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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1919)
"V WEANS END OF ALL THINGS El Vampire Kills Bugs SURE DEATH TO fLIES Harmless to Man and Beast 10c McFADPEN PHARMACY ;' The ReaM store PHONE 331It will pay you to watch our Windows Niimber "30," O'icinally Newspaper jSwnbol, Has Come to Have Sifl HWtteance of Dire Import. B) frequent reference to It, noteil by newspaper readers, doubtless the menatnir nf !hnt cabalistic symbol "30" bus bScome familiar to many, bnt this Incident and explanation Is printed In connection with the obsequies of Sir Wilfrid Lnnrler, in the Montreal La I'ntrle. "What does that signify?" was asked by thousands who tiled past the casket of Sir Wilfrid Laurler and had remarked the bouquut of flowers upon whlfh lay the symbol "30" In red figures. This floral tribute was given by members of the press gallery In the Dominion parliament. For them this number menus the same as the words which the great departed pronounced some (lays after being stricken by bis malady : "It Is ended." (O'est flnl.) The origin of this conventional symbol has been lost tn the traditions of jour nalism, but after each night and at the end of every day the conventional "30" traversed the continent from end to end. Editors In time adopted the sign "30" to inform the staff, the various news deDartments. and the coirtpo'slng room that all fhe "copy was finished and that there would be "nothing additional. Finally, for news mpti Hie number "30" became the symbol of the end of all things -of earth, and even of life. Yanks Like French Souvenir. I Yankee soldiers are keeping me French khops busy these days. Sou venirs of France and various regions and cities of France are all the go. Among these souvenirs are brooches bearing the arms of different cities. The head of the famous Lion- of Bel fort, the statue of Bartholdl, the sculptor who designed the goddess of Liberty, Is another favorite. The Lor raine cross has also proved very popu lar with the Yanks. This symbol has two sets of cross arms Instead of one. It appeals particularly to the Ameri cans because of the part which the Yanks played In Lorraine during the war. The tted Cross dog and the lucky white elephant charm are other French souvenirs which the Ameri cans are procuring In large numbers to take back to the States. From The Splker, France. Hogs always seem to be ten cents higher. . t ', SKETCH OF PRE-HISTORIC MAN Early Palntlno Prove That Thousands of Centuries Ago Humanity Walked on Four Feet. Tlio Paris Figaro gives nu account of a recent remarkable discovery of paintings In a prehistoric cave of , Southjjininee. In particular, a sketch "Jtas-been found of a man who went on all fours and possessed a tall. The account runs. In purt: "Count ISegouen and his sons dis covered ou the walla of the subterra nean gallerTes some eiwuvlngs esti mated to be 30,000 years old, and In such quantity and variety that the ex traordinary ensemble of pre historic art work constitutes a veritable mu aeum. "The animals figured In the cave are considerable In number, and Include reindeers, bisons, horses, both Isolate und In groups; bears, elephants and rhliiosccruses. The rfeiUatloii of felines arc very iiw 'In pre-hlstorlc art, i Iiegouon have photo graphed In their cave a genuine Hon, executed In bas-relief. They hove made out, also, several birds, Including swans and ducks, as well as three predatory night flyers. "The human figure Is likewise repre sented In the cave, which. In recogni tion of the sons of Count Begotten, has been baptized 'the Cave of the Three Brothers.' A silhouette Is particularly remarkable, almost lialillng. It repre sents a man In motion a man of pow erful body, whose head und shoulders arc Joined by an enormous neck; a man whose upper and lower limbs and whose hands and feet are perfect! iy nu'inan; nil whose vertebral column Is prolonged In an exterior appendage resembling that of the anthropoids a man at last, 'who walks on four feet I" " Classifying the Apartment The apartment. In spite of wide physical differences, belongs to the same family as the lead razor and ihe wooden nutmeg. It