The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 13, 1919, Image 6

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Vacation Money
By Buying
We have given careful thought to
securing the articles necessary for
We not only s-avr yob man " h-
offeY It tnorv- cornwir''-' 's-.u-ctusu .7
I thiin 'u c.ii iii :
The &JoM Store
PBON'fi 33! II will pay you to wa'eh u
I have installed the most efficient
dental equipment, entirely electrical
throughout, the best and most up-to-date
obtainable on the market today in
each detail and am therefore in a pos
! ition to give the people of Athena
! prompt treatment and substantial den-
tistry at reasonable cost. Lady assis
tant in attendance. The fully equipped
I mechanical laboratory makes it more
j satisfactory to construct all artificial
I teeth and bridge work at this office,
affording a saving in time to the pa
tient. After paying a visit to this
office, with free consultation, you will
like the accommodations and will not
want to go to the expense or take
the time to make a trip to a large
town to receive the advantages of the
best equipped dental office in Eastern
Oregon. By coming in or calling
Weston W. you can make future reser
vation for an appointment. Sufficient
time will be reserved to fit the case,
rendering numerous trips useless and
the completion of your work with' a
large saving both in . time and money
to you. Dr. N, P. BENNET.
Permanently loca'ed in the Weston
Mercantile Bldg, Weston. Oreg. Adv.
The Churches.
Baptist Church Notes.
Opportunity is afforded in the fol
lowing services for a better knowledge
of the Bible and to worship Jehovah:
Bible school at 10 a. m.; preaching at
11 a. m.; B. Y. P. U. at 7 p. m. At
8 p. m. the Bible school will have
charge and the Children's Day pro
gram will be given. You will be wel
come. , '
The Christian Church.
Sunday school at 10, preaching at
11 and 8. Next Sunday night the
pastor will lecture on "Going Down to
Jericho." He will tell of hia exper
iences at the Jordan river and the
Dead Sea. You are invited. B. B.
Burton, Pastor.
A bolshevlst Is a mnn who wants
what he hasn't nnd Is dissatisfied with
it when he gels It. ''
Free American labor knows that hol
shevism Is the worst enemy free labor
can have anywhere.
The war cost $107,000,000,000.
which Germany will pay the lar
share and get the least benelit.
23 Years Ago.
Krom the Press oi Junt 6, 1896
Quality Always
Service First
Bill Is Finding That Thinkina Up ?n
Explanation Is by No Means
an Easy Task.
Hill Dmllf.v nnd eleven other pino
chle players who are members of n
progressive pinochle clut) left their
Soul li side homes to go to Beech
(Jl'0e the otiier night. While at Konn-
tnln square walling for the I! h
Grove car Bill nnd Joe Beck got too
fur nwny from the ear to catch It and
the oilier ten went to Beech Grove.
Then Bill got an Idea and he nnd Beck
stole home to where Bill's car rested--for
his wife won't let him take It out
ufter dark. They opened the garage
door noiselessly, pushed the enr out
Hud down the street for n block and
then. Stepped on the 'starter. They
got to Beech Grove before the rest
at the club did.
Bill and his friend Berk drove home
Otter the club meeting and repeated
the performance In getting the car
buck In the garage. Then he went Into
the house. Presently the crowd came
along and yelled at Bill through the
window. Of course, that entailed ex
planatlohfl on Bill's part to hi wife as
to how he got home first The other
members ot the club say Bill has not
yet been able 1" explain to his wife
how he brat llicui home. Indianapolis
News. jrfP
farm wagon. Alter the com
duly performed the hrtdegf-no
to iie excused Just n i rjerd
returning from his wagon
'Parson, I have no money t srv
but here Is a nice you
your Thunksslvlng flintier! ' 1 '
bring you a turkey for Chrlstro
On several occasions the mini
saw the same man In to e
seemed to avoid him. One d:iv
meeting him face to face he s
"Parson. I may as well tell yen
1 am not going to bring that tur' r
have found out she was not
WOrt the rooster I gave you."
'?ngo Tribune,
ot Worth a Rooster.
nvlng lived next door to the home
Of a minister, I was often called In to
Witness a hasty wedding.
On one occasion the prospective
lirirt" kn hvUVMmnniri "rvlvod In n
Return of the Ox.
The ox ns a beast of burden Is com
ing Into Its own nguln In the farming
ciuiiniunltles of Mnine nnd the uxsllirr
and apparatus ,,Ke'1 1T blacksmiths In
shoeing the animals, long ago throw U
Into the discard. Is In use again. The
sling consists of a rude frame of tim
ber Into which the animal Is fastened
by n pillory. Straps tire then drawn
under the body, the ends being made
fast to upper timbers of the frame.
In blacksmith shops 20 years ago the
slings were common. Oxen are less
expensive to feed than horses nnd are
equally as useful on small farms and
the rising value of feed Is having
much to do with the comeback of the
ox as a work animal.
I M , j'
Geraldine Farrann
"Joan The Woman"
Frank Isley and Alma Witt have
procured a marriage license.
G. W. Bush and Miss Maggie Mc
Kinney were married last Wednesday
at the home of J. W. Stamper, north
of Athena.
Judge N. T Caton, of Sprague,
Wash., will preach in the Christian
church next Sunday.
Geo. Hilyard brought to town the
other day a bunch of rye that mea
sured over 7 feet in height. ,
La grippe has been raging with a
vergeance in Athena the past week.
Among those who are afflicted are:
J. W. Smith, E. K. Cox, Mr. and Mrs.
Pickel, A J Parker, Max LeWin, Mrs.
Shove, Angus Gillis, and others.
Lew Shaw narrowly escaped being
shot at the Exchange saloon Wednes
day. He took a revolver from a draw
er and in doing so it fell to the floor,
the jar discharging it. The ball passed
through a partition, went into the
back room, grazing the wall and fall
ing to the floor.
Rigby & Son, the extensive reserva
tion farmers, are at work on a canal
which will be utilized in carrying wa
ter from the Umatilla river near the
Indian airencv to the lands on the Ya-ten-e-ou-its
Wednesday something over 100 . rat. s
t' .' !i ; lit j were ahinped from
Gold Shield Extracts
and Spices
Snow Drift Flour
Happy Home and cTWonopole
Canned Goods
tr A readv-to-use Marshraallovv Cream
ftiri t cosony CasH Grocery
Phone your Orders
s ih aUlllO-
iIih pirtes'de
secretary of
i Quality
pn tin if 1',G,00Q I"1
Locks and authorizes the
war to expend t'iO OOll
( Tne pioneers who attended the re
union held last week at Weston num
ber' i;i. Twenty-six ne names were
added to the roll, and fourteen deaths
were reported since last years reunion.
Young Chief hands us the following
invitation for publication: "Hh July
selehration on I he Umatilla River
about one mile ahove the Mission.
(rand war parade about p. m. All i
V. i.ite friends invited to. attend and :
hJp us celebrate. Horse Raicing &
uar dancing. There will be platform
for whites to dance. A general g"od
lime expected, there will be plenty of
good grub to eat. No whisky allowed
all white be caretul. there will oe
Indians from other Reservatiion.
"Young Chief."
War Department Urges Veterans
France to Help the Boys by Be
coming Scout Masters.
Nnrrow skirts do not Interfere with
suffrage's rapid stride.
The time to curb the reckless nuto
d-lver Is before be has killed somebody.
A Classic
Filmdom Production
In Ten Parts
Standard Theatre
Saturday, June 21-A big one
Khaki Time
Now is the time to lay in your Summer supply of
Khaki clothing. Never were we in better shape to fill
your wants than now. Everything in the Khaki line
for Men, Women and Boys.
cVlens Khaki coats, Norfolk style 3.25
oMens Khaki pants, all sizes 1.89, 2.49 and 2.98
cWens Khaki Combination suits 2.98 to 3,69
Boys Khaki Combination suits, age 10 to 18, 2.98
Ladies Khaki Combination suits 3.49
Ladies Khaki Overalls 2.69
cTVlens Khaki Hats 66c.
cTWens Pay Day blue bib Overalls. $149
Notice of Pinal Account
In the County Court of the Slate
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate
Milton L. Hays, Deceased:
Notice is hereby given to all persons
whom it may concern that Will M.
Peterson, administrator of the estate
of Milton I. Hays, deceased, has filed
his final account and report in the ad
ministration of the estate: that the
County Judge by order duly .made
and entered, has appointed Tuesday
the first day of July, mil), at the hour
of ten o'clock in the forenoon as the
time, and the County Court House at
Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon,
as the place where all objections and
exceptions to said final account and re
port will be heard and a settlement
thereof made.
Dated this the SSUh day of Mav, 1919.
Administrator of the Estate of Milton
L. Hays, deceased.
Notice of Final Account.
In the County Court of the State
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate
Maria Allen, Deceased:
Notice is nererjy given that the un
dersigned has filed his final account
and report in the above entitled matter
and that the above entitled Court has
fixed Saturday, June nth, at the hour
of 10:00 o'clock a. m., of said day
the time and the county court room
in the county court house at Pendleton,
Umatilla county, Oregon, as the place
for hearing said account and report
any and all objections to said final ac
count and report should be made and
filed in said '.natter with the court
therein on or before said date
Date of first publication May 16
1919. Albert Allen. Executor,
Energy actively applied In agricul
ture will cure Bolshevism,
New York. General March, chief of
stuff, at the instance of Secretary Ba-
er has directed the attention of nriny
soldiers returning from France "to the
ipportunity which the boy scouts af-
ord for them further to serve their
country by becoming scout masters.
The war department," says the cir
cular distributed at demobilization
camps, "Is In full acord with purposes
of this movement and desires to assist.
It Is felt that the co-operation of a
large number of officers and enlisted
men who have seen service in France
will Inspire the boys with a spirit of
devotion to their country as nothing
else con do."
Massachusetts Artist Makes Remark
able Record In Her Efforts
to Help.
Concord, Mass. During the great
war Just ended Miss unznnetn went
worth Roberts, well-known artist of
this town, made a remarkable record
In her efforts to help In war work.
Since 1914 she has given all the mon
ey she received for her paintings to
the many war relief funds.
It Is estimated that about $10,01X1
has been so distributed by her, tne
largest amount, $1,000, going to the
American ambulance field service in
Court Thinks Loss of
Girl Ample Punishment
San Francisco Apparent! e
llevlng that the defendant had
been punished enough by seeing
the girl he had wanted to marry
In court as the bride of the man
he had shot, a jury here acquit
ted George P. Livingston ot n
Charge f assault Intent to
commit inurdr.
, To the query made
last week:
Where's Dec Watts
there is but one
and that was universal to everybody in
the county, "At the Pioneer Picnic at
Weston," of course; and so was the four
cornered dude who asks the question.
Our Picnic over, we now turn to the
next thing in "LIFE."
But there are real estate rumblings
and there mav be an earthquake foment
ing 'neath our affable editor's sanctum
for well we are warned that many of
our "Higher Ups" are marked men.
However. Come and get your
Grain Bins, Grain Tanks, Wagons and
Binders at once for we now have the
best and largest stock we ever carried.
We have the goods and the. prices
are right. If notWe Make Them
Right. 4
Watts & Rogis
Main Street, Atheiia
Secretary of State of Kansas
dares the Musk rat Is the
One Safe Bet.
The Jolly roll In the Yankee navy Is
oouUued to the collar on the coat.
.Topekn. Kan. J. "T. Botkln, secre
tary of state for Kansas, says the old
standby weather .prophet tor the past
forty years with him has bem the
muskrnt. Mr. MusUrat Is rue only me
teorologist, according to Mr. fiotkin.
"The goesehone Isn't in It with the
muskrat." said Mr. Botkln In speaking
of the subject of a' mild winter for
Kansas this winter. "When a mild
winter Is In store for us Mr. Muskrat
doesn't In lid much of a house, it le,
as this' year, very small, and 'merely a
shelter from an occasional blizzard '
With candy so high and (lowers so,
expensive, the chebpest way out for
the swain Is to marry the glrL
r. 1
i i
The first Na
Of A
Capital and S
ii Bank
,.,ius, $100,000