r - . ii'" Ufa Men Wxm AN 1 ND EPKJfDE ST NEWSl'APKK F. B. Boyd, Publisher SSutBcription lieitew. One copy, one year $2.00 One copy, six months $1.00 One copy, three months 7S tTHENA. OREGON, SEPT. 12, 1919 Camouflaged Philosophy. 7;-'- r mi F F7 VETFRANS fcrl NOT EMVIOUS t Ileal life Is often stranger tlnin th-movies. Harmony doesn't ahvn.vs follow i keynote speech. There should be no truce with In the war garden. Some people are finding thai In Is a good ploce to visit. As a footrest Ihe brass rail beneath the bar has gone for good. Trade Willi Germany Ins been re sumed. A ship Is not all that passes In the night. The food situation lias long been one "problem of distribution" nfter another. Pershing's Idea In transporting troops Is to break records botli going and coming. The barhelor may be a taxable su perfluity, and sllll lie has a right to a place to live. Wllhelm Is reported as suffering from a cold, which may have spread from his feet. " The adventurous young man used to go West, now he goes straight up In an airplane. Any man who Insists on having something w4th a "kick" might buy a Missouri mule. A free automobile ride, taken with out the owner's permission, Is some times expensive. There ought to be a sanitarium some where that would cure the world of Its dementia precox. Many spoken and written words are Included in the computations as to war wastefulness. The high cost of living does not seem to have had any effect on the demand for office. Money may be hard to get, but the scarcity does not seem to affect the summer pleasure seekers. A superstitious man is the one who Imagines that others think as much of him as he does of himself. Ons trouble, when cool strata chase warm strata, Is that the cool strata get warm, and there you are. Though the great war Is over, the conflict against excessive prices Is In tb Chateau Thierry stage. A new liberty bell is to be cast In France as the first great and signifi cant step in reconstruction. The food rioter goes Into It with all his heart He Is not exactly sure that he still has a stomach. Passionate profiteers of all kinds need soothing applications of law to restore their moral balance. ShtpB will always be needed, though, to pick up survivors from occasional wrecks of trans-Atlauttc plaues. One of the most needed improve ments In airships Is to make 'em so fellow can smoke It he cares to. Some farmers are troubled with In flammatory rheumatism and some oth ers with fttmflnmmatory Kubenlsm. War hnvlng been abolished for the future, the United States will build the biggest battleships In the world. Americanism also means that a mini will fight fairly and In the open, and will not stab tn the hack or use bombs. In the light of the lack of housing facilities, there Is now a deeper pa thos in the family refrain, "There's no place like home." Bumps and lumps In the itr have been established as realities by avia tion. It Is conceivable, then, that even an angel may stub his toe. It Is a question whether geography will be In an enough settled condition to take Its regular place In the full curriculum of the schools. The New Tork World considerately advises its readers that It's useless to try to beat the high cost of living by dying, for It can't be done. That treasury department employee who had his back yard plauiil to treasury notes might hare done bat ter With B Crop of watermelons. As the dispatch Is worded, an Inves tigation Into lack of airplane prode Uon 'Is afoot." It Is the Intention then, we take It. to begin at the bot tom and work up. BlCADiNETfca Only iht possesions width we use are of present value to us. A man may have a money fortune, and yet be poverty stricken in the very tilings which that money would buy him, The money is his all the time; but It Is of little or no valuo to him because he lets It alone. Soldiers Who Took P:-,:t in War Proud of the Young :' , of Today. Clvl It may yet be desirable to carrj coals to Newcastle. WHAT TO EAT. There are few people Who feel that a menliias been satisfying that Is not II n i s h e d with some kind of des sert, and usually feel If none Is provided that the dinner Is not a success. Peach Sherbet Put a pound of sugar and a quart of water on to boll 'M minutes; let eool, then add one and one-half etti fuls id peaeb pulp, the strained Juice of an orange and the Juice of half a lemon. Freeze. Crate Crackers. Put n pound of washed and pitted dates, Willi a cup fill of sugar and half a cupful of water, in a sauce' pan and cool; until soft and smooth. Cool. Cream a cupful of shortening, add n cup of brown sugar two and one-half cupfuts of rolled oats which have been parched to- a light brown, two cupfuls of Hour; stir and mix well ; add a tcnspoouful of soda to half a cupful of hot water and stir Into the mixture, lloll out, cut and place a spoonful of the fruit on a cooky, cover with another, then bake. Mint Sherbet Soak half a cup of Chopped mint leaves In the Juice" of two lemons and three oranges half an hour. Boll two cupfuls