Press Paragraphs Lowell Rogers was in town Wednes day from Pendleton. Harold Haynu and George Lieuallen spent Sunday in Pendleton. J. W. Maloney of Pendleton, was in the city Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Hamp Booher, of Wes ton, were in the city Monday. Mrs Bern Banister and daughters visited in Pendleton this week. Miss Ethel Geissel will spend the summer on the Daniels farm near Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Rose of Helix, were Sunday visitors in Athena. Miss Pauline Mvrick visited friends in Walla Walla over the week end. Milt Swaggart was in town this week from his ranch in Baker county. Mrs. W. E. Haynie entertained her niece, Mrs. Dinah Kendall of Helix, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilks were in the city Monday from their home near Helix. Mrs. Gary Taylor has as her guest this week, Mrs. Fred Fullington, of Pleasant Valley. Guy Crunk, special agent for the Standard Oil company in Athena, spent the latter part of last week in Portland. Me Gasoline cf Quality iUY CRONK, Special Agent, Standard Oil Co.. Athena nemomiiiMMitiMMfoiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiMinuii Pendleton Marble & Granite Works T. A. WYLIE, Proprietor PENDLETON, OREGON. PATRONAGE SOLICITED MMlMllllltllllltMICtailMMMIMIIIMIIIIIIIII THE FOSS HARDWARE STORE Fishing Tackle BARRETT BUILDING. :: ATHENA, OREGON Misses Estelle and Savannah Smith were guests of friends at Bingham Springs, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Buzz Raymond were in the city yesterday from their home near Walla Walla. Mrs. Lillie Miller made the sale this week of a small tract of land near Weston, to Pendleton parties. , Mrs. R. B. McEwen, Mrs. W. S. Ferguson and Miss Kathren , Froome motored to Walla Walla Tuesday. A party of Athena young people spent Sunday on Pine creek, above Weston. This is a popular spot for picnic parties. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Taylor have moved into their beautiful new home, on south Hrd street, recently purchased from D. H. Sanders. George Banister ia sporting a hand some diamond, set in a ring presented to him recently by his wife, in honor of his fifty-fourth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Johns and little daughter and Mrs. M. M Johns viiBted in Walla Walla Wednesday, guests of Dr. and Mrs. Lash. Charles Harmon and twu children and Mrs. Clarence Maxfield of Walla Walla, are spending the week at the Bergevin home south of Athena. Miss Helen Eubanks was a guest Monday of Miss Lucille Taylor, both coming over from Walla Walla to at tend the funeral of Lawson Booher. Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Wortbington and Emery Worthington were in town Monday from Pendleton, coming to attend the funeral of Lawson Booher. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Harris expect to go to Spokane next week, where Mr. Harris will attend the Rexall conven tion and Mrs. Harris will visit friends. Mrs. Martha Mays has returned from a visit with her son, Kinney Mays, at the Pine Creek ranch and is again at home with her daughter, Mrs Jennie Barrett. The Sunshine Club will hold their meeting next Thursday, May 29, at the home of Mrs. David T. Stone, west of town. All members take notice of the date. Roland Andre, who is in the U. S. Naval service, is in the city, visiting at the home of his mother, Mrs. W. S Ferguson. Roland ia on a five days furlough. The ball game which was to have taken place Sunday between Athena and Helix teams was annulled, and will be re-scheduled for a date in the near future. For Sale. One Holt special corri oined harvester. Been used but a short time and is in good condition and re pair. Apply to Ernest Koepke or to F. S. LeGrow. Mrs. W. C.'Emffiel is -expected soon to be able to remain home permanent ly from Pendleton, where she has be?n receiving medical treatment. She is greatly improved in health. Miss Carrie Sharp, after spending her two weeks vacation at her home here, left Monday for Bremerton. Wash., to' resume her position in the Navy yard there as government clerk. Mr. Homer I. Watts took a partyof ladies to Bingham Springs last Sunday where the day was pleasantly spent at that popular resort. In the party were the Misses Vera Grant, Sigfried Es bensen, Ruth Wiley and Elvina Ber gevin. Harold Holt, well known young man of Walla Walla, connected with the Burrough adding machine company in the capacity of salesman, was in the city Tuesday. Harold some time ago received hi: discharge from service in the Navy. 1 till LJ'flJ w A CUP OF JOY THATS WHEN YOU USE OUR SUPERIOR BLENDS OF TEAS AND COFFEES , . WHY? why be hook ed by travel ing grocers, when we sell best coffee at 38 tq 43c per pound. We know how to get the est blends, nd the best in strength and fragrance. When you drink our coffees you will find them delicious and satisfying. Alf Teas and Coffees are not flie same quality, but itj . ours are-and that quality is No. 1. Trade where you get the high quality and low price- at our store L i THE fUHlS FOOJJ (jKUCERY Quality, Quantity, service. fnone ill. inis stor upen fc.vemngs Miss Jessie Brierley, teacher in the Milton high school, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Thompson, and Sunday was accom panied by them to her home at Stan field. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Lewis, Monday. May 19, I91fl, at their home near Walla Walla. Mrs. Lewis was formerly Miss Stella Lieu allen and is a sister of Mrs. George Woodward. Mrs. Fay Loveridge and little daugh- 1 ter left yesterday morning for a few ; days visit at Milton and Weston, after which they will return to their home at Durkee, Baker county, to remain permanently. Mr. and Mrs. Kido of Walla Walla, MioS Clara Calkins of Mount Vernon, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Keen and daughter Zola, spent Sunday at the country home of Mr. J. W. Keen, near the State Line. A cooked food sale will be held to morrow afternoon at the Bed Croas rooms on Main street, under the aus pices oMhe local W. C. T. U. Every thing for your Sunday dinner. Dona tions will be acceptable, and your patronage is solicited. George Payne has purchased the ry cows, route and business of Chas McFarland, and will serve Mr. Mc Farland's formei customers with milk and cream. Mr. Payne has a herd of ten cows and is now engaged in de livering milk, morning and evening. The play. "Safety First," presented by Helix high school at the auditorium Saturday night, was very creditably performed by the amateur dramatic talent of that school. An appreciative audience witnessed the play. The pro ceeds weie equally divided between the student bodies of the two schools. Mr. and Mrs. Casper Woodward will go to Portland next week, taking their little daughter, Laura, for the third in the series of operations on her eyes. They will be accompanied by Mrs. Laura Woodward and Miss Eva Wood ward and Mrs. Elilott, from Walla Walla. Mrs Olin McFeron has gone to Port land, where she will remain until her husband has been discharged from army service. Mrs. McFeron was ac companied to Portland by Miss Dollie Banister and Miss Thelma Crabill. who will visit friends in the metropolis for a couple of weeks. Weston Leader: Edgar Forrest, one of the reservation's big farmers, does not intend to neglect the lowJy spud. He intends planting one hundred acres, principally netted gems, and was in town Thursday after additional seed. Trajan Tucker, who has almost qual ified as spud specialist, is planting 50 acres. , Mrs. S. - F. Sharp returned home 'Monday from Tacoma, where she spent a couple of weeks with her daughter, Mrs. McSherry. Mrs. Sharp also vis ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Young, former residents of this c'tv. Mr. Young is in feeble health Both he and Mrs. Young sent regards to Athena friends. Mr. and Mrs: Goorge. Sutton, well known vocalists, in company with a number of prominent Pendleton sing ers, will take leading roles in the comic opera n M. s. rinaiore, which is to be presented there in June for the benefit of the Red Cross. Mr, Sutton has the management of the musical production. A "V" flag floats from the flagpole, denoting that Athena again went over the top when she reached her quota in the Victory loan drive. Medala ttruck from metal in cannon captured from the Germans, have been distributed by the U. S. Treasury Departmeent to the committees and workers in the five Loan drives. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Swaggart and family spent the week at the home of Frank Swaggart on Butter creek. Tbey were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Will VanCleve and two sons, who took part of the load, a camping outfit, in their Ford truck, and a pleasant trip and a jolly good time was evi dently the project in view. Littlejohn and Ora Shigley ent to Freewater Wednesday morning to take charge of the milling end of the Peacock Flouring Mills, now owned by the Preston-Shaffer Milling com pany. It is the intenti in of the corr. panv to have Mr. Shigley assume the position of head miller at the Peacock plant. Mr. Littlejohn, head miller at the Athena plant, will assist Mr. Shig ley in getting started. Mr. ard Mrs. F. S. LeGrow returned Friday evening from Montana, having made the round trip in their Daniels car. The roads for the most part were found to be in good condition and the run was made from Walla Walla to Miseoula in two days. Mr. and Mrs. LeGrow spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Grover Bowles at the LeGrow stock ranch, and on their return trip, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hawks at Bonners Ferry, Idaho. The Athena school cloaed Friday evening with a splendid program of entertainment by pupils of the differ ent grades of the school, as published last week. The auditorium waa filled to'its capacity, the audience enthusias tically encoring each number. Mr. Richards, member of the school board, made a most impressive address on presenting her diploma to the only graduate, Miss Frances Williams who very pleasingly gave a reading. She was the recipient of many presents and Pf wera. Richards drove to Pasco Wed nesday, where he met his wife and little son. Roland, on their return from Tacoma. Roland received treatment BARGAINS Try a Can of Ainsley's fruit Salad We sell it WE SEL L THRIFT STAMPS Phone 152 Athena Department Store) from a specialist in Tacoma, and every hope is felt that he will have free use of his limbs in reasonable time. The cast being removed, the next stage of the treatment will be the use of braces and crutches. Hbsta of friends will rejoice with the parents in the knowledge that the weakness of limbs is not of permanent character, but is often encountered by specialists, and as a rule easily curable. Card of Thanks. We wish to thank those who so kind ly assisted us during the sickness and death of our beloved Mother, and those who contributed the beautiful flowers. H. E. Shaw, Bert White, Jesse White and Mrs. Fay Loveridge. Notice of Final Account. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the Matter of the Estate of Maria Allen, Deceased: Notice i'b hereby given that the un dersigned has filed his final account and report in the above entitled matter and that the above entitled Court has fixed Saturday, June 14th, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock a. m., of said day as the time and the county court room in the county court house at Pendleton, Umatilla county, Oregon, as the place for hearing said account and report, any and all objections to aaid final ac count and report should be made and filed in said matter with the court therein on or before said date. Date of first publication May 10, 1919. Albert Allen, Executor. Wm. rice GENERAL TRANSFER SERVICE EXPRESS. DELIVERY, DRAY AGE ItM t ttttl Athena Garage ZERBA BROS. Props. We have again taken over the management and garage work and We are ready for old and new customers. We are equipped for Oxy-Acetylene Welding Special attention given to hauling of Fuel, Household HoodH and Freight, Will make ont of town trips at reas onable rates. PHONE 862, ATHENA MONUMENTS! Get our prices be fore placing your order. Berry Monument ,rorks F. M. Barry, Prop. 12th and Main Street near O. W. R. & N. Passenger Depot Walla Walla Wash. N. A. MILLER Local Representative. DR. N. P. BENNET Dentist WESTON, Phone 18 8. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SCfUiRON Special attention given to all calls tath night and day. Oallf promptly aniwerad. OffloftonTblrd riir-H , Athena Orator A. L. HART, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON Office iu Barrett Butldiiig. Atheua Phone 08i Office Houin, 10 to 18: 2 to 0 i k x t i m i t i Your carelessness may cost a life You carry fire insurance of course. If you burn out you'll get your insurance money. But what do you lose? Far more than any policy can repay valuables that can not be re placeda human life, maybe. This agency has more than sound insurance to offer you. It has a service a means of preventing fires, worked out by the Hartford Fire Insurance Company. It costs you nothing. Let us explain it. B. B. RICHARDS INSURANCE Custom and Wholesale Rolled Feed Office on Main St. ATHENA Mill on Current St.