THERE'S NO EXCUSE FOR SHABBY FURNITURE Make the Old Things New At very little Sxpene and yithout any effort ycu can make your i . sSf7h furniture, your woodwork and your floori bright, gloccy and waterproof with FLOOR FINISH The Home Preserving Varnish We guarantee a perfect result or "refund your money for the empty can," if you fol low direction. Come in. Let us show you the wonderful results possible with this varnish. We have it ' 'clear" or in eight colors. McDDEN PHARMACY yte&&xal Store P1IONK 331 It will nav voti to watch our Windows m jdlf$ffilty Crown gasoline, k high ljjtaA clropJ Loo!c for the Red I f& BtSWfJff i Crown sign before you fill. I few R. fSKfpff SIANDAKD OIL COMPANY G&SOM Jhe GUY CRONK, Special Agent, Standard Oil Co. Athena me of Quality EMULATION COUNTS IN LIFE Woman Evangelist Was Evidently Aware of the Fact, and Turned It to' Advantage. In nil Indiana city, not long ogo,jw woman evnngirtst held n revival niVet lng. She took uo collections while the services vrrfe In progress, hut on the final ulghi she nniioimccd Hint a free will offering would lie in order. Inter est In the meeting) lind been (rowing (mil the church Wjdj, crowded Jo fflpne Ity?' The ushers, wfth contribution plates, started on their rounds. The evangelist sum she hod Instructed llieiu to.Miv "Allien" whenever 20 cents was dropped-duto the plate; wlien 50 cents the usher was tnwny "llullelujuh !" and when 81 the miller wits to say "(Jlory hullelujnh !" In a loud tone. The col lection amount to $1,100. s If there hud been no emulation the total might have been small, hut the evangelist knew that no perlkin with money to give would he content with an "Amen" when a neighbor, sitting In the noit pew,'' -wna ncelalmed with a "Glory hullehijah I" The sunie principle holds good In everyday life. If one rann has a fine vegetable garden It Is an Incentive to his neighbors. The Interest women have In pretty frocks Is largely due tn somebody getting one and making the others desire some thing equally becoming. Men would fare little for position If It were not for the age-old' lure Hint makes them want a better Job than the other fel low. Without siieh emulation there would : be nothing tn drag men and women n way from- the rnnnnnnptnee tilings of , ... :. ; fwn ' would ne nothing to induce 'ijtJlf. to sack for the head of his elliss-'nr prrMindo htlh Hint he should run for president later on. Many, of course, nro content to have "Amen',' said tn their efforts In life, hut mure wnnt to bear the "Olory hullej.ujuh I'V-. InBmnnfitffls ReCs'.' ' LIVE IN STRANGE ABODES The world's HtMiiigest dwelling places are to be found In the North sea, not fur from Helgoland. Centuries ago there was a large and prosperous Island province, culled Nordstrand, off the coast of Schleswig Kolsteln. Storm and earthquake de stroyed It'One Sunday night, aiid near ly 8,000 people were drowned, lit course of time, however, high mounds emerged from the waters, and ultimately venturesome Hollanders built their cottages on the summits of these mounds. Ity snaring fowl and wild duck, collecting eggs, oysters, and seals, they manitg. tl lo eke out a living The sea-girt minimis nre known us "halllgen." Except on Oland. the larg est, there are uo trees or fuel, except that obtained from submerged bid of pent, and no fresh water except mln-wnter collected In butts. Nevertheless, adventurous Danes and Hollanders, attracted by the thou sands of wild fowl and llsh, continue to live on the "halllgen," In spite of the fact that four months In the year the coarse grass pastures, on winch rnttle Just manage to live, lie under water. Sometimes all Is s'vent away. i Standard Theatre Big Ones for Paramount. Artcraft Week ; (August 31st, September 6th Inclusive) HereTheyAre Nazimova Fairbanks Pickford Griffith, Reid Elting V,V Rhodes Chaplin, Lloyd Arbuckle Sennett I SEE PROGRAM ON PAGE 3 Pathe Weekly and Prisms. Good Comedy, always I School Days Just a few more days to get all those new togs for school. How many of t you realize the saving we offer you by trading with us? Rovs School Suits ages 6 to 17 $4.98 to 12.S0 Boys Wool and Khaki knee Pants, tiOcto 1.49 Bovs Rood blue Overalls, 98c to 1.49 Bovs good wool Union Suits,, 1.49 to 1.89 Bovs fleeced Union Suit , all sizes 98c to 1.19 Bovs Blouses, darks and lights, 49c to 89c Bovs Shoes, English and Blucher, 2.49 to 2.98 Girls Shoes, English and Button. 