The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, August 15, 1919, Image 2

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    S-fce Men Wtm
F. b. Boyd. Publisher
MuVmcription Rats .
One copy, on year $2.00
One copy, six months 4100
One copy, three months 75
Camouflaged Philosophy.
In rrliwlli!i i hi" KhoHilnv.ii l bet
ter I hull Hi: IimIiIiii.
It's tifii i lie -lnuinge Inn the straw
Icny Hint make tin Cflke.
Wlint Hie Huns Hunt Is tn make the
wii.v nr die tfiiiiwjrretisiir sort.
, Thorp's nothing like n new ilross to
vtimulate I'liiinh attendant1!).
TIip former u(rli'r rloesn't forget to
uncover when (he flng pauses.
N'ow lei us fix n ilnte for the de
tnoliillznltnn of Hie tinny tvnrro.
There Is us iniieh effort to stivp trees
now us there wits linliles ten years
' fi.isnllnp nifty go up tignln. More op
presslon of the motor driving prole-tirhit!
The prleo of meat Is mining down.
It lioil to move, mid II couldn't go up
niiy higher.
These mny he hard times, hut (he
hrldes' of (he day are no laggards In
Its courage.
When a man heglns to discuss mat
rimony, with a widow the result Is
U'uiaJJy tle,
The shoemakers are evidently deter
rillned to make going barefoot ii pop
nlnr diversion.
America's largest wheat crop ever
grown Is a warning to consumers to
tlgliten Ihelr hells.
A iixf.T, dance Is no longer consld.
pred succcns unless somebody tries
to cull the police.
The dentist's hill Is another thing
thai makes n man wish he hud kept
his mouth shut.
If eggs go tn 80. cents next wlnler,
grocers will be requiring their sales
people to glvo bond.
Hut It Is Just n well to fount on
going to London the slower way this
vacation time nt lenst.
Next to n man stiSpectPd of murder
nobody has to do more explaining than
an official In a republic.
Even the fact that hogs In somo
places are getting fnt on locusts
doesn't bring tho price down.
Sometimes one darkly suspects that
It Is colled strawberry shortcake be
cause It Is so short of strawberries.
There Is no objection o a man's
binning his own horn, hut It's the time
he always selects that makes us tired.
Ono Interesting feature of nn avi
ator's life Is that if the clouds prevail
he easily cun ascend to the silver
Vnu can't tell the make of nn auto
by muffier, hut you can tell the
stripe of the driver by the way ho
uses It.
II begins to look ns If the fellow who
can do the most toward prevpntlng n
ecal shortage this fall Is the man who
buys now.
Once the Itnsslnn patriot's ambition
was to hotnh all the rulprs. Now he
faces the task of fllndtng a way to rule
all the bombers,
A doctor at the American Medical
convention warns that peanuts cause
bronchitis. ' Vet who ever heard an
elephant cough?
Those who do .not like hot weather
Iiould go Into Mho corn raising bust
MMas mid then It would not seem so
njectlonahle to them.
T'rtl'll limp j,o put oft your tnnpfof
France until next year, which will not
only help the government but also the
UHsde book authors. ''
Staybe, after all, the supreme sacri
fice was that of those Hussluli women
ao eager to Join In the revolution that
they cut oft their hair.
Ears those of very young men, at
least have found a new and Important
function. They keep large hats from
engulfing their owners.
A straight line fa the shortest dis
tance between two points except
when flying across the ocean, when the
curvature of the earth mutt be considered.
It Ii difficult tn attain a mental stage
wherein hot w eather and next winter'!
eoal are in sequence, but experience
should have made an Indelible Unpree
ton ere this.
Now that Code Sam has hit expert
Investigating the habits of the oyster
they should discover why It hit the
lonesome habit of appcttrUlg iiUgly U
VAT HAT joy it would -be to have a home all your own. built as a home
should be built, arranged as you've always wanted your hguse. every
thing ordered a.9 you waul it. when you want it your own ard, and a '-ut-la'je
There's nothing like nwninjj a home to make a man realize that he's a sub
stantial citizen, or to give people the confidence In him he deserves.'
You can't measure th:- value of owning our uwn home on a dollar and cents
l;asis alone and yet with rents still on the increase and the price of build
ing stabilized, probably for years to come, home building and home owning
never was a better investment.
Ju-t-add to that the satisfaction and' contentment for your wife, a better
ple.Ce for the babies to grow up, a more "livable" environment
. so."'- investment? Your house and lot arc as safe as n bond. There is an
unprecedented miiiki't now for improved property you can,, "cash In" at
Once If you wish. Five ycur lionet, oven though building pi-Ices slowly
rattle to p. lower level, (lie. tremendous baildios aelivity (hat must come In
the meimtimc will give wour Investment a substantial increase in value.
Prices will hold steady for years! You'll surely build seme
day and you'll never find a more opportune time than now
TJ" O you hesitate because you think
prices are too hlyh and you'jl
Wait for them to drop? You're mak
ing a mistake, for prices must stay at
a high level for years.
Consider the acts. There' a tremen
dous market in Europe and here at
home for everything we can make
the fundamental law of supply and de
mand must work. We have an unpre
cedented amount of gold in the coun
try, and when there is more money in
circulation and no great increase in
production, we simply pass more gold
around for our goods. We have high
prices in figures hut not In reality,
for if wages are higher and goods are
higher, the balance remains the same.
So long as the gold stays here, prices
will hold up. In short, business men
say unreservedly that if prices do go
down at all, it will be very, very slow
ly. In the meantime, rents are higher
ind you pay relatively more to live
as great proportion as though you
built your rome at present figures.
;e iiik niiu.iiiiDoitti-
Ktji&B olty "is to
haveTftccs to live.
"VT E urge you to build because you
will not only help yourself, but
you will help relieve the fliouslngsitu-
ation in our city.
prosper, we must
The home that you build will add per
manent value, add to the wealth and
prosperity of the entire city, give us
opportunity to expand.
And if we can make you realize that
it is to your advantage to build now,
you will help start the wheels of in
dustry. You will put men to work
producing the $7,500 you spend will
call for materials and supplies. The
overnment asks you to build now to
give returning soldiers work in facior
ie: and trades. In short, you'll ruai
only help yourself but you'll help this
community, the nation, and society as
a whole.
We would be glad to talk this matter,
nvcr Individually with you ask the
advice of business men immediately
and have them confirm what we say.
And then
Repair Now
Paint Now
Buy Now
FREE PLAN BOOKS showing Homes with latest designs of book cases, fire-places, pedestal archs, medicine cabinets, kitchen cupboards, side-boaids. ironing boards, etc,
Tnm-a-Lum Lumber Company, Athena, Oregon
ike kitchen
It Is koou tn battle, to puffer, to
be thrown overboard and left to nave
ournelvep. What we low tn cnnitert
we gain in energy, and energy ts the
meet yreelouB of nutn'e weapons.
Charles Wagner.
