School Supplies The Only Complete Line in Town Y EASY TO SEE ONE'S BRAIN Scientist Asserts That All That la Necessary Is a Candle and Some Perseverance. "Have you ever seen your brain?' Is not such an outlandish question as one might suppose. In fact, it Is quite possible to see one's own bruin, accord ing to Dr. Praser Halle, says Loudon Tit-Kits. Many years ago Purls Ingo startled the scientific world by announcing that by passing a candle to and fro several times by the side of the eye, this might be done. The air In front, he declared, was transformed Into a kind of screen on which was reflected what he sup posed to he a magnified Image of part of the retina. This started a research movement among the scientists of the period, and a controversy began. Sir C. Whentstone thought the pro fessor was slightly out of his bearings. He declared that what the latter had seen was merely the shadow of the vascular network. Then Dr. Prater Halle returned to the attack, and stated that he had suc ceeded in Identifying the picture with the representation of the "anterior lobe of the cerebrum." The candle should be moved to and fro ubout four Indies below the eye and three and a quarter Inches from the face. If the movement Is suspend ed, the Image disappears. Night Is the best time for tills experiment, but It can be seen faintly. In any dark place even In the daytime. McF&DDEN PHARMACY The ftexa& store PHONE 331 It will pay you to watch our Windows Exterminating Pests. Uncle Sam fmploys approximately 800 profpss'onol trapper and hunters to assist western stockmen in exter minating wild predatory anlnmls from the range country. These hunters have killed 70,713 predatory animal In the last three years, which has re sulted In a direct saving estimated at nearly 514 million dollars a year to the stockmen of the Itocky Mountain section. The total kill consisted of 60,473 coyotes, 8,094 bobcats, 1,829 wolves, 201 mountain lions and 137 bears. The pelts of the animals kill ed were sold for approximately $100, 000. which, of course, is of consider able aid to the government In financ ing the Work; In addition to animal'" killed liy trapping and shooting, great numbers of coyotes have been killed by the carefully organized isilsou'ng cnmpnlgns conducted by the biological survey. KNOWN AS WITCHCRAFT TOWN Old Salem, Mass., Has Never Been Able to Live Down the Much Disliked Name. Salem Is nationally known as the witchcraft town of history, a title which It has been trying to live down for 200 years. Fortunately for Salem, the terror of witchcraft Inquisition Is fading from memory. Invariably the visitor comes to Sa lem with the Idea of witches (Irmly fixed In hi mind, but the only evidence, of their existence that he can find Is a tlepln bearing a tiny witch astride a broomstick. Besides buying witch adorned souvenirs, which Salem pro rides to meet the demands of visitors, there are other ways of satisfying witch-hunting ambitions. To a person already keyed to a high pilch by vague recollectloas of witch days Salem on a frosty moonlight night seems to slip back a century or so Into the solemn superstitious little Puritan town, where one must think several .times before making the most casunl remark lest It be construed as evidence of friendly dealings with the devil. Over by the cemetery the tombstones of the witch accusers gleam ghostly In the moonlight. If seems plausible Hint any of those venerable Judges of 1G92 might glide suddenly Into view and atroll with dlgnlly down the street ar that Mistress Sarah Oood or Eliza beth How should appear and ask stern ly If It was your ancestor that labeled Iter a witch. Out on Onllows hill, too, there Is "atmosphere" undiluted. Hero 1!) un fortunates convicted of witchcraft met their fate belore Puritan common sense overcame Puritan fanaticism, (billows hill Is a monument to Salem's durkest duys. Drink Plenty of Milk. Drink milk. Drink more milk. Pure, fresh, rich milk Is a food fit for the gods. Babies cannot live without milk, and growing children grow fost er for It. It gives vitality to youth, power to middle life and to old age it brings a goodly portion of the health and strength of former years.1 It should be used more largely by people of all ages, classes and con ditions. Milk steadies the nerves nnd adds to the health, physical strength nnd mental energy of those who use It. It excels coffee nnd with It tea Is not to be compared. We may drink It at meals and be tween meals. It Is delicious, refresh ing, Invigorating. It Is one of nature's best gifts to man. The wife of an Indianapolis mer chant was recently quite sick. One day after she had Improved a bit and her seven-year-old son had been permitted In her room for a little visit, she voiced the thought that hnd worried her all the time while she had been 111. "Ted." she asked, "what would you have