is built to get rid of; and the persons who acquire one usually find that It Isn't "lint thJ thought It was. In the popular mind the apartment belongs to the ureal family of homes, ami can easily he made Into a true home by the addition of a rubber plant and an enlarged photograph of the Colosseum. This Is as much nf a fallacy as to think that a blne.lay can be made Into a bluebird by giving him a blUetiM house to nest In. The blnejny belongs tn the crow family; and while his plumage may please Ihe esthetic senses for a time, his mucous Rcreams and his bullying pugnacity will Inevitably offend every one. The wise man. In acquiring an apartment, vlewn It as a branch of the wooden nutmeg family and determines to pass It on to someone else with all possible speed. Judge. Our Language. A French soldier, enthusiastic over the beauties of his best girl, was en deavoring to convey an Idea of some of her charms to nn English comrntle. "She is pretty," the Frenchman said. "Yes, I see, fairly pretty, eh?" the Englishman milled, "Ah I that Is the word I She Is fair." "O, yes, pretty fair I" the English man responded. Cartoons Magazine. Standard Theatre 11 Saturday, July 19 23 Years Ago, l?rom the Press 01 July 1 1 US6 I.B'v Estea and the Stanton boys de parted for Teel Springs Monday morn ing for a few weeks outing. , i Frpd Knnenzweic and family are maticQtina in the mountains this week. Tbey will locate huckleberry patches for future reference. 'Z-'A Rom. near Athena. July 12. 1896, to Mi. and Mrs. T. P. PaRe, a girl. . : a r Rnrr,.ll n former nsstar of this city, but now of Sprague, Wash., was recently Wfamed at Mt. Mortis, Illinois. ,, , i Countv Clerk Burroughs has issued 288 marriage licenses during his two years term of office. At the municipal election in Walla Walla Tuesday, lacob Betz defeated Dr. N. G. Blalock for mayor by a ma jority of f0 votes. 'V A Born, in Athena, July 14, 1898. W Mr. and Mrs. R. U. Maloney, a boy. 'Bob" savs the young man is a dem ocrat, believes in free coinage and will bear through life the name of ! Bryan. While nlavine in Kirk's pasture one day last week, "Tot" Miller effected the capture of a giant grasshopper. The insect measured just 4 8-1 inches in length. Bertha A. Bales and William Potts were united in marriage by Rev. G. Rushing, st the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Walker, Sunday after noon. The young couple are well snd favorably known to our readers. U the,' N. A. Miller residence Tues day evening, several ladies witnessed a beautiful eight. A rare cactus, which blooms but once a year, was the attraction. The bloom, of which there were three, was o a rich creamy white, trumpet shape and 9 inches in length. Miss Mattie Wood of Weston and Mrs. Florence McDonald of Summer ville. had a narrow escape from drown ing while bathing in the swimming pool at Lehman springs last Monday. The first scream of a bystander brought Joe Wood to the rescue, but his efforts alone were fruitless against the frantic struggles uf the ladies. Fortunately Tom Montgomery and Charlie McFar land reached. the spot in time to raise the three drowning people from the water and to save their lives. THjeKIP n rnr nrr MARY PICKFORDlAmanlly of ClolkslineMef An AKTCEArT Picture. Also .t Comedy "ROPING HER ROMEO' Sunday. Tuly 20 DOROTHY D ALTON in "FLARE UP SAL" The Tjreat Western Mining Camp Picture Wednesday July 23 BILLIE RHODES in " THE LAMB and the LION " PatheeAlTwPrisms. Good Comedy, always I I Brooms We buy Brooms same as everything else, di rect from the factory in large quantities, there by saving you the middleman's profit. Large shipment of brooms here now, priced the J. C. Penney way. f!MWBKeMi!Si!i i Sails With Largest- 1 A vaiyu cvei Odi i aju & 5 fi B Galveston, Tex. The dlstlnc- tlon of carrying the largest TA -w, MnfnnA.l In .hd E holds of a vessel is claimed by m 8 shipping men for the British B steamship Indore, which left f g here for Liverpool with 28,380 8 square bales of cotton.' This was accomplished by a method Brooms 98c of scientifically compressing the J? bales until they occupied mini- mum space. The closest an- A preach o the record was made A by the Russian