When ninkini! gravy without
drowned flotir ailil the Hour to Ihe
fnt anil Ktlr until well
htcnited, then mill milk or
wnlcr and H tinspoonftil
of kitchen houquct to
give) the rich blown
Raisin and Celery
Salad. Cut into suiull
pieces two cupful! of cel
ery, two orniiKeH broken
In hits, two-thirds of
cupful "f raisins, secilcd anil pinniped
over steam, u cupful of grated tipple
antl n cupful of mayonnaise. Cover
with this mixture the jrppt Witt muy
onnnlse, mnkliiK nn especially delicious
Green Corn and Green Pepper. Cut
tho corn from four enrs, put Into u
frying pun with u tnhlcspnimful of hot
fnt, mill n chopped green pepper, sen
son with suit and pepper anil UtM more
fut If needed MM) cook twenty minutes,
stlrrlnir to keen from burning,
cVvolet. Till' I n famous Kronen
ti;ll which In hbtll historical mid ap
petizing. Soak over night one quart
of Ulna henns; 111 the morning hrlng
to (he boiling point, mill sail, fresh
water and cook until tender, or nearly
so. Place In n casserole two cupful", of
cold cooked chicken or ihiaj;, add the
henna, an onion, half a cupful of
strained tomato, a quart of hot broth
and n tenspoonful of kitchen bouquet,
Hake one hour, uncover, sprinkle with
n little minced parsley, brown and
Filling. Boll two cupful of sugar
with four tublonpoqUAfls of water until
It threads; pour over three well-beaten
eg1.' whlt.'s, add n half cupful of cit
ron, shredded line, half n cupful of
shredded ligs. one cupful of chopped
raisins, and one cupful of chopped,
blanched raisins. Spread between the
layers and on top of the cake.
Presaed Corned Geef. Cover ifploce
of corned heef with cold wntcr, let
hent gradually to the bulling point,
then slnmier slowly Until very tender,
about six hour. Remove to n brick
haped bread pan and cover with a
board mid weight. Let stand several
hours. Serve cut In slices, garnishing
the platter with parsley. The liquor
saved from the meat may be used to
cook cabbage, giving It a very nice
1ioJbU lUivtJ2.
What else do Chinese cabiwi' di.
hes'ibs quil?
Closing Out !
Quitting Busindss
Am sacrificing my entire stock of Harness Goods,
Fixtures, Show Cases and Machinery. Now is time to
beat war prices. All who are indebted to me, please
call and settle.
Let the Chart be
your guide
Correct Lubrication wltK
Zerolene will mean batter per
formance and longer life tor
your car.
By exhaustive stui? y and actual
testa our Board of Lubrication
Engineers baa determined the
correct consistency of Zerolene
for your make of automobile.
Their recommendation are
available for you in the Ztrolene
Correct Lubrication Charts. Get
one for your car at your dealer's
Ot our nearest station.
"A win tui irtat ftfdtrJtfti kti wiolt totmunly aid may lift en turt nation" Elv
An immense problem in reconstruction confronts the present generation.
Are you doing your utmost to prepare to lead in its solution?
Oregon Agricultural College
Train, for leadership in the industries and professions as follows :
The Colleae training includes course's in Enrlish, Economics. Art. Mathematics. Modern LangusKes,
Physical Education. Industrial Journalism, Natural Sciences, and all essentials of an education.
Three regular terms Fall term begins September 22, 1919
For College Calulon, llluitrfitec! lleoklet and other information ndtlrfM
THS REGISTRAR, Oregon Aertcultur! Colleae, Corvallw
dj We enrrv the best
'SMBKq That Money Buys
Our Market is
. Clean and Cool
' -W Insuring Wholesome Meats.
5 : "'3 LOGSftON & MYRICK
Main Street, Athena, Oregon
i hiii e cH"-t-0"5-e-i?-t t-t ooetv-H-iHK"c t Qetinii i
"W -V 1 l V. tT 1 aft y-al a -ar-ar-v A
renaieton Marble & liramte Worn
T. A. WYLIE, Proprietor
:j" Script Form"
Butter Wrappers
j2A tyade fbretypeof engine
GUY CR0NK, Sptscial Agent. Standard Oil Co.. Athena
for Immediate Delivery
The Carload Shipment
is fast Fading
We are Exclusive Agents
for this territory
A . J. Parker, Proprietor
Shaving Haircutting, Massaging, Shampooing.
Bath Rooms In Connection,
St. Nichols Hotel Block - - . Athena. Oreg.
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
American Beauty ,
Is trade in Athena, by- Athena labor, in one ol the very beat
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Biuestem
wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry". Your
grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour
Merchant Millers 8c Grain Buyers
Athena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Wash.
H-tiiim iiimik imi