The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, August 01, 1919, Image 2

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    lite Athena Wxm
F. B. Boyd. Publisher
Subscription Rate.
One copy, one year $2.00
One copy, six months .'. S 11.00
One copy, three months 75
Camouflaged Philosophy.
This war-weary world loiijjs to seltlp
dowu to peace and . settle :up for tlie
An imnri'hlKt Is always impractical,
even when undeiiuliliig to pliint a
There nre some foreigners who won't
Imve to osk for permits to lenve the
Some men nre ns untiring In their
ehosrn callings us Is u Genuun propagandist.
On the oilier hond. flie summer will
he Just ns short for the fellow who
rocks the bont.
Perhaps the Irfague of Nntlons ought
to organise n sort of juvenile court for
those little new nntlons.
rtrty scout elides embody nil the
primitive virtues nnd nurture good citi
zenship, Lend u Ik; ml !
Suffrage for women Is the happiest
solution possible of Hie problem of si
lencing milltnnt suffragists.
Mars enn't see the things wp do"
here on earth, mid we ought to be
thankful In ninny Instances.
Motorists nre now compelled to ad
mit Hint there nre worse explosions
then those of collapsing tires.
Bolshevism does not need to he
taught. II Is simply t lie Ignorant ex
pression of Inherent perversity.
Itelurulng Vunks seem likely to tes
tify (hat Itussla is the best place to
be out of that they were ever In.
Tho fanner hoy's new goal may not
lead lo the city, but his father's auto
mobile certainly knows the way.
The only lime an anarchist's bomb
ever helps Improve existing conditions
Is when It kills Hie person planting It.
The govern tnent never succeeds III
Imposing a luxury lax Hint keeps up
with Hie direct gains of the profiteer.
Thrift may lie a cure for bolshevlsm
but It won't cure Hie bolshevik who
never works and never bus money to
Tho condition of the pens nnd to
ninto plants In city gardens bears fur
ther witness that this Is good corn
Having left the plnno, to become n
slatesmnn, Paderewskl will And It
much the same they want something
Mut think how much worse our public
debt of more than $25,000,000,000 would
be If some one could foreclose tho
mortgage I .
Any airman who thinks the NC-4 did
not do u good job Is now at liberty to
go Hftcr that MR.OOO prize to the first
to fly to Australia.
A chance to own a farm will make
many a soldier glad Hint on his return
he could not step into the Job he guve
up In order to fight.
Even busy Csecho-Slovakla has
found time lo pass a law punishing
profiteers. We Americans seem to be
a lung-suffering people.
No hushitud, however, will have
grounds for complaining that while
studying the League of Nations draft
Ills wife let the steak burn.
A man with I'nderewlskl's experience
With press agents speaks with expert
authority when h warns people not to
believe all they see lu prlut.
They hate given a telephone opera
tor In the war a distinguished service
medal. Hero Is hoping they don't tell
her It was a mistlike; beg pardon.
Tho anarchist who h'ew himself to
bits could not possibly foresee what an
Interesting part he was to take In a
process of orderly reconstruction.
The people who publicly declare
themselves bolshcvists should tit least
be subject to the restraint neeessury
to bring them under the scrutiny of
In the laying season hen's eggs are
of almost priceless value for the same
riason that so many other tlilugs are
dear somebody needs the money, or
thinks lie does.
fencing off Mexico from the United
States Is suggested. Though that Is
what Is usually done with undesirable
neighbors, there Is no disposition In
tills case to build a "spite fence."
Cncle Sam's war deportment I to
place ou tho market nearly 8,000,000,
000 yards of gauge. Can the fashion
authorities wm design stage clothes at
feiti to vverigoJi Uus chance to select
Without Accurate Accintt Mc Form
of Cosiness Can Be Successfully.
Carried 0.i.
Accounlancy, which Is the science
of systematizing business, has a liis-
j tory that runs back at leasl 4.000
years, very cany in ine development
of nations It was found dial In com
merce as well as in the affairs of state,
systematic and careful nceounl-keep-Ing
were Indispensable, These sys
tems were, nt first, crude and labori
ous, bill they nt least kept the finances
of the nation anil the marts of trade
from being chaotic.
The Invention of double entry book
keeping early In ftie fifteenth century
by the merchants nnd bankers of Ven
ice gave to the commerce of Kurope an
Invaluable trade Instrument, and one
Without ' which Hie great commercial
enterprises of the Inter centuries could
hardly have existed.
And so It has been on down to the
present time; lucre litis been n parallel
progress between the accomplishments
of commerce and the science of ac
counting, and It Is known to every man
In business (hat the former could not
continue without the latter. Even the
most unbusinesslike people know this
much, and we can hardly Imagine any
one silly enough tq attempt to carry
on any kind of a business enterprise
without keeping books.
Itookkeeplng, as a formal subject of
study, Is taught In most of the public
and private schools of Hds country,
but It Is only that form of bookkeeping
Hint applies to 111 affairs of the mer
chant the shopkeeper. The public
has yet to learn I but bookkeeping Is
quite ns necessary to the prosperity of
the wogeworker, the salaried man, the
furmer and the housekeeper us It la t
the shopkeeper, the merchant or tle
manufacturer, Exchange.
Notice to Creditors.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of
E. H. Cox, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed adminis
trator of the estate of E. R. Cox, de
ceased, by the above entitled court.
All parsons having claims against the
said estate are hereby notified to pre
sent them' to me at Athena, Oregon, or
to my attorney. Homer I. Watts, at
his office in Athena. Oregon, w'thin
six months from the date of the first
publication of this notice. All claims
must be verified as by law required.
Dated at Athena, Oregon, this nth
day of June. 1919. A. M. JOHNSON.
Notice to Creditors.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of
George W. Gross. Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned have been appointed exec
utors of the last will and testament of
George W. Gross, deceased, by the
above entitled court; and that all per
sons having claims against the above
entitled estate should present them to
either of us in Athena, Oregon, or to
our attorney. Homer I. Watts, at his
office in Athena. Oregon, within six
months from the date of the first pub
lication of this noire; said claims to
be verified as by law required.
Dated at Athena, Oregon, this 18th
day of June. 1910. Sarah J. Gross,
Homer I. Watts, Executrix.
Attorney James F. Giosb,
for Executors. Executor.
That They Dlf.'er Is a rroof of
Adaptability of Everythlnoi
In Nature.
That flowers sleep Is evident Ip thi
most casual observer. The beautiful
daisy opens at sunrise and closes at
sunset, whence Its name "day's eye."
The morning glory opens Its .flower
with the day. The "four o'cloclt"
awakes at four o'clock In the morning;
but closes Its eyes in the middle of the
tiny, and the dandelion Is In full bloom
ciily while there Is strong tight. The
habit of some flowers Is certainly curi
ous, and furnishes one of the many
instances which prove the singular
adaptability of everything 111 nature.
The reason Is found In the method by
which this class of flowori Is fertilized.
Flowers which are fertilized by
night flying Insects derive no Advan
tage from being open by day; and, on
Hie other hand, those which tire fer
tilized by bees Would gain nothing by
being open nt night. Nuy, It would be
n disadvantage, because It would ren
der them liable to be robbed of their
honey nnd pollen by Insects which are
Incapable of fertilizing them. It Is
possible, then, that the closing of flow
ers may have reference to the habit of
Insects, nnd It may be observed, also,
in support of this, that wind-fertilized
flowers, never sleep.
Blind Horses.
The manner In which blind horses
get about without coming to more
harm than they do Is remarkable.
They rarely, If ever, hit their heads
against a fence or stone wall, and
will sheer off when they come near
one. It appears from careful obser
vation that It Is neither shade hor
shelter which wurns them of the dan
ger. On un nbsolutely sunless and
windless day their behavior Is the
same. Their olfactory nerves doubt
less become very sensitive, for they
will poke their heads downward In
scinch of water fifty yards heforo they
come to n stream crossing the road
way. It cannot be an abnormally devel
oped sense of hearing which lends
Hicni to do till", for they will net alike
though the water be a stagnant pool.
Men who have been blind for any
great length of time develop some
what similar Instincts to blind horses.
August Sale
Begins Friday,-August 1. Be There
Fully three fuurths of this big stock is sharply reduc
ed for this sale,
In many lilies We have succeeded iu accumulating
considerable stocks, for utiately for us as it tnrns out,
for furniture prices are advancing continually. This
means that our present regular prices are under the
market. Consider this and the special reductions made
for this Sale and you can readi j see that this sale is the
opportune time to buy Home Fiirnishings.
