I&lOxxx Expense "g f ManS II i Khe power chain SANITARY FLOOR ENAMEL . Thi Neii) Coating for 01 J Floors KYANIZE Sanjary Floor Enamel is the newest and fine coating produced to make old (loon new. tt ii a blend ing ol the higher grade varnish and permanent colon, so that you can paint and varnish in one operation. It i easy to apply, J.:.- u.Ll ..n'k a Ivaatllifttl rtlirnM nlfWC Anfl it CAIl hf washed repeatedly without losing its lustre hence it is extremely sanitary. Lomes in eight pleasing ana permanent cciors. It's Just What You've Been Looking for Here's Our FREE OFFER Try it, free of charge. A full 50 cent can, any color, it you will buy trom us a gooct ij cent brush to apply it. Enough to enamel the floor of a small room or the border of a large one. Don't Fail to Try It McFADDEN PHARMACY The $&at Store PHONE 331 It will pay you to watch our Windows The Gasoline "Red Crown" has a contin uous, uniform chain of boil ing point which gives easy starting, power and mileage. Mixtures have "holes" in the chain. Look for the Red Crown sign before you fill. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CtlifoUM) GUY GRONK, Spercial Agent, Standard OH Co. Athena SIMPLY COULD NOT- FORGET Macaulay's Memory Could Only Be Described as Marvelous John Bright a Close Second. Tulklng of quickness In repnrtee n story of Sydney Smith was cited I hud not yet heard. "Do tell, me, Mr Smith," exclaimed a rather gushing young lnrt.v, "what l dogmiitlsm?" "My dear young lady." he replied, "dogmatism Is only puppyism grown older." I remember at breakfast one dny at my Wther's, Lord Miicuutay begnn lo repeat some trashy old historical unl lads, and so went on versa after versa Until my father exclaimed, "Why. Macnuluy, how eun you have com mitted all that rubbish to memory? What utter waste of time!" "Com mitted to memory!" cried Moeaulny. "I only wish I could forget It. I sim ply glanced over those verses when standing at u bookstall one day." If I remember rightly, he said lit the same tlmo that If the first four books of Milton's "Paradise Ut" were de stroyed, he eguld reproduce them word for word. . . . Mr. Bright sad Mr. Longfellow .mot each other for the first time at our breakfast table und were mightily de lighted with each other. Again the conversation turned upon memory, anil John nrlght asked Mr. Longfellow whether he could Identify and elnlm every line of poetry he had ever writ ten. Mr. Longfellow thought he could not. Then he In turn put the question would Mr. Bright be able to Identify every one of the speeches he had made? "Yes," said Mr. llrluht. "not every passage, pornnps, tanen oy useir, out given a certain amount of the context I undoubtedly could " From "The Notebook of a Spinster Lady." . LITTLE CHANGED BY TIME Dwellers In Mountains of Tyrol Live In Much the 8ame Way as Did Their Ancestors. The mountains of Tyrol shelter one of the few remaining unspoiled penn ant people of Kurope a people that wears a native costume, remembers Its folk legends and follows customs cen turies old. The mountain Tyrolese arc robust, hard-working folk. Life In (he moun tains demands work from every mem ber of the household from daybreak until after dark. , Then, on winter nights, the Tyrolese peasants piny. Dancing Is n favorite amusement after the day's work, and this Is all the more surprising because the dances of Tyrol are more strenuous Ikoo those of Itiisslu or I'oland. To swing your i purtner up to the celling, and to fall down and spring up again wmioui us ing the hands for support are among the "steps" of a good dancer's reper toire. While the dancing couple excitedly swing and caper, the others sing and piny the sillier, the favorite Tyrolese musical Instrument. Original songs are In high favor, and also the old folk songs of princes und peasants, shepherdesses and huntsmen. The pensunts slug lustily and well. Only a realisation of tomorrow's work puts an end to the affair, and sends guests trooping home still whistling or hum ming: the last song. Standard Theatre Saturday, August 16 MARYPICKtORD'Stclla Maris'W .CMJTCRAiT Picture Sunday, August 17 BillieBurke Jo :f -:' -- j "MYSTERIOUS MISS TERRY' Wednesday August 20 Nazimova in "TOYS OF FATE" Pathe.Weekly and Prisms. Good Comedy, always j Now Ready New fashionable Silk, Plush and Wool Coats, Suits and Dresses for fall and winter of 1919. Buy now while selection is complete. Silk Plush Coats, $19.75 to 49.50 Vdour and Wool Coats, $12.50 to 29.50 Serge and Tricotine Suits, $24.75 to 45.00 Serge Dresses, $16.50 to 24.75 Silk Dresses, $18.50 to 29.50 Received, new Fall Millinery. Pretty Hats Priced $3.50 to $5.90 111 ls ----ja-sm-js-M- Two Hundred Years Ago. "And herein It Is thut I take upon me to make such a bold assertion that nil the world are mistaken in their prac tice about women ; for 1 cannot think that God Almighty made them . . . so glorious creatures . . . with souls capable of the same accomplish ments with men, und all to be only stewards of our bouses, cooks, and slaves." This advanced doctrine, which In Its climax sounds somewhat as If It j were uttered In a present day conven i tlon, was written, us Is noted in a re cent book on Ijlngllsh literature, some two hundred years ugo, by Daniel Defoe. Outlook. Coconut Palm the Tropical Cow. Copra consists of the dried meats of coconuts. It contains from 50 to 63 per cent of oil. In India, Cochin China, the South Sea Islands and elsewhere the oil' has been used ns food since the dawn of history, for the fats contained In It arc singularly like the milk fats of mammals In most respects. It Is al ready lu wide use in this country as "nut margarine," which is coconut oil Into Which some butter has been melt ed and the whole churned with skim milk Hint Is, milk with the fats re movedand worked as ordinary butter. $m Reward, $10$ The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science baa been able to cure In all Its stages and that la