Press Paragraphs Pioneers Picnic, Weston, June H and 7. S. S. Piersol has purchased a Ford ear this week. Lost. Stallion record book. San ford Stone, Athena. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan O'Harra of Wes ton, were in the city Wednesday. Claud Beale was in the city Saturday from his ranch northeast of town. Work Wanted. Boy of 1 wants work on farm. Enquire at Watts & Rogers. W. C. T. U. meeting will be held next Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Deaper. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Foss and Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Taylor spent Sunday at Bingham springs. Mrs. Chester Davis was over from her home at Milton, visiting friends the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Mi-Alexander and fam ily will move this week to a small fruit ranch near Milton. Everybody will prepare to attend the Annual Reunion of Pioneers at Weston next Friday and Saturday. L. D. Cameron, a Pendleton junk dealer, was fined 910 for buying stolen automobile tires from minors. asv5 TC XS "Red Crown" gives e starting. It is straight - dis tilled, all - refinery gasoline. Look for the Red Crown sign oeiore you nu. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CiUionla) 7ke Gasoline ofQualiiy GUY CRONK, Special Agent, Standard Oil Co.. Atheiy mnitniiiiiiiititiiimt iiummnHil Pendleton Marble & Granite Works T. A. WYLIE, Proprietor X PENDLETON, OREGON. PATRON AGE SOLICITED 1IIHIIIH THE FOSS HARDWARE STORE Fishing Tackle BARRETT BUILDING, :: ATHENA, OREGON Mrs. J. N. B. Gerking is up from her home at Madras, enjoying a visit with her sons, and other relatives. Mrs. Clyde Willaby came up from 'ana ",s WCK' he hnmn nnnr (Won. Sundav for W automobile A. B. Steele accompanied Bob Oliv er, traveling representative for the John Lawrence Saddlery Co., to Port- They made the trip Uf4s Utiin ism trn ! few days visit, returning Tuesday. r. U. W. Kigby is up trom her home in California, visiting her sons, G. W. and Will Rig by at Pendleton. r. and Mrs. A. B. Steele and daugh ter Elizabeth were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oliver at Walla Walla. W. R. Tajlor is having concrete walks put in at his home on south Third street. Hiram Knight is doing the work. Ralph McEnen and family. Mrs. A. B. McEwen and Mrs. H. A. Barrett formed a party who spent Sunday at Bingham Springs. ra. Arbogast, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Piersol, has purchased the Reed Hill cottage on the west side, and moved here from Stanfield. The members of Athena Circle No. 10 are requested to be present at the next meeting, June ttrd. By order of the Clerk, Mrs. Lola Payne. Mrs. D. Scott Fisher expects to leave A voung son of Mrs. Carstens was next week for Portland and WillametteTiaJ(en to Pendleton, Tuesday, for treat valley points on a visit with relatives nienWor a case of blood poisoning. The lad was hurt on the leg some time ago while playing ball, and the injury refused to heal. Mrs. Maurice Frazier has returned to her home at Milton, after several days spent with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pinkerton, here. Her little daughter was taken ill, necessitating her return home. B. D Tharp is negotiating tor the purchase of a ranch in the Dixie neigh borhood, Walla Walla county. If the trade is made, Mr. Tharp's land near Echo will go in on the deal. Reverend M. G. Bentley left Monday for Denver, Colo., where he is attend ing the Northern Baptist convention. Mr. Bentley expects to be away about two weeks. Milton Eagle. Mrs. M. M. Johns left Friday eve ning for her home in Vancouver, Wash., after a pleasant visit with her son and family here. She may return later to spend the summer. The Pendleton Meat company has supplied one hundred pedigreed an imals for improving the cattle herds of Umatilla county during the last '-'5 months, reports the East Oregohian. Friends here of Miss Evangeline Fix, a former Athena school girl, have received announcement of her grad uation from the Walla Walla high school, where her parents now reside. I lit' untmp I $ and friends for several weeks. Charles Morris was over from Walla Walla this week, visiting friends in Athena. He is employed in the Chas. Nye harness shop at Walla Walla. Mips Nellie Darr, former teacher here and since teaching at Adams, where her home is, will be a teacher in the Pendleton schools next year. Miss Lucille Taylor will graduate next week from the Walla Walla high school, and will then return to her homeyyi remain here for the summer. m Knight has recovered from juries received recently when one is cows walked upon him, to the it