The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, August 08, 1919, Image 1

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TiM tXthen Press circulates in the
homes of rudera who Reside in the
heart of the Great Umatilla Wheat
Belt, and they have money to spend
4 V '
If this notice is marked RED,' it sig
nifies that your Subscription expires
with this issue. We will greatly ap
preciate your renewal- $2.00 per year
Entered at the Post Office at Athena. Oregon, aa Second-Class Mall Matter
Will Assist in Supplying Eggs
With Product of 800
TO HOLD FOOD SALE McDonald McFadyen, after
leaving the egg market to
others for a year, has been
....... . making extensive preparations
French Mother Writes Letter to a(rajn enter the field. With
the product of 800 White Leg
home millets. Mr. McFadyn
will assist in supplying the mar- f
ket demands for hen fruit. Y, AAr
With 800 cacklers, cackling Action
With Expression of Grati
tude for Assistance
The Athena Knitting Club
has adopted four French or
phans, and to raise funds to as
sist in caring for these little
ones, the club will give a food
oalo An Ano-tiar 19 All kinds
of edibles will be provided for equipment to assist hi b
the sale, with the expectation business, aside from his 800
that it will be liberally patron- cacklers. It includes large and
ized by the public. . modernly convenient houses,
Out of sincere gratitude for incubator room and brooding
the assistance the club mem- houses, feed bins, gas engine,
bers have given her orphan choppers, etc. To shoy that
child, one French mother writes Mac is not alone with the egg
the following appreciative let- idea, we quote from an ex-
ter, which was translated Dy cnange
chicken ranch should be a live
ly place this fall and winter.
The owner has an up-to-date
Miss Maude Sherman, and
given the press for publication :
Darnetal, July 9, 1919.
"Dear Madame:
"T hnvp tViA hnnnr of ac
knowledging the receipt of ington State College,
vAnr int,r uMi'h la nHHrpssprl rarrvinir off honors
to my son Rene, with its so gen- worth. Another chicken w Mi
erous enclosure. He is fcw Tancred's penn pr ;
young to write himself as he is "eggs during the inoui:
Yt- aiv raora rf o era thp head of return above i -
MWI llJA JVHU V. t . t
"So. Madame, it is for me, so cost, wnite wgnorns
filled with gratitude, to tnariK
"A chicken owned by D.
Hancred of Kent, Washington,
laid 30 eggs during June in the
all-northwest egg-laying con
test under auspices of Wash-
there Dy
for the
Settled Fact That Hardsurface
Will Come to Athena Over
the Present Macadam
will doubtless be
merrily over their productive talien soon, to decide upon the
qualifications, the McFadyn anAunt of hardsurfacing that
no a live-
But Little Difference in Retail
Price and Exchange of
Old Books for New.
will be done on Main street.
Two attempts were made this
week to hold a meeting of the
city council and owners of pro-
There will be small differ
ence between the exchange
price and the retail price for
the new gramntar school books
this fall, according to the text
book circular just received at
the office of W. W. Green,
county school superintendent,
says the East Oregonian, which
slight differences; Arithmetic
50c cents, retail 62 cents; geo
graphy, exchange, 56 cents, re
tail, 72 cents ; history, exchange
53e cents, retail, 75c cents;
reading, exchange, 29 cents, re
tail, 36 cents. Other books are
on the same scale.
In the high school texts, the
difference between the ex
change price and the retail
price is in general greater than
the difference noted for the
grammar grade texts. For ex
ample, the exchange price for
sterography texts is 75 cen
while the retail price is $1.50
Among others quoted are book
keeping, exchange, 40 cents, re
tail 80 cents; French, exchange
$1, retail $1.25 ; algebra,
change 70 cents, retail $1.20.
Big Rock Crusher Plant
Here, Employs 20 Men
Hot Stuff Plant Will Be Moved
Here From Adams, Some
time During Present
have been taken and others .
could be rented if they were
The "hot stuff" plant, which
was recently destroyed by fire
The rock crushing nlant, at Adams, has been rebuilt, and
ich furnishes the material with the completion of the
for the Warren Construction hardsurface section of the high
company as a base for the way between Adams and Bla
hardsurfacing of the macadam keley, it also will b emoved to
road from Pendleton to the Athena and put in operation to
state line, north of Freewater, furnish surfacing material fof
is being moved from Adams to the unfinished portion of the
perty that will be affected by ghows that only a few cents can
the proposed pacing plans, but
each time the attendance was
so small that definite action
could not be takenV
The time when the Adams
Blakeley section will Be com
pleted and the hardsurfacing
Cribble Is Farming.
