Press Paragraphs I Miss Hazel Burton visited in Wulla Walla yesterday. ' School books are spot cash at Mc Fadden's Pharmacy. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Proudfit were in Pendleton Tuesday. Miss Elvena Bergevin visited friends in Pendleton this week. Mrs. Leon Kidder and Miss Helen Russell visited in Pendleton Wednes day. Mrs. R. B. McEwen and Mrs. W. S. Ferguson bad business in Pendleton Monday. S Miss Hazel McFarland will attend Ahigh school in Pendleton, finishing the course at the end of the second semester. Mrs. Sherman. Mrs. R. A. Thomnsnn hand Miss Maud Sherman went ud to Bingham Springs Sunday for a short vacation. John Tompkins was over from his nome in tne Walla Walla valley Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Phillips have moved into one of the Dell cottages on High street. Charles Kirk is called from Athena to serve on the jury for the September term of court. James Phillips was up from Pen dleton, Sundav. visltinc at' thn hnm of his parents. Prof. Hall arrived this week from Wallowa couritv. and is ready to begin school activities. Next Monday, school in Lamar dis trict will open, with Mrs. Sanford Stone as teacher. Miss Pauline Myrick spent a portion of the week with her sister, Mrs. An derson, near Helix, Jack Read was in town from Waits irg, yesterday, in company with ink Price of Weston. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shirk anrl snn Lorraine, and Mr. and Mrs. Will Har den and son Wilbur, were in Pendleton yesterday. GoV CKONK, Special Agent, Standard Oil (Jo. Atbcua Pg(gPr THE FOSS HARDWARE STORE Sell Them In mentioning the Franta Premier to your friends, you will rind them enthu siastic Either they possess one or know some thing good to say about it. Then are a ouarter million Frantz Premiers now in m we. BARRE1T BUILDING ATHENA, OREGON Mrs. Areta Clinton has returned from Walla Wads, whew ahe spent a cou ple of weeks with frieada. For. -Sale. "Hamley" ssddle, in good' condition. See Chris Thohey, Weston, Oregon. Adv. Dr. and Mrs. F. D. Watts and Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Smith were In the city Wednesday evening from Weston. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burke and little daughter have returned from a visit with friends at Dixie, Wash., and Walla Walla. Will Russell has taken over the de livery buaiiiess from Wm. Rice and has converted his "bug" into a nifty delivery vehicle. James Nelson went to La Cross, Wash., this week, to visit his son Charlea, at his newly purchased farm in that vicinity. School will open in District No. 17, west of Athena, i on September 1 nth, with Miss Simpson, of Pendleton, as teacher in charge. 7 Mrs. D. B. Banister, accompanied by her daughter, Miss Beulah, and Miss Clara Haynie, visited in Walla Walla Wednesday. Engine Man. Anyone wanting the services of an experienced caterpillar or gas engine man, write box 207, Athena, Ureg. Adv. . , A fine rain yesterday afternoon and last night settled the dust and cleared the atmosphere, and was especially appreciated by the housekeeper. Frank Jackson has purchased res idence property in Weston, and will move there from his farm northwest of town to send his children to school. Lost. Piece of linoleum, on road between Touchet and Athena. Finder will please notify II. A. Barrett, Ath-' ena, or Montingue's store, Touchet. toland Andre, who was recently discharged from the Navy and has been visiting his mother, Mrs. W. S. Ferguson, here, will attend U. of 0. . Mrs. W. E. Dobson will begin her school next Monday, the loth, in Un ion district, No &. Mrs. Dobson has taught the school for several years past. Miss Jessica McEwen has returned to her home in Portland, after a visit with her sister, Mrs. H. A. Barrett, and brothers, Luvois and Ralph Mc Ewen. 3ri5verett Knight, who is farming in Franklin county. Wash., was in town Tuesday visiting his parents. He has 40 acres of good corn to dispose of this fall. Miss Grace Zerba left -yesterday morning to resume her place on the faculty of the Koappa, Oregon, school. Miss Zerba goes at an advanced salary of fllO. "Ji :. f Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Grasty, of Lease, Wash., are visiting at the Pam brun home, south of town. They will visit-relatives in the Willamette val ley, returning for the RoUnd-Up. Mrs. Jane Harden was at home a few days this week from her daughter's home on Cold Spring, having come up for medical attention. She returned yesterday, feeling much better. Omar Stephens returned from a deer hunt in company with Pendleton friends, Wednesday, in the south end of the county. He reports that dry weather interfered greatly with suc cess in hunting. Floyd Corporan, who returned from overseas some time ago, has been a guest at the home of Mr .and Mrs. C. S. Wheeler, in Pendleton, the past week. Floyd will be a student this year at 0. A. C, BaaaaVall f"". 