catarrh:'- Catarrh being greatly Influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hatl'a Catarrh Medicine Is taken Internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Sur faces of the System thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, giving the patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature In doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith In the curative powers of Hall's Catarrh Medicine that they offer One Hundred Hollars for any case that It fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHKNKT A CO.. Toledo, Ohio. , Sola by all tiussUt. fte. OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAUNTEREST Principal Events of the Week Briefly Sketched for Infor mation of Our Readers. St. Helens Is experiencing a build ing boom. W. C. Latham, an Oregon pioneer of 1852, died in Albany. A post of the American Legion was organized in McMinnville. Dallas soldiers, Bailors and marines organised a post of the American Le gion. Eighty rural schools in Linn county are without teachers for the coming term. Pulling of flax on the state farms will be completed within the next 10 days. , P. W. Marx, formerly of land, was chosen as city engineer of The Dalles. . Fire losses In Oregon, exclusive of Portland, for the month of July totaled 1421,230. J. C. Perry of Salem was elected president of the Oregon State Pharma ceutical association. The Hood River chapter of "the American Legion has a chapter roll of more than 100 names. The city of Marsh field proposes to buy the local race track grounds as an aviation landing place. Pendleton lodge of Elks will start a campaign at once to finance the con struction of a new S100.000 building. Fred W. Currey of Albany was ap pointed city chemist of Portland to succeed C. C. Calloway, who resigned. Fire completely destroyed the dry ing and storage sheds of the Pine Box Lumber company in Orants Pass. William Albee, marshal at Helix for a number of years, has been appointed county game warden for Umatilla county. The Oregon wheat crop, according to the bureau of crop estimates, will make a total yield this year of 19, 500,000 bushels. The state highway commission has awarded Hood River county two gov ernment motor trucks for use in high way construction. Bandon post of the American Le gion, has been organized by returned soldiers and application has been made for a charter. Contract prices for prunes advanced 100 per cent between April 28 and July' 29, according to the records of the Marion county clerk. Operation of the new paving plant purchased recently by the Marion county court has proved a valuable asset in road building. The harvest of fruit in the Rogue river valley Is now well under way. Estimates place the value of the yield this year at $2,000,000. Tripartite control of the railroads is pointedly opposed in resolutions adopt ed by the Oregon chapter, American Association of Engineers. Twenty-eight thousand pounds of T. N. T. has arrived in Bend and will be put at the disposal of the forest serv ice for making forest roads. Linn county's (600,000 bond issue has been approved in every detail by bond attorneys of the East and will now be placed on the market. Half a century's activity as a practic ing attorney in Yamhill county Is re called by the death of James McCain at his borne In McMinnville. F. A. Olmsted of Portland was ap pointed by Governor Olcott to succeed H. N. Lawrie as a member of the Ore gon bureau of mines and geology. Linn county ex-service men met in Albany and named the local post of the American Legion in honor of George E. Chamberlain, Oregon's war senator. Dollar bills raised to $5 by pasting words and numerals over the original designations have jrn passed in towns about the ni' of the Colum bia river. With prospects of , , of the best yields ever produced, estimated at 50 bushels to the acre, threshing of the 260-acre oat crop on the state hospi tal farm has started. jjjp A post of the American Legion was organized at Dallas by Captain Walter L Toozc, Jr. About 25 former soldiers, most of whom saw service overseas, form the temporary organization. One of the biggest hay crops in the state of Oregon is being cured this season on the Chewaucan Land com pany's ranch in the Paisley section, where 28,000 acres will yield an aver age of two tons. Mr. and Mrs. Will Rees of New berg have received a French eroix de guerre with a bronze star awarded their dead son, Private Lester C. Rees, for bravery displayed under machine gun and artillery tire. City parks of the state that are able to pay traveling expenaea for elk will each be entitled to a pair I' the cities desire them. This waa the decision reached at the regular monthly meeting of the state fish and game commission, when the disposal of 140 head now In pasture near f1"?1 "r '"'"'ifgfll Quality Always Service First Mr. Farmei It will be to vour interest to see us before you place your harvest order for Groceries. The Economy Cash Grocery Phone 5ffJ and your Orders will be filled. Quality Always Service First I. IMVHAA.A a a HIIIHIUI t IIIIIMII We are glad to be with you we arc here We are glad to be with you and we will try to share with you whether in prosperity or adversity Of good will, we are chock full. Of am bition to serve and please, we have scripture measure (fox tails put pep in us.) Of stock in trade we have 13 boxes of tacks, 27 draper sticks, 7 oil cans and a strip of whang leather and a few other articles, too numerous to mention. Now that our dude editor is out of the way, we are proceeding to fix some shel ves (one for stogies,) a sweat box in one corner a private office and a hole in the floor to the cooling chamber old beer garden. Watch Athena grow. Come and see us. New signs will soon point the way to Watts & Rogers Hardware and Implements IMMimiMMII The first National Bank If Athena Capital and Surplus, $100,000 Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent