ii- ggnuj. I Press Paragraphs I Wanted. Man andwife desire work on farm. Enquire, at this office. Pendleton has subscribed IPOOO for her celebration, Jul. 4th and 5th. J Mrs. Sheard and daughter Mamie ate spending a couple of weeks at Hot Lake. ' Better see Dick about those Racine tires. They are going like hot cakes. Adv. Pendleton will endeavor to secure the northwest shooting tournament next year. Miss Hazel Sanders is home from Cor.valIis, for the summer vacation. Glen Estes. George Wall and Dick Winship will spend several days at Bingham Springs. Floyd Pinkerton returned this week from Portland, where he attended Masonic grand lodge. Misses 4ngie and Ellen Pambrun are Lome from Whitman college, for I he summer vacation. Mrs David B. Hill of Pendleton, was a guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Jones, this week. Orell McPherrin was in town Tues day from the 0. M. Richmond farm near Walla Walla, where he is at pres ent employed. 8 Red Crown sign J before you fill. nSOlAV I STANDARD!!, COMPANY 1 Qsolme of Quality GUY CRONK, Special Agent, Standard Oil Co. Athena i.-MWtiinitMiiiinniinMmnimiiiintnn Pendleton Marble & Granite Works T. A. WYLIE, Proprietor PENDLETON, OREGON. PATRONAGE SOLICITED X iiiiiiiiiiiiiii mnmintMieici THE FOSS HARDWARE STORE Pishing Tackle BARRETT BUILDING, :: ATHENA, OREGON Charles Bond, prominent Pendleton business man, was in the city Sunday. lJick is prepared to take care of your oil needs. Veedol, Mobiloil and Zerolene in any quantity. Adv. Vern Dudley arrived home Tuesday morning from Eugene, where he is at tending the University of Oregon. Miss Ruth Stewart tnd her brother, Louis, are home from Willamette Uni versity, for the summer vacation. Hiram Knight, after finishing the concrete walk at the Gillis lots on 4th street, has constructed a walk at the Ramsey property. Mrs. H. H. Hill arrived home this week, after several wceke spent at the farm of her son-in-law, Otis Whiteman near La Cross, Wash. Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Hart, who have resided here for several months, have gone to Montana, where the doctor will practice his profession. -Hisses Gladys and Annabel McLeod arrived home Friday from Eugene, for their summer vacation. Both are stu dents in the University. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harden were up from the Cold Spring ranch of their son-in-law, Gerald Kilgore, this week, visiting their home here. Wm. Kilgore has gone to Camp Mc Dougal, where his sister, "Aunt Sa rah" McDougal, has opened her moun tain camp for the summer. Marion Hansell, Homer Watts. Claud Gaines, M. L. Watts and W. 0. Miller comprise a fishing party that went to Lehman Springs for the week. Hnvuuni DinUfirtn In nt the home of his parents, where he will remain dur ing the summer vacation. He is a student in the Spokane high school. B. D. Thsrp and son Lawrence, and Niel Lieuallen, made a trip up in the Eastern Washington farming country last week, with a view to investing in land. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Richards have as their guest this week Miss Ruth Zaiing, of LaCross. Wash., and Sun day motored to Bingham Springs for her pleasure. Ray Shick passed through last even ing on the train, for Walla Walla, to the home of his mother, having le ceived his discharge from service in the Marine corps. Harry Power, manager of the J. C. Penney Company Store at Bend, was in the city yesterday the guest of Gary Taylor, and in company with Mr. Tay lor, motored to Pendleton. F. S. Lefirow and Sam Pambrun left Monday on a week's fishing trip up in Washington state. Thev went to the ranch of Frank Grasty, near where there is excellent trout fishing. Master Kenneth Emme!, who has spent several months with relatives'in ! Portland, arrived home Wednesday evening. Kenneth was accompanied from Portland by Mr. ' Emmel's bro- j ther. The members of Dolph Lodge No. 80, A. F. & A. M. are requested to he present at the regular meeting to morrow evening. Milton lodge will confer the third degree upon two can didates. Mrs. J. E. Froome was surprised and pleased this week by a visit from her brother, Ira Buzan, of Coquille, Oregon, whom she had not met for H8 years. Mr. Buzan is in the minhfg business. Just arrived. A shipment of Baker Sire covers. The neatest tire cover to be found on the market. Kant bust'er twine, something you should always carry in the tool box. See Dick. Adv. STEER INTO OUR. STORE FOR. FRESH Fk l mm toilet Soap 5 bars 25c Pork and Beans Nine 11 oz. cans $1 Raisins Four pkgs 55c MJB Tree Tea 65c the lb Coffee 38clb H B Bulk Qoffee 45c the lb' Mex Red Beans lO.lbs $1 Our Fresh Fruits and Vegetables motfe fast because we 'keep a fresh supply coming' in an4 we keep the price tiown so that our customers buy lpts f them. , You can best keep your bodily machinery in good ' trim bv eating lots t fruit and vegetables and when you buy them from us you will know thev are good 1 THE PURjS POOD GROCERY Quality, Quantity, Service. Phone 171. This Store Open Evenings After a pleasant visit with his mo ther here, S. A. Stone left Tuesday for his home at Salem. Mrs. Stone and two little sons, anil sister. Miss Huzcl Mulkey, remained for a longer visit in Athena. Mrs. Frank J. Harris came down from Spokane Tuesday and joined her husband, who last weak disposed of his drug store to C. L. McFadden. Mr. and Mrs. Harris contemplate goi.ig to California soon. Conrad Miller, who is riding after cattle in the mountains over in Union county, writes home that he recently i saw three deer, and a mother bear and two cubs. Incidentally, fishing is good so "Con" is correspondingly happy. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Stephens, of Pendleton, are guests today at the home of their son, Omar Stephens. The visit was made at the invitation of Mrs. Stephens, who had prepared a dinner in honor of Omar's birthday. Oliver Dickenson's dairy herd was depleted Monday when three line milch cows wandered into an alfalfa field. When Mr. Dickenson went to hunt for them he found them dead, having ex pired from bloat after eating alfalfa. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kirk are visiting friends in the Willamette valley, hav ing motored down last week. Mrs Chas. Kick is also visiting in the val ley, and this week sent a quantity of beautiful sweet peas to friends in Athena. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Scott have returned from Portland, where they attended the Rose festival and Masonic and Eastern Star grand lodge sessions. Mrs. R. B. McEwen. of this city, was installed as Grand Ada, in the grand chapter, 0. E. S. The Press receives announcement of the wedding, Tuesday, of this week, of Elmer Tucker and Marjorie Bul finch, both of Weston. Mr. Tucker is a pharmacist, who has seen service over seas, and was formerly employed in the drugstore in Athena. The sewing machines and furniture of the local Red Cross society were stored Tuesday in the basement of the Bank building, and the sewing rooms on Main street, donated for the past year by J. E. Froome, vacated for the occupancy of the postofnee. Ralph E. Peck, who has been visit ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Dickson, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Nelson, will leave in a few days for Spokane, where he will accept a position with the haber- er, Brown's Men's Shop. ims Dickenson, alter spending several weeks in Athena ana vicinity, left Saturday evening for his home in Arizona. The court has not yet hand ed downadecision in the Ryan-Dick enson land case, which will settle a dispute over a division line fence, Corporal Sebasky telegraphed his relatives that the Hiith had arrived safely in New York. The dispatch was delivered by mail from Walla VValla the telegraph office in Athena refusing to accept the message because of affil iation with the telegraphers' general strike. Melville Jahns made a trip this week to The Dalles, where he was met bv his brother, Flint, and together the two made a motor tour through the central Oregon country. Flint will attend the summer .session of Oregon University at Uugpne, where noxt year he will graduate. The motoring party headed by Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Woodward returned late last week, after a trip to Portland and the Rose show, by way of Seattle. They report a fine trip through the mountains, where they could gather a boquet of wild flowers, and enjoy a snowball bout at the same time. M. W. Hansell was elected director for the three years term, and Joseun Cannon for two years, at the school meeting in District No 30, Monday. Alex. Johnson is the third director, and A. L. Swaggait rlerk. of the dis trict. Mrs. Sanford Stone has been hired to teach for the oming year. It took a whole fleet of trucks to transport Marion Hansell's two car load shipment of hogs from the farm Saturday evening. Three motor trucks were requisitioned, each truck making three trips. He also accepted the ser vices of his neighbor, A. L. Swaggart, in loading the porkers for shipment. Sidney S. Murphy, well konwn here, who recently received his honorable discharge from the Aviation corps, where he had attained the rank of lieutenant, as pursuit pilot, has re enlisted in the Red Cross service, and is now in Seattle, awaiting embark ation for Siberia, where he is sent as ambulance driver. The annual picnic of the Sunshine Club was held yesterday at Bingham Springs, with the weather in the pink of . condition. A large number with their husbands, families and friends attended, and a bounteous picnic lunch, such as has made the Sunshiners famous was served. The meetings of the club will be discontinued during the summer season. Mr. and Mrs. Omar- Stephens mo tored to Pendleton last evening, where they welcomed Mrs. Stephens' brother, Nat Kimball, who arrived there from overseas, having received his discharge at Bremerton. They plan to spend Sunday at Bingham Springs, where a party of Pendleton friends will hold a reunion in honor of Mr. Kimball and other returned service men. 5? and Mrs. Lloyd Michener and 1ittleS(jn Orel arrived Wednesday morning from Portland, after spend ing the winter there. They will make their home with Mrs. Michener's fa ther, Mr. Buroker, on Jefferson street, (or the preaent. They report that the BARGAINS 7 ' We can save you Money on your Groceries Milk, large can 15c Monopole Catsup, per bottle 30c Standard Oysters, per can 15c Ensign Steel Cu Coffee ,1b 30c Lemon Cling Sliced Peaches, can 25c Booth's Sardines, can 25c NRG Laundry Tablets. 2 for 25c Royal Soap, 2 bars. . , $1.00 Lenox Soap, 20 bars 1.00 Lux, per package. . 15c Ainsley Fruit Saiad, can 50c Juicy Lemons, doz . 40c Puffed Rice and Wheat, pkg .... .... 15c Tally-Ho Toilet paper, 3 large lolls. 25c Curve Cut Maccaroni, lb 9c Best Green Tea, pkg 30 and 60c Mountain Spuds, sack j 1.50 WE SELL THRIFT STAMPS Phone 152 Athena Department Store garage in which Mr. Michener and Roy Burke were employed in Portland, burned to the ground on Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Burke will remain in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Wilmot arrived home Wednesday evening after a win ter's sojourn at Long Beach. Calif., making the entire round trip in their automobile. They have been two months on the road home, visiting friends en route, their last visit being at Eugene. Mr. Wilmot although near 80, is an expert driver and re volts the roads-in bad condition from lone this' way. Claude Gaines, brother of the late Mrs. Homer Watts, has been a guest this week at the home of his brother- in-law in this city. Mr. Gaines has just returned from France, where he served Uncle Sam in the Engineers corps. He was on board the Tuscania. when that ill fated transport was tor pedoed and sunk by a German sub marine. Claude will leave shortly for his home in Southern Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Ora M. Shigley will move to Freewater, tomorrow, where Mr. Shipley has the management of the Preston-Shaffer Peacock mill. Mr. Shigley has long been in the employ of the milling company in Athena, and his promotion comes as a mark of well deserved favor. He has secured a good residence and orchard in Free water. The best wishes of their Ath ena friends go with them. iHMnimmmiHini Payne's Dairv Pure, Fresh Milk and Cream delivered twice daily GEORGE PAYNE, - Athena IIHIHM1IIIIIIIM Athena Garage ZERBA BROS. Props. We are particular in every detail in o4utomoblile repairing at our Garage. Expert attention always. We are equipped for Oxy-Acetylene Welding IIIMIIIII WM. RICE GENERAL TRANSFER SERVICE EXPRESS. DELIVERY', DRAYAUE Special attention given Ui hauling of Fuel, Household floods and Freight. Will make out of town trips at reas onable rates. PHONE 863, ATHENA MONUMENTS! Get our prices be fore placing your order. Berry Monument works F. M. Barry, Prop. 12th and Main Street nearO. W. R. M N. Passenger Depot Walla Walla Wash. N. A. MILLER Local Representative. g. V. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGKON Special attention given to all calih both night and day. ' nil. promptly auiwured. Offloa oi Tbtrd 6Lret. Attttuu Oreicor THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Ford Model T one-ton truck is prov ing a splendid time and money-saver on the farm. It is very flexible in control, strong and dependable in service. It has Think it real'y become one of Over tne farmers' necessi- wver" tieg Qne Ford tew Mr. Farmer is equal to half a doz en teams and it won't "eat its head off' when not working. The very low price makes it popular with shrewd farmers who analyze conditions on the farm. Let us talk it over, Mr. Farmer. Price with out body, $550 f. o. b. Detroit. Can deliver, and furnish Bodies at once. Davidson Garage Co. Phone 82, Athena, Oregon t,