1.98 to 4.98 Girls wool Union Suits, 1,25 to 1 98 Girls Cotton Union Suits, 98c to 1.19 Girls black and White school Hose 25c to 49c Girls black Sateen Bloomers, 69c Undoubted Truth. A party of tourists were taking stroll through the ancient city of St. Andrews. All happened to be slrnn fiers to the city, und were naturally anxious for Information. Coming to a massive archway adorned with sculp tures, spnnnlng'rfie street, one of the party went up to n man who was working at the aide oftthe arch and asked: "Can you please tell us what this Is?" Wlthnat turning his head, the man replied;- "This? This Is n wall!" "Yes. yes; but it's this bind ing, this nrch. , we would like to know something about." The nntlye came out to the middle of the street where the visitors were standing and looked perhnBljHnore attentively At the arch than he had ever done In his life before. Though willing, he could I give no information ; he didn't seem to know Its name even. "Weel," he snld sagely nt length, "there's nae doot It Is a very nnclent place I" One teltoiL.ue u uiways better tbau two. "America slogan, Qrst" is no secud-rat OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST Principal Events of the Week Briefly Sketched for Infor mation of Our Readers. The Roseburg fruit cannery Is ex periencing a serious shortage In help. A post of the American Legion, to be known as the Arthur E. Giover post, was formed at Fossil. John R. Nevius of Portland has been appointed instructor in farm crops at Oregon Agricultural college. Senator McNary has introduced a bill to donate a captured German can non to the city of Pendleton. A big black bear weighing 190 pounds was killed In the Polk station neighborhood, north of Dallas. Bids are being advertised for a con crete bridge over Canyon creek at John Day, on the John Day Highway. Central Oregon's potato crop will be the biggest and best that has ever been produced, according to reports. On account of the prune and hop harvest, opening of the schools at Dal las has been postponed until Sept. 29. Two resignations In the clerical force of the Roseburg postoffice leave one vacancy, for which there is no appli cant. Pendleton sheep shippers are ex pressing anxiety at present, owing to a. shortage of cars for shipping their stock. , Forty-eight teacherB have been em ployed for The Dalles schools during the next term which opens here Sep tember 8. Governor Olcott has received an in vitation from Secretary Daniels to re view the Pacific fleet at San Francisco on Labor day. Portland tailors and Bhoe repairmen have made demands for substantial advances in wages to go into effect the first of next month: Boston attorneys have approved the validity of $800,000 worth of Oregon Btste highway bonds recently sold to eastern bonding houses. Contracts aggregating $30,956, for the improvement of six streets in the business and residence districts of Bend, have been awarded. John Vanderveld, Ba,nks postmaster, has resigned. His resignation has been accepted and Henry Atlee has been appointed' his successor. Jeannette Rankin, of Montana, first woman to hold a seat in congress, is in Portland visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Herbert Bragg. Stock to a total of f 52,000 has been subscribed for the new hotel which it Is proposed to erect in North Bend. The total cost Will be 100,fl0. In the opinion of several citizenB of Sllrerton, the city council elected last November is not qualified and all busi ness transacted by that body is illegal. The Salem Fruit union shipped to points in Canada a carload of dried loganberries, for which the organiza tion will receive approximately $29, 000. More than a dozen carloads of sur plus army canned food is now en route from Fort Mason, Cal., to Port land for distribution throughout Ore gon. Herbert Nunn, state engineer, has received samples of road signs which It is proposed to install at conspicuous