that he is able to resume work. Dr. Hart assisted at the Athena Drug Company store this week, during the absence of Manager Harris, who attended the Rexall convention rt Spo kane. Weston parties have leased the Ath ena opera house for dancing purposes for the two nights of the Pioneer re union, Friday and Saturday, June 6 and 7. Master Dale Stephens is the proud possessor of a "!!2," a gift from M. L. Watts, who is teaching the lad the art of deciminating the pestiferous squirrel. W. R. Taylor has returned from a trio to his stock ranch at Vale, Mal heur county. He reports that his fore man. Will Jones, has been ill, but is improving. - is For Sale. One Holt special corn- Dined harvester. Been used but a short time and is in good condition and re pair. Apply to Ernest Koepke or to F. S. LeGrow. Receipts reported for the W-. C.T.U. cooked food sale last Saturday after noon, were between 185 and $40. The ladies desire to thank all who so gen erously contributed to and patronized the sale Orell McPherrin has discontinued his ton-Pendleton stage schedule on accoum-ei the torn up conamon oi tne macadem highway. After the road has been hardsurfaced, he may resume the age run. Sam Prmbrun, F. S. LeGrow and Hansell fished in the south fork of the Umatilla river Sunday with fair success. Water l.i the main river is yet too high for good 'results in fishing. STEER INTO OUR STORE FOR. fresh Fmm AND STABLES A if- Toilet Soap 5 bars 25c Peas and Beans Nine 11 oz. cans $ 1 Raisin s Four pkgs 55c MJB Tree Tea 65c the lb Coffee 38clb H B Bulk Coffee 45c the lb Mex.Red Beans 10 lbs $1 Our Fresh Fruits and veget&imes move last because we keep a fresh supply coding in ancb we keep the price down so that our customers bu lots of them. You can best teep your bodily machinery in good trim bv eating lots of fruit and vegetables and when you buy them from- us vou will know thev ar,e good Qusi,; Quantity, Service. THE PURE FOOD GROCERY Phone 171. This StTe OP"1 Evenings Today is Decoration Day. The day is being observed in Athena without program or public exercises of any nature. Graves at the cemetery are being decorated, flowers buing in pro fusion at this season. Charles Bond of Bond Bros., Pen dleton, was in Athena Sunday. Bond Bros, and W. H. McCormach of Pen dleton, have purchased a (garage in Walla Walla and will conduct a Frank lin agency in that city Miss Katherine Sharp has returned home from Dayton, Wash., where she has been teaching in the public schools of that city for several years. She will attend summer school at Wash ington University, Seattle. School closed yesterday in Union District No. 53, the directors allowing the teacher Mrs. Lillian Downs Dob- son, a week s grace, thus closing one week earlier than scheduled. Mrs Dobson is at her home in Athena. Miss Edna Mc Alexander, a graduate of the Athena high school, who is now a student in Milton Columbia college. is a member of the College debating team, and will participate in a class debate during commencement this week. The hot stuff is being placed on the westjsection of the road from Adams toward the end of the hardsurface, the highway is being scarified, graded and rolled. The reservation road is being used principally for traffic at the pres ent time. In letters to friends here from Mrs. is learned that her sister, Mrs. Gen Harris, was recently married in Portland. Mrs. DePeatt expects to visit Athena in the near future from Kalispel, Mont, where she has spent the winter with ber daughters. An automobile load of friends went out to the Alex Mclntyre place Tues day evening and visited Ross Catron, who was some time ago kicked by a mule and severely injured. Mr. Ca tron is now gradually recovering, but it will be some time before he is able to work again. An automobile driven by Dr. Brun- dage of Pendleton, went over the bank into a small stream near tsmgnam Springs, Sunday. The doctor escaped with a few slieht bruises and the ladies of the party had their clothing wet and soiled, the only damage re sulting from the accidjnt. Mr. and Mrs. Melville JohnB were in Pendleton Saturday afternoon, where Mrs. JohnB attended a reception at the home of Mrs. William E. Lowell, which was given in honor of Mrs. Phoebe M. Snyder and Miss Tess Sny der of Portland. The affair in de scribed as a very brilliant one at which a large number of Pendleton ladies assisted. Everett Gillis. who when a small bov lived with his parents in Athena, was here yesterday from Walla Walla, renewing old acquaintances. He is with the Tutn-a-Lum company at Walla Walla, and was in company with Mr. Averill of that city. Everett has been in verv ill health for the