The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, August 15, 1919, Image 3

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Harry Keller spent Sunday in Walla
George Sheard i the owner of a fine
now fiuick car.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Haworth are in
Spokane this week.
Mrs. Herman Kirk and children are
at Bingham Springs.
Kead the opening announcemen
of the new tftyle Shop.
mr ana Jure. Airrea i-amourn sperjt
8 inday In Walla Walla.
Mrs. Jerry Stone Is vlslt'ng relatives!
and friends In Portland.
Mr. ana Mrs. Hamp Booher wei
here from Weston, Sunday.
Miss Lucille Taylor spent Sunflay
with friends in Walla Walla.
W. E. Haynle and A. B. Grover
were In Pendleton, Wednesday.
t-J J
i ny hoi
'"C ' ,' '
Geissel has returned to
me in Athena from Pendleton.
Audra Wlnshlp is spending a
flaja at the Hunter home in Mtl-
'or Sale A til "Reliable" carpet
Sweeper, for 5. Inquire J, C. Penney
Mrs. Italph Suggs enjoyed a visit
from her mother, Mrs. Lleuallen, re
cently. Miss Dollle Hunter of Walla Walla.
spent several days In Athena, visiting
f i lends.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Willaby have
returned from a visit to relatives at
I Miss Belle Mclntyre has returned
home, from a visit with friends in
George Eaton,- formerly employed
in the I'reston-S'iaffer mill, has pur
chased the Talace Cafe on main street
and will take possession at once.
cTWrs. A. Mathews wishes to announce
to the ladies of Athena and vicinity, the
opening of her STYLE SHOP on Friday
and Saturday, August 22 and 23, where
they will find an exclusive stock of Mil
linery, Coats Coatees, Suits, Dresses,
Waists, etc, in quality and styles that
will please the most fastidious. A A
She will be pleased to have you call and
be shown these beautiful lines during the
opening days, and be convinced that it
will not be necessary to leave Athena
to purchase up to the minute wearing
apparel. Remember place and date. A
The Style Shop
Aug. 22-23
Sell Them
In mentioning the Frantz Premier to
your friends, you will find them enthu
siastic. Either they possess one or know some
thing good to lay about it. There are a
quarter million Frantz Premiers now in
BaRREIT building
Mrs. D. H. Mansfield of Walla Walla
pent Sunday with her daughter, Mra.
Bert Liogsden.
A party of young people went "to the
Umatilla river Sunday for the purpose
pi swimming.
Mr. W. R. Taylor and Mr. E. A.
Dudley transacted business In Walla
Walla, Saturday.
MJss Helen Boyer of Pendleton
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs
Eager this week.
miss nena Hamster of Weston, was
the guest this week of her slater, Mrs.
a L. McFadden.
Mrs. Wm. Taylor and little son,
Beryl, are visiting relatives In La
Grande this week. -
Mrs. Omar Stephens had as her
guest over the week end, Miss Thelmt,
Dupuls of Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. John Walker and
daughters Maggie and Elsie, were In
Walla Walla, Monday.
Mrs. Cart Christian and daughter
Leone, of Adaim spent the week end
with Natives in Athena.
Mrs. Ethel G. -Scott, and sister, Mrs.
Poster, of Walla Walla, spent a por
tion of the week in Athena.
Mrs. Audra Hodgena of Umaplne.
spent several days at the home of her
aunt, Mrs. Bern Banister.
Don't forget the opening dates ot
the new Style Shop August 22 and
23, Friday and Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hansell and children
will leave soon for Bingham Springs,
where they will enjoy camping:
Mra. John Shlok of Walla Walla.
visited at the home ot her parents Mr.
and Mrs. Al Booher, last week.
George Myrlck "has rented a dwell-
the north part of town, and will
come to Athena for the winter.
lMr. and Mrs. Wm. Pinkerton and
ittle grandson Garth, attended the
reus at Walla Walla Monday.
After several weeks spent at Bing
ham Springs, Mrs. A. H. Mclntyre and
children have returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. C, M. Eager were in
Dayton, Wednesday,, attending the
funeral of Mr, Eager's mother.
SMiH3 Blanche Swaggart visited at
nhff home of Miss Lois Swaggart in
Pendleton: the first of the week.