1 -puK . Seasonable Fruits and V getabk-8 1 in abundance , V ater Melons, guaranteed to beripj, 3c pound. aiifornia Grapes, fresh and luscious, basket $1. PICNIC GOODS Such as Deviled Ham, Devil ed Tongue and Chicken, Pic nic Pickles, Picnic Ham, cold sliced Ham, etc. etc. There are mighty" good reasons why" everyone should buy pur "high quality" Groceries-it is economy .to do so. The purity of our quality groceries is a guar antee of health for you. None better. . THE PURE FOOD GROCERY Quality, Quantify, Service. Phone 171. This Store Open Evenings T Howard Dickson, who has spent the summer here with his parents, left Monday for Spokane, where he will enter the senior clasB of high school, where he has heretofore been a stu dent. Miss Irene Hawks, of Walla Walla, was a week-end guest of Miss 'Lucille Taylor, and was accompanied home by her hostess and Mrs. W. R. Taylor and Mrs. B. D. Tharp, Sunday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Richards drove to Walla Walla Sunday, and were ac panied home by their nephew. Dale Whiteman, who will remain with them and attend school in Athena this year. Mrs. M. E. Burden, mother of Win Burden and Mrs. James Huggins, suffered a paralytic stroke yesterday morning at the home of her daughter. Her condition ia reported serious, the left side being affected. Mrs. David Feiris, of the Walla Walla valley, and Mrs. Lizzie Vol weiler, of Kennewick have been in the citv this week, in attendance upon tha'ir father. 0. W. B. Zerba. who is seriously ill at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Tharp and son, Lawrence, left Wednesday for Condon, where they go with the view of leas ing or pnrchasing wheat land. They went down in their Buick car. and will enjoy camping during the trip. Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin, and two chil dren, of Lambert, Oklahoma, are in the city visiting relatives. Mrs. Baldwin is a daughter of the late Daniel Gholson, of Albia, Iowa, and niece of W. J. Gholson of this city. Ten of the county districts opened school last Monday, and most other schools will open next Monday. A few districts will not hold sessions, owing to the lack of suffiicent stu dents, according to the East Oregon- ian. Mrs. .1. C Walter, accompanied by her sister, Mrs Rudolph Leisinger, of Helix, will go to Portland this weeK. where thev will be gueBts at the wed- dine of a friend. Mrs. Wallet will remain for a fortnight s viBit m ron- land. Mr nnrl Mrs. Wm. Pinkerton and Mrs. James Nelson visited Wednesday at the D. A. Pinkerton home near State Lino. Ad Pinkerton recently purchased from Mrs. Simard, the old Dr. Eagan place, and now nas an iukbi home. . " - . Mrs. Frank Tharp will arrive home this week from Portland, where ahe has snent several months With her dauehter. Fred Collins. Mr. and Mrs. Collins have moved to St. Helens, Oregon, where Mr. Collins has a pos ition in a lumber mill. Miss Mamie Barnes of Weston visit ed Tuesday flight at the hope of her brother, J. B. BarnWrbrF thV West Side. She has but recently returned from Bellingham. Wash., where she attended the summer session, of the Normal school.' W. R. Taylor returned the-fore part of the week from Calgary, Alberta where be attended the Stampede ex hibition. He says Calgary put on a good show. One of the best bucking horses in the dominion was purchased for the Round-Up association. Virgil Willabv has moved his stock up from Cold Spring to the Dean Will aby ranch west of town, on account of the scarcity of feed and water in that vicinity. With Mrs. Willaby, he will this fall move to the Wm. Willaby ranch northeast of town, to reside. Dick demons came near losing two or three perfectly good digits from his right hand, one day last veek when he came in too close proximity to the pulleys at the mill. Only the throwing of a belt saved the hand from lacera tion, and but a few bruises resulted. John Walter is carrying his arm in bandages, as the result of a kirk from his big iron horse. While endeavor ing to crank his tractor, recently, he received a klcK which aeverely bruised the ligaments of his arm and incapac itated him for further hard labor for a time. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pinkerton had as tbeir guests this week, Mrs. Ethel Pin kerton and little daughtei, of Port land. Mrs. Pinkerton is the widow of the late Ellis Pinkerton. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pinkerton of Weston, were also guests at their home Sun day. Warren James, an emplcye of the Warren Construction company, was badly burned at the paving plant in Adams Saturday when "hot stuff" splashed in his face, leaving severe burns about his ears, nose and mouth. He is going about with his head swathed in bsndages. Joseph N. Scott this week moved his family to their ncv home in Pen dleton, 116 Lewis street, purchased early in the summer from Dr. Frank Boyden. Mrs. Scott will remain in Pendleton, where the little Laughters will attend school, while Mr. Scott will continue to operate his farm west of town, for the fall months. The opening session for the season of McKenzie Chapter No. Ill 0, . S. was held Wednesday evening in Ma sonic Hall, and the work was taken up with a most commendable spiiit of co operation. The degrees were confer red upon Miss Ellen Parabrun, and a dainty collation consisting of sherbet and wafers, was served in honor of the young lady. Miss Katherine Sharp left Tuesday for Tacoma, where she will visit her sister, Mrs. James McSherrv, before going to her school at Raymond. Wash, which is on a branch railroad line west frcm Cbehalii. Miss Sharp bat CANNING TIME f Jrrait Jars We still have a Full Line of them Economy, pints, per doz $1,35 Economy, quarts, " " 1.50 Economy, 1-2 gal. " " .' 185 Mason jars, large mouth, pints per doz. ... 1.35 Mason jars " " quarts. " " 1.50 Mason jars, " " 1-2 gal 185 Regular mouth Mason jars, pints MS Regular mouth Mason jars quarts 1.25 Regular mouth Mason jars 1-2 gal 1 Jar Caps, Clamps and Rubbers. NORTH SIDE MAIN STREET 1 Phone 152 Athena Department Store spent her vacation at home, Bince re turning from Bummer school at Wash ington University, Mrs. Jerry Stone leaves tomorrow for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Zeke Stone, at Thornton, Wash., before going to Pullman, to spend thai winter with her son, Clifford. Mr, and Mrs. Zeke Stone will'spend the winter in Hon olulu, where their son, John, has been living for several yean. Mies Evangeline Fix, a former Athena school girl, received the first prize of 1 150 cash and (100 tuition scholarship offered hv Whitman Cnl frege for the best original essay on the European war, written by mem bers of the Walla Walla high Bchool graduating class of 1919. Y hance Rogers this week purchased the home or Mrs Jerry Stone on Jef ferson street, which was immediately vacated, and is now occupied by the family of the new ownerV Mrs. Stone also disposed of her furniture, and will probably leave soon for Pullman, Wash. The consideration for the prop erty was said to be tasoo. Dr. N.P. Bennet Dentist Weston. :-: Phone, 83 Payne's f Dairv Pure, Fresh Milk and Cream delivered twice daily Prices, Pint 10c, Quart 15c GiORGE PAYNE, - Athena tM ItltllllMIIIMIIMtl Athena Garage ZERBA BROS. Props. We are particular in every detail in c4utomoblile repairing at our Garage. Expert attention always. We are equipped for Oxy-Acetylene Welding W at Wm. RICE GENERAL TRANSFER SERVICE EXPRESS. DELIVERY, DRAYAOE Special attention given to hauling of Fuel, Household Goods and Freight. Will make out of town trips at reas onable rates. PHONE 882, ATHENA MONUMENTS! Get our prices be fore placing your order. Berry Monument works P. M. Barry, Prop. 12th and Main Street near 0. W. R. ffl. N. Passenger Depot Walla Walla Wash. N. A. MILLER Local Representative. 8. P. Sharp PHY8ICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all cath, both night and day. OalU promptly uniwered . Office on Third ati-ei. A man Oregor THE UNIVERSAL CAR Genuine Ford Parts are the only SAFE PARTS to use in your Ford. We have them and can put them in with the least delay. Cord tires give more miles per dollar. White Star Oil gives you most miles per qnart. Let us show you. Davidson Garage Co. Phone 81, Athena, Oregon 1