I Press Paragraph? 3 Jtlr; and Mrs. C. L. McFadden were in' Walla Walla Wednesday. Mrs. Victor Burke and children vis ited her parents in Pendleton this week. ,' Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kidder, who' spent several months in California, nave returned to their home in Ath ens. Miss Zola Keen will go this week to Seattle, whole she will take a summer, course in music. She will be accom panied by her mother, Mrs. Henrj Keen. Mi' rWo Ronnoft lu tin from Pnrt- ' land for a two weeks visit with rel atives. Attnrnav Watts rehirnpd the foi the week .from a business trip to Portland. Miss El 'ena Berpevin, stenographer for Attorney Watts, returned Tuesday from a week's visit with friends in Seattle. ,JMrfiwen brothers have commenced Pfcarvesting wheat in the "basin" north west of Athena. A fairly good yield is reported. Misses Lillian and Blanche Clerking, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. George (Jerking, have been confined to their home west of town this week with tonsilitis. -4 VI a- . b jr ttarting. it is straight - dis- v!" ma tilled, all -refinery gasoline. "Red Crown" gives easy rting. it is straight - dis ed, all - refi nery gasoline. Look (or the Red Crown sign before you fill. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CaUteaU) Jhe G&soline of Quality GUY CRONK, Speca, Ageut, Mai.Uaid Oil iM. rUheUtt A big electric fan has been installed at the Pure Food Groceryresult, a cool and a flyless store. H. H. Hill was in La Cross, Wash.. he has property interests, the first of the week, on business. Chicken Dinner. The new Athena Restaurant will serve a special chick en dinner every Sunday. Adv. Caterpillar Work. Work wanted for a caterpillar in harvest. Harold Bar rett. R. If. D. I, Adams, Oregon. V i July Victory Loan ten per cent pay ments will be due July IS, payable at the First National Bank of Athena. Mrs. Nelson A. Miller has as her guest thiB Week. Mrs. Lucy Thompson, Osteopathic physician of Walla Walla. For Sale. An electric washing ma chine, in first class condition at a rea sonable price. Phone SUFID, Athena. Hallie Piersol, late of the 140th F. A., has donned a uniform i of blue lenim, and taken his old job with W. S. Ferguson on the farm. Sam Starr has accepted a position Los Angeles by steamer, for Seattle. rn the 10th, and will visit their daugh ter at Elleusburg. en routs. Their many fri jnds will be glad to hear of their 'return, and hope to see Mrs. Koepke restored to her former health. Fred McElratb, prosperous fruit grower a few miles from Freewater, is expecting a bumper crop of toma toes from two acres of hardy plants, says the Milton Eagle. He estimates a net profit of 3000 from the two acres. The .Weston Chautauqua will be held next week, under the auspices of the Ellison-White Lyceum Bureau, begin ning Monday, Hth and extending to Friday, the 18th. A splendid program ia promised for the week's enter tainment. Miss Rena Bergevin has arrived home from Los Angeles, Calif., hav ing received her discharge from the service as nurse. Miss Bergevin was joined in Calirnia by her -.mother, Mrs. Louis Bergevin, who accom- anied hei home. Water Superintendent Dobson in Portland and will not return to AtWghes water users to be economical na to resiue. nowever, ne win ue iiy n 9Dr nViing. so that the supply tor own shortly to visit his friends here. I irrigation may hold out during the re mainder bf the summer, the supply is short. Conserve for your own and the town's benefit. Miss Gladys Smith, of Weston, is here to keep books for the firm of Watts & Rogers. Miss Smith was formerly an Athena girl, having re sided herewith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M, Smith, prior to their re moval to Weston. Pendleton Marble & Granite Works T. A. WYLIE, P.opiietor PENDLETON, OREGON. PATRONAGE SOLICITED oniuiMiiummnit amtni THE FOSS HARDWARE STORE Pishing Tackle BARRE1T BUILDING, :: ATHENA, OREGON Kj Mr. and Mrs. f red uadtke and cnno I ye returned from Hidaway springs I Yesterday, where they spent a short acation, which included the Fourth of uly. 