done If mother had died?" Back came Teddy's startling an swer: "Oh. the girls could have gone to grandmother's to live und papa nnd I we'd have gotten us a new wife right away." Modern Gallantry. I shall be even disposed to rank It among the salutary fictions of life, when In polite circles I shall see the same attentions paid to age as to youth, to homely features ns to hand some, to coarse complexions as to clear to the woman ns she Is a wom an, not ns she Is a beauty, a fortune or a title. I shall believe It to be something more than a name when a well-dressed gentleman In a well-dressed company can advert to the topk of female old age without exciting, and Intending to excite, a sneer when the phrases, "antiquated Virginity." and ';nch a one has "overstood her market," pronounced In good com puny, shall raise immediate offence ' man. or woman. Hint shall hear th spoken. Charles I.amb. Movable. "Where Is Mr. I'lut duh lunching to day?" "Well, he may be at the next corner or he may be a couple of blocks down the street." "I thought his habits were very reg ular. Can't you tetl me where he Is lunching?" "Not precisely. He lunches at a hn nana curt, but It moves arouud." l.oulsville ('ouriir-.Iouninl. r Glimpses of Personalities. If you would get new. surprising slants at human character, spend a half hour turning the pages of refer ence hooks In a public library. What a forlorn outlook on life has the man who upon the margin of n page In "The Itlddlc of the Universe" penciled this comment: "There Is no hereafter. I know It absolutely." And who was the saddening, aging spinster who In the prim, precise lines of a schoolteacher wrote In a patheti cally drooping hand upon the margin of a page In an encyclopedia dealing with "Marriage" these sonl-reveallne words: "I wish 1 was married"' Public Auction at Athena, September 13 Ten o'Clock, a. m. At the above place and time, there will be sold to the highest bidder for cash, the following articles: One ten-ton Howe Platform Scale One Portable Grain Elevator One Skip, hopper and track complete About ten tons re-enforcing steel, various sizes to be sold in quantities to suit the bidder. Rope, cable, chain block and numero us other material used in the construction of frame and concrete buildings. 1 FARMERS UNION GRAIN AGENCY Mens Suits Did you see our new suits for men and young men? Thev have just arrived and are the newest out. Our young men's models have those new slash pockets, belts, braid trimming, and close English fit. Green Novelty with belt, J. C. Penney price $27.50 Brown Cheviot, waist seam, " " 32.50 Gray Stripe, English model, " " 29.50 Brown Stripe, English model, " " 29.50 Blue Serge, English Model " " 37.50 New Brown, classy model, " " 39.50 Come and see them Incorporated J v FINDS CLUE TO BURIED GOLD Custodian ef Ruins of Jesuit Mission In Arizona on Track of Ancient Treasure. Tucson, Arli. What Is believed to be the first clue to the reputed burled treasures of the padres of the Turau cacorl mission, built by Spanish Jesu its high up In the Tumacucor! moun tains, less than three hours' Journey from Tucson, has been discovered by Frank Plnckley. custodian of the ruins. It Is the gateway to the mis sion cemetery. From this gateway, It is said, the plans nnd mnps left by the padres start to outline the way to the burled gold and silver. The Tuma cacorl mission was built near what aro believed to be the ruins of one of the Seven Cities of Cibola. The entire re gion Is said to show evidences of rich mineral deposits, which, declare those who have Inspected the mountains, doubtless led the padre to build their mission there. Sport that is not above suspicion Is no sport at all. Oil In troubled lands does not bring peace to Mexico, Parlor bolshevlsm Is about the poor est of all Indoor sports. $106 Reward, $100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to' learn that there la at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all Its stage and that la catarrh. Catarrh betas greatly Influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken Internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Sur faces of the System thereby destroying the foundation ot the disease, giving the patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature In doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith In the curative powers of Halt's Catarrh Medicine that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. ,F J. CHENET ft CO., Toledo, to & all PNtfUt. iK. OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST Principal Events of the Week Briefly Sketched for Infor mation of Our Readers. 