past two vears but is on the mend and hones for a permanent restoration to health. Mrs. Charles Bitts entertained the Baptist Missionary society at her country home Wednesday afternoon, about 26 being present. A very in teresting program was given, the subject for the afternoon being India. A violin solo bv Kohler Betts, and piano solos by Katherine Mclntyre and Dale Stephens were much enjoyed by the guests. Refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Chas. Kirk and Mrs. Fred Pinkerton. Ellis Hopper, former Athena boy. who moved with his parents to a farm near Milton, writes the Press from Angel Island. California, that he is now with the colors, having enlisted in Spokane on the 16th of May. and sent to Fort McDowell, Angel Island, for the examination, which he success fully passed. He in the 17th company of Field Artillery, and will later be sent to Camp Meade, Md. The Press, on which Ellis was formerly employed, will keep him in touch with Athena news. BARGAINS We can save you Money on your Groceries Milk, large can 15c Monopole Catsup, per bottle 30c Standard Oysters, per can 15c Ensign Steel Cut Coffee ,1b 30c Lemon Cling Sliced Peaches, can 25c Booth's Sardines, can 25c N;R G Laundry Tablets. 2 for 25c Royal Soap, 2 bars $1.00 Lenox Soap, 20 bare 1.00 Lux, per package 15c Ainsley Fruit Saiad, can 50c Juicy Lemons, doz 40c Puffed Rice and Wheat, pkg 15c Tally-Ho Toilet paper, 3 large rolls 25c Curve Cut Maccaroni, lb 9c Best Green Tea, pkg 30 and 60c Mountain Spuds, sack 1.50 WE SEL L THRIFT STAMPS Phone 152 Athena Department Store Howard Drew, for the past two years principal at Helix, and before that in the Athena school, has con tracted to teach at Echo, next year, at a salary of 1800. Alfalfa growers in the Umapine dis trict are preparing to cut a heavy crop, work to begin within a few days. Sales for the new crop thus far made, have been on a basis of fib per ton in the stack. Last Friday was a special day with the local Knitting Club, when the knit ters were entertained at th home of Mrs. Victor Butke. The occasion was in honor'of Mrs Jones, sister of J. C. Burke, who has beerl v'siting here for some time from her home in the East Mrs. Jones has since departed for her home. Captain Lee Caldwell, popular'young man of Pendleton and well known broncho buster and winner of Round Up championships, is home from France, having been discharged from the service on May 17. Captain Cald well has no plans for the future, but will visit his mother in Portland for a time. Mrs. D. H. Mansfield and daughter Velva spent the weekend here from their home in Walla Walla. They ac companied Mrs. Bert. Logsdon home. she having spent the past two weeks in Walla Walla. Mrs. Mansfield brought over some hne roses trom ner new home in that city, for the pleasure of her friends. Mrs. Clara Partridge Stone closed a very succeBstul term ot scnooi in District No. 118, last Friday. Mrs. Stone, has been secured to teach in Lamar school for the coming year. Miss Anice Barnes. ;who taught the present year, will attend summer school at Bellingham, and will prob bably teach next year on the Sound. Hiiiiin HIMIIHIIIHHHMM4 Athena Garage ZERBA BROS. Props. We have again taken over the management and garage work and we are ready" for old and new customers. We are equipped for Oxy-Acetylene Welding Wm. RICE GENERAL TRANSFER SERVICE EXPRESS. DELIVERY, DRAYAttE Speciul attention given to hauling of Fuel, Household Honda and Freight. Will make out of town trips at reas onable rates. PHONE 8B2, ATHENA MONUMENTS! Get our prices be fore placing your order. Berry Monument works F. M. Barry, Prop. 12th and Main Street near O. W. R. OS. N. Ptsaenger Depot Walla Walla Wash. N. A. MILLER Local Representative. g. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calik both night and dav. I'nWf promptly niwrel. OfflM on Third ntr-ft. Atheim Oregor A. L. HART, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office iu Barrett Bntldiug. Athena Phone 6!)1 Office Honrs, 10 to 12; it to 6 THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Ford Model T one-ton truck is prov ing a splendid time and money-saver on the farm. It is very flexible in control, strong and dependable in service. It has Think it realy become one of Over me armers' 0ecessi ties. One Ford truck Mr. Farmer is equal to half a doz en teams and it won't "eat its head off" when not working. The very low price makes it popular with shrewd farmers who analyze conditions on the farm. Let us talk it over, Mr. Farmer. 'Price with out body, $550 f. o. b. Detroit. Can deliver, and furnish Bodies at once. Davidson Garage Co. Phone 82, Athena, Oregon