Press Paragraphs John Hailey of Pendleton was in . town Monday. V' ''Tom Lieuallen was in town from Adams, Tuesday. ffiHV and Ma Sunday will be in Pen dleton tomorrow. Found. A pair of ladies' gloves. Call at this office. Miss Nina Thnrn in hprA frnm Pf.cL auu, vt&iLiug ner iacner. Mrs. Guy Cronk is home after an extended visit, with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gross and family SDent the weekend at the Snrines.. pMatt Johnson and family are camp-'ing-at Bingham Springs this week. Lost. A leather Dag containing a sum of money. Leave at this office. Mrs. Henry Wcod is a guest of her daughter, Mrs. Alf Johnson, in Walla Walla. Miss Rene Banister of Weston was the guest Tuesday of he sister, Mrs. Curran McFadden. Washing and irnnino Hnnn nt Mra Bedal's, corner 3rd and High. Prices! leasonaole. Adv. V I yMrs. S Mrs. W. K. Walt was a truest nf her "hhstgr, Mrs. Theo Banner, at Milton overthe week end. jtf JSurety . M The Red Crown sign marks HHHkTakKnt "The Gasoline of Quality." It kjLlwSn assures dependable results. Gasoline J Quality tnl oiiONK, Special Agent, Mandard Oil Co. Athena Pendleton Marble & Granite Works :f!?-' ' ; miBBiiiiiiii . ... T. A. WYLIE, Pioprietor PENDLETON, ORE ON. PATRONAGE SOLICITED THE FOSS HARDWARE STORE Pishing Tackle BARRETT BUILDING, :: ATHENA, OREGON Logsdon & Myrick. of theSCity Meat Market have purchased a new Ford car for delivery purposes. ' Cleve Myers has returned from a it to Portland, accompanied Ly his niece. Miss Opal Root. Mrs. M. S. Kern, of Pendleton, was a guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Pieraol, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. (Sen. Lieuallen, George ior and Raiph tiaynie spent the eek at Lewiston, Idaho. Mrs. Lula Read and daughter Jenna- e, have been guests the past weeK of friends in Tacoma, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gerkine re cently returned from an automobile trip to Tacoma and Portland. Henry Barrett is shipping 1250 head of' sheep to Oro Fino, Idaho, where they will be put on the range. Mrs. B. B. Richards and son Roland and Mrs. H. H. Hill will leave Surdsy for a short visit at Tacoma. Caterpillar Work. Work wanted for a caterpillar in harvest. Harold Bar- nett, R. D. I, Adams, Oregon, $ John Stanton came in from Mon ' faTnrrTuesday morning, having finish ed the season's shearing in that state. r. and Mrs. F. B. Radtke and en are spending the Nation's liday at Lehman and Hidaway rings. Mrs. George Thompson and daugh ters are encamped at Bingham Springs. Miss Merle Corn, of Walla Walla, is a camp guest. Dr. W. G. Hughes, ot Milton, a for rrer dentist of this citv. has sold out his interests there and will locate in' Walla Walla. Mrs. Ernest Koepke and daughter, Carolyn, have arrived home from Ta coma, where they spent the' winter and spring months. , A. Van do Water, district freight and passenger agent for the O.-W., with headquarters at Walla Walla, was in the city Wednesday. Cyrus Knight, after several years absence, visited his parents in Athena this week. Cyrus is enga ;ed in suc cessful farming in Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Lattin and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cronk form a camping party enjoying the cool shades of Bingham Springs this week. Robert Laing. a prominent pioneer resident of Umatilla county, died sud denly while sitting in a chair at his home in Pendleton, Wednesday morn ing. Miss Ruth Wiley came up from Portland Wednesday evening, and is uiaitinor Athena fripnris Misw WilfiV taught in the Athena schools the pasrl year. Lost. A camera, on the road be tween the Morton place south of Ath ena and town. Five dollars reward I will be paid for its return to the Press office. 1 .."..,.. :-33HSJ I Mure McFadden, a brother of C. L, McFadden. has arrived in the City from Idaho, accompanied by a friend. Mr. Ball. They will work in Athena harvest fields. I Mrs. Elliott, mother of Mrs. C. L. I Woodward and Mrs. D. T. Stone, was taken to Portland this week for con- sultation with an eye specialist. Mrs. i Elliott was taken with a sudden pain j in her eye, which is considered in a serious condition. j The old Press office building is being repaired and renovated to receive the plant on its second tenure at that lo cation. Until two years age, the Press made its home at the corner of Third and Jefferson streets for a per iod of 15 years. lUA bad rfront of cdused t R. K. Hrajf was in Athena Monday visiting old time friends. Mr. Brady rceently sold his ranch at Umapine, and will visit his daughter, Mrs. D. W. Piper, at B-iker. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pambrun re turned Monday from LaGrande, where last Saturday they attended the fun eral of their brother-in-law, the late Charlie Andrews. Helix. Athena, Weston and Free water have not made reports on the Salvation Army funds drive. Other towns in the county are nearing the end of their quotas. A. M. Meldruni was down from Spokane on business last week. Mr. Meldrum's friends here are sorry to hear that he is in ill health, but hope for an early recovery. , ; r - R. E. Phelps, an engineer who has been connected with the state highway work in Umatilla county for some time, has been made county road mas ter, assuming his duties July 1. bad leak in the water main in the Press office this week has the water to be shut off in a part of the system until a new pipe coupling can be secured from Portland. Wm. Rice left yesterday, for a visit with friends at PruBcott. Wash., for a couple of days. He will be met there by Mrs. Rice, who has been a guest of her sister in Spokane the past two weeks. f, Sergeant Ernest L. Blomgren, bro ther of Mrs. J. R. Barnes, sailed from Fiance on June 15, and will soon be home. He is with the 110th Engineers and Sylvan Kennard is in company with him. Mrs. M. L. Watts came up from Portland Saturday. Miss Vernita re mained in Portland for a few weeks longer, and Mrs Watts will return to the metropolis after a short time at her home here, su .v's Sergeant James Kirkpatrick, who waa with the HGth .Engineers, and a comrade of Sid Barnes, has arrived tit his home in Weston after eighteen months overseas. He is a cousin of Mrs. R. A. Thompson of this city. The estate of George W. Gross is valued at HI2,H49.70 in a report filed by the appraisers, M. L. Watts, H. A. Barrett and W. S. Ferguson. Of this, $51100 was in Liberty bonds and W. S. Stamps, and about (70,000 in land. Alex Johnson has begun the con struction of a nine room bungalow on the site of his farm house destroyed by fire in the early spring. Tha dwell ing will cost in the neighborhood o 8000. and S. T. Gore of Walla Walla. is the architect. The family of F. L. Jacobs, of Cam as, Wash., have arrived in Athena to make this their home, and are residing for the present at the Dobeon home on Hunt Avenue. Mr. Jacobs, who is a rancher, will assist in the season's harvest in this vicinity. Mrs. Minnie OePeatt has returped Athena from Kalispel, Montana, where she spent several months with hei two daughters Mrs. DePeatt has spent the past fm weeks with the family of Chas. Brotnerton, who have moved to a farm near Piescott, Wash. STEER INTO OUR STORE FOR. I gp. . .-ABIES Right Now Everything in Fruit ' and Vegetables and they are Rresh, too Our Fresh Fruits and Vegetables move fast because we keep a frtsh supply coming in and"" we keep the price down so that our customer !y"lots of them. StiSfifc f ,1 You can best keep your bodily maci irr" good trim bv eating lots of fi uit and veget and when you buy them from us vou wil) knov ev are good t THE Pl ii FOOD f OCEkY Quafisy, Quantity, Service. ' Ptaont 17L ( This Store Open Evenings NfcW ARRIVALS for a bigger and a better Dry Goods Department To make our Dry Goods department eyer mo. e complete and up to date, has been our particular endeavor this season. We have made it a bigger and a better department by adding to it and improv ing it right along. This week brought us an additional fine line of Seasonable Dry Goods We have laid them out on display tables and counters for your inspection. -There are, among other new offerings, Fancy Silks, Silk Petticoats. Silk Stock-intis-Summer Underwear for both sexes, among which is offered the famous Seal pax brnnd-Mens Dress Shirts and Boys Blouses-new Percales and Calico. Everything at our reasonable price. 