Ralph E. Gribble, a former
1.0 0;i h,r mrnVianrinr niH memDer 01 tne Atnena scnooi
books when buying the new &culty written friends
texts here that he has resigned his
In grammar grades the great- PMon in the Redmond High
est difference between the ex- school, and will take charge of
change price and the retail his fathers fruit farm, near
price is in the ejyil government Chico, California. Mr. and
text, where the exchange price Mrs. onbbie leit Atnena ior
plant removed to Athena is is $1.00 and the retail price is Iowa, when school closed
short, and it is realized that
contemplated paving plans
must be matured by that time
in order to have the work
rtoe while the plant i" '
$1182, a difference of 32 cents. May, and out recently went to
Other texts show the following California.
this city. It will be located in
the southwest part of town,
south of the O.-W. depot. 0
George Groman is foreman
of the work at the . crushing
plant, which employes about
twenty men, including drivers
of four motor trucks. These
trucks haul the crushed rock
from the plant to the highway,
where graders prepare it for
the hard surfacing crew.
A number of the men em
ployed at the plant have fami
lies, and since removal to Athe
na, houses have been in de
mand. The few empty houset
road between Athena and
Adams, and also between Athe
na and Weston.
The hardsurfacing of the
road between Freewater and
state line is nearing completion
and when finished, that plant
will produce material for the
Wilton-Weston section. In con
nection with the Athena plant,
the work' will be pushed from
both ends and the section clos
ed as soon as possible. It is ex
pected that the plant at Adams
will be brought to Athena
sometime during the latter part
of the present mnoth.
,tvi -tt xwt
you for your generosity to my
unhappy child, deprived too
soon of a father by that terri
ble war.
"The goodness of your
beautiful nation also, but sure
ly, dear Madame will never be
forgotten by the poor orphans
of France.
"Receive, Madame, I beg of
you, the assurance of my pro
found respect."
No. 3 Street of the Coaches.
The club ift continuing its lo
cal activities during the sum
mer months, the next meeting
the list. In the order specified
other breeds were Dhode Is
land reds, Rhode Island whites,
barred Rocks, Wyandottes and
Black Minorcas. Five birds
tied for third place in the egg
laying contest with 28 each."
Weston Reservoir Gains.
Since his discovery of a large
leak from the Broad street
main, Superintendent Avery
has located a number of smaller
leaks in the waterworks sys
tem. As a result the reservoirs
have been gaining three or four
. . FOB. AVUflilN a
inphpa lnarHf! nt nsinir sty v
being held at the home of Mrs. seven jnches at night. Mr. Av
Lloyd Michener, on September ery is of the opjnion that with
5th. The last meeting was at
tended by three visitors.
No Rain Since 1918.
Nick Taitinger, who has ex-
Elsie Ferguson and Dorothy
Dalton Here Saturday
and Sunday.
rn Wodnoulav eveninsr of
next week, August 13, the' tensive farming interests near
Standard will exhibit Mutual a Claresholm, Alberta, writes
latest picture featuring Bea- Athena friends that his crops
triz Michelena in a splendid this season are a total failure,
production under title of "Just He describes conditions in the
Srmaw " a thrilling Dicture that North country as being extrem-
had a bisr run in Seattle and ely hard on live stock, for it is
Portland theatres within the
last few weeks.
For Saturday night, Elsie
Ferguson comes to this theatre
for the first time, featured in i
"Song of Songs," supported by
an excellent Artcraft cast.
Mack Sennett's bunch of blue
Wonderful Opportunity for
Young Man to Learn
I Trade.
The aviation section of the
Marine Corps is urgently in
need of four year enlisted men
for gas engine mechanics, ma
chine shop mechanics, electric
cians, wireworkers, woodwor;
ers, welders, blacksmiths, etc.
Men of good character and
mechanically inclined are satis
factory. Those enlisting for this
duty will be sent to Mare is
land, California for the regular
i recruit training and after com
pleting that, will be transfer
red to the regular Navy me
chanics school at Great Lakps
Illinois, and receive a thorough
education in all or part of the
above trades. They will be
sent to the flying stations and
receive a thorough practical
training in mechanical work.
