The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, August 01, 1919, Image 3

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I Press Paragraphs ji
Mrs. Dobson ia at Portland, visit
ing her mother.
VMrs. F. B. Boyd is visiting relatives
V Portland and Reedsport,
Miss Elvena Bergevln spent Tuesday
with friends In Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cannon spent
Sunday at Bingham Springs.
Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Raatae and child
ren spent Sunday at Cold Springs.
Contractor C A'. Scott, of Milton,
was in teh city Wednesday. j
Mr. and Mrs. Robetr Proudfitt spent
Sunday with friends at Weston.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bond of Pen
dleton, were In Athena Sunday evening.
S A. Barnes, Weston wheat buyer
was' a business visitor In the city, Wed
nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Wllmot are
encamped at Bingham Springs for a
Mrs M. M. Blackman of Walla Wal
la spent a portion of the week In
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoon and family
of Umapine, were Athena visitors
The estate of the late Robert Lang was performed at the home of the
of Pendleton, has been appraised at
Mrs. Carl Christensen and little dau
ghter, were In the cltv from Adams,
Mrs E. A. Dudley and Miss Hasel
Burton are at Bingham Springs en
joying camp life.
yMrs. Samuel Fambrun and three
Mobs have returned from a visit with
relatives In LaCrande.
Mrs. Ralph Sallng and daughter and
Mrs. L S. Wood motored over from
Weston, Sunday afternoon.
Boiling points are vaporizing
polnti. The full, uniform chain
of boiling points it necessary in
highqudky gesolinc. Red Crown
ha Mwm. Look for the Red
Crown sign before, you fill.
(California) j U
GUY CRONK, Special Agent, Standard Oil Co. Athena
Pendleton Marble & Granite Works
T. A. WYLIE, Ptoprietor
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Reynolds Mr. and Mrs Wallace, after
three weeks, will be at home to their
friends In Pendleton, where they will
reside. Mr. Wallace is a member of
the firm of Wallace Brothers, auto
mobile dealers.
Eery Plersol, who recently purchas-1
ed a ranch of W. R. Taylor, located
in Malheur county, was here this
week, preparing tir-drlve over a bunch
of live stock. He was accompanied
by his young son.
Mrs. Casper Woodward has returned
(from Portland, where she spent sevr-
Mrs R. A. Thompson will leave 1 ai weeks with her mother, who was
soon tor a month's -rtslt with rela;
tives In Hlllsboro, Oregon.
Mrs. Frank Snider and children
have returned from a visit with rela
tives in Eastern Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Elliott were
visitors at Milton, Sunday, attending
the Wallaco Reynolds wedding.
W. D. Chamberlain, of the internal
revenue service has been in the city
during the waak on official business.
Miss Marjorle Ennis of Walla Walla
has been a house guest this week at
the Bergevin home south of Athena.
Mrs Tlmmerman and son, and Mrs.
Somm'ers, of Lincoln, Nebraska, are
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Oliver Holcomb, west of Athena.
Mrs. V. C Burke and children spent
Tuesday in 'Pendleton, guests of Mrs.
Burke's parents Mr. and Mrs. Valen
tine Stroble.
The surveying crew, with hedqu
arters in Athena, are now surveying
the location of the state highway in
the vicinity of Milton.
Mrs. Lee Johnson, who underwent
a serious operation at Pendleton hos
pital last week, Is reported to con
valescing satisfactorily.
The "hot stuff" plant, recently de
stroyed by Are at Adams, is being re
constructed and the spreading of hard
surface will be shortly resumed.
Miss Nellie Darr, former teacher in
Athena public schools, was In the city
Monday, from Adams. Miss Darr is
now a teacher in the Pendleton school.
S. S. Parrls has purchased a new
Federal truck for use in his farm work.
It is equipped with oversize cord
tires and has a speed of 20 miles per
The only boys he met whom he
knew, during Floyd Corporan's long
service in France, was Percy Wilson
of Athena, and Elliott Carmlcheal of
Harold Cochran, well known in Ath
ena, has recently ieen discharged
from the service. He wjil engage in
the insurance business with his father
at Medford.
Mrs. Ralph McEwen and twin sons.
h and Edwin, returned home Sun-
receiving treatment for a peculiar at
fection of the optic nerves. Mrs. El
liott is some batter.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baling o.f Pen
delton, were In Athena Tuesda Mr.
Saling was county clerk for several
terms, but of late has been devoting
his attention to'-, farming and stock
raising in the wast end of the county.
Mrs M. L. Wafts ad daughter Ver
nita, came up from Portland Sunday
evening. Miss efrnita, who Is a stu
dent at St. Helens Hall, will return to
Portland when the Hall opens after
the summer vacation period.
Sidney Barnes spent Sunday at
Walla Walla in companv with f num
ber of Grangevllle, Idaho comrades who
served with him in overses service.
Misses Kathertn Froome and Hazel
Sanders spent Sunday at Bingham
Springs, In company with Mr. and
Mrs. Rudolph Llesinger, of Helix
W. P. Litttlejohn, head miller for
the Preston-Shaffer company, returned
Sunday evening from Freewater, where
he spent a week at the company's
Peacock mill in that city, supervising
milling there.
Dr. Watts, of Weston, recently re
turned from Portland, where he pur
chased a motion picture machine which
will be used in the new community
memorial building at Weston His son
Worth Watts, will operate the mach
ine. ! Hauling of the sacked grain will
soon be in progress. Some hauling
of sacked grain has been done this
week, but the warehouse men have
not been crowded with work, so far.