steamship Omsk, d ivhlr-h tn rtei'Kinlinr 1!U7 run. K ried 27,130 square bales froui Gnlveston to Liverpool. A strict news censorship would not per mit mention of that record. The genius who evolved the soviet did not invent much. From what country did they get the name for Turkish baths? The high cost of explosive material never discouraged au anarchist. $100 Reward. $100 The readera ot this paper will be pleased to leant that then Is at least ens dreaded disease that science haa been able to cure ia all Its stages and that Is catarrh, Catarrh being greatly Influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Haifa Catarrh Medicine Is taken Internally sod acta thru the Blood on the Mucous fur, faces of the 8ystem thereby destroying; the foundation of the disease, glvtns the patient strength b the con stitution and asslr 'olnglts work. The pre faith In the ei! Catarrh Medici; Hundred Dollars; to cure. Send t Address J. unto, ssoio If we are commonplace and Indiffer ent, we will ftnd other people so. Mind finds Its level, Just as water does. A really original and sympathetic person will find others Interesting1 a'nd agree able. To complain of those we meet la really to admit ourselves dull. Quality Always Service First ? SALAD DRESSINGS AND GAR NISHES. For those who will not lenrn to like the delicious "11 dressings there are others which will prove satisfactory. Cream Dressing Put two table- spoonfuls of but ter into a sauce pan, and when melted add three tablespoonfuls of Hour, when smooth add a cup of sweet cream, let boil, stirring all the while. After cooklmr five minutes, remove from the Are, udd a half cup of sour cream, the juice of half a lemon, salt and sugar to taste. Serve this on fruit of various kinds; apples arid hnnnmis are eood with this dressing When serving it with vegetables or with fish or meat add a bit ot mus tard, onion juice and any seasoning liked. Mayonnaise Dressing Mix togetner half a tenspoonful of suit, and a tea smivinful nf suirar. n dash of cayenne and add to a beaten egg yolk, beating ull well. Then add a few drops ot olive oil, keeping the bowl stnndlng tn Ice; adtl a tublespoonfu! of each nf lemon iulce and vinegar, alternat Ing with, the oil until nan a cup ui oil has ueen used, then add the oil faster until n cupful hns been beaten In. Just before using the mayonnaise a g.'nerous amount of whipped cream may be added and more seasoning. Tartare Sauce This Is mayonnaise dressing with the addition of chop ped pickles, olives, parsley, capers and onion. Use a fourth of a cup to one cup of the dressing. Never mix may onnaise with meat or fish until ready to serve. Alt salatls that need mar inating before serving should be mar inated with French dressing and the thicker mayonnaise used Just as It is served. Mayonnaise may be colored with pounded spinach or lobster coral. Garnishes. Edible garnishes are the only ones which should be used except perhaps at weddings. The cus tom of tying up food with ribbons, Is most undesirable. Millinery Is not In nlnoe ns n rule on the dining tnhler Brains, ami Ingenuity are the best J recipes for attractive garntsnes. Mayrlea Brother's Widow. Topekn. Kan. An unusual feature developed at the marriage license desk In the probate judge's office here when Krnest U. Day, thirty-two years of j age of this city, secured a license to wed Katie Doy, twenty-one years of j it Topeka- Mrs. Day was wether. This is said "t a thtng has ' hy law tgK -" - -TV'.' Mr. Farmer It will be to your interest to see us before you place your harvest order for Groceries. The Economy Cash Grocery Phone 561 . and your Orders will be filled. Quality Always Service First mmitiniiinmiiMiMi Coming Yes, and we'll beat Xmas, too Keep sweet and we'll do our best to keep you sweet after we get here While we can't make all dreams good (one f our friends declares Doc Watts took him out back of the store to a strawstack and dug up a fine bottle of whiskey we (J0 OUr best to keep everybody hap py; especially on hardware implements, wagons, etc. Watts & Rogers Main Street, Athena TJie first National Bank !, of Athena Capital and Surplus, $100,000 Safety Depcpsit Boxes For RenTv