'Jake Booher. who arrived home m overseas on the 4th, has pur- hssed the half interest in a cleaning an 1 pressing establishment in Pendle ton. Lost. A camera, on tho road be tween the Morton place south of Ath ena and town. Five dollars reward will be paid for its return to the Press office, Mr. a.id Mrs. Roy Burke and little daughter arrived last Friday from, Portland, where they have resided fo: some time. They will remain in Ath ena for the summer. Miss Grace Zerba has retiuned from Knappa, Oregon, where she some time ago closed a term of school. Her sis ter. Miss Edna, has also been on visit here from Pendleton. Misses Mary and Hazel Howell, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Howell of Rosalia, Wash., have been visiting relatives and friends in this commun ity during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Worthington were in the oity Wednesday from Pen dleton. Mr. Worthington has been employed in painting and varnishing automobiles for the past year. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. McPherson ar- ived home Sunday, from a tour through Oregon and California. Thejy traveled 2H01 miles, their Chevrolet car using just 101 gallons of "gas" on the triu. Miss Pearl Coomans came up from 1 her home at The Dalles, and is a guest I of Athena friends. This is hei ..first ; visit since leaving Athena two years. I ago with her parents, to reside on a : fruit farm at The Dalles. Pipe and couplings were received : from Portland yesterday to make re ! pairs in the leak on Third street. Sev eral water consumers have been with j out service for several days on account of the break in the pipe line. Huckleberry "prospectors" will go to the mountains soon to locate berry 1 patches, among them being Wm. Mc 1 Leod and A.M. Johnson. It is evident that Billy Pinkerton, Billy Gholson and others could be coaxed to do like wise. Mrs. Henry Koepke writes friends bare that with Mr. Koepke an 1 Dor othy, she expects to arrive in Atbena about July ISth. They are leavirg We are especially prepared to handle your Harvest Orders this year with the very best at lowest prices THE PURE FOOD GROCERY Quality, Quantity, Service. Phone 171. This Store Open Evenings Mrs. J. P. Mathews will open a millinery store in Athena, having se cured the room next ti the telephone exchange. In addition to carrying a full line of millinery, Mrs. Mathows will have a stock of ladies' suits. ats, waists etc. D. A. Pinkerton and little son ave arrived from Montana, after an absence of several months. Mr. Pin kerton is also returning, coming down with a truck. Montana crops are a failure again this year, and hundreds of settlers are leaving the state. Norton Bobo, former editor of the Stanfield Standard, who went to France as a member of the American Red Cross, has been awarded the French Croix de Guerre, accotding to announcement made in the Red Cross Bulletin. Bobo has, not, yet returned from overseas: Weston Leader: John Bonewitz has begun picking ,a fairly good crop of cherries in his orchard above town. He expects a yield of three or four tons, as compared with six tons last year. The first three days picking will go to Chicago. The remainder of the crop will be marketed locally and in smaller shipments. Russel Itarey of Tacoma and Ralph Barnes of Salem, are working on the B. E. Stewart ranch. Both are at tending Willamette University. They, with. RoyBl Emmul, who is also work ing near Athena, were in the a., ft. T. C. at W. U.. and were with Louis Stewart last fall when sent to the I oamp near Waco. Texas. JpMr. and Mrs. Marion Hansell are now nicely situated in tneir iarm home north of Athena. The house, which was recently rebuilt, has all the modern conveniences, and new furniture of the "William and Mary" period had been installed. A broad screened porch affords comfort on three sides of tho building. It is a very commodious and comfortable farm, home. A war relic which is attracting more than ordinary attention is displayed in a window of tho Weston Mercantile store, says the Leader. It is a Mausev automatic pistol taken from the body of a Gernam officer at St. Mihiol, and was brought homo by Major J. W, Ingram, urother pt' Mrs. Robert Proud lit. This weapm , according to the sight gauge, has a range up to one thousand yards. While driving down Thorn Hollow en route to Bingham Springs ror tne Fourth, George Finch s jitney round a hole alongside the road that just fiitted It. In the wake of duBt from a car ahead, George eteered straight ahead at a certain place in the road and snot, the machine into the ditch, completely submerging it in the aforesaid excav ation. Both Mr. Finch and his com panion. Art Jenen. escaped uninjured. Richard Cerberding. who tor years drove the bus between Weston and the O.