Mrs. George Lattln and Mrs. Guy
Cronk are spending a few weeks ir
Milton, assisting In packing fruit.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert' Taylor have
moved Into the George Thompson cot
tage on Adams street, west of Third.
George Wlnshlo has been transferr.
ed from Ft. Douglas, Utah, to Letter
man General Hospital, San Francisco.
Mrs. Samui'I Pambrun and daugh
ters spent Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. W. Williams, at Gibbon.
Mr, and Mrs. L. Bryan of Toppenlsh
Wash., are guests of their daughter,
Mrs. Clem Duncan, north of Athena.
Mrs. R. W. Taylor and daughter,
Lucille, spent Sunday at Bingham
Springs, guests of Mrs. E. A. Dudley.
Frank Snider, employed by Watts
& Rogers, has rented the Chas. Norrli
residence property on Fourth street.
Miss Greta Mclntyre returned home
from Portland, where she has been
spending a portion of her school vaca
tion. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Hansell and
children, will leave soon for Bingham
Springs, where they will enjoy camping.
jn in I
' I coma t
We are especially prepared to handle your
this year with the very best at lowest prices
Quality, Quantity, Service. Phone 171. This Store Open Evenings
Mrs. Atmfield, mother of Mrs. Fred
ladtke, arrived in the city from Port
end, last evening.
Mrs. Jane Nelson .has brought suit
or divorce from her husband, Jackson
ielson. She aaks for court costs and
one third property interests.
Mra Minnie Willaby, Miss Adah
DcFreece and Miaa Carrie DeFreece
till spend next week at Bingham.
James Price, president, and E. M.
Smith cashier, ot the Farmers Banh
of Weston, were In the city Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. D. Scott Fisher and
Mrs. Allison Mrs. . Fisher's sister
-pent Sunday at the Melby home in
Mrs. Bowman and children have
returned to their home In Portland,
after a visit with her mother, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Hunter and
laughter Dollle, were In Athena Wed
nesday from their ranch at Spofford
Miss Amy Purcell of California, and
Miss Laura Puroell, of Oregon City,
ara.vUitlng at thath'ome of their sis
er, Mrs. M. W. Hansell. (
Mrs. Laura Zerba has as her guest
pearl Cameron of Helix, who will re-
xain with her during the winter, and
attend the public school.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Burr and children
tiave moved to Athena from Pendle
ton. Mr. Burr '.s employed with the
Warren Construction Company, p
Mrs. Asa Aborgast, late of Stanfleld
,Is moving Into the residence she re
cently purchased of Reed Hill. She
has four youn sons, who will enter
school in Athena
A number of little tots gathered at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. B.
lohard, Friday afternoon, and en-
loyed a delightful time.' The occasion
was in honor of Roland's fourth birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dudley spent
Sunday at the home of Mrs. Wall,
Mrs. Dudley's s'eter. Mr. Dudley 1
employed In the J. C. Penney store at
Pt-ndletoo. Mrs. Dudley was formerly
Miss Laura Muir.
Among Athena people camped a
Bingham Springs are Mr. and ,M
Dan Mclntyre, and family, Mrs, ly
Cannon and children, Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Haworth and Mra K. A. Dudley.
Mrs. A. M. Johnuon and children re
turned from tho Springs, Sunday.
The Juvenile members of the Sun
shine Club were royally entertained
at the home of Jennamae Read, Fri
day afternoon, when they partlclpat
ed in a lawn party. The lawn was
decorated appropriately for tho occa
sion with bunting and Chinese lan
Mr. and Mra. Orville Booher have
;one to Sacramento, California, where
they contemplate to reside in the fu
ture. Mr. Booher hat been more or
less afflicted with rheumatism, since
being discharged from the second en
listment in the United,, States navy.
several months ago. 'tl 1
The new farm house of Allck John
son, Northeast of Athena, which la to
replace the home destroyed by fire
several weeks ago. Is nearing comple
tion. S. Gore has tho contract for
constructing the house, which is of
the bungalow type, and blult on th
site of the former structure.
Mr. and Mrs. C. u McFadden were
called to Corvallls, Wednesday by the
uerious illness of Mr. McFadden's
mother. Miss PauliUC ttyrlcU is. con
ducting the pharmacy during Mr. Mc
Fadden's absence.