points along the state highways of Oregon. r There were a total of 566 accidents in Oregon, during the week ending August 21, according to the weekly re port of the state Industrial accident commission. An effort Is being made to have the county courts of Linn and Benton counties take over and operate the ferry across the Willamette river at Ingram island. An ordinance has passed the Pendle t n city council providing fine and Imprisonment for any person making any unnecessary disturbing noise with in the corporate limits. Numerous violators of the state fish and game laws ware convicted In vari ous parts of the state during the last few days, according to reports made to the game commission. Just as the last load of hay had been baled in the fields of William Roberts and George Bowers, near Brownsville, the stacks took fire from the engine and were totally destroyed. Eighty-five dollars a ton for pears delivered at the canneries at Sheridan, Woodburn and Lafayette is the price received for the Salem Fruit union With 1,200 Wis concerning It ready for consideration, it Is evident tint a I pool, according to announcement. good many people take ns much Inter- I The first unit of the big cannery of the Puyallup and Sumner Fruit Grow- est in the dayjight saving question, as iu uie leusuo OI nations. $100 Reward, $100 I The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at leafs one dreaded disease that science has keen able to curs tn all Its stages and that Is catarrh. Catarrh bains; greatly Influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall's1 Catarrh Medicine Is taken Intsrnslly and acts thru the Hood on -the Mucous 8ur- facss of the System thereby destroying awution ana ass work. The proprietors have so much faith tn the curative powers lot Hall's vatarrn Mcuictqa trtat thev loffer One Hundred Dollars for any ease fiat it falls lo cure fM.nrt.ror list of testimonials. Address R J.jCHENEY & CO.. Toledo. wuiv. ovui V) ail Lrugstsl, Jjjjj . 1 1 tttiiiiiiiiiiiiniimiit Quality Always Service First Trade WitFUI and be a healthy, satisfied family" You won't dread every time you have to go to the store to buy groceries, vegetables 6r fruits that you will not receive value for your money, or that you will have to spend too much for what you get. What we sell goes on your table; what you pay us goes for more supplies for your table. We make these trans actions as equal as possible for your benefit and our business. ( The economy 6ash drocery Phone 561. ; 7 v' and' your Orders will : rir t'-illed'V' .,. Quality Always Service First MIIIIMIHmMMH VM4sVsW., -i ' 'AsM 1 MMMIUHIIMH HUIIHHI Change ad About time eh? p- A Stale Ad y is nearly as bad as a stag nant pool of water. Stale advertising encourages stagnant business While we are doing a little talking by remodeling our new Stores, we wish to hold your left eye on this space. Has anvbodv invented the "Snale Trot?" We prefer the Turkey Trot.'1 ' Nothing is more annoying to a business man than the visits of him who has none." So if you are a live one and a success for yourself, come and mix with us. We'll try to absorb some of the good ideas you are carrying around with you and we'll try to give you ample returns for all we get from you. Money is N. G. standing still and if you'll make some exchanges with us for goods, we'll promise you there'll be something doing and we will keep the moijcy moving. Watts & Rogers1" Hardware and Implements its' association in Albany, which will be one of the largest plants of he kind In the Btate. began work Monday morn ing. The selection of J. N. Burgess of Pendleton to succeed W. L. Thompson as a member of the state highway com mission following the lattcr's removal n from eastern Oregon to Portland on the foundation pt the disease, giving the 11 Jantinrv 1 1020 hs mot with snnrnr. patient strength by buildlnn up ths con- ) Jnuar "'W. nas niet wttn appro- sting nature In doing Its ' al In all sections of Hie state, accord- Jraf to letters, telegrams and person?! jaiMgage NactUsc UkO ueciitiv A The first National Bank of Athena Capital and Surplus, $100,000 Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent 1 r