The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, August 29, 1919, Image 3

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Dance tomorrow night
At the Athena Opera House.
' For sale, eight dozen laying S. C.
Brown Leghorns. Chris Thoeny, Wes
ton, Oregon.
" ' W. B. Zerba has been seriously
111 this week at the home of his
l'iuarlu, Mrs. Blaine Dugger.
Mr. and Mrs. Crothers of Helix
have moved into the Mclntyre cottage
on Hunt avenue. Mr. Cruthers oper
ated the caterpillar for Watts Bros,
during harvest.
The Clifton Applegate Company of
Portland, have been awarded the con
tract to, construct the Rieth-Echo sec
t in i ' the Eastern Oregon Highway,
The wo 'will take all winter and part
'' wining spring to complete.
Mi.'ti Esbensen, teacher in the
Athena, high school last year, has
Written that sho has spent most of
the summer with friends at Dhite
hM Wlsconlsn, after a short jseason
in Chautauqua work as violinist in a
girls' orchestra.
Mrs. Arefci Clinton has been the
J guest of friends at Walla Walla.
Fr-r Pp--' will sell my residence
an . . ji.erson streets furnlsh
ed. Enquire for partlculara. Mrs.
Elizabeth Wllmot.
'euos .ueP sjpi w ejnbu3
dtquuoscdi n in 'uaqw u! seuioq
aUJII S3Diu am ;o ouo 3l"S
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Wllmot expect
to go to -Long Beach, California, to re
side permanently. Their Athena res
idence property is for sale.
Mrs. Ferol Clark of Seattle, la a
guest at the home of Mr .and Mrs.
' ri.old Wood, near town.
Mfca Ilianrh Swaggart has been
.- ii t ri a-Ives and friends in Pen
dleton this week.
Mrs, W. H. Gould'of Weston, visit
ed yesterday in Athena, at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Orel McPherrin.
The opening meeting of McKenzie
Ch pter O. E S. for the season after
Bummer vacation, will be nexet Wed
nesday evening, September 3. There
will be niatory work and all members
are requested to bo 'present.
Mr. and Mrs Ousper Woodward and
family and Mr. and Mrs. George Wood
ward and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Gerking and family are spend
ing the week at Wallowa Lake.
AnARTCAFlPlrturff '"
Saturday, August 30
Sell Them
In mentioning the Frantz Premier to
your friends, you will find them enthu
siastic. Either they possess one or know some
thing good to say about it. There ore a
quarter million Frantz Premier: now in
Mrs. Minnie Wlllaby, Miss Adah
DeFreece and Miss Carrie DeFreece
have returned from a week's visit to
mngham Springs.
Miss Audra Wlnship, accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. Hunter and daughter
Dollie, on a camping trip to Bingham
Mrs. Sanford Stone has returned
home from a fortnight's visit with
relatives in Seattle.
Mrs. William P. Hidenour of Che
lan, Wash., is a guest of Weston and
' thena relatives.
Mrs. N. J .Osborne and son Percy,
md Miss Jeannette Miller will spend
next week camping at Bingham
Springs. .
Mr. and Mrs. Starr Charlton and
children returned Tuesday from a
visit in La Grande. Mr. and Mrs.
Charlton will depart this week for
their home near Hill River, Alberta,
after spending several weeks here vis
iting relatives and friends .
Saturday evening, at the Christ'an
Church parsonage, a quiet wedding
was solemnized when Miss Jeane An
derson, of. Pendleton, became the bride
og Gene L. Cherry, of Walla Walla.
The young couple ware accompalned
by Paul Lieuallen, and the ceremony
was performed by Rev. B. B. Burton.
Mrs. P. B. Radtke and children and
Mrs. Radtke's mother, Mrs. Armfleld
of Portland will spend several days at
Blnkham Springs.
W. C. Miller wll ltake a vacation
and will rusticate at Bingham springs
for a couple of weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rice had as their
Kiiests this week Freddie Cochran and
Lester Walker, both of Brownsville
who have been assisting in the Uma
tilla harvest. The boys left yester
day for Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. any Cronk will Ae
Sunday guests o' Mr. and Mrs. A. B.
Steele at their Bingham camp.
Mrs. John Stanton was in Pendle
ton Wednesday, where sen attended
the f uneral of young Mlllarrd
Vaughan, who met his death by an
accidental shot while hunting laBt
Monday. He was the son of Mayor
Vaughan of Pendleton, a cousin of
Mrs, Stanton.
A. A. Foss Transacted business In
Pendleton, yesterday.
Mrs. Lulu Read has left for Port
land, where she expects to remain for
several months.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Raymond were
in the city this week, guests at the
home of Mrs. Raymond's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. Parker.
""Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dell and daugh
ter. Miss Lucinda, came down from
the moutnain camp Sunday, where
they have spent the past six weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Sturgls
were In the city Sunday evening from
Mrs. F. E. Boyd returned home
Sunday 'evening from a visit with
relatives in Portland, and Reedsport
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Marsh of Pen
dleton, were in the city Tuesday.
. Every night next week will be show
night at the Standard Theatre, in
observation of National Paramount-
Artcraft Week. The week begins
Sunday night August 31st with Julian
Eltlng in ''Princess Charming, and
closes with Nazimova in "The Red
Lantern," Saturday night.;Septerab$r
9. '.
Mrs. Jack Parker ana Aire. Samuel
Booher were Pendleton visitors yes
terday. Help build the Woman's Bluldlng
at Oregon University, by patronizing
the benefit dance at the opera bouse,
tomorrow evening.
Miss Doris Harper has returned to
her home in Portland, after visiting
at the home of her grandfather, J. D.
Lost A brown horse-hide lap robe
between Athena and Saridhollow.
Leave at this office.
Seasonable Fruits
aDd V get ; bit s
in abundance
W.lons. uaranteed to
no rip , 3c pornd.
alit'mnia Grvpes, fresh and
luscious, basket $1.
Such as Deyiled Ham, Devil
ed I'ongue and Chicken. Pic
nic Pickles, Picnic Ham, cold
sliced Ham, etc. etc.
There are mighty gov reasons why everyone
be w
should buy our ''high quali procerie-it is economy
to do so. The purity of our'Aty groceries is a guar-
" ting p)
antee of health for you. None Ivt'ter.
Quality, Quantity, Service. Phone 171. This Store Open Evenings 'I
Conrid Miller, who has spent the
summer in Union county, and an ope
ration performed for removal of ad
nolds, at La. Grande, this week. Con
ad will soon return to enter school.
George Wlnship has been discharg
ed from the service, and has arrived
home. After spending a month In
Montana on the LeGrow stock ranch
with Grover Bowls, he will return
here and assume his old position in
the First National Bank.
Max Hopper, who before the war
''eld the position of bookkeeper at the
First National Bank, has again en
tered the employ of that Institution.
Ie commenced work this week.
George Myrick and family have
moved into town from the Prank Ber
lin ranch, and are occupying the resi
dence in the north part of town, which
was recently vacated by B. D. Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. Curran McFadden re
turned home Sunday evening from
Corvallis, where they were called by
'he serious illness of Mr. McFadden's
nother. The mother is recovering.
Little Ralph Carstens, who had his
left fot amputated at Walla Walla,
last week, has returned home, end is
able to be around in a wheel chair.
The operation was performed by Dr.
Yeylor and Dr. Sharp has the case In
R. C. Brady, old-time Athena resi
dent, was in the city Saturday.
There is a total of 206 041 3-4 acres
under cultivation for agricultural and
hort'cural purposes, in Umatilla coun
ty, according to a report practically
completed by Assessor c. P. Strain.
Helix has contracted for eight
Mocks of concrete paving on Main
street of that town. The contract was
'et last Saturday for the Work to J. A.
'"udifcl of Kallspell, Mont., for $18,-
The opening of the Style Shop in
thena, last Friday and Saturday, was
'nrgely attended by the ladles of Athe
na, Weston and vicinity. Mrs. Ma
hews reports satisfactory sales for
he opening days. The Style Shop
promises to prove popular with Athena .
ladles, who desire high class millin
ery, coats and suits at reasonable
prices. The lines carried, embrace"
the class of wearing apparel that Im
posed upon the trade the necessity of
Toing out of town to secure.-
Percy Wilson is expected home in a
few days, as soon as discharged from
Camp Lewis, where he has been un
der quarantine. His sister, Mrs. Roy
Griffith, with Her husband ,will be
here to assist in, welcoming the re
turned soldier. Mr. and Mrs. Griffith
live in Montana,
Mrs. N. J. Osborne arrived in Athe
na Sunday morning from Iowa, where
she has spent the past two years at
the home of her daughter. She was
met by her son, Percy, and has been
a guest at the home qf Mr. and Mrs.
F. S. LeGrow. Iter soft; Eugene,' will
arrive in a few days from Southern
Oregon, hwere he has been since re
ceiving his discharges from the ser
vice, and Dr. B. B. Osborne is ex
pected home from France in the near
future. It is expected that tho ram
lly will reside In Portland, which will
be the doctor's headquarters In his
state veterinarian work, and Eugene
will attend business college. Percy
will finish his course at O. A. C. Mrs.