of sugar and a cup of water five minutes, then pour over the other Ingredients. When cold strain Into n freezer, add the grated rind of the fruit and the white of an egg beaten stiff with a cup of whipped cream. Tills sherbet may be served as a dessert or as tin accom paniment to a liiinb roast. Junket Is a most delicious dessert for a hot day when one wants Just a dainty finish to the meal. Add a tablet of rennln to a quart of lukewarm milk, sweetened and flavored. Stir well after crushing the tablet antl dissolving II In a tnblespoOTiful of water. Then pour the mixture Into Hie sherbet cups or glasses In which It Is to be served. When well set put on Ice to chill. Chocolate pie may be prepared In the same way, adding two squares of melted chocolate, or a prune pie, add ing a cup of prunes which have been put through u rlcer. Hutu. IfYUwviQ. Iteconlly one of the current maga zines contained a picture called. "His Place Usurped." It showed the usual village crowd of youngsters listening to a returned soldier tell stories of his life "over there." Sitting at one side of the picture, entirely deserted by every one, was a Civil war veteran. His face was full of sorrow over hlf desertion by his usual audience. "We wondered whether Unit waa really the way people were doing for getting the old soldiers also whether the old soldiers were feeling as this old man In the picture seemed to feel,1 said an Indiana man. "So we took the picture and showed It to an old man who Is n very familiar figure In our streets on account of his faded, army uniform. He looked nt the picture and then be chuckled : 'Why, bless your soul. I don't feel that way,' he told us. i want to listen to 'em myself.' he continued. 'I want to know how they fought at Vpres and see If It was like we did at Antletnrn. And then, too,' he smiled more, 'It's Just this way. I've been honored for more than 50 years now, and during that time one gets Just a little hungry for a chance to do a little honorln' himself. So now It's my chance to honor the young fellers. I'm glad the tables are turned for a little while, and I bet most of the other old comrades are, too.' " airs', wveiyn s: urenoain, wireoi tne Rev. Itohert W. Trenbath, rector of St. James's Episcopal church of Montclair, N. J has conferred a boon on suffer ers from poison Ivy by announcing a remedy which those who have tried It sny Is a most efficacious remedy. It Is simply the green leaves of common catnip rubbed on the affected ports un til the Juice runs. This never falls, Mrs. Trenbath says, no matter how advanced the case may be, and Is simple to use, especially In the ease of children. The plant grows usually In great abundance behind old barns, and Is said to be so antagonis tic to the Ivy (hat If planted near It the Ivv disappears. Husband Kept a Prisoner Four Years by His Wife For four years William Carrol of Portland, Ore., was kept pris oner by ids wife. A lodge, bear ing of his case. Investigated and obtained his freedom. But that wasn't enougli to satisfy him ; he got n divorce. Carrol admitted that, owing to his Imprisonment, lie did not know the United States was nt war with Germany until five months after war was declared. Ills wife, he said, believed him Incompetent, nfter an accident which temporarily Invalided him, and was aided by their son "In keeping lilm prisoner. He was adjudged competent nt n sanity heuriug prior to the divorce trial. 'l"tiMliipH"l STATEMENT of the First National Bank of Athena, County of Umatilla, State of Oregon. showing the amount standing to the credit ot every depositoi July I, 1919, who has not made a deposit, or who has not withdrawn any part of his de posit (commercial deposits,) principal or interest, for a period of more lhan seven (7) year., immediately prior to said date, with the name, last known place of residence or postoffice address uf such depositor, and th 3 fact of his death, if known. Name of de- Res. or P. O. positor. address Am't. J. F Bentley Adams, Oreg. .29 Elmer Ferguson, Weston, Oreg. .45 C. E Goff, Athena, Oreg, , .1)1 Harris Bros. Athena. Oreg. 6 39 Leonard Lavadour Adams, Oreg. .09 McDonald Bros. Pilot Rock, Or. iO. til D. B. Partch Weston, Oreg. ' .08 I. L. Van Winkle, Athena, Ore. .01 , el-nest r. wens, Seattle, wasn. ..'u Thomas Winn, Adams, Oreg. .11 Total 118.17 State of Oregon County of Umatilla, ss I F. S. LeGrow being first duly sworn derose and say upon oath that 1 urn the Cashier of tbe First National Bank of Athena, County of Umatilla, State of Oregon; that the foregoing statement is a full, true, correct and complete statement, showing the name, last known residence or postoffice ad- dre s, fact of death if known and the amount to the credit of each depositor ' aa required by the provisions of Chap ter U8 , of the General Laws of Ore gp'n, 1907, and Chapter 214, of the General Laws of Oregon, 1917. F. S. LeGROW. Subscribed and. sworn to before me this I Itli day of July, A..-.D., VJl'J. B. Richards, Notary 1'uLlic for Orefeon. My commission expires March 5, 1921. NOTICE OF STREET IMPROVE MENT. Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Athena has passed an ordinance, being Ordi nance No. 182, providing for the im provement by paving of Main street in the city of Athena from a point 100 feet east of the east line of Fourth street to a point 219 feet west of the Southwest corner of the intersection of First and Main Streets in the City of Athena, and Third street from the south line of Main street to the north side of Current street, such improve ment to consist of paving and of con structing curbs and gutters thereon where there are now no curbs and gutters. Plans and specifications for such work, estimates of the cost there of, and statement of the property to be assessed therefor, with an estimate of percentage of the total cost which each or such lots, parts of lots and parcels of land should pay on account of the benefits to be derived from such improvement are on file in the office of the City Recorder. All persons interested are hereby notified that the City of Athena will do said work unless the owners of property shall within ten days from the date of this notice file with the City Recorder their remonstrance or their election to do such work at their own expense and that if the said im provement is made by the city the cost uf making such improvement, ex cept such part thereof as is borne by the city, shall be a charge and lien upon all lots, parts of lots, and parcels of land adjacent to and abutting upon the portions of streets, by said or dinance proposed to be improved. The persons interested are further notified that applications for raising or lowering the percentage of the cost of such improvement to be charged against any lot, part of 1 at, or parcel of land shall lu filed with the City Recorder within ten days from the date of this notice. Dated September 2nd, 1919. B. B RICHARDS, City Recorder. Wiliiam S. HART in Wm. S. HART in Wolves oflheRaU,'AnAPJCKAFTftciu. WOLVES OF THE RAIL Saturday Sep. 13 Sunday Night GEORGE BEBAN in "JULES OF THE STRONG HEART" Wednesday Night HAYAKAWAIN The Temple of Dusk THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON SCHOOLS AND DEPARTMENTS Tho ITolveniltj includes the Collage of literature, Botenco and the Arts, antl the Hperial School of Law, Mmliclno, (at Portland). Archltactnrt, JoomaUim, Com Uarco, Education and lfuiilc. SPECIAL FEATURES A boantlfol camnuiL facttltJpft of unwtal- Iflta, modern factUUca, low cost, with many owortiiiiitltw for aeK-help, "athletics for ftfi t'ody," a tvaiiy democratic atmosphere - ami mil famoua "Oregon (Spirit." For a catalogue, fllutratd booklet or erectile Information, addrcM: THE REGISTRAR, UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, OREGON, Come to Walla Walla Frontier Days Sept. 11.12.13 Great Assemblage of Wild West Talent RIDERS AND ROPERS FROM ALL PARTS OP THE WORLD. COMPETING FOR CHAMPION SHIP TITLES AND IH00O.OO IN PURSES. Riding Roping Steer Bull Dogging Relay and Pony Express Races Wild Horse and Saddle Horse Races Indian Relay Races, and Huge In dian Congress, as well as many other thrilling Wild West Events Gigantic Parades and Civic Celebrations We carry the best MEATS That Money Buys Our Market is Clean and Cool insuring Wholesome Meats. LOGSDON & MYRICK Main Street, Athena, Oregon mtitiimciiottiiiittiiiinniiintiititiiiiiit Pendleton Marble & Granite Works T. A. WYLIE, Proprietor PENDLETON, OREGON. PATRONAGE SOLICITED tiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiieioMoiiitiiii ii iints . mHllimHHtIMIIIIHIIIIIHMIIIIIII "Script Porm" Butter Wrappers minim M I V 111 LT mi 311113 mM Least Carbon Zerolene, scientific ally refined from se lected California crude oil, gives maximum lubrication with least carbon deposit. Get a Correct Lubrica tion Chart for your car. STANDARD OIS COMPANY tCtliiocou), (.IV CRONK, Special Agent. Standard Oil Co., Athena HHIIHIIIIIIIHIIH i THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Ford Sedan h the favorite family car, seats five comfortably. While an enclosed car with permanent top, it has large windows, and may in a minute be changed to a most delight ful open car with always a top protecting against the sun. In inclement weather it is a closed car, dust-proof, water-proof, cold-proof. Finely upholstered. Equipped with electric starting and lighting system and demountable rims with 3K-inch tires front and rear. A real family car. Won't you come in and look at it? I he delights ot the electric car with the economy of the Ford. Liberty Motor Co. II' A Ms Ira I esion, uregou THE PARKER BARBER SHOP A.J. Parker, Proprietor Shaving Haircutting, Massaging, Shampooing. Bath Rooms In Connection, n i N iCh.l I til c ib. iSlil l) ISGV. Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. i American Beauty Flour a Is trade in Athena, by- Athena labor, in one ol the very- best equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers Waitsburg, Wash. thena, Oregon niniii 77 --j - i - - tT.:mmmm , .