-W. depot at that place, died at the home of his son. Fred, at Halfway, Oregon, June gfi. after a long illness following a stroke of paralysis. The remains were interred at Weston Mon day of last week. Deceased was a member of the Ancient Order or Unit ed Workmen. He leaves one son. Fred, of Halfway, Oregon, and a daughter, Mrs. Lester I. O'Harra, of Weston. Washington dispatches stats that the American army ot occupation com prising the first fve regular divisions, is homeward bound. This will include the Third, in which our John Wall is a membe- of Headquarters Company, 8Hth Infantry. It is reported that the fifth division was embarking at Brest, the fourth en route to Brest, and both will sail July 16. The sec ond division also sails this month, and the First and Third have been re leased for their return. Percy Osborn, who saw a year's ser vice in the signal corps of the 8'st Division in Frsnce, has received his ' discharge and was hi Athena a couple oi oayti ioib weti. isi".j charged at Camp Lewis, and has gone to Mt. Pleasant. Iowa, on a short visit to relttives. The four Osborn broth ers, including Percy. Eugene, Dr. NEW ARRIVALS WW I 1 I 'iV mm m i - for a bigger and a better Dry Goods Department To make our Dry Goods department ever mo. e complete and up to date, has been our particular endeavor this season. We have made it a bigger and a better department by adding to it and improv ing it right along. This week brought us an additional fine line of Seasonable Dry Goods We have laid them out on display tables and counters for your inspection. There are. among other new offerings, Fancy Silks, Silk Petticoats, Silk Stock -iniis-Suinm r Underwear for both sexes, among which is offered the famous Seal pax brand-Mens Dress Shirts and Boys Blouses-new Percales and Calico. Everything at our reasonable price. WE SELL THRIFT STAMPS Phone 152 Athena Department Store E. B. Osborn, and a bro'her who is a physician in Iowa, were all hi, France, during the war. and a family reunion will be held there, where their mother and sister reside. In company with his mother and two brothels, he .x ' pects to return to Oregon In a few weeks. Jr The case of the State of Oregon vs. Homer I, Watts was ordered dis charged and the defendant dismissed in a decision handed down by Justice of the Peace Joe H. Parkes Wednes day. Not only does the court find that the intoxicating liquor was not used for the purpose of maintaining a cgm mon nuisance, as charged, but orders the sheriff to return the confiscated liquor to the place where taken from. District ...Attorney, R. I. Keator, so states the East Orogonian, announced that the Htato will appeal the case. ' Bl ' You are invited to attend the Biblo school at K) oc lock and to stay for the church service at 11 o'clock. Tho un ion meeting will be in the Baptist church at 8 o'clock. You will be wel come to all these services. fMMw'MiMiiiiiiininun Dr. N.P. Bennet Dentist Weston. :-: Phone, 83 Payne's Dairv Pure, Freph Milk and Cream delivered twice daily GEORGE PAYNE, - Athena Athena Oarage ZERBA BROS. Props. We are particular yi every detail, in c4utomoblile repairing at our Garage. Expert attention always. We are equipped for Oxy-Acetylene Welding lllMMIMIIMIMMMIItlMIH Wm. RICE GENERAL TRANSFER SERVICE EXPRESS. DELIVERY, DRAY AGE Special attention given to hauling of Fuel, Household Goods and Freight. Will make out of town trips at reas onable rates. PHONE 862, ATHENA monuments; Get our prices be fore placing your order. Berry Monument works F. M. Barry, Prop. 12th and Main Street near 0. W. R. C& N. Passenger Depot Walla Walla Wash. N. A. MILLER Local Representative. 8. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calls both night and day. OallaprempUr M"o, Offlor on Third sir-et, Athena Or eg or 1 THE UNIVERSAL CAR V fl MORE NEW FORDS HERE SOON Place your order now to be sure of early delivery. Equipped with or without self-starters. We also carry a complete line of Ford accessories and parts. A stock of the best tires and tubas are car ried, too. in fact everything for the mot orist. Quick and efficient repaire to hi had always. We can furnish you a good used car any time. Davidson Garage Co. Phone 82, Athena, Oregon