Osborne had four sons and a son-in-law
In the service, all four sons being
.in Franco during the past year.
Services at the Christian church
nevt Sunday , as follows. Sunday
school at ten. preach ins at II a. m.
and 8 p. m. In the morning Mr. Bur
ton will tell of his visit to Gethse
mane and the lasting impressions pro
duced. Union services at the Chris
tian church, Sunday night.
Mrs. W. E. Dobson returned home
Wednesday evening from a month's
visit with relatives at Portland. The
first of this week was spent with the
family of Dr. and A,r. A. B. Stone, at
The Dalles.
Mr. and Mrs. J E. Jones have ar
rived in Athena from Fort Worth,
Texas, and are guests at the Al. Sig
mon home. Mrs. Jones is a sister
of Mr. Sigmon. and has visited her
brother here before.
Superb Pictures at Standard Theatre
Ml oi Next Week.
National Paramount-Artcraft Week
will be observed b,y all motion picture
theaters showing the Paramount-Artcraft
productions, under contract.
National Week brtglns Sunday. August
81st and ends Saturday, September 1.
There will be a good show every even
ing if tht week at the Standard, tho
stars in seven superb productions,
Julian Eltlng in "Princess Charm
ing," Pathe News and L-Ko Comedy,
Sunday, August 31.
Douglass Fairbanks In "Wild and
Wooly." and Fatty Arbuckle In
"Good Night. Nurse." Monday, Sep
tember 1.
Griffith's big 7-reeI special produc
tion, "The Girl Wro Staid at Home."
and Fatty Arbuckle In "The Bell
Boy," Tuesday, September 2.
Billie Rhodes in "Hoop-la" the
great circus picture, and a 2-reel
Harold Lloyd Comedy, Wednesday,
September 3.
Wallace Reld in "Believe Me, Xan
tlppe," and Mack Sennett Comedy,
"(Her Blighted Love," Thursday, Sep
tember 4.
j Mary Pickford In "How Could You,
Jean?" and Charlie Chaplin In
All of the above shows at regular
The final picture of the series brings
the great Nazimova on Saturday
night, September 6th, In "The Red
Lantern," a super 7-reeI production,
which with news feature and prism
picture, completes the program. The
price of this show necessarily has to
be increased to 25c for children un
der 15 ynars; th at liad mission 22c.
war tux Jc, total 25c; adults, admis
sion, 45c war tax Co, total 19a ' "
Percales, Ginghams,
Crepe Faille, Black Satin
Bedgaline Vesting,
Pongee Silk, White Corduroy
Fancy Plaid Silk
c411adin Dye Soap
Phone 152
Athena Department Store
The local W. C. T. U. will hold
their regular monthly meeting next
Tuesday afternoon at the home of the
president, Mrs. Desfler. Officers for
the coming year will be elected, and
refreshments will be served after the
transaction of business. A full at
tends ice is requested of the members,
and visitors are invited.
Robert Coppock is going to be in
dependent of the city water norks.
He has lately installed a cistern which
after the fall rains will afford an am
ple supply of soft water for the house
hold, and this week a pressure system
was attached to an eighty-foot bored
well, by Mr. Snider and Chance Rog
ers, of the firm of Watts & Rogers.
'Ibis will be used for irrigation.
Prune Pickers Wanted. By K. A.
Mays, on Pine Creek, 7 miles south
west of Freewater, with or without
Miss Pauliiu Myrick will leave next
month for Portland, where she will
take a general course in the Behnke
Walker Business College.
Athena Garage
'Dr. RP. Bennet
Weston, :-: Phone, 83
Pure, Fresh Milk and Cream
delivered twice daily
Prices, Pint 10c, Quart 15c
We are particular in every detail
in cutomoblile repairing at our
Garage. Expert attention always.
We are equipped for
je the
n has
Id 3D
Special attention given to hauling of
Fuel, Household Goods and Freight.
Will make out of town trips at reas
onable rates. PHONE 862, ATHENA
Get our prices be
fore placing your
Berry Monument works
F. M. Barry, Prop.
12th and Main Street nearO. W. R.
N. Passenger Depot Walla Walla Wash.
N. A. MILLER Local Representative.
B. F, Sharp
Special attention given to all
calls both night and day.
Oallt promptly answered. Office on Third
street. Atom Oregor
Ford Parte
are the only SAFE PARTS to use in
your Ford. We have them and can put
them in with the least delay. ( ord tires
give more miles per dollar. White Star
Oil gives vou most miles per qnart. Let
us show vou.
Davidson Oarage Co.
Phone 81, Athena, Oregon