Mr. and Mrs. George Woodward, ac
l companied by their children, Delpha
' and Donald will spend the fall and win
ter months in Hawaii. They have al
ready engged passage on the S S.
.uraline, plying between San Francis
co and Honolulu, and will leave at
the close of the harvest season.
Mrs. V. K. Allison an1 little son
arrived in Athena 'iueauay morning
from their home at Halfway, Oregon,
and are visiting tftthe home of Mrs.
Allison's sister, Mrs. D Scott Fisher.
Mrs. Fisher and little' daughter, re
turned home Sunday from an extend
ed visit .with relatives and friends
day, atfer several weeks spent in vis
iting relatives and friends at Portland ti,e Willamette Valley.
The Knitting Olub will meet at the
and Newberg.
Mr.s Jackson Nelson attended the
funeral of her brother, Wm. Taylor,
which was held in Pendleton, Wednes
day afternoon. Mrs. Taylor will visit
her neice, Mrs Sloan, tor a few days
before returning.
Miss Irene Reynolds, sister of Mrs.
E D. Elliott of this city, was united
in marriage Sunday morning at 8 o'
clock, to Mr. George B. Wallace of , inK friends. Dr. Newson, who has
home of Mrs. "Win. Schrimpf this af
ternoon. The secretary of the cnib
has received a most interesting let
ter from the grandfather of little
Irene Inviller, one of the four French
orphans recently adopted by the club,
which will be read at the meeting.
Dr and Mrs. G. S. Newscn and two
sons spent Tuesday In Atjicna visit-
Pendleton. The wedding ceremony
We are" especially prepared to handle your
this year with the ery befei . .west prices
Quality, Quantity, Service. Phone 171. This Store Open Evenings
just been discharged from the medical
corps of the National Army, has been
stationed at American Bake and for a
time his family resided with him there.
He has located at Freewater, where
he will open an office and practice
XMr- and Mrs. Orel McPherren have
'returned to Athena to reside, and Orel
will again operate an auto stage be
tween Pendleton no? Weston, on the
same schedule he operated on before
the macadam was torn up for hard
surfacinOtois stage will leave Ath
ena for Penaieton at 8 a. m and 1 p.
m. Returning will leave Pendleton at
10 a. m. ad 4 p. hi. He will carry
passengers and express
Storied Old City.
Danzig is one of the most strongly
fortified cities In tlie world, and has
been so through Its history. It was a
free city through centuries for the
same reason that most free cities of
the marauding tiges were free be
cause Its people had seized upon the
naturally powerful defensive topog
raphy of the couptrj surrounding,
and made Its defenses almost Impreg nable.
It was too tjiugh a nut for the
kings of the middle ages to crack
with their nrmles, so tliey graciously
allowed It to be free. Under the fur
liter German emperor. Us niilitnrlstle
aspect wns even more accentuated
tlimi It WM in th days when It wns
one of the "Big Eour" of (lie Hnn
eatlfl league. Willi Koalgaberg, Thorn
and l'oscu, It formed a mighty chain
of fortresses.
First "Dust ' Explosion.
Until the summer of 1878 sueh a
thing as a "dust explosion" was un
known. No doubt many such explo
sions had occurred, but they were of
small account mid no Investigation
followed to disclose the true nature
of I lie case.
In that summer the Washburn flour
lug mills at Minneapolis, then the
We are Fully Provided
For This
Tear's Harvest Rush
Store and cellar are packed full of the dif
ferent foods, canned and otherwise, that go
to make a first-cla"ss harvester's dinner.
Our stodk is new and perfect. Our prices
are right. Come and see.
Athena Department Store
largest' in nie worm, expioeieu wirn
terrlllc violence.
Several massive buildings, With'
granite walls two feet thick and of
particularly 1 strong mill construction,
were dentin! lied as If by an Immense
charge of dynamite.
T! e llmnc of Hi lirst explosion was
communicated to two other mills,
which were destroyed In the con
flagration which followed.
What's the luxury iix on breilii and
milk? m
The flsh may not bite for the Usher
man, but tile mosquitoes will.
Boy scouts are the ("si protection
against the race or hoy bandits.
All tlie picayune wars now going on
however, are of tba-busb leugue vs
Hogo Wanted. I will pay the high
est market price for fat hogs and stock
hogs. Leave word at Logsdon & fly
rick's Meat Market. D. H. Mansfield.
I Dr. N.P. Bennet
Weston. :-: Phone, 83
Athena Garage
We are particular in every detail
in cutomoblile repairing at our
Garage. Expert attention always.
Pure, Fresh Milk and Cream
delivered twice, daily
We are equipped for
Special attention given to hauling of
Fnel, Household Goods and Freight.
Will mail out of town tripe at reas
onable rates. PHONE 862, ATHENA
Get our prices be
fore placing your
gjf order.
Berry Monument works
F. M. Barry, Prop.
12th and Main Street nearO. W. R. A,
N. Passenger Depot Walla Walla Wash.
N. A. MILLER Local Representative.
E. F. Sharp
Special attention given to all
catik both night and day.
0)Ib promptly answered. Office on Third
rl. Athena, Oror
Place your order now to be sure of earl v
delivery. Equipped with or without
self-starters. We also carry a complete
line of Ford accessories and parts. A
stock of the best tires and tubes are car
ried, too. in fact everything for the mot
orist. Quick and efficient repaire to be
had always. We can furnish you a good
used car any time.
Davidson Garage Co.
Phone 82, Athena, Oregon