4- WE SELL THRIFT STAMPS ' Phone 152 Athena Department Store "A Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Wilmot are spending the 4th with relatives at Prescott, Wash. "Aunt Lizzie'- was the recipient of a delicious birthday cake of the old fashioned "pound' variety, on June 30th, which was con cocted and baked by her husband "Uncle Lu." Lammasson & McLain, of Pendleton have opened the Athena Restaurant at the location of the old Palace Cafe on Main street and are furnishing the public with first class meals. The new proprietors have had considerable ex perience in the restaurant business aid will at all times serve the best the mar, a:., oras, Mrs. Bella McLean is visiting at the home of her son, James, near Wasti tucna. Wash. The occasion of her visit was the biith of twin boys to Mr. and Mrs. McLean, on June a&th. The youngsters, one of which weighs 8, and the other 1 1-2 pounds, are named respectively, George Irvin and Gale Ross McLean. Luther P. Wilmot, Indian War vet eran, has received his certificate for a pension, and will hereafter draw 120 a month from the government for ser vices rendered in the Indian wars. He will also receive S50O back pay. Mr. Wilmot was instrumental in se curing pensions for other veterans who fousht in the Indian wars of the '70s. Y"rom all reports, huckleberries are guilig 10 ue fjieuuiui m me mountains this season. The prospects for a heuvy crop are said to be better than for a number of years past, the hillsides be- " ung perries, wo aouut many will talc j advantage of the opportunity of t -King up on this most delicious of all berries. Because of strikes and car shortage, a shortage of coal production is an ticipated and the dealers are asking customers to lay in their winter supply of fuel as soon as possible. If this is done at once, cars needed for moving the crops will be available for that purpose in ample time to move the wheat of the Northwest. Otherwise a congestion of crop movement will be the result. Captain Walter Swackharnmer, re cruiting officer, accompanied by Ser geant McRennie and Pvt. Chick, was in Athena Monday and Tuesday of this week seeking men for enlistment in all branchea of the service. The Captain and his men left fcr Weston Wednes day morning. They will be in Pen dleton July 4 and 5, after which they will spend a couple af days at Milton. Youtijg tbo wb wtpt to go oveiaeay will find the army at this time an in viting branch of the service. A film, pertaining to army life, was thrown on the screen at the Standard Theatre Wednesday evening at the request of Captain Swackhamer. The testimony given in the Homer I Watts case in Justice Parks' court at Pendleton Wednesday, together with briefs to be submitted by attor neys, is under advisement and review of the Court and a decision will not be made for several days. A number of prominent Athena citizens were wit nesses in the case. Attorneys Will M. Peterson and Frederick Steiwer were Mr. Watts' attorneye. A pleasing birthday surprise was given Mrs. Sherman Wednesday by her daughter. Miss Maud Sherman, wiien a number of her friends were in vited informally to spend the afternoon at her home. The honoree was so completely surprised that she failed to recognize her natal day as a factor in the gathering, until the afternoon was half spent. Delicious ices and cake were served, the guests each receiving a boquet of the daintiest of "Dorothy Perkinses.'- I Dr. N.P Bennet Dentist Weston. :-: Phone, 83 Payne's Dairv Pure, Fresh Milk and Cream delivered twice daily GEORGE PAYNE, - Athena Athena Garage ZERBA BROS. Props. We are particular in every detail in cXutomoblile repairing at our Garage. Expert attention always. We are equipped for Oxy-Acetylene Welding IMMIMMMMMIMIIM minMimj Wm, RICE GENERAL TRANSFER SERVICE EXPRESS, DELIVERY, DRAYAHE Special attention given to hauling of Fuel, Household GoodH and Freight. Will make out of town trips at reas onable rates. PHONE 863, ATHENA MONUMENTS! Get our prices be fore placing your order. Berry Monument works P. M. Barry, Prop. 12th and Main Street nearO. W. R. C&t N. Passenger Depot Walla Walla Wash. N'. A. MILLER Local Representative. S. V. Sbarp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all call both night and day. Ualla promptly umwered. omm on Tblrtf tl THE UNIVERSAL CAR g The Ford Model T one-ton truck is prov ing a splendid time and money-saver on the farm. It is very flexible in control, strong and dependable in service. It has Think it reauV become one of k the farmers' necessi- wver ties 0ne Ford Mr. Farmer is equal to half a doz en teams arid it "won't "eat its head off'' when not working. The very low price makes it popular with shrewd farmers who analyze conditions on the farm. Let us talk it over, Mr. Farmer. Price with out body, $550 f. o. b. Detroit. Can deliver, and furnish Bodies at once. Davidson Garage Co. Phone 82, Athena, Oregon