Davis-Kaser's August Sales have alwavs been genu
ine, worth-while bargain events.
The Davis-Kaser Co.
Complete Home Furnishing Department Store
, Pianos, Phonographs, Music
10-20 Alder Street - - Walla Walla
Notice to Creditors.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Jennie G. Watts, Deceased:
Notice is heieby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed admin
istrator of the estate of Jennie G.
Watts, deceased, by the above en
titled court. All persons having
claims against said estate are hereby
notified to present them to mo at my
o'ffl'ce in Athena, Oregon, within six
months from the date of tile first pub
lication of this notice. All claims
must be verified as by law required.
Dated at Athena, Oregon, this Hth i A.
dav of June. lull). f
A lot of fellows can't dcelde whether.
10 neglect their gardens or their of
fice work.
Aboul all a warship Is liulll for Is
lo be scrapped, either In buttle or In a
Junk yard.
for Immediate Delivery
The Carload Shipment ;
is fast Fading
' You'll have to hurry"
if you want a car.
"Catch the Dog!"
"Mrs. Howe was always thoughtful
of utilmnls. During the reign at 211
Hen con street of the little fox terrier
Patch, It often fell to her lot to take
hint out lo walk, and she felt this to
be n grave responsibility.
"One day Patch run away on Bea
con street, and would not come when
she called him. At this Instant Doctor
Holmes, passing, paused for a friendly
" 'Mrs. Howe,' he said, 'I trust this
line morning '
"'Catch the dog I' cried Mrs. Howe.
One nuthur flew one way, one the oth
er; between lliein Patch was caught
and brought In triumph home." Krom
the Life of Julia Ward Howe, by her
Women and Mice.
It Is contended Hint woman's fear
of mice arises from their being classed
as vermin. The fact that tats carry
disease and plague Is not disputed.
Mice may not be quite so dangerous.
Their bites and scratches are trilling.
But they carry disease and dirt, aud
a ha by sleeping In a cradle, for In
stance, may suffer Id consequence.
Mothers have for ages been affected by
this dread, and In seeking to protect
their offspring from contact with mice
have unconsciously, wo are told, bred
that feeling of nervousness wldch hui
provided the corolo wtigt wiUj bit
paWical iilcture.
A Triumph of
rVnd yet, the 'Royal Qord' pos.
sesses amazing buoyancy and life.
That's the secret of this famous
tire's success.
Hardihood that means many
extra miles, combined with the
luxury of easier riding.
Let us put 'Royal Cords' on your
car. They are the utmost in equip
mentthe finest tires in the world.
Leave it to the
For yearn the Standard
Oil Company, through its
Board of Lubrication En
gineers, has given valu
able service in lubrication
on land, on sea and in
the air. Thousands of
motorists are availing
themselves of this service. .
By exhaustive study and
actual tests the Standard
Oil Company Board of
Lubrication Engineers has.
determined the correct
consistency of Zerolene
for your make of automo
bile. Their recommenda
tions are available for you
in the Zerolene Correct
Lubrication Charts. There
is a chart for each make
of car.
Get a Correct Lubrica
tion Chart for your car.
At your dealer's or our
nearest station.
A 'grede breach type of ajtfwel
C-UY CRONK, Special Agent, Standard Oil Co., Athena
Elsie FERqusoNThGSonop.eonge"
AiiAUlCAtT Picture
Saturday Evening, August 9
A 5-reel Special, all Star Cast at usual prices
A . J. Parker, Proprietor
Shaving Haircutting, Massaging, Shampooing.
Bath, Rooms In Connection,
St. Mkhols Hotel Block. . - - Athena, Oreg.
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
win war
i .tn, 1 1 1 in jmm wmm mm MMia iiHnfiiJf t m.
llniWf CW
are bood res mm
American Beauty
Is n.ade in Athena, by" Athena labor, in one ot the very beat
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem
wheat grown anywhere. Patronise home industry". Your
grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Arthena, Oregon. . Waitsbura, Wash.
We know United States Tires are GOOD Tires. That's why we sell them.
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Our Market is
Clean and Cool
Insuring Wholesome Meats.
Main Street, Athena, Oregon