This is a wonderful oppor
tunity for vounc men to learn
a profitable trade at the ex
pense of the government. A
large percentage of ' 'en or
aviation duty are non-commissioned
officers and most of
these receive in addition to
their regular pay. 50 per cent
increase. Mechanics who en
tered at the beginning of the
war with qualifications allow-
iVAm ..V.1.T 9 OA J
impossible to get forage only $3B00 d m civil life are
by shipping it in by railway, i rt and flre
Not a drop of rain has fallen m 8ecurin upon di8charge, posi
his locality since May, 1918. ltions p&yig ?10 00 to $i2.00
per day.
sound mams and with proper
conservation at the dam, Wes
ton has a waterworks system
that would afford .an ample
supply during the entire dry
period. It is only necessary to
fill the lake at the right time
and allow a sufficient quantity
I of water to filter down to the
SIX $(79 5
Houser Enters Field
M. H. Houser, Portland grain
eradicators will endeavor to en- dealer has entered the Athena
I J. vnn in the comedy reels, field for tha.purchase of grain,
Sunday night, dashing Doro
thy Dalton is featured in "Love
Me" and Paramount thorough
ness and superb photography is
sure to be in evidence in this
production. A new comedy,
El-Kb service will replace the
Moore comedies heretofore
shown on Sunday evenings. It
win he a two-reeler. Pathe
and B. B. Richards, who has
had extensive experience in
grain buying, is Mr. Houser's
local agent. Mr. Houser is
prepared to buy grain in any
warehouse or elevator in his
Cliff Banister reports a very
su"cessful harvest run of 21
Weekly opens the show, as us- days in the Cold Springs di.: '
ual. trict. With a 16 foot combine
be in that time 700 acres,
Imu iul Crais- in U. S. a. ng a little over 33 acres ton Loverridge
T va; onrl r.raicr per He has 33 head of Minerva Bobbins.
Wilkinson former Athena boys tfpou 'nues and ''jogged right contracting parties
who have aervea two ... rr.;r. - with her :
fv.VlATH ;he;U war;WinV;n- pTrentTin 1852, when but two I
Kwd wffl" o cUpUwTs sycle canyon, on the Northern y'ears of age. Mr. Lovendge
York and wm lo va Pacific. arrived in Oregon in 1865, hav-
to receive their discharge, ihey r tourney from '
tt.rffiur L,t KB.t?j5r
Lostr-A kodak. Finder Willamette vaney in ten
Further information regard
ing this unusual offer may be
obtained by writing to the U. S.
THarine Recruiting Station. 3rd
and Alder streets, Portland,
Golden Wedding Anniversary.
Recording a golden wedding
anniversary, appropriately ob
served at Weston, the Leader
says :
Fifty years ago last Friday
July 25, 1869, at Molalla,
Oregon, an elderly minister of
the eosnel. Rev. Shanks by
name, united in marriage New-
and Amanaa
Both of the
were true
Oregon pioneers, the wife hav
homes about September
i aA tun A W9!l in
&e hwital for some time. The please return to Gus Cronk, of, ous and tiresome
boys enlisted m Montana. wie ou" """"j '
The Fact of
the Matter
YOU can see for yourself that
the Chandler is the most
closely priced fine car in the whole
American market.
Printer's ink lends itself to the
presentation of claims and facts
alike. We make it our purpose,
in speaking of the Chandler, to
deal with facts only.
And this we believe to be the
fact, that no other automobile,
built so well, built of such good
materials, built in such good de
sign, is priced within hundreds of
dollars of the Chandler price.
The Chandler motor is truly a
great motor. There is none better.
Fifty thousand Chandler owners
know it. And countless thou
sands of their friendsand neighbors
know it. Now in its seventh year
of constant development, without
radical change of design, it approx
imates perfection.
The whole Chandler chassis,
simple and sturdy, i dependable
and enduring.
And Chandler bodies, gracerul
in line, roomy and comfortable,
luxuriously upholstered and
beautifully finished, are suggestive
of the best custom work.
The New Series Touring' Car
jfi will delight you and your family. It is big and handsome, seats seven grown
persons without crowding, and will take you anywhere in comfort.
u fA The Chandler is fast when you want speed. It is flexible and instantly
y responsive in crowded traffic. It is powerful on steep grades.
The Earlier You Place Your Order, the Earlier You May Have Your Car
Snun-Pajsenger Tour'ng Car, SI79S Four-Passenger RoaJster, t S 79S
Four-Passenger'lHspUcti Car, 9107S
Convertible Sedan, t269f Convertible Coupe, .S9S IJmousine, S3WJS
Al prices f. o. . Cltmlcmd