1 1 Building permits for August In The Dalles total $61,675. The sheriff's office at Oregon City has purchased a bloodhound. The grasshopper plague has hit the farmers of Klamath marsh country. A rotary club with a charter mem 6ershlp of 25 was organized at Astoria. The 1919 crop of cherries In Lane county was 140,000 pounds less than the average. High cost of feeding cattle In Kla math county is causing ranchers to re duce their herds. Mail service between Condon and Fossil is to be Increased from six to seven times a week. The Hood River chapter of the American Legion will have more than 100 charter members. As a result of the strike situation in California a shortage of freight-cara prevails in Coos Bay cities. Burns, with a population of 1500, has just organized a chamber of commerce with a membership of 150. The construction of a warehouse for the Masou-Ehrman company of Port land began last week at Dallas. Brownsville, will establish In the near future an up to date camping grounds In the city park for tourists. E. W. Burnltt, aged, 65, a resident of Coos Boy for many years, was found drowned in the waters of Isthmus In let The seventeenth annual convention of the Oregon Rural Letter Carriers' association was held in Independence Monday. Bay City school district has sold $25,000 worth of bonds at a premium of $2000. The bonds bear 52 per cent interest. A four days' reunion of veterans of the civil, Spanish-American and world wars will be held in Roseburg Septem ber 16 to 19. There are 39 Irrigation districts in Oregon now in operation, according to data just compiled by the state en gineer's office. Miss Mildred Hicks, a wellknown Linn county teacher, died of typhoid fever at the home of her mother in Klamath Falls. A census completed recently by the Portland Railway Light & Power com pany shows that Salem has a popula tion of about 17,000. . To increase the efficiency of his of fice, Postmaster Hudson will initiate a movement soon to secure for Bend a city mail delivery. Jasper N. Miller, aged 79 years, per haps the oldest teacher on the coast, has been engaged to teach this year In district No. 82 in Coos county. For the first time in the history of Linn county, carloads of Bartjett pears are coming to the cannery at Lebanon from the state of Washington. Eugene Elks have taken the initia tive in a movement to erect a monu ment to the Lane county soldiers who save up their Uvea during the war. Entrance credentials bare passed the 400 mark at the Oregon Agricul tural college. With few exceptions they are for freshman matriculation. Frank Davey, who for several months has held a position in the claims department of the state indus trial accident commission, has resign ed. Evidence of a new hotel for Condon in contained In articles of Incorpora tion filed by the Condon Hotel com pany. The company is capitalized for $45,000. Clackamas county people who are lucky enough to have evergreen black berries growing on their property this year are receiving a good price for the berries. The annual meeting of the Woman's Home Missionary society, Oregon con ference, was held on September 2 and 3 at the First Methodist church in Oregon City. Bonds totaling $400,000 to be used In developing the Warm aprings irri gation project in Malheur county have been certified by the secretary of state's office. The Northwest Trust company of Portland has filed suit to foreclose a mortgage on the irrigation system supplying water to fruit growers in the Sutherlin valley. The eighteenth annual Coos county convention of the natal day associa tion of Eastern Star was held at North Bend and between 200 and 300 mem bers were in attendance. ( Eighty-one ex-servfce men entitled to benefits under the provisions ot the soldiers', sailors' and marines' educa tional aid law have filed formal appli cation with the secretary ot state. Central Oregon housewives who had relied on the huckleberry crop to aid In cutting down table expenses, are doomed to disappointment 'his fan, for the berry yield is one of the smallest in years, being practically a total fail ure. Late frosts are believed to be responsible. , Quality Always Service First School Supplies Just to give you an idea of how we are able to cater to your needs in School Supplies, we quote you a few prices below. Is it not plain that you will save money and gain satisfaction if you fill your school needs here? i 6x9 pencil tablets 100-page 5c, 8-color Crayola 10c 8x10 " " 100-page 5c. 16 color 5x8 ink tablets. 100 panes. 10c 8x10 ink tablets SO panes 10c 8x10 Composition Book 36 panes, 5c 7x9 Composition book, 80 pages, 10c 7x9 Composition book, 150 pages, 15c Good lead pencils, 2 for 5c 2 -o.. Carter's Ink, 5c 10x11 1 ose leaf note book 65c 8 colors Prang's Paints, 35c 15c The Economy Cash Grocery Phone 561 . and your Orders will be filled. Quality Always Service First MMMIW' HIMHHMMI (MMUMMUMMH IIIIHHII i Whoopee! Watts & Rogers Hardware and Implements iinimi 4 The First National Bank of Athena , Capital and Surplus, $100,000 Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent