The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 06, 1919, Image 3

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    Press Paragraphs
H. H. Hill visited in Walla Walla
Hay for Sale in the shock. Apply
to H. A. Barrett. Athena.
A new Nash automobile was recently
purchase.! by Hugh Mclntyte.
James Morgan of Pendleton, spent
Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Hart.
Wanted. Man and wife desire work
on farm. Enquire at this office.
Daniel Mclntyre was in town Tues
day irom his ranch northwest of Athena.
Carl Harris, of Seattle, is here vis
iting his cousin, Frank J. Harris.
Misses Celena and , Eloiae Bergevin
were registered at the Springs Sunday.
Misses Laura and Belle Mclntyre
spent Sunday with friends at Bingham
Mrs. Chas. Norris was over from
Walla Walla last week visiting Athena
Mr. Jones, manager of the local
Hohbacb bakery, has been very ill the
past week, Dr. Sharp is in attend
ance. Arthur Stone, of the Salem States
man, with his wife and family, is in
the city visiting at the home of his
"Red Crowiv" qual
ity is prmec by its
toerformance Look for
the Red Crown si a
before yoa Gj1
.. i citOiNK, Special Agent. Standard Oil Co.. iiu.a
Pendleton Marble & Granite Works
T. A. WYLIE, Proprietor
Gary Taylor, manager of the J. C.
Pmney store, has purchased a new
Dodge car.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Sommerville ond
daughter were in the city from Pendle
ton, Monday.
Strawberries. Chris Thoeny will
begin delivering strawberries this
week, from Weston Adv.
John Gross with his wife was in
Athena last Friday to attend the fun
eral of his late twin brother.
Mr. and Mrs. Orell McPherrin in
company with Mr. and Mrs. Gould
of Weston, spent Sunday at the
Mrs. Jane Edwards, a sister of Geo.
Gross was here last week from her
home at May villa Ore. to attend his
The past week has been especially
favorable for ripening the strawberry
crop, and a splendid quality of fruit is
the result.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dudley visited
last week with their son. Max Dudley
and family, at their home near La
Cross, Wash.
No Extracts to Minors. Hereafter
no flavoring extracts will be sold to
minors at this store. Pure Food Gro
cery. Adv.
Mrs. Laura Zerba spent a portion of
the week with her mother in Walla
Walla. Mrs. Bruce is slowlv improv
ing in health.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore of Walla
Walla attended the Gross funeral here
Friday. Mrs. Moore was formerly
Miss Inez Gross.
Mrs. A. B. McEwen, who has been
visiting her children here for several
weeks, returned Wednesday to her
home in Portland.
Orin McFeron, who recently return
i ed from overseas, is in the city, visit
I ing at the home of his wife's parents,
' Mr. and Mrs. CrLbill.
Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Hart recently
made an automobile tour of the
Palouse country, visiting at Colfax,
Pomeroy and other points.
John Stanton has been in town for a
few days, coming from Ontario.
where he has been shearing. He left
this morning for Montana.
Wm. Wagman, 'ornierly employed
on the Otha Reeder farm, was recent
ly married in the East, and will make
his home there in the future.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Morgan and John
Morgan of Prescott Wash., were in
the city Friday. The gentlemen are
nephews of Mrs. Geo. Gross.
Helix and Athena will play a game
of base ball on the home grounds Sun
day afternoon. Turn out and assist
the beys to get funds for suits.
John Keen Jr. has wired relatives
here that he has landed in New York
from overseas. John served during
the war in an aviation squadron.
j Mr. and Mrs. Dean Dudley, with
! Misses Hazel Burton, Lois Porter and
Kathren Froome as guests, spent the
day Wednesday at Bingham Springs.
' Mrs. Hickman and children, who
have been visiting at the M. W. Han
sell home for the past month, left Sat
urday evening for their home in Port-
Mr. and Mrs. Ad Gross and Claude
Gross, of Mohler, Idaho, were in the
city last Friday, attending the funeral
of their half-brother, the late Geo. W.
Everett Zerba arrived home yester
day, having been discharged from the
service. He was in a Motor Transport
company, at Camp Taylor, Louisvlile,
Toilet Soap
5 bars 25c
Pork and Beans
Nine 11 oz. cans $ 1
Raisin s
Four pkgs 55c
MJB Tree Tea
65c the lb
38c lb
H B Bulk Coffee
45c the lb
Mex Red Beans
10 lbs $1
Our Fresh Fruits and ft egetables move fast beeause
we keep a; fresh supply coming in and we keep the
price down so that our customers buy lots of. them.
You i best keep your bodily machinery in good
trim by eating lots of fruit and vegetables and when'
you buy them from us vou will kifyw thev are good
Quality, Quantity, Service. J" Phone 171. ..... TbiStore Open Evenings
Married, at the Baptist parsonage,
last evening, Edwin Edward Baltezore
and Martha A. Childreth, both of Pen
dleton, Rev. Clevenger performing the
For Sale. One Holt caterpillar com
Dined harvester. Been used but a short
time and is in good condition and re
pair. Apply to Ernest Koepke or to
F. S. LeGrow.
Mr. Hickman, who has been remod
eling the Hansell farm home, has al
most completed his work and the house
now affords all the modern conven
iences, making an up-to-date home.
Miss Pauline Myrick has resigned
her position with the Athena Drug
Company. Miss Myrick will take a
much needed vacation, and will prob
ably enter college this fall.
Herbert Parker looks perfectly nat
ural in his old position at the first
chair in the Parker barber shop, after
a year's absence in the service. And
he has not lost any wrinkles of the
tonsorial art.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Russell and little
daughter. Athena, motored last week
to Loon Lake, Wash., where they vis
ited at the home of their daughter,
Mrs. Al. Nordean. An eleven-pound
son was recently born to Mr. and Mrs.
Miss Lois Barnes, of Chelan, Wash.,
was a guest ot Mrs. J. R. Barnes,
Wednesday. Miss Barnes, who is a
cousin of John and Sidney Barnes, is
en route to her home from Berkeley,
California, where she is a student in
the college.
Mrs. Will Rider of North Yakima,
was a guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs.
B. B. Richards, over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Richards drove with
their guest to Walla Walla, Sunday
afternoon, where she visited with Mrs.
Otis Whiteman. . .
Frank J Harris, managir of the
Athena Drug Company store, returned
Saturday from Sookane where he at
tended ihe Rexall convention and pur
chased a large and elaborate line of
Christmas goods. Mrs Harris re
mained for a visit with relatives.
Joseph N. Scott Wednesday made
the purchase of a home in Pendleton,
where he will move from the ranch
west of town, early in Septemcer. The
residence was purchased from Dr.
Frank Rnvden. and includes all fur
nishings, the prieo being reported at
G. F. Brown, the painter, has moved
his family over from Walla Walla, and
is occipying the L. J. Foss property
in the north part of town. Mr. Brown
contemplates carryine a stock of paints
ann wall paper in the building on low
er Main street, formerly occupied by
E. A. Bennett.
Mrs. A. B. Steele and daughter Eliz
abeth will leave Sunday for a visit
with friends in Portland. Mrs. Steele
will be a guest of her sister, who re
sides in the metropolis, and will at
tend sessions of the Grand Chapter,
Order of Eastern Star, whioh convenes
there next week.
Weston young people have rented
the Athena opera bouse and will give
dances there tonight and tomorrow
night, for the entertainment of Wes
ton picnicers who delight in tripping
the light fantastic. Good order is to
be observed and every one is invited to
attend these dances.
Mrs. Sarah Bowles and Miss Laura
Bowles of Walla Walla, were guests
this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
F. S. Le Grow. Miss Bowles spent
the past winter in Washington, D. C,
where 8 le was employed in war work
in the Chemical Warfare department,
in a clerical capacity.
Mrs. Guy Cronk left this week for
an extended visit with friends at Port
land and Seattle. Guy is finding the
usual difficulty in tending the chickens,
garden, etc, in the absence of the
housewife but has consolation in know
ing that he is only the first in the
throng of husbands who will be sum
mer bachelors.
Rtv. B. B. Burton, pastor of the
Christian church, was called by a teU
phone message Wednesday nigbt. to
leave yeBterday morning on the early
train for two points over in Washing
ton state, whero he was to lecture at
Chautauquas, for the Ellison-White
Lyceum Bureau. He will be home to
fiil his pulpit Sunday.
letter from John Wall dated May
11, states that he was booked to leave
Coblenz on the 17th for London, via.
Antwerp, Belgium. He says it is ru
mored that after the parade In London
on Empire day, the picked regiment
from the Thiid Army corns, which is
to give exhibitions in rifle drill and
line maneuvers may sail for the Unit
ed States.
F. S. LeGrow, F. B. Bovd and Mar
tin Sebasky this week received steins
from Corporal Edward Sebasky, who is
with the Army of Occupation in Ger
many. The drinking vessels are indi
vidual works of art, and beautifully
colored. In Germany they are used for
a different purpose than it is now pos
sible to put them to over here. But
termilk in ours, please.
lley Winn, well known Weston farm
er, has come to bat with another big
land deal, says the Leader. This time
he has gone outside of Umatilla county
to make hia investment, having bought
the W. P. Potter farm of 1920 acrea
near Winona. Wash. Should lley's
judgment in this instance run true to
form, he will be able to turn the buy
in a few months at a substantial profit
if be wants to sell again.
The funeral of the late George W.
Gross, as stated in last Friday's Press,
was hgld on the afternoon of that day,
and was attended by a large number of
people of the county and from other
section of this state, and Wash., as ho
We can save you Money
on your Groceries
Milk, large can 15c
Monopole Catsup, per bottle 30c
Standard Oysters, per can 15c
Ensign Steel Cut Coffee ,1b v- 30c
Lemon Cling Sliced Peaches, can 25c
Booth's Sardines, can 25c
NRG Laundry Tablets 2 for 25c
Royal Soap, 2 bars $1.00
Lenox Soap, 20 bars 1.00
Lux, per package 15c
Ainsley Fruit Saiad, can 50c
Juicy Lemons, doz 40c
Puffed Rice and Wheat, pkg 15c
Tally-Ho Toilet paper, d large rolls. 25c
Curve Cut Maccaroni, lb ,9c
Best Green Tea, pkg 30 and 60c
Mountain Spuds, sack. 1.50
Phone 152
Athena Department Store
had many friends throughout the coun
try. Ihe floral tributes were most
lavish, many beautiful and costly
pieces coming from the Willamette1
valley, where he was well known.
The Churches.
The Christian Church.
The pastor will preach at both morn
ing and evening services. Sunday
school at 10; preaching at 11 and 8.
You are most cordially invited.
B. B. Burton, Pastor.
Bnptist Church Notes.
There will be preaching at 11 a. m.
and 8 p. m. The subjects discussed
will be: "Tho Conditions of Disciple
ship," and "The Man Who Shall Nev
er See Death." The Bible school will
meet at 10 a. m., and the B. Y. P. U.
at 7 p. m.
Card of Thanks.
Mrs. George VV. Gross and family
ask to extend through the Press, their
grateful acknowledgement of the many
favors and kindnesses shown them in
their recent bereavement, the loss of
husband father, and to thank all
who so thoughtfully contributed the
beautiful flowers.
Athena Garage
Pure, Fresh Milk and Cream I
delivered twice daily
We are particular in every detail
in o4utomoblile repairing at our
Garage. Expert attention always. i
We are equipped for
0 Ml
Special attention given to hauling of
Fuel, Household floods and Freight.
Will make out of town trips tit. reas
onable rates. PHONE 869, ATHENA
Get our prices be
fore placing your
Berry Monument works
F. M. Barry, Prop.
12th and Main Street nearO. W. R. 8.
N. Passenger Depot Walla Walla Wash.
N. A. MILLEIt Local Representative.
S. F. Sharp
Special attention given to all
calin both night and day.
Omlla promptly answered. Office on Third
Blmel. Athena Oregar
'ZTXL: IS. ,. ....I I,. i I,. I.,, TBS'l J..Ji.-.-.M..-.3"Mi i i .in.'! i ''5S5SSSSMBS5BBS18 9
A. L. HART, M. D
Office iu Barrett Building. Atheiiu
Phoue 681
Office Hours, 10 to U; 2 to 5
The Ford Model T one-ton truck is prov
ing a splendid time and money-saver on
the farm. It is very flsxible in control,
strong and dependable in service. It has
Think it reay become one of
O r the farmers' necessi
ties. One Ford truck
Mr. Farmer is equal to half a doz
en teams and it won't "eat its head off"
when not working. The very low price'
makes it popular with shrewd farmers
who analyze conditions on the farm. Let
us talk it over, Mr. Farmer. Price with
out body, $550 f. o. b. Detroit
Can deliver, and furnish Bodies at once.
Davidson Garage Co.
Phone 82, Athena, Oregon