Miss Stella Jackson and mother of
Dayton, Wash., were guests this week
of Mrs. A. A. Fobs. Miss Jackson,
who was formerly engaged in the mil
linery business In Athena, now con
ducts a millinery store in Dayton.
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Venable have
We are Fully Provided
For This
Tear's Harvest Bush
Store and cellar are packed full of the dif
ferent foods, canned and otherwise, that go
to make a first-class harvester's dinner.
Our stock is new and perfect. Our prices
are right. Come and see.
Athena Department Store
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Dudley, Mr. and
rs. Wm. Pinkerton, Mr. and Mrs.
loyd Pinkerton, Mr. and Mrs. Laur-
elite Pinkerton, Art Coppock and
family, and M. W. Hansell and family
are among the Athena people who will
be camping t Bingham Springs during
the next few weeks.
Mrs. Norva Miller, who has been at
the home of her parents in this city
for several weeks, attending on her
mother, Mis. A. J. Walker who ha
long been In ill health, was called
lack to her home In Klamath Falls
on account of illness of her young
daughter. Mil), Wdllicr'u hcullli lo
sumewhat improved.
The motor which drives the cooling
plant at the City Meat Market, was
burned out Sunday, when the power
was turned off In the absence of the
proprietors, when the motor was run
ning, and then turned on again, In
process of repairing the service lines.
The motor was sent to Walla Walla
for rewinding.
Mrs. Lee Johnson who for a time
was seriously ill, has so far recovered,
after a sergical operation, that she
will be brought to her home west of
Athena, from the hospital at Pendle
ton. Sunday. Her many Athena
friends will bo pleased to learn that
Mrs. Johnson is on tho way to per
manent recovery.
MMs,mtMiinnnni i tnnntinn
Athena Garage
Uoai Wanted. 1 will pay the high
est market price for fat hogs and stock
hogs. Leave word at Logadon & My
rick's Meat Market. D. H. Mansfield.
oved Into town from the Koepke
ranch for the winter, and are occupy
ing the Kirk cottage on Fourth street.
Mr. Venable la employed at the Preston-Shaffer
Samuel Mahaffey, oldtime news
paper man of Union county, who Is
spending the summer with his daugh
ter Mrs. John F. Thompson at the
stock ranch on the Umatilla river, was
in town Tuesday, in company with
Mr. Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Harris were
in the city Sunday from Walla Walla.
Mr. Harris was. until a short time ago,
manager of the Athena Drug company.
Since disposing of the store to Mr.
McFadden, Mr. Harris has been cm
ployed In a drug store at Walla Walla.
Duncan Mclntyre returned to his
home at Enslgi. Alberta, leaving
Athena Tuesday evening, after several
weeks visit with relatives in this vici
nity. He was acompalned by his sister
Mrs. Edward Taylor and children,
who also had been on an extended
visit here.
Next Tuesday afternoon, August 12
the members of the Knitting Club will
hold their food tale at the Economy
Caah Grocery. The proceeds from the
sale will go towjrd the support of the
four French orphans, recently adopt
ee; by the Club. Your patronage is
For Sale A fresh cow,
Betts, Adams, Oregon,
We are particular in every detail
in c4utomoblile repairing at our
Garage. Expert attention always.
We are equipped for
Dr. N.P. Bennet
I Dentist
I Weston. :-: Phone, 83
Special atteutiou given to"' hauling of
Fuel, Household Goods and Freight.
Will make out of town trips at reas
onable rates. PHONE 862, ATHENA
Get our prices be
fore placing your
Berry Monument works
P. M. Barry, Prop.
12th and Main Street near 0. W. R. &
N. Passenger Depot Walla Walla Wash.
N. A. MILLER Local Representative.
8. V. 8harp
Special attention given to til
calls both oight and dar.
GalU promptly aaswanM. Ufflee on Third
Jtri. AU,eu Orator
Ford Parts
are the only SAFE PARTS to use in
your Ford. We have them and can put
them in with the least delay. ord tires
Kive more miles per dollar. White Star
Oil Rivgs vou most miles per qnart. Let
us show vou.
, Davidson Garage Co.
Phone 81, Athena, Oregon