Man Put on Bargain Counter Claire MacDonald of New York city proposes to commer cialize the sacred institution of matrimony. MacDonald has been appointed "business man ager and personal representa tive of the handsomest young man outside the movies." It la his idea to sell this young man as a husband to a lucky Chi cago girl. "He Is a very fine chap from a fine family," writes the man ager, "and believes that as marriage Is a chance anyway, he stands as good a chance of meeting his soulmate in this way as In any other. He is will ing to have me sell him, and agrees to marry the lucky girl, regardless of her age, religion and previous condition of servi tude, provided only she is white." A photograph inclosed reveals this little bit of heaven. It Is a high light profile of a dreamy youth, something of the choir boy type, with curly silk hair waving back from a noble forehead. CHRISTIANS IN EAST SUFFER Doctor Barton, Back From Asia Minor, Relates Hardships of Deported People. Salonlkl. Ttev. James Levi Barton, president of the American commission for relief in the near East and secre tary general of the, American board of commissioners for foreign missions, has just arrived In Salonlkl to visit the missionary schools after a journey of more than 5,000 miles in Turkey, Asia Minor, Armenln and Mesopo tamia. On his arrival Doctor Barton said: "I found the Christian populations In nn extremely deplorable condition. Hundreds of thousands of persons, who had been deported from their homes found themselves at various points in Turkey forced to live on charity. "The American commission for re lief, in entire collaboration with the Greek and Armenian committees Is do ing everything possible to maintain the Uvea of the unfortunates." Bridegroom Grows In Important .. The war has given the bridegroom a significance he never before pos sessed. Formerly wedding notices were devoted to the bride, her trou.t seau, her bridesmaids and her family. The bridegroom was mentioned only In cidentally, If at all. By reason of his rank, he Has become one of the most important persons In the alliance. Philadelphia Public Ledger. THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON SCHOOLS AND DEPARTMENTS Tha Unlrenity includes the College of Literature, Science and tho Arts, and the vial Rehooli of I aw, Medicine, ( at Portland) , Architecture, JoonuUim, Oam Borw, Education and Music. SPECIAL FEATURES A beautifnl campus, faculties of special Ida, modern facilltlea, low coat, with many opportunity for aelf-help, "athletic for e?erjbody," a really democratic atmosphere and the f am ooi "Oregon Spirit" For a catalogue, illustrated booklet or specific Information, addraa: THE REGISTRAR, UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, OREGON. Buy Mow Ladies, now is the time to buv that new Coat, Suit, Skirt, Waist or Hat while our stock is complete and we have your size. Why look elswhere when we can save you money on every dollar spent with us. When down town, stop in and be convinced. LADIES PLUSH COATS $19.75 to 59.00 LADIES SHORT PLUSH COATS 35.00 to 49.50 LADIES CLOTH COATS 1.75 to 37.50 LADIES SERGE DRESSES 16.50 to 29.50 LADIES JERSEY DRESSES 2.75 to 35.00 LADIES SILK DRESSES 16.50 to 2.75 LADIES WOOL SKIRTS 4.98 to 9.90 LADIES SILK SKIRTS 5.90 to 9.90 Ladies Silk Jersey Underskirts 5.90 to 9.90 Ladies Mesaline Underskirts 4.98 to 7.50 Ladies Flannel cotton top Underskirt 2.49 to 2.98 Ladies Georgette Waists new shades 5 50 to 8.90 Ladies New Fall Hats all new shapes 2.98 to (i.90 PRODUCE STORAGE INCREASES Report! for This Year Show Cam of 40,000,000 Pounds in Butter, 1,378,000 Cases in Eggs. Washington Lnrge Increnses In the amounts nf butter nnd eegs In cold storage this year, over totals a year ago, were reported by the agricultural department. There were 302 storages which re ported In 1018 holding stocks of 68, 202,000 pounds of butter, while the same storages on July 18 this year held IOS.352,000 pounds. The 372 stor ages reporting eggs on July l!i this year, held 7,070,000 cases, against 0, 292,000 cases a year ago. Stocks of frozen and cured fish ic storage showed a decrease on July 15 of 4 per cent, as compared with a year ago, present holdings including 58,-10-1,000 pounds of frozen llsh, 29,147, 000 pounds of carad herring and 6 822,000 pounds of mild cured salmon. Practical Sympathy. Jamon Shaffer of Unlontown, Pa struck a foreigner who made disloyal remarks and was fined $10, but the money was paid by ten members of the local Clirlstlan church, who on their way home happened to stop In the Imrgess' office. Each of the men plunked $1 down on the desk of the olUclul and the case was ended. $100 Reward, $100 The readers ot this paper will b pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure tn all its stages and that Is catarrh. Catarrh being greatlv Influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medicine Is taken internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Sur faces of the System thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, giving the patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in the curative powera of Hall's Catarrh Medicine that they offer One Hundred lollars for any case that it falls to cure. Send for Met ot testimonials. Address F. J. CHENET St CO.. Toledo. Ohio. Said by all Druggist, Be. OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST Principal Events of the Week Briefly Sketched for Infor mation of Our Readers. The Albany post of the American Legion has 100 members. Contracts have been let for the pav ing of three streets In Freewater. Construction work has begun on the new $50,000 Elks building in Heppner. Hood River cull applies have never been in such demand as this season. Harvesting of cranberries In the low er Columbia river bog lands has start ed. Marlon county will produce more than 200 carloads of apples this sea son. A new jail for the Umatilla county court house was recommended by the grand jury. The lumber Industry of the Coos bay country Is suffering as a result of a car shortage. Earl L. Fisher, county assessor of Llnn county for the past seven years, has resigned. Two babies were born In Portland during the month of August for every death that occurred. Truckers, flour packers and wheat handlers employed In flouring mills of Portland went out on strike. The bond Issue for the construction of a storm sewer system In Dallas was carried at a special election. The mint growers of the Willamette valley pooled their mint oil for 30 days and are holding out for $8 a pound. . Cottage Grove soon will have one of the most modern and. best, equipped garages tn that section of the state. More than 300 students are now en rolled In the Pendleton high school, the largest enrollment It has ever had. It was with considerable difficulty that rooms were found to house teach ers employed in the Roseburg schools. Aurora wants more water and has decided to put down experimental wells on both sides of the Pudding river. All contracts for the Elks' four story temple at Pendleton have been signed and work la well under way on the excavation. Excavation for the placing ot the foundation for the women's building at the state university in Eugene has been completed. William G. McAdoo, former secre tary of the treasury, will be one ot the several notables to visit the Pen dleton Round-up. The Linn county road bond issue has been approved and plans are being completed for the sale of the first block of $100,000. McMinnville will hold a monster "welcome-home" celebration for the returned soldiers and sailors of Yam hill county Friday. A government chemist representing the division of hydration, United States department of agriculture, is to be located In Salem. The Hood River apple crop from present Indications, will approach close to the government's mid-summer estimate of 2,000,000 boxes. Forty accused bootleggers will be given the special attention of the Unit ed States grand jury, which opened sessions In Portland Monday. Miss Ethel B. Gibson, graduate of the Northwestern college, Napervllle, ill, -has boea secured as librarian for the Grants Pass public library. Shipments of cattle from Pilot Rock of late have been so heavy as to re quire all the stock cars that can pos sibly be sent to the branch line. The home of the late Supreme Jus tice Frank A. Moore at Salem is to be sold to a club of 24 Willamette univer sity men. The property will sell for $6000. An Intensive campaign was opened in Portland by members of the Ameri can Legion to get former soldiers, sail ors and marines into the ranks of the local post. The housing situation In The Dalles has become acute. Many of thefbusi ness enterprises have had to curtail their work, being unable to get help into the city. A large number of sheep have been brought Into Lane county this year and the number now in the county is climbing back to what it was for or five years ago. Lieutenant Edward Everett Wilson, 28, vice president of the First National bank of Linnton, was killed at Car ruthers aviation field near Fort Worth, Texas, while flying. Hearing of the application of the Portland Railway, Light & Pewer com pany for an increase of rates on Its traction lines has been set for Mon day, September 22. Miss Florence Engstrom, who has served as stenographer in the offices of Adjutant-Qenersl Statrin for some time, has resigned. She will enter the University of Oregon. George E. Saunders, Indicted in the Josephine county courts on a charge ot embezzlement of 12281 from the Rogue river public service corporation, :.a acquitted at Urania Pass. Quality Always Service First a School Supplies Just to give you an idea of how we are able to cater to your needs hv School Supplies, we quote you a few prices below. Ir. it not plain that you will save money and gain satisfaction if you fill your school needs here? 6x9 pencil tablets 100-page 5c, 8-color Crayola 10c 8x10 " " 100-page5c. 16 color 5x8 ink tablets, 100 pages. 10c 8x10 ink tablets 50 panes 10c 8x10 Composition Book 36 pages, 5c 7x9 Composition book, 80 pages, 10c 7x9 Composition book, 150 pages, 15c Good lead pencils, 2 for 5c 2-oz. Carter's Ink, 5c 10x11 l ose leaf note book 65c 8 colors Prang's Paints, 35c 15c The Economy Cash Grocery Phone 561 and your Orders will be filled. Quality Always Service First IHMMMMIMH iMiiimeiiiiiiH HMtMllllimiltllH Whoopee! The above exclamation allowes of sever al interpretations give it the best. Our friend Foss said he woulddike a "Rest and Vacation" we said, "give us your key and go to it." Had he had sufficient faith, we believe he might have done so, but didn't. You Know the Rest As successors to Austin Foss in the Hardware business, we hope to merit your confidence and good will, and we will do our best to maintain the service he has rendered you so well these many years. Come and try us. Watts & Rogers Hardware and Implements The first National Bank of Athena Capital and Surplus, $100,000' Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent